centura team developer 2.1 open same form twice - sqlbase

I'm working in centura team developer 2.1
I have already made an app with a lot of forms. When running my app I need to open a specific form window twice at the same time.
Any idea how to do this?

Open TD application and press key combination Alt Key + Enter key at same time for getting properties window. From the properties window you have to select Runtime tab and make sure that the check box Reject multiple window instances is in unchecked state. Call your specific form window using SalCreateWindow() function twice.


TWebBrowser in Delphi 10.2 doesn't show a form as it should

I make a multi-device app that has a TWebBrowser component.
If i write this code
it opens the form as it should be.
But if i write this code
where edit1.text=the URL of a GoogleForms form (=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLDCv_LeYJzvMoxnmvt_gN_gqeup7_vbU8VLaC-qXNPEGMIQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&fbzx=3551763952707733753), it shows the form confused (the dropdown components as list of text, the "submit" button as text etc) like this :
is there a solution, please ?
PS. the form is opened in Internet Explorer (and Google) right.
The reason why this happens is that by default TWebBrowser component is opening web pages in compatiblity mode. This prevents myn moder web pages to show properly.
So in order to avoid this you need to opt in to the browser emulation feature using the documented registry key.
You can find more info about this on the link bellow

How to make a background macOS application?

I'm trying to develop a macOS app that performs operations on a file when the user chooses to do so. My goal is to let a user right-click a file, select my app from the list of services so that the app will pop open a UI with things like configuration options, etc.
A prime example would be Evernote's "Add to Evernote"; when a user clicks it, the Evernote app opens and saves the file there. In addition, I need to switch control to the UI, so that the user can input some settings, before performing any file operations.
The place where I'm stuck now is how to get the app/UI open when the user clicks it from the contextual menu, as well as keeping the UI hidden initially. From some googling, I think what I need to make is an agent? I'm not really sure.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Mouseup event is not propagated to a popup window in IE 11

I've a legacy app that features a DND from a popup window to the main one.
It works fine in IE 8 but not in any of the newer versions of IE. The effect results in the drag ghost image being stuck in the source window and not going away after the drop had occurred.
Some debugging did in fact confirm that the 'mouseup' event does not get propagated back to the source window. What can be done to fix it? Many thanks!
ITs a bit hard to begin to answer your question without some code....
use the File>Properties menu to find out which IE security zones the two windows(domains) map too...IE uses a different security model to other browsers... drag/drop is probably not allowed between local web files (using file: protocol) and internet or intranet sites.
Have you used the Dev tool yet to debug it? If you are using showModalDialog (which normally disables context menus) you can right click on a link (a) or input element to display the context menu so you can display the debugger for showModal content page.
If possible include a link to your website or a mashup (jsfiddle) with your questions.

K2: How may I open a file in a new window unless I already have such a window open?

I have a K2 Smartform that displays a list of file names. When the user clicks a file name, the program opens that file (all of them are PDFs) in a new tab in the browser (IE). This is good so far. If you click on a second file from the list, it opens in a third tab. That is not what the user wants.
They want the second file selection to open in the same window as the first file.
This is the process I can see:
Click on the file in the list.
Open in a tab.
Click on a second file in the list.
If there is already a tab open with a file from the list, open this file there. Otherwise, open a new tab for the file.
I suppose automatically closing the first tab when they click on the second file would accomplish the same thing.
How can this be done?
When you deal with opening links, first of all, what you can do is limited. Indeed, browsers (IE, Chrome, etc...) can be configured by the users to open links in new tabs, windows, etc... and you as form developer cannot change that.
I have made a jsfiddle to reproduce your situation and propose a solution you can test. I don´t guaranty it will work as I use a Mac but I also describe a better solution below.
You can find it here:
I guess the first example (#1) is what happens for you at the moment.
Using the 'target' attribute, I tried to implement a solution that may work for you. Click on #2 and #3 and check whether this work.
I cannot test that since I use a Mac.
You can read more about the target attribute here:
Another solution that would give you more control is to use an iFrame control. I think it comes in standard with SmartForms now. If not, you can for sure get it from the community site. I recommend you create a new View with this iFrame and define one parameter (string) called "url".
Let´s speak in K2 rules languages :)
"When the parameter changed", "and the parameters is defined", if you 'Transfer data' passing your URL to the iFrame control, it will display your doc. If the user clicks another document, it will update the SAME iFrame. With this solution, no tab will ever be involved.
Please note that it will work great for any document supported by your browser. Some types may require a plugin. Other documents (ie zip, etc..) will NOT appear but be downloaded instead.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,

Stop form from open when no records

I have a data entry form that when it closes opens another form for further updating the just newly entered data. However, at times no further update is necessary. How can I suppress the 2nd form from opening when there is no need for further update? Presently the form opens even when there are no recordsets present. (need a similar Event like for the report "On No Data")
Have a bit field such as a checkbox with default set to true open second form. Uncheck it to avoid the system from opening the next form. You will need to handle this in your code and check if that check box is checked or not.
Of course we will need more details such as why you are currently opening this second form...in addition, cant you check if any changes were made and if they were then open that second form else dont? Also what lang ?
Without knowing more about what you're working on, I'd say you would have to modify the process that shuts down the first form to check if the second form is needed. In .NET, for example, you could add code to the OnClosing event for a WinForm to check. If it's needed, open it as normal, if not then don't.
Subject: Tool Kits. Tool Kits consist of 1 or more tools. If tools already exist, no need for 2nd form to pop up. If tools are new, I need to fill in one of the 3 fields in the drop down listing. I like the idea of adding code to the OnClosing event, but do not understand what you mean by WinForm.