Limiting jobs using Quartz Scheduler - quartz-scheduler

I am using Quartz Scheduler to schedule jobs. This is my file thread count:
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 2
I had scheduled 8 jobs to run at a particular time, but the problem is all the jobs are running at one time. This shouldn't happen because my thread count is 2; only 2 jobs should run and the others should be in a waiting state.


Airflow Workers starving for queued tasks

I am using Airflow (1.10.3) with AWS RDS Postgres as metaStore and celery_backend, SQS as queue service and CeleryExecutor. I have 1 master machine running airflow webserver and scheduler service, and a 1 worker machine.
Airflow worker is always starving for more tasks (queued) with lot of unused resources (CPU and RAM, with usage always below 20%). I've observed worker pick up tasks in batches, for eg: If there are 10 tasks in queue and 2 running tasks, then it will wait for 2 tasks to complete before picking next batch of tasks from the queue.
Parallelism setting in airflow.cfg in Worker instances.
parallelism = 32 .
dag_concurrency = 32.
non_pooled_task_slot_count = 128.
max_active_runs_per_dag = 32.
max_threads = 2 (no issues in scheduler though, as tasks are queued immediately)
One important thing to point out in my implementation - Airflow task is not a single process task, and individual Task further spawns multiple processes (3-5). Though even after considering process counts, my airflow worker never reaches full parallelism.
Any suggestion to -
a). Is there a way to fully utilise parallel execution of tasks on an airflow worker? Or if there's some more info that I am missing while setting up Airflow.
b). Above mentioned parallelism settings are configured at airflow task as atomic-unit, or number of threads/processes that task spawns?

Running Parallel Tasks in Batch

I have few questions about running tasks in parallel in Azure Batch. Per the official documentation, "Azure Batch allows you to set maximum tasks per node up to four times (4x) the number of node cores."
Is there a setup other than specifying the max tasks per node when creating a pool, that needs to be done (to the code) to be able to run parallel tasks with batch?
So if I am understanding this correctly, if I have a Standard_D1_v2 machine with 1 core, I can run up to 4 concurrent tasks running in parallel in it. Is that right? If yes, I ran some tests and I am quite not sure about the behavior that I got. In a pool of D1_v2 machines set up to run 1 task per node, I get about 16 min for my job execution time. Then, using the same applications and same parameters with the only change being a new pool with same setup, also D1_v2, except running 4 tasks per node, I still get a job execution time of about 15 min. There wasn't any improvement in the job execution time for running tasks in parallel. What could be happening? What am I missing here?
I ran a test with a pool of D3_v2 machines with 4 cores, set up to run 2 tasks per core for a total of 8 tasks per node, and another test with a pool (same number of machines as previous one) of D2_v2 machines with 2 cores, set up to run 2 tasks per core for a total of 4 parallel tasks per node. The run time/ job execution time for both these tests were the same. Isn't there supposed to be an improvement considering that 8 tasks are running per node in the first test versus 4 tasks per node in the second test? If yes, what could be a reason why I'm not getting this improvement?
No. Although you may want to look into the task scheduling policy, compute node fill type to control how your tasks are distributed amongst nodes in your pool.
How many tasks are in your job? Are your tasks compute-bound? If so, you won't see any improvement (perhaps even end-to-end performance degradation).
Batch merely schedules the tasks concurrently on the node. If the command/process that you're running utilizes all of the cores on the machine and is compute-bound, you won't see an improvement. You should double check your tasks start and end times within the job and the node execution info to see if they are actually being scheduled concurrently on the same node.

Quartz.NET fires a job multiple times

I am fairly new to Quertz.NET. I am inheriting a Windows Service that uses Quartz.NET to schedule jobs.
There is a job that schedules all other jobs (say ResetJobs: IJobs). It downloads the job list from a database nightly at 9pm, deletes all the scheduled jobs, schedules/starts the jobs in the downloaded job list. One of the jobs in the downloaded list is the ResetJobs itself.
When the windows services starts, the service downloads the job list (including the ResetJobs) and schedules them. When the ResetJob fires at the cronjob time (0 0 21 1/1 * ? *), it immediately runs 10 times. The service log shows 10 calls to the ResetJob. The service itself runs on a single physical machine, not on a clustered environment. [DisallowConcurrentExecution] attribute is on the ResetJob class but doesn't help. The ResetJob still runs 10 times when fired.
I don't know if this is the root cause but when the ResetJob fires, it deletes itself from the scheduler and schedule it again. If this is the bad design, I would like to know how to do this properly.

Scaling periodic tasks in celery

We have a 10 queue setup in our celery, a large setup each queue have a group of 5 to 10 task and each queue running on dedicated machine and some on multiple machines for scaling.
On the other hand, we have a bunch of periodic tasks, running on a separate machine with single instance, and some of the periodic tasks are taking long to execute and I want to run them in 10 queues instead.
Is there a way to scale celery beat or use it purely to trigger the task on a different destination "one of the 10 queues"?
Please advise?
Use celery routing to dispatch the task to where you need:

Quartz scheduler shutdown(true) wait for all threads started from running Jobs to stop?

If I have a job and from that job I create some threads, what happens when I call scheduler.shutdown(true)?
Will the scheduler wait for all of my threads to finish or not?
Quartz 1.8.1 API docs:
Halts the Scheduler's firing of Triggers, and cleans up all resources associated with the Scheduler.
waitForJobsToComplete - if true the scheduler will not allow this method to return until all currently executing jobs have completed.
Quarts neither know nor cares about any threads spawned by your job, it will simply wait for the job to complete. If your job spawns new threads then exits, then as far as Quartz is concerned, it's finished.
If your job needs to wait for its spawned threads to complete, then you need to use something like an ExecutorService (see javadoc for java.util.concurrent), which will allow the job thread to wait for its spawned threads to complete. If you're using raw java threads, then use Thread.join().