Concurrency with scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder - scala

I'm using sPdf's run method to render HTML as a PDF file.
run uses scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder and it's ! method:
/** Starts the process represented by this builder, blocks until it exits, and
* returns the exit code. Standard output and error are sent to the console.
def ! : Int
My controller is using a Future to asynchronously execute the conversion but won't spdf block all other interim executions?
Future {, outputStream) } map { exitCode =>
Thanks for your answer Paul did a little test and yeah looks to be that way :)
If I update sPdf's run like so:
def run[A, B](sourceDocument: A, destinationDocument: B)(implicit sourceDocumentLike: SourceDocumentLike[A], destinationDocumentLike: DestinationDocumentLike[B]): Int = {
println("start/ " + System.currentTimeMillis)
< ... code removed ... >
val result = (sink compose source)(process).!
println("finish/ " + System.currentTimeMillis)
and I execute three consecutive requests the stdout prints
start 1461288779013
start 1461288779014
start 1461288779014
finish 1461288781018
finish 1461288781020
finish 1461288781020
Which looks like asynchronous execution.

This is Pdf#run:
def run[A, B](sourceDocument: A, destinationDocument: B)(implicit sourceDocumentLike: SourceDocumentLike[A], destinationDocumentLike: DestinationDocumentLike[B]): Int = {
val commandLine = toCommandLine(sourceDocument, destinationDocument)
val process = Process(commandLine)
def source = sourceDocumentLike.sourceFrom(sourceDocument) _
def sink = destinationDocumentLike.sinkTo(destinationDocument) _
(sink compose source)(process).!
There's no synchronization that prevents parallel execution. Assuming that the ExecutionContext has enough available threads,
Future {, outputStream) } map { exitCode =>
Future {, outputStream) } map { exitCode =>
will execute in parallel.
If instead, the run method had been, say, surrounded by a synchronized block, only one invocation would execute per Pdf instance. But there's no reason to prevent concurrency here, so the author didn't.


For Comprehension of Futures - Kicking off new thread inside comprehension and disregarding result

I'm trying to use a for comprehension to both run some futures in order and merged results, but also kick off a separate thread after one of those futures completes and not care about the result (basically used to fire some logging info)
I've played around a bit with this with some thread sleeps and it looks like whatever i'm throwing inside the for block will end up blocking the thread.
private def testFunction(): EitherT[Future, Error, Response] =
for {
firstRes <- EitherT(client.getFirst())
secondRes <- EitherT(client.getSecond())
// Future i want to run on a separate async thread outside the comprehension
_ = runSomeLogging(secondRes)
thirdRes <- EitherT(client.getThird(secondRes.value))
} yield thirdRes
def runSomeLogging(): Future[Either[Error, Response]] =
So this above code will wait the 10 seconds before returning the thirdRes result. My hope was to kick off the runSomeLogging function on a separate thread after the secondRes runs. I thought the usage of = rather than <- would cause that, however it doesn't.
The way I am able to get this to work is below. Basically I run my second future outside of the comprehension and use .onComplete on the previous future to only run my logging if certain conditions were meant from the above comprehension. I only want to run this logging function if the secondRes function is successful in my example here.
private def runSomeLogging(response: SecondRes) =
response.value.onComplete {
case Success(either) =>
_ => { },
response => { logThing() }
case _ =>
private def testFunction(): EitherT[Future, Error, Response] =
val res = for {
firstRes <- EitherT(client.getFirst())
secondRes <- EitherT(client.getSecond())
thirdRes <- EitherT(client.getThird(secondRes.value))
} yield thirdRes
return res
This second example works fine and does what I want, it doesn't block the for comprehension for 10 seconds from returning. However, because there are dependencies of this running for certain pieces of the comprehension, but not all of them, I was hoping there was a way to kick off the job from within the for comprehension itself but let it run on its own thread and not block the comprehension from completing.
You need a function that starts the Future but doesn't return it, so the for-comprehension can move on (since Future's map/flatMap functions won't continue to the next step until the current Future resolves). To accomplish a "start and forget", you need to use a function that returns immediately, or a Future that resolves immediately.
// this function will return immediately
def runSomeLogging(res: SomeResult): Unit = {
// since startLoggingFuture uses Future.apply, calling it will start the Future,
// but we ignore the actual Future by returning Unit instead
// this function returns a future that takes 10 seconds to resolve
private def startLoggingFuture(res: SomeResult): Future[Unit] = Future {
// note: please don't actually do Thread.sleep in your Future's thread pool
Thread.sleep(10000)"Got result $res")
Then you could put e.g.
_ = runSomeLogging(res)
_ <- Future { runSomeLogging(res) }
in your for-comprehension.
Note, Cats-Effect and Monix have a nice abstraction for "start but ignore result", with io.start.void and task.startAndForget respectively. If you were using IO or Task instead of Future, you could use .start.void or .startAndForget on the logging task.

Compose two Scala futures with callbacks, WITHOUT a third ExecutionContext

I have two methods, let's call them load() and init(). Each one starts a computation in its own thread and returns a Future on its own execution context. The two computations are independent.
val loadContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(...)
def load(): Future[Unit] = {
val initContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(...)
def init(): Future[Unit] = {
Future { ... }(initContext)
I want to call both of these from some third thread -- say it's from main() -- and perform some other computation when both are finished.
def onBothComplete(): Unit = ...
I don't care which completes first
I don't care what thread the other computation is performed on, except:
I don't want to block either thread waiting for the other;
I don't want to block the third (calling) thread; and
I don't want to have to start a fourth thread just to set the flag.
If I use for-comprehensions, I get something like:
val loading = load()
val initialization = initialize()
for {
loaded <- loading
initialized <- initialization
} yield { onBothComplete() }
and I get Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext.
I take this to mean Scala wants a fourth thread to wait for the completion of both futures and set the flag, either an explicit new ExecutionContext or So it would appear that for-comprehensions are out.
I thought I might be able to nest callbacks:
initialization.onComplete {
case Success(_) =>
loading.onComplete {
case Success(_) => onBothComplete()
case Failure(t) => log.error("Unable to load", t)
case Failure(t) => log.error("Unable to initialize", t)
Unfortunately onComplete also takes an implicit ExecutionContext, and I get the same error. (Also this is ugly, and loses the error message from loading if initialization fails.)
Is there any way to compose Scala Futures without blocking and without introducing another ExecutionContext? If not, I might have to just throw them over for Java 8 CompletableFutures or Javaslang Vavr Futures, both of which have the ability to run callbacks on the thread that did the original work.
Updated to clarify that blocking either thread waiting for the other is also not acceptable.
Updated again to be less specific about the post-completion computation.
Why not just reuse one of your own execution contexts? Not sure what your requirements for those are but if you use a single thread executor you could just reuse that one as the execution context for your comprehension and you won't get any new threads created:
implicit val loadContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
If you really can't reuse them you may consider this as the implicit execution context:
implicit val currentThreadExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(
(runnable: Runnable) => {
Which will run futures on the current thread. However, the Scala docs explicitly recommends against this as it introduces nondeterminism in which thread runs the Future (but as you stated, you don't care which thread it runs on so this may not matter).
See Synchronous Execution Context for why this isn't advisable.
An example with that context:
val loadContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
def load(): Future[Unit] = {
Future(println("loading thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName))(loadContext)
val initContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
def init(): Future[Unit] = {
Future(println("init thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName))(initContext)
val doneFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false)
val loading = load()
val initialization = init()
implicit val currentThreadExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(
(runnable: Runnable) => {
for {
loaded <- loading
initialized <- initialization
} yield {
println("yield thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName)
loading thread pool-1-thread-1
init thread pool-2-thread-1
yield thread main
Though the yield line may print either pool-1-thread-1 or pool-2-thread-1 depending on the run.
In Scala, a Future represents a piece of work to be executed async (i.e. concurrently to other units of work). An ExecutionContext represent a pool of threads for executing Futures. In other words, ExecutionContext is the team of worker who performs the actual work.
For efficiency and scalability, it's better to have big team(s) (e.g. single ExecutionContext with 10 threads to execute 10 Future's) rather than small teams (e.g. 5 ExecutionContext with 2 threads each to execute 10 Future's).
In your case if you want to limit the number of threads to 2, you can:
def load()(implicit teamOfWorkers: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
Future { ... } /* will use the teamOfWorkers implicitly */
def init()(implicit teamOfWorkers: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
Future { ... } /* will use the teamOfWorkers implicitly */
implicit val bigTeamOfWorkers = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2))
/* All async works in the following will use
the same bigTeamOfWorkers implicitly and works will be shared by
the 2 workers (i.e. thread) in the team */
for {
loaded <- loading
initialized <- initialization
} yield doneFlag.set(true)
The Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext error does not mean that Scala wants additional threads. It only means that Scala wants a ExecutionContext to do the work. And additional ExecutionContext does not necessarily implies additional 'thread', e.g. the following ExecutionContext, instead of creating new threads, will execute works in the current thread:
val currThreadExecutor = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new Executor {
override def execute(command: Runnable): Unit =

akka dataflow and side effects

I'm working with akka dataflow and I'd like to know if there is a way to cause a particular block of code to wait for the completion of a future, without explicitly using the value of that future.
The actual use case is that I have a file and I want the file to be deleted when a particular future completes, but not before. Here is a rough example. First imagine I have this service:
trait ASync {
def pull: Future[File]
def process(input : File): Future[File]
def push(input : File): Future[URI]
And I have a workflow I want to run in a non-blocking way:
val uriFuture = flow {
val pulledFile = async.pull(uri)
val processedile = async.process(pulledFile())
val storedUri = async.push(processedFile())
// I'd like the following line executed only after storedUri is completed,
// not as soon as pulled file is ready.
You could try something like this:
val uriFuture = flow {
val pulledFile = async.pull(uri)
val processedile = async.process(pulledFile())
val storedUri = for(uri <- async.push(processedFile())) yield {
In this example, pulledFile.delete will only be called if the Future from push succeeds. If it fails, delete will not be called. The result of the storedUri future will still be the result of the call to push.
Or another way would be:
val uriFuture = flow {
val pulledFile = async.pull(uri)
val processedile = async.process(pulledFile())
val storedUri = async.push(processedFile()) andThen{
case whatever => pulledFile().delete()
The difference here is that delete will be called regardless of if push succeeds or fails. The result of storedUri still will be the result of the call to push.
You can use callbacks for non-blocking workflow:
future onSuccess {
case _ => file.delete() //Deal with cases obviously...
Alternatively, you can block with Await.result:
val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[String]
The latter is generally used when you NEED to block - eg in test cases - while non blocking is more performant as you don't park a thread to spin up another thread only to resume the other thread again - that's slower than an asynchronous activity because of the resource management overhead.
The typesafe staff are calling it "Reactive". That's a little bit of a buzzword. I would laugh if you used it in the workplace.

Incremental processing in an akka actor

I have actors that need to do very long-running and computationally expensive work, but the computation itself can be done incrementally. So while the complete computation itself takes hours to complete, the intermediate results are actually extremely useful, and I'd like to be able to respond to any requests of them. This is the pseudo code of what I want to do:
var intermediateResult = ...
loop {
while (mailbox.isEmpty && computationNotFinished)
intermediateResult = computationStep(intermediateResult)
receive {
case GetCurrentResult => sender ! intermediateResult
...other messages...
The best way to do this is very close to what you are doing already:
case class Continue(todo: ToDo)
class Worker extends Actor {
var state: IntermediateState = _
def receive = {
case Work(x) =>
val (next, todo) = calc(state, x)
state = next
self ! Continue(todo)
case Continue(todo) if todo.isEmpty => // done
case Continue(todo) =>
val (next, rest) = calc(state, todo)
state = next
self ! Continue(rest)
def calc(state: IntermediateState, todo: ToDo): (IntermediateState, ToDo)
EDIT: more background
When an actor sends messages to itself, Akka’s internal processing will basically run those within a while loop; the number of messages processed in one go is determined by the actor’s dispatcher’s throughput setting (defaults to 5), after this amount of processing the thread will be returned to the pool and the continuation be enqueued to the dispatcher as a new task. Hence there are two tunables in the above solution:
process multiple steps for a single message (if processing steps are REALLY small)
increase throughput setting for increased throughput and decreased fairness
The original problem seems to have hundreds of such actors running, presumably on common hardware which does not have hundreds of CPUs, so the throughput setting should probably be set such that each batch takes no longer than ca. 10ms.
Performance Assessment
Let’s play a bit with Fibonacci:
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0-RC1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_07).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> def fib(x1: BigInt, x2: BigInt, steps: Int): (BigInt, BigInt) = if(steps>0) fib(x2, x1+x2, steps-1) else (x1, x2)
fib: (x1: BigInt, x2: BigInt, steps: Int)(BigInt, BigInt)
scala> def time(code: =>Unit) { val start = System.currentTimeMillis; code; println("code took " + (System.currentTimeMillis - start) + "ms") }
time: (code: => Unit)Unit
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 1000))
code took 1ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 1000))
code took 1ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 10000))
code took 5ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 100000))
code took 455ms
scala> time(fib(1, 1, 1000000))
code took 17172ms
Which means that in a presumably quite optimized loop, fib_100000 takes half a second. Now let’s play a bit with actors:
scala> case class Cont(steps: Int, batch: Int)
defined class Cont
scala> val me = inbox()
me: =$Inbox#32c0fe13
scala> val a = actor(new Act {
var s: (BigInt, BigInt) = _
become {
case Cont(x, y) if y < 0 => s = (1, 1); self ! Cont(x, -y)
case Cont(x, y) if x > 0 => s = fib(s._1, s._2, y); self ! Cont(x - 1, y)
case _: Cont => me.receiver ! s
a: = Actor[akka://repl/user/$c]
scala> time{a ! Cont(1000, -1); me.receive(10 seconds)}
code took 4ms
scala> time{a ! Cont(10000, -1); me.receive(10 seconds)}
code took 27ms
scala> time{a ! Cont(100000, -1); me.receive(10 seconds)}
code took 632ms
scala> time{a ! Cont(1000000, -1); me.receive(30 seconds)}
code took 17936ms
This is already interesting: given long enough time per step (with the huge BigInts behind the scenes in the last line), actors don’t much extra. Now let’s see what happens when doing smaller calculations in a more batched way:
scala> time{a ! Cont(10000, -10); me.receive(30 seconds)}
code took 462ms
This is pretty close to the result for the direct variant above.
Sending messages to self is NOT expensive for almost all applications, just keep the actual processing step slightly larger than a few hundred nanoseconds.
I assume from your comment to Roland Kuhn answer that you have some work which can be considered as recursive, at least in blocks. If this is not the case, I don't think there could be any clean solution to handle your problem and you will have to deal with complicated pattern matching blocks.
If my assumptions are correct, I would schedule the computation asynchronously and let the actor be free to answer other messages. The key point is to use Future monadic capabilities and having a simple receive block. You would have to handle three messages (startComputation, changeState, getState)
You will end up having the following receive:
def receive {
case StartComputation(myData) =>expensiveStuff(myData)
case ChangeState(newstate) = this.state = newstate
case GetState => sender ! this.state
And then you can leverage the map method on Future, by defining your own recursive map:
def mapRecursive[A](f:Future[A], handler: A => A, exitConditions: A => Boolean):Future[A] = {
f.flatMap { a=>
if (exitConditions(a))
else {
val newFuture = f.flatMap{ a=> Future(handler(a))}
Once you have this tool, everything is easier. If you look to the following example :
def main(args:Array[String]){
val baseFuture:Future[Int] = Promise.successful(64)
val newFuture:Future[Int] = mapRecursive(baseFuture,
(a:Int) => {
val result = a/2
println("Additional step done: the current a is " + result)
}, (a:Int) => (a<=1))
val one = Await.result(newFuture,Duration.Inf)
println("Computation finished, result = " + one)
Its output is:
Additional step done: the current a is 32
Additional step done: the current a is 16
Additional step done: the current a is 8
Additional step done: the current a is 4
Additional step done: the current a is 2
Additional step done: the current a is 1
Computation finished, result = 1
You understand you can do the same, inside your expensiveStuffmethod
def expensiveStuff(myData:MyData):Future[MyData]= {
val firstResult = Promise.successful(myData)
val handler : MyData => MyData = (myData) => {
val result = myData.copy(myData.value/2)
self ! ChangeState(result)
val exitCondition : MyData => Boolean = (myData:MyData) => myData.value==1
If you don't want to block the Actor, which processes messages from its mailbox in a thread-safe and synchronous manner, the only thing you can do is to get the computation executed on a different thread. This is exactly an high performance non blocking receive.
However, you were right in saying that the approach I propose pays a high performance penalty. Every step is done on a different future, which might be not necessary at all. You can therefore recurse the handler to obtain a single-threaded or multiple-threaded execution. There is no magic formula after all:
If you want to schedule asynchronously and minimize the cost, all the work should be done by a single thread
This however could prevent other work to start, because if all the threads on a thread pool are taken, the futures will queue. You might therefore want to break the operation into multiple futures so that even at full usage some new work can be scheduled before old work has been completed.
def recurseFuture[A](entryFuture: Future[A], handler: A => A, exitCondition: A => Boolean, maxNestedRecursion: Long = Long.MaxValue): Future[A] = {
def recurse(a:A, handler: A => A, exitCondition: A => Boolean, maxNestedRecursion: Long, currentStep: Long): Future[A] = {
if (exitCondition(a))
if (currentStep==maxNestedRecursion)
Promise.successful(handler(a)).flatMap(a => recurse(a,handler,exitCondition,maxNestedRecursion,0))
entryFuture.flatMap { a => recurse(a,handler,exitCondition,maxNestedRecursion,0) }
I have enhanced for testing purposes my handler method:
val handler: Int => Int = (a: Int) => {
val result = a / 2
println("Additional step done: the current a is " + result + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName)
Approach 1: Recurse the handler on itself so to get all execute on a single thread.
println("Starting strategy with all the steps on the same thread")
val deepestRecursion: Future[Int] = recurseFuture(baseFuture,handler, exitCondition)
Await.result(deepestRecursion, Duration.Inf)
println("Completed strategy with all the steps on the same thread")
Approach 2: Recurse for a limited depth the handler on itself
println("Starting strategy with the steps grouped by three")
val threeStepsInSameFuture: Future[Int] = recurseFuture(baseFuture,handler, exitCondition,3)
val threeStepsInSameFuture2: Future[Int] = recurseFuture(baseFuture,handler, exitCondition,4)
Await.result(threeStepsInSameFuture, Duration.Inf)
Await.result(threeStepsInSameFuture2, Duration.Inf)
println("Completed strategy with all the steps grouped by three")
You should not use Actors to make long running computations as these will block the threads that are supposed to run the Actors code.
I would try to go with a design that uses a separate Thread/ThreadPool for the computations and use AtomicReferences to store/query the intermediate results in the lines of the following pseudo code:
val cancelled = new AtomicBoolean(false)
val intermediateResult = new AtomicReference[IntermediateResult]()
object WorkerThread extends Thread {
override def run {
while(!cancelled.get) {
loop {
react {
case StartComputation => WorkerThread.start()
case CancelComputation => cancelled.set(true)
case GetCurrentResult => sender ! intermediateResult.get
This is a classic concurrency problem. You want want several routines/actors (or whatever you want to call them). Code is mostly correct Go, with obscenely long variable names for context. The first routine handles queries and intermediate results:
func serveIntermediateResults(
computationChannel chan *IntermediateResult,
queryChannel chan chan<-*IntermediateResult) {
var latestIntermediateResult *IntermediateResult // initial result
for {
select {
// an update arrives
case latestIntermediateResult, notClosed := <-computationChannel:
if !notClosed {
// the computation has finished, stop checking
computationChannel = nil
// a query arrived
case queryResponseChannel, notClosed := <-queryChannel:
if !notClosed {
// no more queries, so we're done
// respond with the latest result
In your long computation, you update your intermediate result wherever appropriate:
func longComputation(intermediateResultChannel chan *IntermediateResult) {
for notFinished {
// lots of stuff
Finally to ask for the current result, you have a wrapper to make this nice:
func getCurrentResult() *IntermediateResult {
responseChannel := make(chan *IntermediateResult)
// queryChannel was given to the intermediate result server routine earlier
return <-responseChannel

React for futures

I am trying to use a divide-and-conquer (aka fork/join) approach for a number crunching problem. Here is the code:
import scala.actors.Futures.future
private def compute( input: Input ):Result = {
if( pairs.size < SIZE_LIMIT ) {
} else {
val (input1,input2) = input.split
val f1 = future( compute(input1) )
val f2 = future( compute(input2) )
val result1 = f1()
val result2 = f2()
It runs (with a nice speed-up) but the the future apply method seems to block a thread and the thread pool increases tremendously. And when too many threads are created, the computations is stucked.
Is there a kind of react method for futures which releases the thread ? Or any other way to achieve that behavior ?
EDIT: I am using scala
Don't claim (apply) your Futures, since this forces them to block and wait for an answer; as you've seen this can lead to deadlocks. Instead, use them monadically to tell them what to do when they complete. Instead of:
val result1 = f1()
val result2 = f2()
Try this:
for {
result1 <- f1
result2 <- f2
} yield merge(result1, result2)
The result of this will be a Responder[Result] (essentially a Future[Result]) containing the merged results; you can do something effectful with this final value using respond() or foreach(), or you can map() or flatMap() it to another Responder[T]. No blocking necessary, just keep scheduling computations for the future!
Edit 1:
Ok, the signature of the compute function is going to have to change to Responder[Result] now, so how does that affect the recursive calls? Let's try this:
private def compute( input: Input ):Responder[Result] = {
if( pairs.size < SIZE_LIMIT ) {
} else {
val (input1,input2) = input.split
for {
result1 <- compute(input1)
result2 <- compute(input2)
} yield merge(result1, result2)
Now you no longer need to wrap the calls to compute with future(...) because they're already returning Responder (a superclass of Future).
Edit 2:
One upshot of using this continuation-passing style is that your top-level code--whatever calls compute originally--doesn't block at all any more. If it's being called from main(), and that's all the program does, this will be a problem, because now it will just spawn a bunch of futures and then immediately shut down, having finished everything it was told to do. What you need to do is block on all these futures, but only once, at the top level, and only on the results of all the computations, not any intermediate ones.
Unfortunately, this Responder thing that's being returned by compute() no longer has a blocking apply() method like the Future did. I'm not sure why flatMapping Futures produces a generic Responder instead of a Future; this seems like an API mistake. But in any case, you should be able to make your own:
def claim[A](r:Responder[A]):A = {
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
val q = new ArrayBlockingQueue[A](1)
// uses of 'respond' need to be wrapped in an actor or future block
actor { r.respond(a => q.put(a)) }
return q.take
So now you can create a blocking call to compute in your main method like so:
val finalResult = claim(compute(input))