YARN killing containers for exceeding memory limits - scala

I am running into an issue where YARN is killing my containers for exceeding memory limits:
Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead.
I have 20 nodes that are of m3.2xlarge so they have:
cores: 8
memory: 30
storage: 200 gb ebs
The gist of my application is that I have a couple 100k assets for which I have historical data generated for each hour of the last year, with a total dataset size of 2TB uncompressed. I need to use this historical data to generate a forecast for each asset. My setup is that I first use s3distcp to move the data stored as indexed lzo files to hdfs. I then pull the data in and pass it to sparkSql to handle the json:
val files = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("hdfs:///local/*",
val lzoRDD = files.map(_._2.toString)
val data = sqlContext.read.json(lzoRDD)
I then use a groupBy to group the historical data by asset, creating a tuple of (assetId,timestamp,sparkSqlRow). I figured this data structure would allow for better in memory operations when generating the forecasts per asset.
val p = data.map(asset => (asset.getAs[String]("assetId"),asset.getAs[Long]("timestamp"),asset)).groupBy(_._1)
I then use a foreach to iterate over each row, calculate the forecast, and finally write the forecast back out as a json file to s3.
p.foreach{ asset =>
(1 to dateTimeRange.toStandardHours.getHours).foreach { hour =>
// determine the hour from the previous year
val hourFromPreviousYear = (currentHour + hour.hour) - timeRange
// convert to seconds
val timeToCompare = hourFromPreviousYear.getMillis
val al = asset._2.toList
println(s"Working on asset ${asset._1} for hour $hour with time-to-compare: $timeToCompare")
// calculate the year over year average for the asset
val yoy = calculateYOYforAsset2(al, currentHour, asset._1)
// get the historical data for the asset from the previous year
val pa = asset._2.filter(_._2 == timeToCompare)
.map(row => calculateForecast(yoy, row._3, asset._1, (currentHour + hour.hour).getMillis))
.foreach(json => writeToS3(json, asset._1, (currentHour + hour.hour).getMillis))
Is there a better way to accomplish this so that I don't hit the memory issue with YARN?
Is there a way to chunk the assets so that the foreach only operates on about 10k at a time vs all 200k of the assets?
Any advice/help appreciated!

Its not your code. And don't worry foreach does not run all those lambdas concurrently. The problem is that Spark's default value of spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead (or recently renamed in 2.3+ to spark.executor.memoryOverhead) is overly conservative which causes your executors to be killed when under load.
The solution is (as suggested by the error message) to increase that value. I would start with setting it to 1GB (set to 1024) or more if you are requesting lots of memory for each executor. The goal is to get jobs running without any executors being killed.
Alternatively if you control the cluster, you could disable YARN memory enforcement via by setting the configs yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled and yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled to false in yarn-site.xml


How to minimize memory usage in akka streams

I have stream that at some point will group objects to create files.
I think I can squeeze some bytes by serializing the object early in the stream.
But my biggest question is about how to optimize the memory footprint for a stream like this:
val sourceOfCustomer = Source.repeat(Customer(name = "test"))
def serializeCustomer(customer: Customer) = customer.toString
.via(serializeCustomer) // 1KB
.grouped(1000000) // 1GB
.via(processFile) // 1GB
.via(moreProcessing) // 1GB
.via(evenMoreProcessing) // 1GB
.to(fileSink) // 1GB
This gives me a memory usage at steady state of at least 5GB. Is this correct?
What strategy can I use to only limit it to 1 or 2GB? In principle it should be possible by collapsing the operators.
Note: I know a solution is to make the group smaller but let’s consider the size of the group a constraint of the problem.
Sorry, maybe I'm missing something, but I did not find group operation in latest Akka Stream documentation, I guess you mean grouped operation: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/operators/Source-or-Flow/grouped.html .
If so, then it means that at .grouped(1000000) // 1GB you create group of elements in the stream , which can be handled simultaneously, hence one more then one group of 1GB size can present in memory in one moment of time. So in order to limit memory footprint in your stream up to 1GB, you can go with one of two ways:
1) Reduce number of large groups handled simultaneously.
This can be achieved with throttle operation: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/operators/Source-or-Flow/throttle.html#throttle
Please, see code snippet for example
import scala.concurrent.duration._
.group(1000000) // 1GB
.throttle(1, 1 minute)
2) Reducing large group size
val parallelismLevel = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() // or another custom level which represents stream processing parallelism
val baseGroupSize = 1000000 // 1GB
val groupSize = baseGroupSize / parallelismLevel
.via(serializeCustomer) // 1KB
Hope this helps!

Spark configurations for Out of memory error [duplicate]

Cluster setup -
Driver has 28gb
Workers have 56gb each (8 workers)
Configuration -
spark.memory.offHeap.enabled true
spark.driver.memory 20g
spark.memory.offHeap.size 16gb
spark.executor.memory 40g
My job -
//myFunc just takes a string s and does some transformations on it, they are very small strings, but there's about 10million to process.
//Out of memory failure
data.map(s => myFunc(s)).saveAsTextFile(outFile)
//works fine
data.map(s => myFunc(s))
Also, I de-clustered / removed spark from my program and it completed just fine(successfully saved to a file) on a single server with 56gb of ram. This shows that it just a spark configuration issue. I reviewed https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/configuration.html#memory-management and the configurations I currently have seem to be all that should be needed to be changed for my job to work. What else should I be changing?
Update -
Data -
val fis: FileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(inputFile))
val bis: BufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
val input: CompressorInputStream = new CompressorStreamFactory().createCompressorInputStream(bis);
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input))
val stringArray = br.lines().toArray()
val data = sc.parallelize(stringArray)
Note - this does not cause any memory issues, even though it is incredibly inefficient. I can't read from it using spark because it throws some EOF errors.
myFunc, I can't really post the code for it because it's complex. But basically, the input string is a deliminated string, it does some deliminator replacement, date/time normalizing and things like that. The output string will be roughly the same size as an input string.
Also, it works fine for smaller data sizes, and the output is correct and roughly the same size as input data file, as it should be.
You current solution does not take advantage of spark. You are loading the entire file into an array in memory, then using sc.parallelize to distribute it into an RDD. This is hugely wasteful of memory (even without spark) and will of course cause out of memory problems for large files.
Instead, use sc.textFile(filePath) to create your RDD. Then spark is able to smartly read and process the file in chunks, so only a small portion of it needs to be in memory at a time. You are also able to take advantage of parallelism this way, as spark will be able to read and process the file in parallel, with however many executors and corse your have, instead of needing the read the entire file on a single thread on a single machine.
Assuming that myFunc can look at only a single line at a time, then this program should have a very small memory footprint.
Would help if you put more details of what going on in your program before and after the MAP.
Second command (only Map) does not do anything unless an action is triggered. Your file is probably not partitioned and driver is doing the work. Below should force data to workers evenly and protect OOM on a single node. It will cause shuffling of data though.
Updating solution after looking at your code, will be better if you do this
val data = sc.parallelize(stringArray).repartition(8)
data.map(s => myFunc(s)).saveAsTextFile(outFile)

Spark: stage X contains task of a very large size when running sc.binaryFiles()

I'm trying to load ~1M file set stored on S3. When running sc.binaryFiles("s3a://BUCKETNAME/*").count()
I'm getting WARN TaskSetManager: Stage 0 contains a task of very large size (177 KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB. This is followed by failed tasks
I see that it infers 128 partitions for this stage, which is too low, note that when running the same command on 400K files bucket, number of partitions will be much higher (~2K partitions) and the action will succeed.
setting a higher minPartitions didn't help;
setting a higher spark.default.parallelism didn't help as well.
the only thing that worked was to create multiple smaller RDDs of 1000 files each, and running sc.union on them, Problem with this approach is that it's too slow.
How can this issue be mitigated?
went on to see how number of partitions is settled in BinaryFileRDD.getPartitions() which got me to this piece of code:
def setMinPartitions(sc: SparkContext, context: JobContext, minPartitions: Int) {
val defaultMaxSplitBytes = sc.getConf.get(config.FILES_MAX_PARTITION_BYTES)
val openCostInBytes = sc.getConf.get(config.FILES_OPEN_COST_IN_BYTES)
val defaultParallelism = sc.defaultParallelism
val files = listStatus(context).asScala
val totalBytes = files.filterNot(_.isDirectory).map(_.getLen + openCostInBytes).sum
val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / defaultParallelism
val maxSplitSize = Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))
I followed the computation and it still didn't make sense, I should get a much larger number.
So I tried to reduce the config.FILES_MAX_PARTITION_BYTES config (spark.files.maxPartitionBytes) - this did increase the number of partitions, and made the job finish, however I'm still getting the original warning (with a somewhat smaller task size), and still, the munber of partitions is way smaller than when running on a 400K file set.
The problem was rooted in the sizes of the files: To my surprise, the files in s3 were not uploaded properly, and their size was 100 times smaller than they should've been. This caused setMinPartitions to calculate splits that contained large amount of small files. Each split is essentially a comma separated string of file paths, since we have many files per split, we got a very long instruction string that should be communicated to all workers. This burdened the network and caused the entire flow to fail. Setting spark.files.maxPartitionBytes to a lower value solved the issue.

Spark Streaming states to be persisted to disk in addition to in memory

I have written a program using spark streaming by using map with state function which detect repetitive records and avoid such records..the function is similar as bellow:
val trackStateFunc1 = (batchTime: Time,
key: String,
value: Option[(String,String)],
state: State[Long]) => {
if (state.isTimingOut()) {
else if (state.exists()) None
else {
val stateSpec1 = StateSpec.function(trackStateFunc1)
My numbers of records could be high and I kept the time-out for about one month. Therefore, number of records and keys could be high..I wanted to know if I can save these states on Disk in addition to the Memory..something like
I wanted to know if I can save these states on Disk in addition to the
Stateful streaming in Spark automatically get serialized to persistent storage, this is called checkpointing. When you run your stateful DStream, you must provide a checkpoint directory otherwise the graph won't be able to execute at runtime.
You can set the checkpointing interval via DStream.checkpoint. For example, if you want to set it to every 30 seconds:
Accourding to "MapWithState" sources you can try:
actual for spark 3.0.1

Stack overflow error when loading a large table from mongodb to spark

I have a table which is about 1TB in mongodb. I tried to load it in spark using mongo connector but I keep getting stack overflow after 18 minutes executing.
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$filter$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:264)
at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(MapLike.scala:245)
at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(MapLike.scala:245)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter$$anonfun$foreach$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:772)
at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(MapLike.scala:245)
at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(MapLike.scala:245)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter$$anonfun$foreach$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:772)
16/06/29 08:42:22 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 54692 executor(s).
16/06/29 08:42:22 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 46501 executor containers, each with 4 cores and 5068 MB memory including 460 MB overhead
Is it because I didn't provide enough memory ? Or should I provide more storage?
I have tried to add checkpoint, but it doesn't help.
I have changed some value in my code because they relate to my company database, but the whole code is still ok for this question.
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val builder = MongodbConfigBuilder(Map(Host -> List("mymongodurl:mymongoport"), Database -> "mymongoddb", Collection ->"mymongocollection", SamplingRatio -> 0.01, WriteConcern -> "normal"))
val readConfig = builder.build()
val mongoRDD = sqlContext.fromMongoDB(readConfig)
val dataFrame = sqlContext.sql("SELECT u_at, c_at FROM mytable")
val deltaCollect = dataFrame.filter("u_at is not null and c_at is not null and u_at != c_at").rdd
val mapDelta = deltaCollect.map {
case Row(u_at: Date, c_at: Date) =>{
if(u_at.getTime == c_at.getTime){
(0.toString, 0l)
val delta = ( u_at.getTime - c_at.getTime ) / 1000/60/60/24
(delta.toString, 1l)
val reduceRet = mapDelta.reduceByKey(_+_)
val OUTPUT_PATH = s"./dump"
As you know, Apache Spark does in-memory processing while executing a job, i.e. it loads the data to be worked on into the memory. Here as per your question and comments, you have a dataset as large as 1TB and the memory available to Spark is around 8GB per core. Hence your spark executor will always be out of memory in this scenario.
To avoid this you can follow either of the below two options:
Change your RDD Storage Level to MEMORY_AND_DISK. In this way Spark will not load the full data into its memory; rather it will try to spill the extra data into disk. But, this way the performance will decrease because of the transactions done between the memory and disk. Check out RDD persistence
Increase your core memory so that Spark can load even 1TB of data fully into the memory. In this way the performance will be good, but infrastructure cost will increase.
I add another java option "-Xss32m" to spark driver to raise the memory of stack for every thread , and this exception is not throwing any more. How stupid was I , I should have tried it earlier. But another problem is shown, I will have to check more. still great thanks for your help.