Execute functions out of a Tuple in Scala - scala

I have a Tuple where I have stored anonymous functions, I want to iterate through them and execute them.
val functions = ((x:Int, y:Int) => x + y, (x:Int, y: Int) => x - y)
// I want to execute the anonymous functions in the Tuple
functions.productIterator.foreach(function => function)
Unfortunately I am not able to do
functions.productIterator.foreach(function => function(1, 2))
functions.productIterator.foreach(_(1, 2))
what is the way out.

Tuples are not meant to be iterated over. The types get lost because each entry in a tuple is able to be a different type and so the type system just assumes Any (thus the Iterator[Any]). So the real suggestion is that if you want to iterate, use a collection like a Seq or Set.
On the other hand, if you know that the tuple contains functions of a particular type, then you can bypass the type checking by casting with asInstanceOf, but this is not recommended because type checking is your friend.
functions.productIterator.map(_.asInstanceOf[(Int,Int)=>Int](1, 2))
// produces `Iterator(3, -1)`
Alternatively, have a look at HLists in Shapeless, which have properties of both tuples and collections.

productIterator on a Tuple returns Iterator[Any] and not Iterator[Function2[Int, Int, Int]] as you're expecting.

We can extract the elements of the tuple into a Seq while preserving type information; hence
Seq(functions._1, functions._2).map(_(1,2))
List(3, -1)


Partial Functions in Scala

I just wanted to clarify something about partially defined functions in Scala. I looked at the docs and it said the type of a partial function is PartialFunction[A,B], and I can define a partial function such as
val f: PartialFunction[Any, Int] = {...}
I was wondering, for the types A and B, is A a parameter, and B a return type? If I have multiple accepted types, do I use orElse to chain partial functions together?
In the set theoretic view of a function, if a function can map every value in the domain to a value in the range, we say that this function is a total function. There can be situations where a function cannot map some element(s) in the domain to the range; such functions are called partial functions.
Taking the example from the Scala docs for partial functions:
val isEven: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case x if x % 2 == 0 => x+" is even"
Here a partial function is defined since it is defined to only map an even integer to a string. So the input to the partial function is an integer and the output is a string.
val isOdd: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case x if x % 2 == 1 => x+" is odd"
isOdd is another partial function similarly defined as isEven but for odd numbers. Again, the input to the partial function is an integer and the output is a string.
If you have a list of numbers such as:
and apply the isEven partial function on this list you will get as output
List(2 is even, 4 is even)
Notice that not all the elements in the original list have been mapped by the partial function. However, there may be situations where you want to apply another function in those cases where a partial function cannot map an element from the domain to the range. In this case we use orElse:
val numbers = sample map (isEven orElse isOdd)
And now you will get as output:
List(1 is odd, 2 is even, 3 is odd, 4 is even, 5 is odd)
If you are looking to set up a partial function that, in effect, takes multiple parameters, define the partial function over a tuple of the parameters you'll be feeding into it, eg:
val multiArgPartial: PartialFunction[(String, Long, Foo), Int] = {
case ("OK", _, Foo("bar", _)) => 0 // Use underscore to accept any value for a given parameter
and, of course, make sure you pass arguments to it as tuples.
In addition to other answers, if by "multiple accepted types" you mean that you want the same function accept e.g. String, Int and Boolean (and no other types), this is called "union types" and isn't supported in Scala currently (but is planned for the future, based on Dotty). The alternatives are:
Use the least common supertype (Any for the above case). This is what orElse chains will do.
Use a type like Either[String, Either[Int, Boolean]]. This is fine if you have two types, but becomes ugly quickly.
Encode union types as negation of intersection types.

Scala: reduceLeft with String

I have a list of Integers and I want to make a String of it.
var xs = list(1,2,3,4,5)
(xs foldLeft "") (_+_) // String = 12345
with foldLeft it works perfect, but my question is does it also work with reduceLeft? And if yes, how?
It cannot work this way with reduceLeft. Informally you can view reduceLeft as a special case of foldLeft where the accumulated value is of the same type as the collection's elements. Because in your case the element type is Int and the accumulated value is String, there is no way to use reduceLeft in the way you used foldLeft.
However in this specific case you can simply convert all your Int elements to String up front, and then reduce:
scala> xs.map(_.toString) reduceLeft(_+_)
res5: String = 12345
Note that this will throw an exception if the list is empty. This is another difference with foldLeft, which handles the empty case just fine (because it has an explicit starting value).
This is also less efficient because we create a whole new collection (of strings) just to reduce it on the spot.
All in all, foldLeft is a much better choice here.
It takes a little bit of work to make sure the types are understood correctly. Expanding them, though, you could use something like:
(xs reduceLeft ((a: Any, b: Int) => a + b.toString)).toString

Scala collections: why do we need a case statement to extract values tuples in higher order functions?

Related to Tuple Unpacking in Map Operations, I don't understand why do we need a case (that looks like a partial function to me) to extract values from tuple, like that:
arrayOfTuples map {case (e1, e2) => e1.toString + e2}
Instead of extracting in the same way it works in foldLeft, for example
def sum(list: List[Int]): Int = list.foldLeft(0)((r,c) => r+c)
Anyway we don't specify the type of parameters in the first case, so why do we need the case statement?
Because in Scala function argument lists and tuples are not a unified concept as they are in Haskell and other functional languages. So a function:
(t: (Int, Int)) => ...
is not the same thing as a function:
(e1: Int, e2: Int) => ...
In the first case you can use pattern matching to extract the tuple elements, and that's always done using case syntax. Actually, the expression:
{case (e1, e2) => ...}
is shorthand for:
t => t match {case (e1, e2) => ...}
There has been some discussions about unifying tuples and function argument lists, but there are complications regarding Java overloading rules, and also default/named arguments. So, I think it's unlikely the concepts will ever be unified in Scala.
Lambda with one primitive parameter
var listOfInt=(1 to 100).toList
you have a lambda function operating on two parameter.
Lambda with one parameter of type tuple
var listOfTuple=List((1,"a"),(2,"b"),(3," "))
listOfTuple.map(x => x._1.toString + x._2.toString)
you have a lambda function working on one parameter (of type Tuple2[Int, String])
Both works fine with type inference.
Partial lambda with one parameter
listOfTuple.map{case (x,y) => x.toString + y.toString}
you have a lambda function, working with one parameter (of type Tuple2[Int, String]). This lambda function then uses Tuple2.unapply internally to decompose the one parameter in multiple values. This still works fine with type inference. The case is needed for the decomposition ("pattern matching") of the value.
This example is a little bit unintuitive, because unapply returns a Tuple as its result. In this special case there might indeed be a trick, so Scala uses the provided tuple directly. But I am not really aware of such a trick.
Update: Lambda function with currying
Indeed there is a trick. With
import Function.tupled
listOfTuple map tupled{(x,y) => x.toString + y.toString}
you can directly work with the tuple. But of course this is really a trick: You provide a function operating on two parameters and not with a tuple. tupled then takes that function and changes it to a different function, operating on a tuple. This technique is also called uncurrying.
The y.toString is superfluous when y is already a string. This is not considered good style. I leave it in for the sake of the example. You should omit it in real code.

Iteration over Scala tuples [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Iterate Over a tuple
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
In scala, we can get an iterator over a tuple as follows
val t = (1, 2)
val it = t.productIterator
and even
it.foreach( x => println(x.isInstanceOf[Int]) )
returns true, we cannot do simple operations on the iterator values without using asInstanceOf[Int], since
it.foreach( x => println(x+1) )
returns an error: type mismatch; found : Int(1) required: String
I understand the issue with Integer vs. Int, but still the validity of isInstanceOf[Int] is somewhat confusing.
What is the best way to do these operations over tuples? Notice that the tuple can have a mix of types like integers with doubles, so converting to a list might not always work.
A tuple does not have to be homogenous and the compiler didn't try to apply magic type unification across the elements1. Take (1, "hello") as an example of such a a heterogenous tuple (Tuple2[Int,String]).
This means that x is typed as Any (not Int!). Try it.foreach( (x: Int) => println(x) ), with the original tuple, to get a better error message indicating that the iterator is not unified over the types of the tuple elements (it is an Iterators[Any]). The error reported should be similar to:
error: type mismatch;
found : (Int) => Unit
required: (Any) => ?
(1, 2).productIterator.foreach( (x: Int) => println(x) )
In this particular case isInstanceOf[Int] can be used to refine the type - from the Any that the type-system gave us - because we know, from manual code inspection, that it will "be safe" with the given tuple.
Here is another look at the iterators/types involved:
(1, 2) // -> Tuple2[Int,Int]
.productIterator // -> Iterator[Any]
.map(_.asInstanceOf[Int]) // -> Iterator[Int]
.foreach(x => println(x+1))
While I would recommend treating tuples as finite sets of homogenous elements and not a sequence, the same rules can be used as when dealing with any Iterator[Any] such as using pattern matching (e.g. match) that discriminates by the actual object type. (In this case the code is using an implicit PartialFunction.)
(1, "hello").productIterator
.foreach {
case s: String => println("string: " + s)
case i: Int => println("int: " + i)
1 While it might be possible to make the compiler unify the types in this scenario, it sounds like a special case that requires extra work for minimal gain. Normally sequences like lists - not tuples - are used for homogenous elements and the compiler/type-system correctly gives us a good refinement for something like List(1,2) (which is typed as List[Int] as expected).
There is another type HList, that is like tuple and List all-in-one. See shapeless.
I think, you can get close to what you want:
import shapeless._
val t = 1 :: 2 :: HNil
val lst = t.toList
lst.foreach( x => println(x+1) )

Adding an (Int, Int) tuple to a Set in scala [duplicate]

Are the parenthesis around the final tuple really needed? It doesn't compile without them and the compiler tries to add only the Sort("time") and complains that it expects a tuple instead.
val maxSortCounts: Map[Sort, Int] =
sorts.map(s => s -> usedPredicates.map(pred => pred.signature.count(_ == s)).max)
.toMap + ((Sort("time"), 1))
I've tried to reproduce this behaviour inside the REPL with a shorter example, but there it behaves as intended. The variable sorts is a Seq[Sort].
error: type mismatch;
found : <snip>.Sort
required: (<snip>.Sort, Int)
.toMap + (Sort("time"), 1)
Yes, they are needed. Otherwise the compiler will interpret the code as
x.+(y, z) instead of x.+((y, z)).
Instead, you can use ArrowAssoc again: x + (y -> z). Notice, the parentheses are also needed because + and - have the same precedence (only the first sign of a method defines its precedence).
Yes, they're needed. They make the expression a tuple. Parentheses surrounding a comma-separated list create tuple objects. For example, (1, 2, 3) is a 3-tuple of numbers.
Map's + method accepts a pair - in other words a tuple of two elements. Map represents entries in the map as (key,value) tuples.