JIRA github smartcommit - github

I am not able to transition any issue or update their state from github state.
I tried following commands :-
git commit -m "NDA-113 #time 1w 2d 4h 30m Total work logged"
git commit -m "NDA-113 #comment Total work logged"
Those commits are coming in development section but smart commit actions are not working.
I tried all the suggestion in Atlassian docs, user email in JIRA and github account is same.

Check what you email on github are same in jira

If your email is the same (which catch me out as my IntelliJ was adjusting my email on commits), then the next most likely cause is that you haven't setup Transition Triggers in your workflow and/or are not calling it in the commit.
git commit -m "NDA-113 #qa #comment Total work logged"
Where the #qa is the transition to QA lane
Final Note: For sanity double check that you have Switched On Smart Commits


Bypass branch protection with action and Github app

I have an action, that automatically indexes all files in the repository and creates a csv. Currently this action always creates their own pull request. This creates the annoying need to approve two pull requests per change (the first one with the change itself and the second one with the change in the index.csv file created by the action minutes later).
What I tried now, is creating a Github App, which is added to the "Allow specified actors to bypass required pull requests" in the branch protection and using tibdex/github-app-token#v1 to create a token in the context of the GitHub app.
Unfortunately, it still does not work. I get the following error:
Run echo "Hello World" >> HelloWorld.txt
[main f8445ab] Add unncessary file for testing
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 HelloWorld.txt
remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/main.
remote: error: Required status check "*****" is expected. At least 1 approving review is required by reviewers with write access.
To https://github.com/***/***.git
! [remote rejected] main -> main (protected branch hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/***/***.git'
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
The code I'm trying to run in the action is the following:
echo "Hello World" >> HelloWorld.txt
git config --global user.email "****"
git config --global user.name "****"
git add .
git commit -m "Add unncessary file for testing"
git push "https://action-name:${{ steps.generate_token.outputs.token }}#github.com/***/***.git"
I know that it is bad practice and breaks the permission concept to be able to do this, but in this case, it is fine for many reasons which go beyond the discussion at this point.
I'm happy for any suggestions on how to achieve this.
Thanks so much in advance

Using env variable github.ref_name doesn't give me branch name

When I use in my workflow github.ref_name it doesn't provide me a branch name from where I triggered this workflow. I get 16/merge. Why? When I use github.ref_type I clearly see that my ref type is branch so why I don't get branch name?
Also it's showing when I use $GITHUB_REF or git symbolic-ref HEAD (and separating refs/heads/ off). Ah and I tried github.event.push.ref but it's not showing me anything.
How to get always branch name from where I triggered the workflow?
For following code:
Run echo running on branch ${GITHUB_REF##*/} ${GITHUB_REF}
When your workflow runs becuase of push event you will get:
running on branch main refs/heads/main
But for pulr request event it would be:
running on branch merge refs/pull/3/merge
Why's that?
If the repository is on GitHub and you have any Pull Requests that have been opened, you’ll get these references that are prefixed with refs/pull/. These are basically branches, but since they’re not under refs/heads/ you don’t get them normally when you clone or fetch from the server — the process of fetching ignores them normally.
You can also check this question here

github insights: how to look for commits of a specific branch

Under insights -> commits, I see graph (number of commits X date) for each developer for master branch.
But I want to track this for "develop" branch. How can I?
You can use git shortlog on any given branch to show the username and the number of created commits with:
shortlog -sn --no-merges
you can also add the --since=<date> flag like:
git shortlog -sn --no-merges --since="Nov 1 2020"
There are many more flags available follow the link to read the documentation.

git branch -vv seems to contradict itself when trying to work out whether by how many commits it is ahead/behind when tracking with remote branches

$ git status
On branch CurrAsOf18Jan2018
Your branch is up to date with 'remotes/bitbucketFrmWin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
But I know that my bitbucket repo is ahead by a couple of commits Ques:Do I have to always do a git fetch --all so that my local git can be sure - I thought I was tracking my remote repo bitbucketFrmWin - Anyways I do the following .....
$ git fetch --all
Fetching bitbucketFrmWin
From https://bitbucket.org/FreeFries/simplcontactsvcf
50d1fc6..d79d834 master -> bitbucketFrmWin/master
Good now my local repo can check against the fetched remotes whether it is ahead/behind
$ git status
On branch CurrAsOf18Jan2018
Your branch is behind 'remotes/bitbucketFrmWin/master' by 5 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Okay I am happy with that it is what I thought
$ git branch -vv
* CurrAsOf18Jan2018 50d1fc6 [remotes/bitbucketFrmWin/master: behind 5] Pedantic but done - gitNotes.txt
bitbucketFrmWin/master 58470cd [CurrAsOf18Jan2018: behind 7] This is really crazy - Spent more than a week - Singleton still gives null pointer inJdbcExample2
Now this is what throws me [CurrAsOf18Jan2018: behind 7] (see last output line above) ... It should have said ahead by 5 - after all it is comparing the same remote repo branch. What am I missing in my understanding here ?
$ git merge --no-commit --ff-only d79d834
Updating 50d1fc6..d79d834
.gitignore | 2 ++
gitNotesUpgradeInstall.txt | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sqliteData/testtestdb.sqlite3 | Bin 278528 -> 0 bytes
3 files changed, 40 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 gitNotesUpgradeInstall.txt
delete mode 100644 sqliteData/testtestdb.sqlite3
I go ahead with the git fetch it fast-forward's my local branch - I tell it not to commit - but ignores my request and commits anyways - Why ?
Also my bitbucket branch master is actually already ahead at commit d79d834 but "git branch -vv" above does not show that commit sha signature in it's listing despite the fetch - Why ?
$ git status
On branch CurrAsOf18Jan2018
Your branch is up to date with 'remotes/bitbucketFrmWin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Nevertheless git status knows now that it has caught up with my remote branch above and is happy
If someone can throw light on the questions posed above as to whether these are bugs or misunderstanding in the git work flow above - I would be grateful. Thanks.
I go ahead with the git fetch it fast-forward's my local branch - I tell it not to commit - but ignores my request and commits anyways - Why ?
Because there is no commit to be made: it does not make any commit: it just fast-forward your branch HEAD to the remote one.
And bitbucketFrmWin/master is a local branch, not remote one!
Its name is poorly chosen, as it matches the one of a remote: remotes/bitbucketFrmWin/master.
But being local, it is not surprising it too is behind its remote counterpart (which just got updated with git fetch bitbucketFrmWin).
If you want to see your remote as well as local ones, type:
git branch -avv
You will see a remotes/bitbucketFrmWin/master branch as well.

Prevent mercurial push during a jenkins build

I have a jenkins job that runs some tests on a mercurial repo, and if successful tags the local repo with a 'stable' tag and then pushes this back to the main repo. The issue I'm having is that if someone pushes changesets while the build is running, then I cannot push the 'stable' tag.
I was wondering if there was a way to set the remote repo to read-only while the build is running, then make it 'push-able' once the build finishes?
Preventing the push is probably not what you want (and it's almost pretty much impossible). The promise of a DVCS like Mercurial or git is that there's no locking -- it's a step forward.
Have you considered having Jenkins just pull and update before it merges? You can still tag the proper revision. Something like this:
jenkins checks out the code and notes the revision id it's building
jenkins does the build, runs the tests, etc. and everything goes well
jenkins does a hg pull to get the latest from the server
jenkins does a hg tag -m "build number $BUILD_NUMBER" --revision X --force stable
jenkins does a hg push
Then there's (almost) no time between that final pull, tag, and push, but the tag still goes on the revision that was actually build -- because you saved that revision hash id from when you first pulled.
I've just been looking for something similar. In our case, Jenkins is performing a merge, running an extensive suite of tests and once they all pass, pushing the merged code back to the repository. So it takes ~1 hour and fails if a developer pushes while the job is executing (it can't do the final push).
I couldn't find a ready-made solution, so ended up writing a mercurial hook which checks whether the job is building (using the REST API) before allowing the push.
You'll need access to your remote mercurial repository, but other than that, it's not too complex.
Add the following to your-remote-repo/.hg/hgrc:
pretxnchangegroup.DisablePushDuringJenkinsBuild= python:.hg/disable_push_if_building_hook.py:check_jenkins
jobs=jenkins-job-name[,comma-separated, for-multiple, jobs]
And make sure this python script is in your-remote-repo/.hg/
import json, urllib2
from mercurial import util
def check_jenkins(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
jenkins_url = ui.config('jenkins', 'url', default=None, untrusted=False)
jenkins_jobs = ui.config('jenkins', 'jobs', default=None, untrusted=False)
if not jenkins_url:
raise util.Abort('Jenkins hook has not been configured correctly. Cannot find Jenkins url in .hg/hgrc.')
if not jenkins_jobs:
raise util.Abort('Jenkins hook has not been configured correctly. Cannot find Jenkins jobs in .hg/hgrc.')
jenkins_jobs = [x.strip() for x in jenkins_jobs.split(',')]
for job in jenkins_jobs:
job_url = jenkins_url + '/job/' + job + '/lastBuild/api/json'
ui.write('Checking if job is running at URL: %s\n' % job_url)
job_metadata = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(job_url, timeout = TEN_SECONDS))
if 'building' in job_metadata and job_metadata['building']:
raise util.Abort('Jenkins build "%s" is in progress. Pushing is disabled until it completes.' % job_metadata['fullDisplayName'])
except urllib2.URLError, e:
raise util.Abort('Error while trying to poll Jenkins: "%s"' % e)
return False # Everything is OK, push can be accepted