sbt with sub-modules and multiple scala versions - scala

I'm building a scala applications with these module and dependencies :
a shared lib "common"
module "A" depends on "common" and can be built in scala 2.10 only
module "B" depends on "common" and can be built in scala 2.11+ only
I'm trying to have all the 3 modules in a single sbt build :
import sbt._
import Keys._
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(common, A, B)
lazy val common = (project in file("common"))
lazy val A = (project in file("A"))
lazy val B = (project in file("B"))
I've read things about crossScalaVersions, but whatever combination I try in root build, or in common, etc, I can't manage to make this work properly.
Any clue ?
I'm using sbt 0.13.8 by the way.

Using bare sbt this might not be possible.
An example build.sbt file representing such situation:
lazy val common = (project in file("common"))
.settings(crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.10.6", "2.11.8"))
lazy val A = (project in file("A"))
.settings(scalaVersion := "2.10.6")
lazy val B = (project in file("B"))
.settings(scalaVersion := "2.11.8")
This will work just fine.
Now. A compilation of any project leads to a creation of a package. Even for the root. If you follow the console, at some point it says:
Packaging /project/com.github.atais/target/scala-2.10/root_2.10-0.1.jar
So as you see sbt needs to decide on some Scala version, just to build this jar! That being said your projects A and B must have a common Scala version so they can be aggregated in a common project root.
Therefore, you can't have:
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(common, A, B)
if they do not share any Scala version they could be built with.
But... sbt-cross to the rescue
You can use sbt-cross plugin to help you out.
In project/plugins.sbt, add
addSbtPlugin("com.lucidchart" % "sbt-cross" % "3.2")
And define your build.sbt in a following way:
lazy val common = (project in file("common")).cross
lazy val common_2_11 = common("2.11.8")
lazy val common_2_10 = common("2.10.6")
lazy val A = (project in file("A"))
.settings(scalaVersion := "2.10.6")
lazy val B = (project in file("B"))
.settings(scalaVersion := "2.11.8")
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(common, A, B)
And then it works :-)!

In my experience sbt multi-module builds are quite finicky to get to work reliably if you require any extra hoops to jump through such as this requirement.
Have you considered the simpler way to achieve this:
publish your common dependency (sbt publish-local if you only need to access it yourself)
make two projects A and B
make both A and B import common as a dependency


no tests were executed for sbt integration test in system folder

I want to run sbt system:test to run the integration tests in system folder. Here's the build.sbt changes, but it the console log still says No tests were executed. any ideas why? thanks!!
lazy val `myproj` = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala).configs(SystemTest).settings(
// other settings here
lazy val SystemTest = config("system") extend Test describedAs "System tests"
Try this
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.settings( inConfig(SystemTest)(Defaults.testSettings) : _*)
lazy val SystemTest = config("system") extend(Test)
scalaSource in SystemTest := baseDirectory.value / "/system"
The last line is to give the path of the folder where yours test cases are.
You can see this blog as well.
Hope this helps!
Play/SBT offer You integration tests "out of the box" with command sbt it:test and below configuration:
lazy val root = (project in file("."))

sbt multimodule project importing trait from another module

I have an sbt project with multiple modules, each with their own build.sbt file.
In the root project, I have the following:
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "",
sourcesInBase := false,
fork in run := true,
scalaVersion := "2.12.1"
lazy val common = project.settings(commonSettings)
lazy val original = project.settings(commonSettings).dependsOn(common)
lazy val functional = project.settings(commonSettings).dependsOn(common)
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(original, functional)
The build.sbt in all the submodules are pretty much the same:
lazy val module = (project in file("."))
name := "Game subpart",
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
And the layout of the project looks something like:
|__ common
|__ original
|__ functional
The problem is that from within the functional module, if I try importing a trait declared in common module, I get an error that it is not available:
Error:(1, 12) object game is not a member of package com
What am I missing?
This is because you never compiled your common project. The dependsOn method only add a dependency to the other project, but do no action on it, unless explicitly asked to. If you want your dependency to be re-compiled whenever the functional module is compiled, you should do both dependsOn(common) and aggregate(common).

trait Build in package sbt is deprecated: Use .sbt format instead

Using sbt 0.13.5, when opening the project in IntelliJ, there is a warning message
~\myproject\project\Build.scala:5: trait Build in package sbt is
deprecated: Use .sbt format instead
The content of the Build.scala is
import sbt._
object MyBuild extends Build {
lazy val root = Project("MyProject", file("."))
.configs(Configs.all: _*)
.settings(Testing.settings ++ Docs.settings: _*)
The Appendix: .scala build definition and the sbt documentation is rather overwhelming.
How to merge my existing Build.scala to build.sbt? Would appreciate any direction to doc/tutorial/examples.
Rename Build.scala to build.sbt and move it up one directory level, so it's at the top rather than inside the project directory.
Then strip out the beginning and end, leaving:
lazy val root = Project("MyProject", file("."))
.configs(Configs.all: _*)
.settings(Testing.settings ++ Docs.settings: _*)
That's the basics.
Then if you want to add more settings, for example:
lazy val root = Project("MyProject", file("."))
.configs(Configs.all: _*)
name := "MyApp",
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
You don't need the :_* thing on sequences of settings anymore in sbt 0.13.13; older versions required it.
The migration guide in the official doc is here:

Why does sbt create layers of projects and src in IDEA?

I am new to SBT and trying to build a project. My Build.scala looks like
lazy val ec ="."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(name := "ec")
.aggregate(ahka, currentLogProcessor, main)
lazy val currentLogProcessor ="currentLogProcessor"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(name := "currentlogprocessor")
libraryDependencies += "com.myorg.util" % "LP" % "0.18.0-SNAPSHOT" % "provided"
lazy val main = project
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(name := "main")
When SBT refreshes in IntelliJ, I see following
As you could see, even if the settings looks same for currentLogProcessor and main, the project structure is very very different.
project inside currentLogProcessor looks good but project under main is layer with project and src
What is the issue here? How can I remove the layers of project inside project?
Your projects ec and main share the same folder. Remove main or ec, or change "in file" for one of them.
lazy val main = project in file("another_path") ...
The answer by #ka4eli is correct, but I'd like to point out few issues with the build definition that can make understanding it so much painful.
Defining top-level aggregate project
lazy val ec ="."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(name := "ec")
.aggregate(ahka, currentLogProcessor, main)
You don't need it whatsoever as it's defined automatically anyway - you're just repeating what sbt does implicitly. Just remove it from the build and add build.sbt with the following:
Use build.sbt for a project's build definition
lazy val currentLogProcessor ="currentLogProcessor"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(name := "currentlogprocessor")
libraryDependencies += "com.myorg.util" % "LP" % "0.18.0-SNAPSHOT" % "provided"
By default, lazy val's name is used to call a project project macro should point to, i.e. no need for in(file("currentLogProcessor")). The same applies to the name setting - you're using all-lowercase name that may or may not be needed.
Use build.sbt under currentLogProcessor directory to have the same effect:
name := "currentlogprocessor"
libraryDependencies += "com.myorg.util" % "LP" % "0.18.0-SNAPSHOT" % "provided"
It's that simple.
Apply the rules to the main project.
Have fun with sbt = it's so simple that people hardly accept it and mess up build definitions on purpose to claim otherwise :)

SBT is building external projects in random order

I have project with externl projectes, registered in my build file with RootProject class.
In general, I have 4 folders: app0, app1, app3 and app-all on same level.
There is project folder in the app-all with following Build.scala file:
import sbt._
object AppBuild extends Build {
lazy val app2 = RootProject(file("../app0"))
lazy val app3 = RootProject(file("../app3"))
lazy val app1 = RootProject(file("../app1"))
lazy val all = Seq(japp1, app2, app3)
lazy val root =".")).dependsOn(, None)) :_*)
// lazy val root =".")).aggregate( :_*)
The problem is, that sbt is building those 3 sub-projects in random order.
Once it starts with app1 another time it starts with app3. Same for both aggregate and dependsOn invocation. What are rules of aggregation?
Can I set order somehow?
I expect to set smth like app1.dependsOn(app3) but actually I cannot do it, because it's "project reference" but not real project.
Sbt version 0.13.
Note: This is test sample with one file, you can create 4 folders by yourself, try to build everything from apps-all and see what is happeninng.
In latest sbt 0.13 it's done like this.
lazy val `root` = (project in file(".")).
aggregate(`sub-a`, `sub-b`)
lazy val `sub-a` = (project in file("a"))
lazy val `sub-b` = (project in file("b")).
According to docs,
This also creates an ordering between the projects when compiling them