MongoDb query to get max of field inside array - mongodb

How to get the maximum of sections.Id in below document where collection._id = some parameter
"_id" : ObjectId("571c5c87faf473f40fd0317c"),
"name" : "test 1",
"sections" : [
"Id" : 1,
"name" : "first section"
"Id" : 2,
"name" : "section 2"
"Id" : 3,
"name" : "section 3"
I have tried below
"$match": {
"_id": ObjectId("571c5c87faf473f40fd0317c")
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$_id",
"maxSectionId" : {"$max" : "$sections.Id"}
But instead of returning max int single value it is returning an array of all Ids in sections array.
Further same query when executed in node.js it returns an empty array.

You can do using simple $project stage
Something like this
{ "$project": {
"maxSectionId": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
"$indexOfArray": [
{ "$max": "$sections.Id" }

your aggregation query need $unwind for opennig to "sections" array
add your aggregation query this
{$unwind : "$sections"}
and your refactoring aggregation query like this
{$unwind : "$sections"},
"$match": {
"_id": ObjectId("571c5c87faf473f40fd0317c")
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$_id",
"maxSectionId" : {"$max" : "$sections.Id"}
and more knowledge for $unwind :

Replace $group with $project
In the $group stage, if the expression resolves to an array, $max does not traverse the array and compares the array as a whole.
With a single expression as its operand, if the expression resolves to an array, $max traverses into the array to operate on the numerical elements of the array to return a single value


Count Array Elements Matching Condition

I have a collection in MongoDB and their objects look like this:
Object 1
"_id" : ObjectId("5afde62a91952a2980a1b751"),
"notificationName" : "Teste Agendamento Pontual",
"messages" : [
"timestamp" : ISODate("2018-05-17T20:29:33.045Z"),
"message" : "Teste Agendamento Pontual"
"timestamp" : ISODate("2018-05-17T20:29:33.051Z"),
"message" : "Teste"
"timestamp" : ISODate("2018-05-17T20:29:44.680Z"),
"message" : "OK"
Object 2
"_id" : ObjectId("5afde62a9194322980a1b751"),
"notificationName" : "Teste Agendamento Pontual",
"messages" : [
"timestamp" : ISODate("2018-05-17T20:29:33.045Z"),
"message" : "Teste Agendamento Pontual"
"timestamp" : ISODate("2018-05-17T20:29:33.051Z"),
"message" : "NOT OK"
"timestamp" : ISODate("2018-05-17T20:29:44.680Z"),
"message" : "asdsadasd"
I'm trying to get a result grouped by notificationName with a count of objects with OK messages and other count with objects with NOT OK .
I think I need to make a $cond in $group to check message property, but I'm not sure about that. And not sure if thats the best way to achieve this.
If you want matching array elements then you want $filter instead and count them using $size:
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$notificationName",
"countOk": {
"$sum": {
"$size": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$messages.message",
"cond": { "$eq": [ "$$this", "OK" ] }
The $filter has it's own cond argument which is a logical condition to return a boolean value determining whether the array element matches that condition or not and can be returned. Since this would only then return an array of values from message where the value is "OK" using the $eq comparison operator to test, then you "count" the resulting array members using $size.
Because you are "grouping" you use $group as the stage to do this, and because you are "accumulating" you use the $sum operator to "add up" all the returned $size results from each document sharing the same grouping key

How to group documents on index of array elements?

I'm looking for a way to take data such as this
{ "_id" : 5, "count" : 1, "arr" : [ "aga", "dd", "a" ] },
{ "_id" : 6, "count" : 4, "arr" : [ "aga", "ysdf" ] },
{ "_id" : 7, "count" : 4, "arr" : [ "sad", "aga" ] }
I would like to sum the count based on the 1st item(index) of arr. In another aggregation I would like to do the same with the 1st and the 2nd item in the arr array.
I've tried using unwind, but that breaks up the data and the hierarchy is then lost.
I've also tried using
$group: {
_id: {
$sum: '$count'
but the result is blank arrays
Actually you can't use the dot notation to group your documents by element at a specified index. To two that you have two options:
First the optimal way using the $arrayElemAt operator new in MongoDB 3.2. which return the element at a specified index in the array.
{ "$group": {
"_id": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$arr", 0 ] },
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
From MongoDB version 3.0 backward you will need to de-normalise your array then in the first time $group by _id and use the $first operator to return the first item in the array. From there you will need to regroup your document using that value and use the $sum to get the sum. But this will only work for the first and last index because MongoDB also provides the $last operator.
{ "$unwind": "$arr" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"arr": { "$first": "$arr" }
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$arr",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
which yields something like this:
{ "_id" : "sad", "count" : 1 }
{ "_id" : "aga", "count" : 2 }
To group using element at position p in your array you will get a better chance using the mapReduce function.
var mapFunction = function(){ emit(this.arr[0], 1); };
var reduceFunction = function(key, value) { return Array.sum(value); };
db.collection.mapReduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction, { "out": { "inline": 1 } } )
Which returns:
"results" : [
"_id" : "aga",
"value" : 2
"_id" : "sad",
"value" : 1
"timeMillis" : 27,
"counts" : {
"input" : 3,
"emit" : 3,
"reduce" : 1,
"output" : 2
"ok" : 1

MongoDB Advanced Query - Getting data based on Array of objects

On Mongo 2.4.6
Collection of Users
"_id" : User1,
"orgRoles" : [
{"_id" : 1, "app" : "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId" : "CODOE"},
{"_id" : 2, "app" : "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId" : "MSDN"}
"_id" : User2,
"orgRoles" : [
{"_id" : 1, "app" : "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId" : "CODOE"},
{"_id" : 2, "app" : "HUNGRYPIGS", "orgId" : "MSDN"}
"_id" : User2,
"orgRoles" : [
{"_id" : 1, "app" : "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId" : "YAHOO"},
{"_id" : 2, "app" : "HUNGRYPIGS", "orgId" : "MSDN"}
With data that looks like above, I'm trying to write a query to get:
All the id's of the users that have only one ANGRYBIRDS app and that ANGRYBIRDS app is in the CODOE organization.
So it would return User2 because they have 1 ANGRYBIRDS and is in the ORG "CODOE" but not User1 because they have two ANGRYBIRDS or User3 because they don't have an ANGRYBIRDS app in the "CODOE" organization. I'm fairly new to mongo queries, so any help is appreciated.
To do something with a few more detailed conditions not immediately offered by standard operators, then your best approach is to use the aggregation framework. This allows you do some processing to work our your conditions, such as the number of matches:
// Filter the documents that are possible matches
{ "$match": {
"orgRoles": {
"$elemMatch": {
"app": "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId": "CODOE"
// De-normalize the array content
{ "$unwind": "$orgRoles" },
// Group and count the matches
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"orgRoles": { "$push": "$orgRoles" },
"matched": {
"$sum": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$", "ANGRYBIRDS"] },
// Filter where matched is more that 1
{ "$match": {
"orgRoles": {
"$elemMatch": {
"app": "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId": "CODOE"
"matched": 1
// Optionally project to just keep the original fields
{ "$project": { "orgRoles": 1 } }
The main thing here happens after the initial $match is processed to only return those documents that have at least one array element matching the main condition, and then after the array elements are processed with $unwind so they can be inspected individually.
The trick is the conditional $sum operation with the $cond operator which is a "ternary". This evaluates "howMany" matches were found in the array to the "ANGRYBIRDS" string. Following this you $match again in order to "filter" any documents that had a match count of more than one. Still leaving the other condition in there, but that is really not necessary.
Just for the record, this is also possible with using the JavaScript evaluation of the $where clause, but due to that it is likely not to be as efficient at processing:
"orgRoles": {
"$elemMatch": {
"app": "ANGRYBIRDS", "orgId": "CODOE"
"$where": function() {
var orgs = this.orgRoles.filter(function(el) {
return == "ANGRYBIRDS";
return ( orgs.length == 1 );
One way of doing it using the aggregation pipeline is:
// Match the documents with app being "ANGRYBIRDS" and orgID being "CODE"
// Note that this step filters out most of the documents and is good to have
// at the start of the pipeline, moreover it can make use of indexes, if
// used at the beginning of the aggregation pipeline.
$match : {
"orgRoles.orgId" : "CODOE"
// unwind the elements in the orgRoles array
$unwind : "$orgRoles"
// group by userid and app
$group : {
"_id" : {
"id" : "$_id",
"app" : "$"
// take the id and app of the first document in each group, since all
// the
// other documents in the group will have the same values.
"id" : {
$first : "$_id"
"app" : {
$first : "$"
// orgId can be different, so form an array for each group.
"orgId" : {
$push : {
"id" : "$orgRoles.orgId"
// count the number of documents in each group.
"count" : {
$sum : 1
// find the matching group
$match : {
"count" : 1,
"app" : "ANGRYBIRDS",
"orgId" : {
$elemMatch : {
"id" : "CODOE"
// project only the userid
$project : {
"id" : 1,
"_id" : 0
} ]);
Edit: Removed mapping the aggregation result, since the problem requires solution in v2.4.6, and according to the documentation.
Changed in version 2.6: The db.collection.aggregate() method returns a cursor and can return result sets of any size. Previous versions
returned all results in a single document, and the result set was
subject to a size limit of 16 megabytes.

MongoDB query only the inner document

My mongodb collection looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5333bf6b2988dc2230c9c924"),
"name" : "Mongo2",
"notes" : [
"title" : "mongodb1",
"content" : "mongo content1"
"title" : "replicaset1",
"content" : "replca content1"
"_id" : ObjectId("5333fd402988dc2230c9c925"),
"name" : "Mongo2",
"notes" : [
"title" : "mongodb2",
"content" : "mongo content2"
"title" : "replicaset1",
"content" : "replca content1"
"title" : "mongodb2",
"content" : "mongo content3"
I want to query only notes that have the title "mongodb2" but do not want the complete document.
I am using the following query:
> db.test.find({ 'notes.title': 'mongodb2' }, {'notes.$': 1}).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("5333fd402988dc2230c9c925"),
"notes" : [
"title" : "mongodb2",
"content" : "mongo bakwas2"
I was expecting it to return both notes that have title "mongodb2".
Does mongo return only the first document when we query for a document within a document ?
The positional $ operator can only return the first match index that it finds.
Using aggregate:
// Match only the valid documents to narrow down
{ "$match": { "notes.title": "mongodb2" } },
// Unwind the array
{ "$unwind": "$notes" },
// Filter just the array
{ "$match": { "notes.title": "mongodb2" } },
// Reform via group
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"name": { "$first": "$name" },
"notes": { "$push": "$notes" }
So you can use this to "filter" specific documents from the array.
$ always refers to the first match, as does the $elemMatch projection operator.
I think you have three options:
separate the notes so each is a document of its own
accept sending more data over the network and filter client-side
use the aggregation pipeline ($match and $project)
I'd probably choose option 1, but you probably have a reason for your data model.

Obtaining $group result with group count

Assuming I have a collection called "posts" (in reality it is a more complex collection, posts is too simple) with the following structure:
> db.posts.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50ad8d451d41c8fc58000003"), "title" : "Lorem ipsum", "author" :
"John Doe", "content" : "This is the content", "tags" : [ "SOME", "RANDOM", "TAGS" ] }
I expect this collection to span hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, that I need to query for posts by tags and group the results by tag and display the results paginated. This is where the aggregation framework comes in. I plan to use the aggregate() method to query the collection:
{ "$unwind" : "$tags" },
{ "$group" : {
_id: { tag: "$tags" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
} }
The catch is that to create the paginator I would need to know the length of the output array. I know that to do that you can do:
{ "$unwind" : "$tags" },
{ "$group" : {
_id: { tag: "$tags" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
} }
{ "$group" : {
_id: null,
total: { $sum: 1 }
} }
But that would discard the output from previous pipeline (the first group). Is there a way that the two operations be combined while preserving each pipeline's output? I know that the output of the whole aggregate operation can be cast to an array in some language and have the contents counted but there may be a possibility that the pipeline output may exceed the 16Mb limit. Also, performing the same query just to obtain the count seems like a waste.
So is obtaining the document result and count at the same time possible? Any help is appreciated.
Use $project to save tag and count into tmp
Use $push or addToSet to store tmp into your data list.
{$unwind: '$tags'},
{$group:{_id: '$tags', count:{$sum:1}}},
{$project:{tmp:{tag:'$_id', count:'$count'}}},
{$group:{_id:null, total:{$sum:1}, data:{$addToSet:'$tmp'}}}
"result" : [
"_id" : null,
"total" : 5,
"data" : [
"tag" : "SOME",
"count" : 1
"tag" : "RANDOM",
"count" : 2
"tag" : "TAGS1",
"count" : 1
"tag" : "TAGS",
"count" : 1
"tag" : "SOME1",
"count" : 1
"ok" : 1
I'm not sure you need the aggregation framework for this other than counting all the tags eg:
{ "unwind" : "$tags" },
{ "group" : {
_id: { tag: "$tags" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
} }
For paginating through per tag you can just use the normal query syntax - like so:
db.posts.find({tags: "RANDOM"}).skip(10).limit(10)