Not able to encrypt a string with a public key in Protractor - protractor

I am trying call the encrypt function mentioned below:
var encryptor = require("./jsencrypt.js");
this.encrypt = function () {
var key="LxVtiqZV6g2D493gDBfG0BfV6sAhteG6hOCAu48qO00Z99OpiaIG5vZxVtiqZV8C7bpwIDAQAB";
encryptor = new JSEncrypt();
var newString = encryptor.encrypt('Password');
console.log("Encrypted password =",newString);
Initially I was getting Reference Error for undefined JSEncrypt.
So I downoaded jsencrypt.js file and added var encryptor = require("./jsencrypt.js");at the begining. Now I am getting following error:
ReferenceError: navigator is not defined
ReferenceError: navigator is not defined
at e:\Praveen Data\Projects\ECP\CentralRegistryUI\TestScripts\Utils\jsencrypt.js:73:13
at Object.<anonymous> (e:\Praveen Data\Projects\ECP\CentralRegistryUI\TestScripts\Utils\jsencrypt.js:4342:3)
at require (module.js:385:17)
Tried using windows.navigator in jsencrypt.js, but didn't work.

Protractor tests are not run in browser environment but in node.js, because of that navigator object is not available there. JSEncrypt relies on it to work on the client side across different browsers and versions.
It's referenced in many places in the JSEncrypt code so my best bet would be to either switch to a server side encryption library that would work for you or if not possible mock a global navigator json object with all expected properties/methods as if it was a Chrome browser - node.js runs on chrome's js engine so should work fine.

One of my colleague helped me with the solution.
So here I have a function for encryption:
this.initializeEncryptedPassword = () => {
//console.log("before calling encrypt... ");
browser.executeScript(() => {
//console.log("Starting to return encryptor...");
return window.loginEncryptor.encrypt(window.loginPassword);
}).then((encryptedPassword) => {
this.encryptedPassword = encryptedPassword;
//console.log("after calling encrypt...");
This function is being called by:
export default class Encryptor {
constructor($window, $http) {
this.encryptor = new $window.JSEncrypt();
//Need to use HTTP here instead of resource since the resource does not return plain text.
//Getting Public Key by hitting a rest uri.
$http({method: "GET", url: "/xyz/authenticate"}).success((item) => {
//set the current encryptor on the window so that testing can use it
$window.loginEncryptor = this.encryptor;
encryptPassword(credentials) {
credentials.password = this.encryptor.encrypt(credentials.password);
Hope this help others.

before require('jsencrypt') you can write first:
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const jsdom = new JSDOM('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>');
const { window } = jsdom;
global.window = window;
global.document = window.document;
global.navigator ={userAgent: 'node.js'};
const { JSEncrypt } = require('jsencrypt')

You can mock by doing the following:
global.navigator = { appName: 'protractor' };
global.window = {};
const JSEncrypt = require('JSEncrypt').default;


How to call script include from the client script service-now without GlideAjax

The common process we follow today to get the data on client script:
OnChange client script:
function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) {
if (isLoading || newValue === '') {
var user = g_form.getValue('u_user');
//Call script include
var ga = new GlideAjax('global.sampleUtils'); //Scriptinclude
ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'getUserDetails'); //Method
ga.addParam('userId',user); //Parameters
function getResponse(response){
var res = JSON.parse(response);
Script include:
var sampleUtils = Class.create();
sampleUtils.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
getUserDetails: function(){ //Function
var userId = this.getParameter('userId'); //Params
obj = {};
var grSysUser = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
if (grSysUser.get(userId)) {
obj.mobile_phone = grSysUser.getValue('mobile_phone'); = grSysUser.getValue('email');
return JSON.stringify(obj);
type: 'sampleUtils'
DEMO Link:
As an alternative to glideAjax you can EfficientGlideRecord
new EfficientGlideRecord('sys_user')
.addQuery('sys_id', newValue) //On Change client script, we will get sys_id of user in newValue variable
.addField('mobile_phone', true) //Get display value
.query(function (egrSysUser) {
if( {
g_form.setValue('phone', egrSysUser.getDisplayValue('mobile_phone'));
What is EfficientGlideRecord?
EfficientGlideRecord is the best alternate way to use GlideAjax.
It is a client-side API class from which you can perform asynchronous client-side GlideRecord-style queries while maximizing performance.
Low code configuration with Huge performance improvement.
No need to worry about security loopholes, because it enforces ACLs.
No more concerns about creating new client callable script includes and maintaining
the logic there.
To use the EfficientGlideRecord we need to commit the attached update-set or find the latest version from the given link
Add the package to Portal record -> JS Includes.
and that's it, and you are good at using the EfficientGlideRecord syntax.
To know more about EfficientGlideRecord, Refer the below link(s):

Firebase Storage upload permissions issue using Admin SDK [duplicate]

I've started working with firebase storage and firebase functions recently. Right now I've been developing file upload from functions to storage .
I've got it working (upload is done and file appears on the storage section), yet, the image, stays like this forever (loading forever on the right side):
I though that it was an error from my code. Yet, if I open Google Cloud Platform - Storage, the image appears and I can open it and preview it.
In firebase storage, if I open the image (select on it and click open), it returns the following url:
What may I been doing wrong? Here's the code I'm using:
function uploadImage() {
const newImageData = ""
var mimeTypes = require('mimetypes');
var image = newImageData,
mimeType = image.match(/data:([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+).*,.*/)![1],
fileName = 'test.' + mimeTypes.detectExtension(mimeType),
base64EncodedImageString = image.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ''),
imageBuffer = new Buffer(base64EncodedImageString, 'base64');
// Instantiate the GCP Storage instance
const { Storage } = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const googleCloudStorage = new Storage(firebaseSettings);
const bucket = googleCloudStorage.bucket('');
var file = bucket.file(fileName);
return, {
metadata: { contentType: mimeType, cacheControl: "public, max-age=300" },
public: true,
validation: 'md5'
}, function (error: any) {
if (error) {
throw 'error';
return "" + fileName;
Thanks for the help
Haven't been able to test the solution given by Firebase, but here's the transcript of the response:
The problem that you are facing could be because of two reasons. The
first one is how you are uploading the files, via the Firebase
Console, using any Admin SDK, or via the gsutil command. If using the
Admin SDK option, the problem is a known issue where the required
metadata doesn’t exist, fortunately there is a workaround, you can try
this script to solve this issue.
Now, the second one is related to the network if you are using
comcast, please, try on a different network to see if this issue is
related to that.
When you save an image to firebase, you need to provide an access token in metadata : firebaseStorageDownloadTokens. It has to be an uuid.
More info can be found here :
const { v4: uuid } = require("uuid")
function uploadImage() {
const newImageData = ""
var mimeTypes = require('mimetypes');
var image = newImageData,
mimeType = image.match(/data:([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+).*,.*/)![1],
fileName = 'test.' + mimeTypes.detectExtension(mimeType),
base64EncodedImageString = image.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ''),
imageBuffer = new Buffer(base64EncodedImageString, 'base64');
// Instantiate the GCP Storage instance
const { Storage } = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const googleCloudStorage = new Storage(firebaseSettings);
const bucket = googleCloudStorage.bucket('');
var file = bucket.file(fileName);
return, {
metadata: {
contentType: mimeType,
cacheControl: "public,
firebaseStorageDownloadTokens: uuid(),
public: true,
validation: 'md5'
}, function (error: any) {
if (error) {
throw 'error';
return "" + fileName;
After that you'll need to click on "Create access token"
#jean-smaug answer is almost complete. Based on the page he linked (, the only missing thing is to wrap the firebaseStorageDownloadTokens property inside a metadata object. I've just tested it and it's working fine 👌 No need to create access token afterwards.
In my case I added metadata while uploading and it loading as it showed in image but when I'm refresh page after 3 min I found that it upload correctly , so as Cafn explain if it not matter of metadata you should wait until it loaded
$uploadedObject=$bucket->upload($imageFile, [
'name' => 'Image_Name',
"metadata" => [ "contentType"=> 'image/png'],

Javascript injection goes wrong

In our Android project (download manager) we need to show built-in web browser so we able to catch downloads there with the all data (headers, cookies, post data) so we can handle them properly.
Unfortunately, WebView control we use does not provide any way to access POST data of the requests it makes.
So we use a hacky way to get this data. We inject this javascript code in the each html code the browser loads:
<script language="JavaScript">
HTMLFormElement.prototype._submit = HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit;
HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit = formSubmitMonitor;
window.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
}, true);
function formSubmitMonitor(e) {
var frm = e ? : this;
function formSubmitMonitor_onsubmit(f) {
var data = "";
for (i = 0; i < f.elements.length; i++) {
var name = f.elements[i].name;
var value = f.elements[i].value;
//var type = f.elements[i].type;
if (name)
if (data !== "")
data += '&';
data += encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
f.attributes['method'] === undefined ? null : f.attributes['method'].nodeValue,
new URL(f.action, document.baseURI).href,
f.attributes['enctype'] === undefined ? null : f.attributes['enctype'].nodeValue);
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.origOpen =; = function(method, url, async, user, password) {
// these will be the key to retrieve the payload
this.recordedMethod = method;
this.recordedUrl = url;
this.origOpen(method, url, async, user, password);
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.origSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(body) {
if (body)
const origFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = function()
return origFetch.apply(this, arguments);
Generally, it works fine.
But in Google Mail web interface, it's not working for some unknown reason. E.g. when the user enters his login name and presses Next. I thought it's using Fetch API, so I've added interception for it too. But this did not help. Please note, that we do not need to intercept the user credentials, but we need to be able to intercept all, or nothing. Unfortunately, this is the way the whole system works there...
Addition #1.
I've found another way: don't override shouldInterceptRequest, but override onPageStarted instead and call evaluateJavascript there. That way it works even on Google Mail web site! But why the first method is not working then? We break HTML code somehow?

How to return window.performance object to CasperJS scope

I'm trying to return window.performance object from the web page back to casper's scope with the following code but I'm getting null. Can someone explain why?
performance = casper.evaluate ->
return window.performance
#echo performance
PhantomJS 1.x doesn't implement window.performance, so you can't use it.
PhantomJS 2.0.0 implements it, but it doesn't implement the window.performance.toJSON() function. The problem with PhantomJS is that you have to access this information through evaluate(), but it has the following limitation:
Note: The arguments and the return value to the evaluate function must be a simple primitive object. The rule of thumb: if it can be serialized via JSON, then it is fine.
Closures, functions, DOM nodes, etc. will not work!
You will have to find your own way of serializing this in the page context and passing it to the outside (JavaScript):
var performance = casper.evaluate(function(){
var t = window.performance.timing;
var n = window.performance.navigation;
return {
timing: {
connectStart: t.connectStart,
connectEnd: t.connectEnd,
navigation: {
type: n.type,
redirectCount: n.redirectCount
or look for a deep copy algorithm that produces a serializable object (from here):
var perf = casper.evaluate(function(){
function cloneObject(obj) {
var clone = {};
for(var i in obj) {
if(typeof(obj[i])=="object" && obj[i] != null)
clone[i] = cloneObject(obj[i]);
clone[i] = obj[i];
return clone;
return cloneObject(window.performance);
console.log(JSON.stringify(perf, undefined, 4));

Using port.emit and port.on in a firefox extension

Can someone please explain the context in which port.on and port.emit are used in a firefox extension?
From the official documentation I imagine that this should work:
var someData = "Message received";
self.port.emit("myMessage", someData);
self.port.on("myMessage", alert(someData));
but I get
Error: self is not defined.
After attaching this to a defined object like this:
var self = require("sdk/self");
self.port.emit("myMessage", someData);
I get
Error: port is not defined.
If you use the page-mod module to inject a content script into a web page, you then use self.port in the content script to communicate back with main.js. For example:
var data = require('sdk/self').data;
include: ["*"],
contentScriptFile: [data.url('cs.js')],
attachTo: ["existing", "top"],
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.emit('attached', true);
self.port.on('attached', function() {
For the related documentation, start here: