Couchbase BulkGet in spring data couchbase - spring-data

I am using Couchbase with Spring Data and wish to implement bulkGet of Couchbase. Please let me know the following:
Is it possible via Spring Data?
If yes, can you share an example?
Is findAll (using _all view) comparable to bulkGet in terms of performance?
Can I fetch the _id along with the Couchbase document?
Environment:- Couchbase 4.0, Spring Data 2.0.0.RELEASE, Java 8.
Thanks in Advance!

I assume you are asking about a bulk get in the context of repositories.
First, there is currently no complete support of a "bulkGet" in Spring Data Couchbase. Most of the implementation is based on the SDK synchronous API, and bulk get is something usually done using the asynchronous API, using RxJava.
Note that there is no actual "bulkGet" operation at the protocol level in Couchbase, it's just the SDK issuing multiple single Get and batching them together.
To answer your second question, the above is important. The bulk get pattern discussed in the Couchbase Java SDK documentation (here) gives a slight performance boost because unlike in synchronous mode, we don't wait for the retrieval of one item to get the next.
The findAll() and findAll(Iterable) methods in Spring Data Couchbase both operate on top of a view, which allows to only retrieve documents that match the entity type of your repository but introduces a level of indirection that can lower performance compared to a pure sequence of key/value gets.
So the closest you could get to a bulk operation like that in Spring Data Couchbase would be to know all the IDs you're interested in and then perform a findOne per ID.
In the near term, the code behind the findAll(Iterable) signature could maybe be improved by applying a bulk get pattern on all provided IDs, but that would mean forgetting about the type checking induced by the view, so I'm not sure...


Spring Data Mongo - lookup vs client side filtering

I am new to Spring and MongoDB. Trying to identify that when I had to process records from more than one collection, is it better option to do a lookup or go for writing code in spring or go for lookup?
It cannot be explicit to decide due to the following reasons.
Data size
Number of collections which will be part of lookup
Index usage
Query efficiency.
It's better to evaluate both the options and decide. This is a good article to understand schema design

How to stream query results using Apache Cassandra

What I would like to do is to make a query against my Cassandra "table" and get not only the current matching data but any future data that's added.
I have an application where data is constantly added to the "table" and I have many "clients" that are interested in getting this data.
So the initial result of the query would be the current data that matches the client's query and then I would like ongoing data to be received as they are added. Each client may be making a different query.
I would prefer to have a callback registered with a query so that I receive the data w/o having to poll.
Is this even possible with Cassandra?
Thank you.
P.S. From my reading, it seems MongoDB does support this feature.
You can't do this in Cassandra at present, but the new triggers feature coming in Cassandra 2.0 may do what you need. It's only going to be experimental when 2.0 comes out (soon).
MongoDB does indeed have a feature that might fit the bill. It's called a "tailable cursor" and can only be used on a capped collection, i.e. a collection that works like a ring buffer and "forgets" old data. After the tailable cursor has exhausted the entire collection the next read attempt will block until new data becomes available.
You can convert this into a callback pattern easily by implementing a reader thread with which the rest of the application can register its callbacks.

Combining Neo4J and MongoDB : Consistency

I am experimenting a lot these days, and one of the things I wanted to do is combine two popular NoSQL databases, namely Neo4j and MongoDB. Simply because I feel they complement eachother perfectly. The first class citizens in Neo4j, the relations, are imo exactly what's missing in MongoDB, whereas MongoDb allows me to not put large amounts of data in my node properties.
So I am trying to combine the two in a Java application, using the Neo4j Java REST binding, and the MongoDB Java driver. All my domain entities have a unique identifier which I store in both databases. The other data is stored in MongoDB and the relations between entities are stored in Neo4J. For instance, both databases contain a userid, MongoDB contains the profile information, and Neo4J contains friendship relations. With the custom data access layer I have written, this works exactly like I want it to. And it's fast.
BUT... When I want to create a user, I need to create both a node in Neo4j and a document in MongoDB. Not necessarily a problem, except that Neo4j is transactional and MongoDB is not. If both were transactional, I would just roll back both transactions when one of them fails. But since MongoDB isn't transactional, I cannot do this.
How do I ensure that whenever I create a user, either both a Node and Document are created, or none of both. I don't want to end up with a bunch of documents that have no matching node.
On top of that, not only do I want my combined database interaction to be ACID compliant, I also want it to be threadsafe. Both the GraphDatabaseService and the MongoClient / DB are provided from singletons.
I found something about creating "Transaction Documents" in MongoDB, but I realy don't like that approach. I would like something nice and clean like the neo4j beginTx, tx.success, tx.failure, tx.finish setup. Ideally, something I can implement in the same try/catch/finally block.
Should I perhaps make a switch to CouchDB, which does appear to be transactional?
Edit : After some more research, sparked by a comment, I came to realize that CouchDB is also not suitable for my specific needs. To clarify, the Neo4j part is set in stone. The Document Store database is not as long as it has a Java Library.
if you are able to use Neo4j 2.0 you can implement a Schema-Index-Provider (which is really easy) that creates your documents transactionally in MongoDB.
As Neo4j makes its index providers transactional (since the beginning), we did that with Lucene and there is one for Redis too (needs to be updated). But it is much easier with Neo4j 2.0, if you want to you can check out my implementation for MapDB. (
Although I'm a huge fan of both technologies, I think a better option for you could be OrientDB. It's a graph (as Neo4) and document (as MongoDB) database in one and supports ACID transactions. Sounds like a perfect match for your needs.
As posted here, you might have a look on Structr.
Its backend can be regarded as a Document database around Neo4j. It's fully transactional and open-source.

MongoDB - Materialized View/OLAP Style Aggregation and Performance

I've been reading up on MongoDB. I am particularly interested in the aggregation frameworks ability. I am looking at taking multiple dataset consisting of at least 10+ million rows per month and creating aggregations off of this data. This is time series data.
Example. Using Oracle OLAP, you can load data at the second/minute level and have this roll up to hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, years etc...simply define your dimensions and go from there. This works quite well.
So far I have read that MongoDB can handle the above using it's map reduce functionality. Map reduce functionality can be implemented so that it updates results incrementally. This makes sense since I would be loading new data say weekly or monthly and I would expect to only have to process new data that is being loaded.
I have also read that map reduce in MongoDB can be slow. To overcome this, the idea is to use a cheap commodity hardware and spread the load across multiple machines.
So here are my questions.
How good (or bad) does MongoDB handle map reduce in terms of performance? Do you really need a lot of machines to get acceptable performance?
In terms of workflow, is it relatively easy to store and merge the incremental results generated by map reduce?
How much of a performance improvement does the aggregation framework offer?
Does the aggregation framework offer the ability to store results incrementally in a similar manner that the map/reduce functionality that already exists does.
I appreciate your responses in advance!
How good (or bad) does MongoDB handle map reduce in terms of performance? Do you really need a lot of machines to get acceptable performance?
MongoDB's Map/Reduce implementation (as of 2.0.x) is limited by its reliance on the single-threaded SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine. There has been some experimentation with the v8 JavaScript engine and improved concurrency and performance is an overall design goal.
The new Aggregation Framework is written in C++ and has a more scalable implementation including a "pipeline" approach. Each pipeline is currently single-threaded, but you can run different pipelines in parallel. The aggregation framework won't currently replace all jobs that can be done in Map/Reduce, but does simplify a lot of common use cases.
A third option is to use MongoDB for storage in combination with Hadoop via the MongoDB Hadoop Connector. Hadoop currently has a more scalable Map/Reduce implementation and can access MongoDB collections for input and output via the Hadoop Connector.
In terms of workflow, is it relatively easy to store and merge the incremental results generated by map reduce?
Map/Reduce has several output options, including merging the incremental output into a previous output collection or returning the results inline (in memory).
How much of a performance improvement does the aggregation framework offer?
This really depends on the complexity of your Map/Reduce. Overall the aggregation framework is faster (and in some cases, significantly so). You're best doing a comparison for your own use case(s).
MongoDB 2.2 isn't officially released yet, but the 2.2rc0 release candidate has been available since mid-July.
Does the aggregation framework offer the ability to store results incrementally in a similar manner that the map/reduce functionality that already exists does.
The aggregation framework is currently limited to returning results inline so you have to process/display the results when they are returned. The result document is also restricted to the maximum document size in MongoDB (currently 16MB).
There is a proposed $out pipeline command (SERVER-3253) which will likely be added in future for more output options.
Some further reading that may be of interest:
a presentation at MongoDC 2011 on Time Series Data Storage in MongoDB
a presentation at MongoSF 2012 on MongoDB's New Aggregation Framework
capped collections, which could be used similar to RRD
Couchbase map reduce is designed for building incremental indexes, which can then be dynamically queried for the level of rollup you are looking for (much like the Oracle example you gave in your question).
Here is a write up of how this is done using Couchbase:

How does MongoDB offload logic and processing to the client?

I was looking at Kristina's book and at the very beginning of the intro chapter I read that MongoDB offloads logic and processing to the client side whenever possible.
Can someone please explain this in more detail?
When it says whenever possible, what is this "when"? And how does it determine if it is possible?
And also about processing and logic... what are some examples? Like an insert or update being done client side and not server side?
The authors are describing one of the MongoDB design principles.
Here are some of the ways MongoDB offloads processing to the client:
Object IDs are usually generated and provided by the client
Since Mongo is schema-free, the client is responsible for ensuring that all the required fields are present and contain valid data (notable exception: constraining unique indexes)
There are no joins: such aggregation often needs to be done by the client
Aggregate functions are severely limited (though there are some more coming in v2.2)
Neither inserts, updates, nor any of the like are processed by the client in any significant way.