unity slide sphere on a slope without rotating - unity3d

I have a ramp and I move a sphere with arrows. I have unity's gravity and I want the rigid body of sphere to slide when it is stoped at the top of the ramp but without rotating it's body. The problem is if I Freeze rotation on x axis, it won't slide.

Try to use physics materials like ice and freeze rotations.
See info about materials here. "Like ice" means than you need set frictions to zero.

You should create a new Physical Material and set both dynamic and static friction to 0. Then drag it to the sphere and maybe also to the ramp.
Test with both rotation constrained and not.


Floor affects ball force direction

I'm creating a pool game. The ball has a trajectory direction and I move the ball using AddForce. My problem right now is if the ball is touching the floor it's direction will go a little offcourse while if it doesn't touch the floor the direction is pretty accurate. What can be the cause of this? Btw, I have set the angular drag and drag to 0 same as friction
Make sure the floor is using a box collider and not a mesh collider, in case maybe the mesh has some deformities. Check the same for the billiard balls that they are using sphere colliders. It also sounds like maybe the floor could be at a slight angle, so be sure to check the rotation of its GameObject as well as all its parents in the hierarchy.

Ball moving in tube with rigidbody

Lets say you have a sphere(rigidbody, sphere collider) inside a tube(mesh collider). I want a ball to move in the direction of tube always by applying force on rigidbody.
My purpose is to simulate the circular gravity, so that ball can fall down back obviously in circular motion. This was the approch i was using to simulate fake circular gravity.
How can I check which direction of force has to be applied to continue motion following the path of the tube with addforce?
try applying physics material to your tube to control the ball reaction to the surface of the tube.

How to make a rotating plane rotate (move) an object sitting on it

I'm trying to make a car (or any object) in rotate when sitting on a plane surface or inside a tube shape. Currently the car acts like it has 0 grip on those surfaces (even tough the car moves without any problems when accelerating, but the objects don't move the car)
What I've tried so far:
putting a Physics Material on the tube & plane but has no effect
tuning the parameters of the Physics Material, no effect
marking the animation's Update Mode of the tube and plane as "Animate Physics", no effect
increasing the traction of the car (uses RCC), no effect
increasing the mass of the car..nothing
increasing mass of wheels, nothing
tried googling the problem, either didn't write the right terms or just couldn't find anything
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to rotate the plane and the tube using their Rigidbody with the AddTorque method or similar. If you just rotate them via their transform it has no effect on the physics system.

Camera Rotation Animation

I have simulated a rotating cube filled with particles by moving the gravity vector rather than changing all of the geometry. I want to use the ParaView animation tools to rotate the camera to keep the gravity vector pointing down so it all looks right. When moving the camera (not animations) I would use the rotate 90 degrees tools.
How would I achieve this effect for an animation?
I have done it using a video editor as an extra step after ParaView, this is the effect I am going for: https://youtu.be/rym2fdKkPps
You cannot animate GUI button usage with animation. However you can animate camera position and orientation as finely as you want.
Try adding a camera track to the animation track of type "Interpolate Camera Location".
Add the two positions you want and set the time to be very close.

Cocos2d Chipmunk gravity and collision detection

I have a simple animation in Cocos2d Chipmunk with the tasks:
One round shaped sprite situated in the center of the screen, rigid body type. Center of gravity needs to be located in center of this sprite.
From different sides of screen (spontaneously and beyond screen size) other rigid round sprites must fall into central sprite to fill visible screen space.
Sprites should not overlap one another.
So the questions are:
How to reassign the vector of gravity to the center of the screen?
How to implement collision detection between rigid body types in Cocos2d Chipmunk?
Thanks, colleagues!
You can't set a center for the gravity. You can only set a direction (the same for all objects). It's possible to create an effect you describe, but you'll have to do the work yourself. In every frame you have to set a force or apply an impulse on every body in the direction of your gravity. And the "regular" chipmunk gravity should be (0, 0).
See this tutorial about collision detection.