Our SpringBatch Job has a single Step with an ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter. We are running the same job concurrently with different parameters. The ItemReader is stateful as it contains an input stream that it reads from.
So, we don't want the same instance of the ItemReader to be used for every JobInstance (Job + Parameters) invocation.
I am not quite sure which is the best "scoping" for this situation.
1) Should the Step be annotated with #JobScope and ItemReader be a prototype?
2) Should the Step be annotated with #StepScope and ItemReader be a prototype?
3) Should both the Step and ItemReader be annotated as Prototype?
The end result should be such that a new ItemReader is created for every new execution of the Job with different identifying parameters (ie, for every new JobInstance).
Here's how it goes from a class instantiation standpoint (from least to most instances):
Singleton (per JVM)
JobScope (per job)
StepScope (per step)
Prototype (per reference)
If you have multiple jobs running in a single JVM (assuming you aren't in a partitioned Step, JobScope will be sufficient. If you have a partitioned step, you'll want StepScope. Prototype would be overkill in all scenarios.
However, if these jobs are launching in different JVMs (and not a partitioned step), then a simple Singleton bean will be just fine.
There is no need that every component (Step, ItemReader, ItemProcessor, ItemWriter) has to be a spring component. For instance, with the SpringBatch-JavaApi, only your Job needs to be a SpringBean, but not your Steps, Readers and Writers:
private JobBuilderFactory jobs;
private StepBuilderFactory steps;
public Job job() throws Exception {
return this.jobs.get(JOB_NAME) // create jobbuilder
.start(step1()) // add step 1
.next(step2()) // add step 2
.build(); // create job
public Job job() throws Exception {
return this.jobs.get(JOB_NAME) // create jobbuilder
.start(step1(JOB_NAME)) // add step 1
.next(step2(JOB_NAME)) // add step 2
.build(); // create job
private Step step1(String jobName) throws Exception {
return steps.get(jobName + "_Step_1").chunk(10) //
.faultTolerant() //
.reader(() -> null) // you could lambdas
.writer(items -> {
}) //
private Step step2(String jobName) throws Exception {
return steps.get(jobName + "_Step_2").chunk(10) //
.faultTolerant() //
.reader(createDbItemReader(ds, sqlString, rowmapper)) //
.writer(createFileWriter(resource, aggregator)) //
The only thing you have to pay attention to is that you have to call the "afterPropertiesSet"-methods when creating instances like JdbcCurserItemReader, FlatFileItemReader/Writer:
private static <T> ItemReader<T> createDbItemReader(DataSource ds, String sql, RowMapper<T> rowMapper) throws Exception {
JdbcCursorItemReader<T> reader = new JdbcCursorItemReader<>();
reader.afterPropertiesSet(); // don't forget
return reader;
private static <T> ItemWriter<T> createFileWriter(Resource target, LineAggregator<T> aggregator) throws Exception {
FlatFileItemWriter<T> writer = new FlatFileItemWriter();
writer.afterPropertiesSet(); // don't forget
return writer;
This way, there is no need for you to hassle around with the Scopes. Every Job will have its own instances of its Steps and their Readers and Writers.
Another advantage of this approach is the fact that you now can create your jobs completly dynamically.
I am new to Spring Batch. I have some question about restart. I know restart feature enabled by default. Any extra code I need to do restart any job? Which jobs are restart-able. How can I test my batch app is restartable. I tried to stop the batch middle of process and run again. It always executing a new job.
Below are my code :
public Job dataJob() {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("data-transfer-job")
public Step step() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("data-transfer-step")
.<TestData, TestDataVO>chunk(100)
private EntityManager em;
public ItemReader<TestData> reader() {
JpaPagingItemReader<TestData> itemReader = new JpaPagingItemReader<>();
try {
String sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM TEST_DATA";
JpaNativeQueryProvider<TestData> queryProvider = new JpaNativeQueryProvider<TestData>();
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("BatchConfiguration.reader() ==> error " + e.getMessage());
return itemReader;
And lunch the job using CommandLineRunner
JobLauncher jobLauncher;
Job dataJob;
JobParametersBuilder paramsBuilder = new JobParametersBuilder();
paramsBuilder.addString("date", LocalDateTime.now().toString());
JobExecution jobExecution=jobLauncher.run(dataJob, paramsBuilder.toJobParameters());
In Spring Batch, a job instance is identified by the (identifying) job parameters. Please check the The domain language of Batch section to understand the difference between the Job, JobInstance and JobExecution concepts and how parameters are used to identify job instances.
I tried to stop the batch middle of process and run again. It always executing a new job.
In your case, since your are adding the current time as a job parameter on each run here:
JobParametersBuilder paramsBuilder = new JobParametersBuilder();
paramsBuilder.addString("date", LocalDateTime.now().toString());
you end up with a different job instance each time. If you want to start the same job instance again, you need to pass the same timestamp of the first attempt as a job parameter.
Spring batch has a facility called AsyncItemProcessor. It simply wraps an ItemProcessor and runs it with a TaskExecutor, so it can run asynchronously. I want to have a rest call in this ItemProcessor, the problem is that every thread inside this TaskExecutor which makes the rest call, will be blocked until the response is gotten. I want to make it non-blocking, something like a reactive paradigm.
I have an ItemProcessor that calls a Rest point and get its response:
public ItemProcessor<String, String> testItemProcessor() {
return item -> {
String url = "http://localhost:8787/test";
try {
// it's a long time process and take a lot of time
String response = restTemplate.exchange(new URI(url), HttpMethod.GET, new RequestEntity(HttpMethod.GET, new URI(url)), String.class).getBody();
return response;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
Now I wrap it with AsyncItemProcessor:
public AsyncItemProcessor testAsyncItemProcessor() throws Exception {
AsyncItemProcessor asyncItemProcessor = new AsyncItemProcessor<>();
return asyncItemProcessor;
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor testThreadPoolTaskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return threadPoolTaskExecutor;
I used a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor as the TaskExecuter.
This is the ItemWriter:
public ItemWriter<String> testItemWriter() {
return items -> {
// I write them to a file and a database, but for simplicity:
for (String item : items) {
public AsyncItemWriter asyncTestItemWriter() throws Exception {
AsyncItemWriter asyncItemWriter = new AsyncItemWriter<>();
return asyncItemWriter;
The step and job configuration:
public Step testStep() throws Exception {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("testStep")
.<String, String>chunk(1000)
public Job testJob() throws Exception {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("testJob")
The ItemReader is a simple ListItemReader:
public ItemReader<String> testItemReader() {
List<String> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
return new ListItemReader(integerList);
Now I have a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor with 50~100 threads. Each thread inside ItemProcessor makes a rest call and waits/blocks to receive the response from the server. Is there a way to make these calls/process non-blocking? If the answer is yes, how should I design the ItemWriter? Inside the ItemWriter I want to write the results from the ItemProcessor to a file and a database.
Each chunk has a size of 1000, I can wait until all of the records inside it get processed, but I don't want to block a thread per each rest call inside the chunk. Is there any way to accomplish that?
I know that the Spring rest template is the one which makes the process blocking and webclient should be used, but is there any equivalent component in spring batch (instead of AsyncItemProcessor/AsyncItemWriter) for web client?
No, there is no support for reactive programming in Spring Batch yet, there is an open feature request here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch/issues/1008.
Please note that going reactive means the entire the stack should be reactive, from batch artefacts (reader, processor, writer, listeners, etc) to infrastructure beans (job repository, transaction manager, etc), and not only your item processor and writer.
Moreover, the current chunk processing model is actually incompatible with reactive paradigm. The reason is that a ChunkOrientedTasklet uses basically two collaborators:
A ChunkProvider which provides chunks of items (delegating item reading to an ItemReader)
A ChunkProcessor which processes chunks (delegating processing and writing respectively to an ItemProcessor/ItemWriter)
Here is a simplified version of the code:
Chunk inputs = chunkProvider.provide();
As you can see, the step will wait for the chunkProcessor (processor + writer) to process the whole chunk before reading the next one. So in your case, even if you use non-blocking APIs in your processor + writer, your step will be waiting for the chunk to be completely processed before reading the next chunk (besides waiting for blocking interactions with the job repository and transaction manager).
I want to use Spring Batch (v3.0.9) restart functionality so that when JobInstance restarted the process step reads from the last failed chunk point forward. My restart works fine as long as I don't use #StepScope annotation to my myBatisPagingItemReader bean method.
I was using #StepScope so that i can do late binding to get the JobParameters in my myBatisPagingItemReader bean method #Value("#{jobParameters['run-date']}"))
If I use #StepScope annotation on myBatisPagingItemReader() bean method the restart does not work as it creates new instance (scope=step, name=scopedTarget.myBatisPagingItemReader).
If i use stepscope, is it possible for my myBatisPagingItemReader to set the read.count from the last failure to get restart working?
I have explained this issue with example below.
public class BatchConfig {
public Step step1(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
ItemReader<Model> myBatisPagingItemReader,
ItemProcessor<Model, Model> itemProcessor,
ItemWriter<Model> itemWriter) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("data-load")
.<Model, Model>chunk(10)
.listener(new JobParameterExecutionContextCopyListener())
public Job job(JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory, #Qualifier("step1")
Step step1) {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("load-job")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public ItemReader<Model> myBatisPagingItemReader(
SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory,
#Value("#{JobParameters['run-date']}") String runDate)
MyBatisPagingItemReader<Model> reader = new
Map<String, Object> parameterValues = new HashMap<>();
parameterValues.put("runDate", runDate);
return reader;
Restart Example when I use #Stepscope annotation to myBatisPagingItemReader(), the reader is fetching 5 records and I have chunk size(commit-interval) set to 3.
Job Instance - 01 - Job Parameter - 01/02/2019.
- process record-1
- process record-2
- process record-3
writer - writes all 3 records
chunk-1 commit successful
process record-4
process record-5 - Throws and exception
Job completes and set to 'FAILED' status
Now the Job is Restarted again using same Job Parameter.
Job Instance - 01 - Job Parameter - 01/02/2019.
process record-1
process record-2
process record-3
writer - writes all 3 records
chunk-1 commit successful
process record-4
process record-5 - Throws and exception
Job completes and set to 'FAILED' status
The #StepScope annotation on myBatisPagingItemReader() bean method creates a new instance , see below log message.
Creating object in scope=step, name=scopedTarget.myBatisPagingItemReader
Registered destruction callback in scope=step, name=scopedTarget.myBatisPagingItemReader
As it is new instance it start the process from start, instead of starting from chunk-2.
If i don't use #Stepscope, it restarts from chunk-2 as the restarted job step sets - MyBatisPagingItemReader.read.count=3.
The issue here is that you are returning an ItemReader instead of the fully qualified class (MyBatisPagingItemReader) or at least ItemStreamReader. When you use Spring Batch's step scope, we create a proxy to allow for late initialization. The proxy is based on the return type of the method (ItemReader in your case). The issue you are running into is that because the proxy is of ItemReader, Spring Batch does not know that your bean also implements ItemStream and it is that interface that enables restartability. By default, Spring Batch will automatically register all beans of type ItemStream for you (you can also explicitly register the beans yourself, but it's typically not needed).
To address your issue, the following should work (note the change in the return type):
public MyBatisPagingItemReader<Model> myBatisPagingItemReader(
SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory,
#Value("#{JobParameters['run-date']}") String runDate) {
MyBatisPagingItemReader<Model> reader =
new MyBatisPagingItemReader<>();
Map<String, Object> parameterValues = new HashMap<>();
parameterValues.put("runDate", runDate);
return reader;
This is why it is my recommendation that where possible, when using #Bean annotated methods, you should return the most concrete type possible to allow Spring to help as much as possible.
Below is a relevant portion of code for reader, processor , writer and step for batch job that I create.
I have a requirement to update a flag column in table from where data is being read ( source table ) to mark that this data is being processed by this job so other apps don't pick up that data. Then once processing of read records is finished, I need to restore that column to original value so other apps can work on those records too.
I guess, listener is the approach to take ( ItemReadListener ? ) . Reader listener seems suitable only for first step ( i.e to update flag column ) but not for restore at the end of chunk. Challenge seems to be making read data available at the end of processor.
Can anybody suggest about possible approaches?
public Step step1(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
ItemReader<RemittanceVO> reader, ItemWriter<RemittanceClaimVO> writer,
ItemProcessor<RemittanceVO, RemittanceClaimVO> processor) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1")
.<RemittanceVO, RemittanceClaimVO> chunk(Constants.SPRING_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE)
public ItemReader<RemittanceVO> reader() {
JdbcPagingItemReader<RemittanceVO> reader = new JdbcPagingItemReader<RemittanceVO>();
reader.setRowMapper(new RemittanceRowMapper());
return reader;
public ItemProcessor<RemittanceVO, RemittanceClaimVO> processor() {
return new MatchClaimProcessor();
public ItemWriter<RemittanceClaimVO> writer(DataSource dataSource) {
return new MatchedClaimWriter();
I started with Spring Batch few days ago so don't have familiarity with all the provided modeling and patterns.
Firstly, a small hint about using an asyncTaskExecutor: you have to synchronize the reader, otherwise you will run into concurrency problems. You can use SynchronizedItemStreamReader to do this:
public Step step1(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
ItemReader<RemittanceVO> reader, ItemWriter<RemittanceClaimVO> writer,
ItemProcessor<RemittanceVO, RemittanceClaimVO> processor) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1")
.<RemittanceVO, RemittanceClaimVO> chunk(Constants.SPRING_BATCH_CHUNK_SIZE)
public ItemReader<RemittanceVO> syncReader() {
SynchronizedItemStreamReader<RemittanceVO> syncReader = new SynchronizedItemStreamReader<>();
return syncReader;
public ItemReader<RemittanceVO> reader() {
JdbcPagingItemReader<RemittanceVO> reader = new JdbcPagingItemReader<RemittanceVO>();
reader.setRowMapper(new RemittanceRowMapper());
return reader;
Secondly, a possible approach to your real question:
I would use a simple tasklet in order to "mark" the entries you want to process.
You can do this with one simple UPDATE-statement, since you know your selection criterias. This way, you only need one call and therefore only one transaction.
After that, I would implement an normal step with reader, processor and writer.
The reader has to read only the marked entries, making your select clause also very simple.
In order to restore the flag, you could do that in a third step which is implemented as tasklet and uses an appropriate UPDATE-statement (like the first step). To ensure that the flag is restored in the case of an exception, just configure your jobflow appropriately, so that step 3 is executed even if step 2 fails (-> see my answer to this question Spring Batch Java Config: Skip step when exception and go to next steps)
Of course, you could also restore the flag when writing the chunk if you use a compositeItemWriter. However, you need a strategy how to restore the flag in case of an exception in step 2.
IMO, using a Listener is not a good idea, since the transaction handling is differently.
image datas from database
I have a failed execution instance in my repository on date 2016-03-14.
If i try to restart the job's instance on the date of 2016-03-15, a new instance and a new execution with the previous job's parameters (2016-03-14) are creating.
But the job is restarting a complete step instead of doing a recover process(starting at the last line before the fail event).
Why i have a new instance?
If i restart on the same day (failed job and the restarted job) i have no problem (one instance sharing between job's execution).
I start my job with this code:
public Job myJob(JobBuilderFactory jobs, Step stepInjectCsvWsIntoCsv) {
return jobs.get("myJob")
.listener(new JobListener())
.incrementer(new RunIdDateIncrementor())
RunIdDateIncrementor is my own class. It's here that i create parameters (run.id and run.date)
I use a FlatItemReader and a CompositeWriter which manage two MultiResourceItemWriter and implements ResourceAwareItemWriterItemStream
And the step configuration :
#Bean(name = "stepInjectCsvWsIntoCsv")
public Step stepInjectCsvWsIntoCsv(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory, ItemReader<GetDataInCsv> csvReader,
CompositeTwoCsvFileItemWriter getDataWriter,
ItemProcessor<GetDataInCsv, List<GetDataOutCsv>> getDataProcessor
) {
/* it handles bunches of 10 units => limité à 10 stations*/
return stepBuilderFactory.get("stepInjectCsvWsIntoCsv").listener(new StepListener())
.<GetDataInCsv, List<GetDataOutCsv>> chunk(1)
.listener(new CustomChunkListener())
.listener(new CustomItemReaderListener())
.listener(new GetDataItemProcessListener())
.listener(new CustomItemWriterListener())
I have a new instance then an empty execution context and so the restart isn't detected.
I use SPRING BOOT too.
The Launch
public class BatchWsVersCsv implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BatchWsVersCsv.class);
SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(new Object[] { BatchWsVersCsv.class });
Map<String, Object> defaultProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
//set some default properties
public void run(String... strings) throws Exception {
Ok, it's my bad. For testing an error event on day before, i do a request in data base for updating all date.
So the serialized key in batch_instance isn't match anymore.
If i change the system date for generating error on day before, all works prefectly if i run a restart the day after.