scripted camera movement in cinema 4d to unity3d? - unity3d

I have a scene in cinema 4d, with a camera that moves through the scene. I was hoping that I could just import the entire cinema4d file into unity3d and I could just magically press play, and the scene would just.. work--camera movement and all.
Well, maybe life is not that easy. Is it even possible to import a camera from cinema into unity?
It would be nice not to have to re-program the camera in unity.
Do I have any options?

The answer is no, there is no "concept of" a camera path you can import to Unity. There is nothing whatsoever like that. (Don't forget, it's a game engine - not an animation or "filmmaking" system really.)
Fortunately this is a relatively common problem.
The solution is just that you put "any old thing" (say, a white cube) there and import that animation. Then in Unity it's trivial to just child the camera to that "marker".
You can google many examples,
try googling say "import camera move to Unity3d"
BTW I'm sure you're aware of this .. "Unity does not import Point Level Animations (PLA) at the moment. Use Bone-based animations instead." Doco

Another more hackish workaround;
I have once made a scene in Cinema4D which I wanted to use in Unity3d. I ended up employing MOCCA to export the camera's positions and rotation-values on it's keyframes and ended up using coding on the Unity end of things to animate the camera, based on an xml-file.
However, not having used Cinema4D in a bit; I can't remember for sure if MOCCA is still available? If memory serves me right it got replaced with something...


Why do png's not want to import into the 3d Scene in Unity

So for context, I'm using AR core in Unity to build an augmented reality experience for my job. I've made a version of this using adobe Aero and I'm using unity in order to get it available for use with Android. Anyway, how I've been switching between scenes in aero is through use of a flat, PNG button that says next scene, making everything disappear and the next scene appear. So far, in unity, I haven't gotten the PNG's to import into the scene.
I've been doing research and I loosely know that in a 3D space a flat image becomes a 'sprite' but I'm not sure if I'm importing it incorrectly or using the wrong format, and so far all the resources I consulted only talks about sprites in a 2D setup. not 3D or AR as I am. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

(Unity3D) When the Camera is in a object, Camera will stop rendering the object

I'm using unity 2018.4.14f1 personal (I don't use 2019 or 2020 because it lags my computer)
I'm using the Unity Standard Assets Player Prefab and Cinemachine Freelook for the camera. I have some water, and when my player walks into it, its fine. However, when the camera comes into the water, it stops rendering the water. Is there anyway I can fix it?
Update: I've somewhat got it working, however its hollow when your inside. Is there anyway to fix that?
Video :
(I'm quite a noob so if you need any screenshots please ask.)
The problem here is that the water will only rendered when looking from the outside as the normalized are modeled so. The program renders outs objects that it thinks is not in view. You can load the model into a 3d program and then copy and invert the model to allow your camera to see the water, or I believe there are some shader option to stop this optimization. You can also look in this Reddit thread.

When importing unity .fbx models to blender, the armature becomes disproportional and oversized

I have a unity character model in the .fbx format. I'm trying to import it to blender in order to create some animations. Upon importing, the armature for the model gets distorted with some bones becoming 4 or 5 times the normal size. Why is this happening? And how do I fix this?
For animation, I always make my own rigs. I too have bad experience importing .fbx files from unity into blender.
So at this point, I don't think there is an easy way to import a mesh + rig from unity to blender. I advise you to make your own rig for the character. Just because you understand your own rig way better (this is a plus for weight painting & bone movement / animation)
Also when creating a rig for unity it has to be done in a special way because if you want to use Unity's blend tree you should go for making a "Humanoid Rig", There are a couple of decent tutorials on youtube for this just search for
Blender to unity humanoid rig
When exporting Animations I would suggest looking at the answer of this thread I made a while back. So you dont get any double animations and such
If there is a way to easily import a character + rig from unity into blender, I would also love to know :)
Good luck with your project!

How to import cloth simulation from Blender to Unity

The only way that I found to import the cloth animation from Blender to Unity for mobile is by exporting each frame as a separate mesh and then replacing it at runtime to create the animation. (if anyone knows other solution please tell me).
The problems is that the "meshToChange = otherMesh" way has a big hit on performance on mobile. I'm curious to see if there is a better way to change the mesh at runtime.
Thank you :)
There are a few ways to do this
1.The best way would be this:
Get the keyframes for the baked simulation with a .mdd addon for blender.
Import the Blender project in Unity.
Add the prefab in a scene.
Select you object and go to the Skinned Mesh Renderer component and expand the BlendShapes. There you will find all your data.
After that you will need a script to cycle through the BlendShapes. Here is a simple script that will do the job.
For better information check out this video.
Thanks to #derHugo for helping me with this one.
I am not going to focus on the next ones but I will put some references here for anyone interested.
2.Using Alembic files.
If I am correct this is the way the Unity team did it for the short film ADAM.
Check out this video.
To note that this will not work for mobile.
3.Cycling and changing the mesh every frame.
This technique is very similar to a 2D animation.
All you have to do is export a sequence of fbx's for the animation and then cycle through them. script
Be aware that you will get a huge performance hit from this.
With a cloth simulation with around 7k tris changing the mesh every few frames I was getting around 30fps with nothing else in the scene on an IPhone 6.

Scrolling Scene Background - Unity

My title might have actually been a bit misworded, as to be honest I'm not sure how to word it, but basically I'm making a game on Unity and I have my main scene and I am making a main menu however what I want to do is have a, I guess, camera slowly panning around the main scene as the background of the main menu. Not sure if I worded that right or what wording to actually type into Google to research it so I'm hoping you guys might be able to point me in the right direction.
Cheers guys,
As stromdotcom mentioned you can attach a script to the camera.
It's hard to tell what you're trying to do but if you want to circle the camera around a point...
Try making an empty game object in the middle of your scene and point the camera at it.
Make the object the parent of the camera (using the object and cameras transform properties).
From here you should be able to set the game object to rotate using a script, which should make the camera spin as it is a child of the object.
I have not tried this in Unity but I have used this technique in other programs so I'm assuming it will work. Sorry if it doesn't.
If your scene is already set up then you can attach a script to your camera which simply modifies the camera's transform to move it around the room. You can move and rotate the camera just like any other transform in your scene.
Im pretty sure what you are looking for is "Animation view". Unity has a tutorial on it: