Java client aborts on SNI unrecognized_name warning - sni

I am trying to connect the domain using socket. But I am getting handshake alert:
I am using Java 7.
The host name( is correctly listed in the SANs
What am I missing here ?


Darts web socket connection problem with ssl

I want to use a web socket on Flutter.
I can easily connect to non-SSL API. But when connecting to an API with SSL get the following error.
WebSocketChannelException: WebSocketChannelException:
HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error:
I tried using SecureSocket, but it doesn't allow adding parameters in SecureSocket.

Indy10 HTTPS - socket error 10060 - connection timeout

I'm getting "Socket Error #10060, Connection timed out" when trying to access a https link.
Here is how you can reproduce it with INDY and OpenSSL 1.0.2d DLLs (also happens with older Indy 10 version and dlls):
create a project and add a TButton, TIdHTTP and TMemo objects to the form
add to button onclick this code:
now compile and run it, it will download correctly the file.
BUT if you are using a service like which redirects DNS request to their server, INDY sample above will not work and fail with "Socket Error #10060, Connection timed out" message.
Have tried it with WGET too ( and in version 1.13 its initializing the SSL handshake and freezes, but works without problems with version 1.15.
So the question is, what IdHTTP settings do I have to use to make it work, or is it a bug in Indy10 ?

SwiftMailer connection established error

I have problem with sending mails. I using SwiftMailer 5.1.0 and account on gmail, smtp port 465 and openssl is enable, but I have this error:
Serwer: ssl
From: BizIn - system mailowy <>
Mail debug: Connection could not be established with host [ #0]
At my localhost everything is okey and mails are send. But on serwer I have error.
Localhost using PHP in version 5.4.31, but at server is 5.6.0.
The fix here solved it for me:
if-joerch commented on Nov 3, 2014
If you are using PHP 5.6, the error does occur because of the "SSL
context options" used for the stream context in swiftmailer. IN PHP
5.6 verify_peer and verify_peer_name the default was set to TRUE, so PHP checks the SSL certificate. It is currently not possible to
disable it in swiftmailer using some options.
You could disable the SSL check by modifying the function
"_establishSocketConnection" in StreamBuffer.php. Add these lines
before stream_socket_client command:
$options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = FALSE;
$options['ssl']['verify_peer_name'] = FALSE;
It would be great if these options could be set without hacking the

PHP SoapCLient, Soap call giving an error in Drupal

I am getting the following error, when I try making a SOAP call.
Warning: SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in
and the error
HTTP-Could not connect to host
Things that I have ensured :
allow_url_fopen : is enabled.
The WSDL is being accessed. The server is not down.
I have set the SOAP time out to 15 seconds.
The IP of the host you are connecting to cannot be resolved. See my answer in
simplexml_load_file not working "php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known"
for what to do.

How do I enable more handshake ciphers in CFStream?

When running the method:
CFReadStreamSetProperty(theReadStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings (CFDictionaryRef)tlsPacket->tlsSettings);
To secure the connection of a CFReadStream, my iphone client returns the error:
Error Domain=kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL Code=-9824 "Operation could not be completed. (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL error -9824.)"
and the server sends the error:
ERROR [STDERR] no cipher suites in common
Is there any way to allow CFReadStream to use additional ciphers during the handshake process?
For anyone else who runs into this problem:
It turns out that the problem was on the server side. If you run into this issue yourself I would urge you to check that the handshake on the server side is working properly.