Extbase: implement locking for concurrent access - scheduled-tasks

In my extension I have a set of operations that are generated by user activities. Each operation consists of several steps.
To handle those operations I implemented a scheduler task (extension "scheduler" 6.2.0). Now the point is: steps of each operation must be done one after the other, not parallel. That means: at start the scheduler task should find next "free" operation, lock it and handle it.
For locking purposes database table with operations has an integer column "isLocked". So I wanted to use following SQL statement to lock an operation:
$lockID = time();
'UPDATE operations SET isLocked = '.$lockID.' WHERE isLocked = 0 AND uid = '.$freeOperationFound->getUid().';'
After this SQL command I wanted to check if lock was set:
If locking was successful operation step handling can start.
If meanwhile another instance of scheduler task locks this operation, the SQL statement above does nothing because of condition: WHERE isLocked = 0.
The problem is: Extbase ignores SQL UPDATE-statements.
If I just update the free operation object via repository the lock of another task instance can be overwritten. I need some kind of "conditional" update.

I think I got it: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery is the answer.
The only question remaining is, if this method is also depricated in FLOW, like $query->statement of Repository.

While the exec_UPDATEquery function from the DatabaseConnection class certainly gets the job done, here is the solution via extbase. It might make more sense if you need to work with the Operation object after you lock it.
$persistenceManager = GeneralUtilities::makeInstance('TYPO3\CMS\extbase\Persistence\PersistenceManager');
$freeOperation = $repository->findOneByIsLocked(0);
The reason why you need to persist manually is, that your task is not within the context of a ActionController Action. And even if you were, it wouldn't automatically persist your changes until the end of the Action. Doing it through extbase might be the safer option because you can be sure to actually work on the exact same operation that you have just locked.


Rollback in Postgres

As far as I know, we can't use start transaction within functions, thus we can't use COMMIT and ROLLBACK in functions.
But how then we ROLLBACK by some if-condition?
How then we can perform a sequence of statements in a specific level of isolation? I mean a situation when an application wants to call a SQL (plpgsql) function and that function really needs to be run in a transaction with a certain isolation level. What to do in such a case?
In which cases then it is really practical to run ROLLBACK? Only when we manually write a script, check something and then ROLLBACK manually if we don't like the result. And in the same case, I see the practicality of savepoints. However, I feel like it is a serious constraint.
If you want to rollback the complete transaction, RAISE an exception.
If you only want to roll back part of your work, start a new block with a BEGIN at the point to which you want to roll back and add an EXCEPTION clause to the block.
Since the transaction is started outside the function, the isolation level already has to be set properly when you are in the function.
You can query
SELECT current_setting('transaction_isolation', TRUE);
and throw an error if the setting is not correct.
is too general or too simple to answer.
You roll back a transaction if you have reached a point in your processing where you want to undo everything you have done so far in the transaction.
Often, that happens implicitly rather than explicitly by throwing an error.

Cannot find a record just created in a different thread with JPA

I am using the Play! framework, and have a difficulty with in the following scenario.
I have a server process which has a 'read-only' transaction. This to prevent any possible database lock due to execution as it is a complicated procedure. There are one or two record to be stored, but I do that as a job, as I found doing them in the main thread could result in a deadlock under higher load.
However, in one occasion I need to create an object and subsequently use it.
However, when I create the object using a Job, wait for the resulting id (with a Promise return) and then search in the database for it, it cannot be found.
Is there an easy way to have the JPA search 'afresh' in the DB at this point? I implemented a 5 sec. pause to test, so I am sue it is not because the procedure hadn't finished yet.
Check if there is a transaction wrapped around your INSERT and if there is one check that the transaction is COMMITed.

Salesforce.com: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record

In our production org, we have a system of uploading sales data into Salesforce using command line data loader. This data is loaded into a temporary object Temp. We have created a formula field (which combines three fields) to form a unique key. The purpose of the object is to reduce user efforts for creating the key manually.
There is an after insert trigger on Temp which calls an asynchronous method which upserts the data to another object SalesData using the key. The insert/update trigger on SalesData checks the various fields and creates/updates the records in another object SalesRecords. After the insertion/updation is complete, all the records in temp object Temp are deleted. The SalesRecords object does not have any trigger on it and is a child of another object Sales. The Sales object has some rollup fields which are summing up fields from SalesRecords object.
Lately, we are getting the below error for some of the records which are updated.
UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record
Please provide some pointers to resolve the issue
this could either be caused by conflicting DML operations in the various trigger execution or some recursive trigger execution. i would assume that the async executions cause multiple subsequent updates on the same records, probably on the SalesRecords object. I would recommend to try to simplify the process to avoid too many related trigger executions.
I'm a little surprised you were able to get this to work in the first place. After triggers should be used with caution and only when before triggers can't be. One reason for this is that you don't need to perform additional DML to make changes to records, since in before triggers you simply change the values and the insert/update commit happens automatically. But recursive trigger firings is the main problem with after triggers.
One quick way to avoid trigger re-entry is to use a public static Boolean in a class that states whether you're already in this trigger from the same thread of execution.
Something like:
public static Boolean isExecuting = false;
Once set to true, any trigger code that is a re-fire can be avoided with:
if(Class.isExecuting == false)
Class.isExecuting = true;
// Perform trigger logic
// ...
Additionally, since the order of trigger execution cannot be determined up front, you might be seeing an issue with deletions or other data changes that depend on other parts of your flow to finish first.
Also, without knowing the details of your custom unique 3-part key, I'd wonder if there's a problem there too such as whether it's truly unique or not. Case insensitivity is a common mistake and it's the reason there are 15 AND 18 character Ids in Salesforce. For example, when people export to Excel (a case-insensitive environment) and do VLOOKUPs, they would occasionally find the wrong record. The 3-digit calculated suffix was added to disambiguate for case-insensitive environments.
Googling for this same error lead me to this post:
Which points out some common causes for this to happen:
Sharing Rules are being calculated.
A picklist value has been replaced and replacement is in progress.
A custom index creation/removal is in progress.
Most unlikely one - someone else is already editing the same record that you are trying to access at the same time.
Posting here in case somebody else needs it.
I got this error multiple times today. Turned out one of our vendors was updating their installed package during that time in the same org. All kinds of things were going wrong also - some object validation exceptions were being thrown on DMLs, without any error message content.
The error is shown when a field update such as a roll-up summary field is being attempted on a parent object that already had a field update to cause the roll-up summary field to calculate. This could also occur if a trigger or another apex job running on the master object and it also attempting to do an update.
You can either reduce the batch size and try again or create separate smaller files to be imported if this issue occurs.

Play Model save function isn't actually writing to the database

I have a play model called "JobStatus" and it's just got one property, an enum with a JobState, (Running/notRunning).
The class extends model and is implemented as a singleton. You call it's getInstance() method to get the only record in the underlying table.
I have a job that runs every month and in the job I will toggle the state of the JobStatus object back and forth at various times and call .save().
I've noticed it isn't actually saving.
When the job starts off, it's first line of code is
JobStatus thisJobStatus = jobStatus.getInstance();
...// exit if already running
thisJobStatus.JobState = JobState.Running;
then when the job is done it will change the status back to NotRunning and save again.
The issue is that when I look in the MySql database the actual record value is never changed.
This causes a catastrophic failure because when other nodes try to run the job they check the state and since they're seeing it as NotRunning, they all try to run the job also.
So my clever scheme for managing job state is failing because the actual value isn't getting commited to the DB.
How do I force Play to write to the DB right away when I call .save() on a model?
try adding this to your JobStatus and call it after save.
public static void commit(){
I suppose you want to mark your job as "running" pretty much as the first thing when the job starts? In that case, you shouldn't have any other ongoing database statements yet...
To commit your changes in the database immediately (instead of after the job has ended), add the following commands after the thisJobStatus.save(); method call:
Additionally, since you're using MySQL, you might want to lock the row immediately upon retriveval using the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE clause. (See MySQL Reference Manual for more information.) Of course, you wouldn't want to have that in your getInstance() method, otherwise every fetch operation would lock the record.

How to safely increment a counter in Entity Framework

Let's say I have a table that tracks the number of times a file was downloaded, and I expose that table to my code via EF. When the file is downloaded I want to update the count by one. At first, I wrote something like this:
var fileRecord = (from r in context.Files where r.FileId == 3 select r).Single();
But then when I examined the actual SQL that is generated by these statements I noticed that the incrementing isn't happening on the DB side but instead in my memory. So my program reads the value of the counter in the database (say 2003), performs the calculation (new value is 2004) and then explicitly updates the row with the new Count value of 2004. Clearly this isn't safe from a concurrency perspective.
I was hoping the query would end up looking instead like:
UPDATE Files SET Count = Count + 1 WHERE FileId=3
Can anyone suggest how I might accomplish this? I'd prefer not to lock the row before the read and then unlock after the update because I'm afraid of blocking reads by other users (unless there is someway to lock a row only for writes but not block reads).
I also looked at doing a Entity SQL command but it appears Entity SQL doesn't support updates.
You're certainly welcome to call a stored procedure with EF. Write a sproc with the SQL you show then create a function import in your EF model mapped to said sproc.
You will need to do some locking in order to get this to work. But you can minimise the amount of locking.
When you read the count and you want to update it, you must lock it, this can be done by placing the read and the update inside a transaction scope. This will protect you from race conditions.
When you read the value and you just want to read it, you can do this with a transaction isolation level of ReadUncommited, this read will then not be locked by the read/write lock above.