Simulating the exponential function with pertubation - matlab

for some simulations, I need to make use of an approximation of the exponential function. Now, the problem that I have is that:
function s=expone(N,k)
for j=1:k
is a pretty stable, in the sense that it is almost 1 for k large enough. However, as soon as N is bigger than 200, it quickly drops to zero. How can I improve that, I need large N. I cannot really change the mathematical why of writing this, since I have an additional pertubation, my final code will look something lie:
function s=expone(N,k)
for j=1:k
THe pertubation is between 0 and 1, so that's no problem, but the prefactor seems not to work for N>200. Can anyone help?
Thanks a lot!

The function log(x) - x has positive and negative part
Graphic in Wolframalpha
while x - log(x!) is negative for x>= 0
Graphic in Wolframalpha
So the problem arise when (N - log(N) ) is much greater than (j - log(j) ). So the solution is to choose a j much bigger than N . Exp(negative) tends to zero
for example expone(20,1) = 7.1907e-05 but expone(20,20) = 0.5591 and expone (20,50) = 1.000
As conclusion, if you want to work with N big, j should be bigger, and as an extra tip you may want to change you function to avoid for loops:
function s = expone(N,k)
j = 1:k;
s = sum ((exp(-N+j*log(N)-log(factorial(j)))));


Approximate pi using finitie series

Given the equation to approximate pi
I need to the number of terms (n) that are needed to obtain an approximation that is within 10^(-12) of the actual value of pi. The code I have to find the n looks like this:
The while loop statement I have seems to never end, so I feel like my code must be wrong.
Try something along these lines (transcribed from your image), incrementing the number of approximation terms n inside your infinite while loop:
s = 1
n = 1
while true
s = abs(pi - approximate_pi(n))
if s <= 0.001
n = n + 1
On a related note, this calculation is a little bit pointless if you know the value of pi beforehand. Termination condition should be on the absolute magnitude of the n-th term.
The way you're doing it makes sense only if you're trying to find out minimum n for which your approximation series produces the result within some margin of error.
Edit. So, normally you would do it like this:
n = 1;
sum_running = 0
sum_target = (pi^2 - 8) / 16;
while true
sum_running += 1 / ((2*n-1)^2 * (2*n+1)^2);
if abs(sum_target - sum_running) <= 10e-12
n += 1;
pi_approx = sqrt(16*sum_running + 8)
There's no need to keep recalculating pi approximation up to n terms, for each new n. This is has O(n) complexity, while your initial solution had O(n^2), so it's much faster for large n.

Primitive root of a number

I have tried to implement the algorithm described in here to find primitive roots for a prime number.
It works for small prime numbers, however as I try big numbers, it doesn't return correct answers anymore.
I then notice that a^(p-1)/pi tends to be a big number, it returns inf in MATLAB, so I thought factorizing (p-1) could help, but I am failing to see how.
I wrote a small piece of code in MATLABand here it is.
clear all
%works with prime =23,31,37,etc.
prime=761; %doesn't work for this value
F=factor(prime-1); % the factors of prime-1
for i = 2: prime-1
tag =1;
for j= 1 :prime-1
if (isprime(j))
p_i = j;
if(mod(a^((prime-1)/p_i),prime)== 1)
tag = tag +1;
if (tag > 1 )
a %it should only print the primitive root
Any input is welcome.
What Matlab does in this case is it calculates a^((p-1)/p) before taking the modulus. As a^((p-1)/p) quite quickly becomes too large to handle, Matlab seems to resolve this by turning it into a floating point number, losing some resolution and yielding the wrong result when you take the modulus.
As mentioned by #rayreng, you could use an arbitrary precision toolbox to resolve this.
Alternatively, you could split the exponentiation into parts, taking the modulus at each stage. This should be faster, as it is less memory intensive. You could dump this in a function and just call that.
% Calculates a^b mod c
i = 0;
result = 1;
while i < b
result = mod(result*a, c);
i = i + 1;

MATLAB: n-minute/hour/day averages of a time-series

This is a follow-up to an earlier question of mine posted here. Based on Oleg Komarov's answer I wrote a little tool to get daily, hourly, etc. averages or sums of my data that uses accumarray() and datevec()'s output structure. Feel free to have a look at it here (it's probably not written very well, but it works for me).
What I would like to do now is add the functionality to calculate n-minute, n-hour, n-day, etc. statistics instead of 1-minute, 1-hour, 1-day, etc. like my function does. I have a rough idea that simply loops over my time-vector t (which would be pretty much what I would have done already if I hadn't learnt about the beautiful accumarray()), but that means I have to do a lot of error-checking for data gaps, uneven sampling times, etc.
I wonder if there is a more elegant/efficient approach that lets me re-use/extend my old function posted above, i.e. something that still makes use of accumarray() and datevec(), since this makes working with gaps very easy.
You can download some sample data taken from my last question here. These were sampled at 30 min intervals, so a possible example of what I want to do would be to calculate 6 hour averages without relying on the assumption that they are free of gaps and/or always sampled at exactly 30 min.
This is what I have come up with so far, which works reasonably well, apart from a small but easily fixed problem with the time stamps (e.g. 0:30 is representative for the interval from 0:30 to 0:45 -- my old function suffers from the same problem, though):
[ ... see my answer below ...]
Thanks to woodchips for inspiration.
The linked method of using accumarray seems overkill and too complex to me if you start with evenly spaced measurements without any gaps. I have the following function in my private toolbox for calculating an N-point average of vectors:
function y = blockaver(x, n)
% y = blockaver(x, n)
% input points are averaged over n points
% always returns column vector
if n == 1
y = x(:);
nblocks = floor(length(x) / n);
y = mean(reshape(x(1:n * nblocks), n, nblocks), 1).';
Works pretty well for quick and dirty decimating by a factor N, but note that it does not apply proper anti-alias filtering. Use decimate if that is important.
I guess I figured it out using parts of #Bas Swinckels answer and #woodchip 's code linked above. Not exactly what I would call good code, but working and reasonably fast.
function [ t_acc, x_acc, subs ] = ts_aggregation( t, x, n, target_fmt, fct_handle )
% t is time in datenum format (i.e. days)
% x is whatever variable you want to aggregate
% n is the number of minutes, hours, days
% target_fmt is 'minute', 'hour' or 'day'
% fct_handle can be an arbitrary function (e.g. #sum)
t = t(:);
x = x(:);
switch target_fmt
case 'day'
t_factor = 1;
case 'hour'
t_factor = 1 / 24;
case 'minute'
t_factor = 1 / ( 24 * 60 );
t_acc = ( t(1) : n * t_factor : t(end) )';
subs = ones(length(t), 1);
for i = 2:length(t_acc)
subs(t > t_acc(i-1) & t <= t_acc(i)) = i;
x_acc = accumarray( subs, x, [], fct_handle );
/edit: Updated to a much shorter fnction that does use loops, but appears to be faster than my previous solution.

Maximizing function with constrains in MatLab

I would like to maximize this function in MatLab -
maximize | function | 3x+6y+9z
domain | 12546975x+525x^2+25314000y+6000y^2+47891250z+33750z^2<=4000000000 | for | x y z
But variables x, y and z have to be nonnegative integers only.
Any ideas how to achieve it in MatLab?
The fact that you want integers makes this problem very difficult to solve (i.e. unsolvable in a reasonable time).
You will have to use some general optimizer and just try many starting conditions by brute force. You will not be guaranteed to find a global maximum. See Matlab's optimization package for further possible optimizers.
You have to formulate the problem as an ILP ( integer linear program). To solve an ILP, you need to make few changes to the input to matlab LP solver . You can also get the solution from the LP solver and then round the solution to integer. The solution may not be optimal but will be close.
You can also use the mixed-integer liner programing solver at file exchange site that in turn uses the LP solver. For binary variables you can use the matlab binary integer programing solver.
Well, fortunately the problem size is tiny so we can just brute force it.
First get some upper limits, here is how to do it for x:
xmax= 0;
while 12546975*xmax+525*xmax^2<=4000000000
This gives us upper limits for all three variables. Now we can see that the product of these limits is not a lot so we can just try all solutions.
bestval = 0;
for x = 0:xmax
for y = 0:ymax
for z = 0:zmax
val = 3*x+6*y+9*z;
if val> bestval && 12546975*x+525*x^2+25314000*y+6000*y^2+47891250*z+33750*z^2<=4000000000
bestval = val;
best = [x y z];
best, bestval
This is probably not the most efficient way to do it, but it should be very easy to read.
The max of y and z(152,79) is not very high,so we can just check one by one to find the solution quickly(just 0.040252 seconds in my notebook computer).
My matlab code:
function [MAX,x_star,y_star,z_star]=stackoverflow1
%maximize 3x+6y+9z
% s.t. 12546975x+525x^2+25314000y+6000y^2+47891250z+33750z^2<=4000000000
for y=0:floor(y_max)
for z=0:floor(z_max)
if isnan(x) || x<0
if 3*x+6*y+9*z>MAX
function val=solver(a,b,c)
% this function solve equation a*x^2+b*x+c=0.
% this equation should have two answers,this function returns the bigger one only.
if b*b-4*a*c>=0
val=nan; % have no real number answer.
The solution is:
x_star =
y_star =
z_star =

Matlab Code To Approximate The Exponential Function

Does anyone know how to make the following Matlab code approximate the exponential function more accurately when dealing with large and negative real numbers?
For example when x = 1, the code works well, when x = -100, it returns an answer of 8.7364e+31 when it should be closer to 3.7201e-44.
The code is as follows:
for k=1:40
Any assistance is appreciated, cheers.
Ok so the question is as follows:
Which mathematical function does this code approximate? (I say the exponential function.) Does it work when x = 1? (Yes.) Unfortunately, using this when x = -100 produces the answer s = 8.7364e+31. Your colleague believes that there is a silly bug in the program, and asks for your assistance. Explain the behaviour carefully and give a simple fix which produces a better result. [You must suggest a modification to the above code, or it's use. You must also check your simple fix works.]
So I somewhat understand that the problem surrounds large numbers when there is 16 (or more) orders of magnitude between terms, precision is lost, but the solution eludes me.
So in the end I went with this:
s = 1;
x = -100;
a = 1;
y = 1;
x1 = 1;
for k=1:40
x1 = x/10;
a = a/k;
y = y*x1;
s = s + a*y;
s = s^10;
Not sure if it's completely correct but it returns some good approximations.
exp(-100) = 3.720075976020836e-044
s = 3.722053303838800e-044
After further analysis (and unfortunately submitting the assignment), I realised increasing the number of iterations, and thus increasing terms, further improves efficiency. In fact the following was even more efficient:
s = 1;
x = -100;
a = 1;
y = 1;
x1 = 1;
for k=1:200
x1 = x/200;
a = a/k;
y = y*x1;
s = s + a*y;
s = s^200;
Which gives:
exp(-100) = 3.720075976020836e-044
s = 3.720075976020701e-044
As John points out in a comment, you have an error inside the loop. The y = y*k line does not do what you need. Look more carefully at the terms in the series for exp(x).
Anyway, I assume this is why you have been given this homework assignment, to learn that series like this don't converge very well for large values. Instead, you should consider how to do range reduction.
For example, can you use the identity
exp(x+y) = exp(x)*exp(y)
to your advantage? Suppose you store the value of exp(1) = 2.7182818284590452353...
Now, if I were to ask you to compute the value of exp(1.3), how would you use the above information?
exp(1.3) = exp(1)*exp(0.3)
But we KNOW the value of exp(1) already. In fact, with a little thought, this will let you reduce the range for an exponential down to needing the series to converge rapidly only for abs(x) <= 0.5.
Edit: There is a second way one can do range reduction using a variation of the same identity.
exp(x) = exp(x/2)*exp(x/2) = exp(x/2)^2
Thus, suppose you wish to compute the exponential of large number, perhaps 12.8. Getting this to converge acceptably fast will take many terms in the simple series, and there will be a great deal of subtractive cancellation happening, so you won't get good accuracy anyway. However, if we recognize that
12.8 = 2*6.4 = 2*2*3.2 = ... = 16*0.8
then IF you could efficiently compute the exponential of 0.8, then the desired value is easy to recover, perhaps by repeated squaring.
ans =
a = exp(0.8)
a =
a = a*a;
a = a*a;
a = a*a;
a = a*a
ans =
Note that WHENEVER you do range reduction using methods like this, while you may incur numerical problems due to the additional computations necessary, you will usually come out way ahead due to the greatly enhanced convergence of your series.
Why do you think that's the wrong answer? Look at the last term of that sequence, and it's size, and tell me why you expect you should have an answer that's close to 0.
My original answer stated that roundoff error was the problem. That will be a problem with this basic approach, but why do you think 40 is enough terms for the appropriate mathematical ( as opposed to computer floating point arithmetic) answer.
100^40 / 40! ~= 10^31.
Woodchip has the right idea with range reduction. That's the typical approach people use to implement these kinds of functions very quickly. Once you get that all figured out, you deal with roundoff errors of alternating sequences, by summing adjacent terms within the loop, and stepping with k = 1 : 2 : 40 (for instance). That doesn't work here until you use woodchips's idea because for x = -100, the summands grow for a very long time. You need |x| < 1 to guarantee intermediate terms are shrinking, and thus a rewrite will work.