Get page background - firefox-addon-sdk

How can I access the style information for a tab? The following code logs an empty object.
contentScript: 'self.port.emit(console.log(;'

First off, you are missing a ) in your content script. Then you are returning the return value of console.log to the port.
However I am going to assume, that you are getting an empty object in the page's console from that console.log. The attribute may still be empty, since that only holds the value of the inline style attribute of an HTML element (see
You would probably have to parse document.styleSheets or use the developer tools API to the get the currently rendered background.


Content altered in HTL/ Sightly in AEM 6

This is the weirdest issue I've ever faced in a long time. I have a URL that is authored inside a multifield. The URL has an underscore eg. it is currently inside ${}
When I do Click <br> ${} and inspect, it renders as
If you notice both values are coming from the same variable in Sightly still when the link is used inside href of anchor tag there is double underscore added by God know who after
Does anybody have a clue as to what on earth is going on ?
That's caused by the display context aware XSS protection. Sightly/HTL automatically detects the display context of a HTL expression, using its location within the structure of the HTML page to detect it.
For example, if the expression appears in a place that would produce a text once rendered, then it is said to be in a text context. If it is found within the value of an attribute, then it is said to be in an attribute context, and so forth. More about contexts in the htl specification page.
In your example, the implicit context inside the href attribute is uri while in the later case is text.
In order to overwrite this behaviour, you may explicitly set the context like href="${ # context='text'}.

Pre-populating form fields with model data in Sightly/HTL

I've tried all the HTL context parameters (even 'unsafe'). When I inspect the input, I can see the value intact, but you can't see the value pre-populated in the field. I tried different types of values, different contexts, and different types of input fields. [AEM 6.2]
<input type="email" name="senderEmail" value="${ # context='text'}"/>
If the value is rendered in page source and also visible in browser inspector, could it be that it's hidden by some weird CSS? Something like color:transparent
There are many possible causes. I'll pitch in one, to help get you thinking. Is userProfile available via the use api?
I've made this mistake before:
<div data-sly-use.bean="com.beans.Bean">
// ... other code
The "Bean" isn't available later, outside it's host element.
If I understand your question correctly this isn't actually about HTL, but rather about the HTML input element itself. You have an input element with a value attribute set, yet that value is not displaying in the box. If that's correct, then I'd recommend doing some investigation around HTML input value not displaying when set, rather than sightly context issues.
Some possible answer would include css styles hiding the input text or javascript clearing out the values after page load. There are certainly more potential causes, but we'd need to know more about your page to provide a better answer.
To do some of your investigation you can try loading a component with only that input in it and see if that works, that would eliminate any css or js executing elsewhere on the page.

Live search combo in Ext JS 4.2.2

I'm trying to implement a live search combo. It suppose to work like this:
When I enter a character into the combo field I read the current value and send it as a parameter to the store's url. In the backend the parameter is used to return any value from the database that contains it, so the store behind the combo gets filled only with those filtered values.
As I continue to enter characters into the combo, the parameter should be updated and sent again to the backend and so on, getting like this a smaller and smaller store.
I tryied to achieve this behaviour using the combo's event keypress, even keyup, but the problem is it's impossible for me to get access to the current value from the combo field.
For example, when I entered the "for" string into the combo, how can I obtain this value using the combo object? comboName.getValue() doesn't work, it returns nothing "".
I already saw the live combo example here:!/example/form/forum-search.html but doesnt help me at all.
So my big question is: how do i get the current value while still editing the combo's field?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You should be able to use
Where comboName is your combo box. Are neither working- I note in your post you state getValues() which is an improper method. You may want to also check whether when you're referring to your combo box object, that the reference is actually correct. The first argument from the key events is actually the object itself, so you should be able to do, e.g.
var value = comboBox.getValue() || comboBox.getRawValue();
Swapping you the value getting method as appropriate.
I found that the combo already has a quick search behaviour, I just have to set queryMode on 'remote' and some other small configurations. More details here:
Ext Js 4.2.2 combobox queryMode

Processing of form with redirect [plesk/zend]

I am using Plesk Sample 1.5-1 as a base, but stuck on how to process POST w/parameters.
My form is a 'text' element and 'ok' submit button and below that is a list that will change based on the value of the 'text' element (external XML call).
Inside IndexController, in the ->getRequest->isPost() area, I have a redirect line:
$this->_helper->json(array('redirect' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl()));
Do I have to manually pass the parameters on this line? Or does the controller know because I created a pm_Form_Simple() and added elements? Right now if I am outside the ->isPost block, the parameters are null, so that is why I am thinking I have to manually pass them along.
Do I need something like this?
array('exampleText' => $form->getValue('exampleText'));
I guess am just not understanding how the POST works.
I have looked at the Zend Guestbook example, but it is different enough from Plesk that I can't mentally translate it...and it doesn't redirect to the same page, it redirects some where else.
Ultimately, I want to set the 'exampleText' parameter with a "start date" and after the POST call, make an external XML call and fill out the list... I can make the XML call, but can't get the workflow around empty form -> fill out form and press "ok" -> post processing
Turns out that the pm_Form_Simple needs JSON I didn't notice that my orig code had JSON but didn't encode the new code...

MVC Html.textbox/dropdown/whatever won't refresh on postback

OK, let's start with the Html.Textbox. It is supposed to contain text read from a file. The file read is based on what the user picks from a dropdown list.
The first time it is fine. The user picks a value from the dropdown list. The controller uses that value to read some text from a file, and returns that text to the view via the view model. Everything is fine.
THen the user picks another value from the dropdown list. The controller reads a new value from a file and returns it via the view model. Debugging to the LINE BEFORE THE HTML.TEXTBOX is set in the view shows that the model contains the correct value. However, the textbox itself still shows the PREVIOUS value when the page displays!
If I switch from Html.Textbox to a plain input, type="text" html control, everything works fine. That's not so hard, but the same thing happens with my dropdown list -- I can't set the selected value in code. It always reverts to whatever was chosen last. Rendering a "select" tag with a dynamically-generated option list is a pain. I would love to be able to use Html.Dropdown.
What am I missing here?? This is such a simple thing in webforms!
When you post a form, the values that are posted are put into ModelState. When the HtmlHelper renders an html iunput element, e.g. Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.FirstName), it'll search various locations to get the value for the textbox... ModelState is before ViewData.Model in the list of locations. So there for, the previously posted value will appear in your textbox.
To fix this you could clear the ModelState value or update the ModelState value. BUT I would kinda view that as a hacky way of getting around the problem.
The real issue has more to do with the flow of the posts and requests. I would personally look into that and maybe implement the PRG (Post Redirect Get) pattern.
Following on from what Charles/Charlino said:
Model binding updates the ModelState object, which contains validation and model binding errors that are collected during model binding.
Inside an action method, model binding has occurred already to update the model, and generated the ModelState object. If you now update the value on the model inside the action, you must also manually update the model state (since the helpers use it to generate their HTML). Below is an example:
model.CaptchaIsValid = CaptchaService.ValidateAndExpireCaptcha(model.CaptchaAttempt);
if (!model.CaptchaIsValid)
ModelState.AddModelError("CaptchaAttempt", "Incorrect - please try again");
// I'll clear the value on each attempt, to force them to re-enter a CAPTCHA.
model.CaptchaAttempt = string.Empty;
// Since I updated the model, I must create a new ValueProvider result...
ValueProviderResult clearedValue = new ValueProviderResult(
// ... and update the ModelState's value.
ModelState.SetModelValue("CaptchaAttempt", clearedValue);
The biggest issue I see here is that you are trying to do a postback within MVC. That model is really not supported, and is actually way more trouble than it is worth (as it seems you are finding out). I would recommend using Ajax to update the contents of the dropdown dynamically.