auto deploy of tomcat server through tomcat plugin - eclipse

i want to auto deploy my tomcat server(which is not in eclipse) through my tomcat maven i mentioned the goal as run....still is not to mention the goal in tomcat plugin to start the tomcat server by default.


How to pass custom configuration file to Akka application with Maven?

I'm developing an Akka application using Maven. For testing, I use scalatest. When I run the tests with the configuration in application.conf, everything goes smoothly. But when I try to use custom files it just doesn't work (e.g. I have one common.conf and other files that include that one for adjusting time-scale in Jenkins and so on). I tried running the tests with mvn -Dconfig.file=/path/to/myenv.conf test and -Dconfig.resource=/path/to/myenv.conf test but no luck. I'm using Akka 2.4.0 and Scala 2.11.7.
P.S. Here is the configuration of the plugins in my pom.xml:
<!-- disable surefire -->
<!-- enable scalatest -->
<!-- Skip coloring output -->
Thanks a lot!
Well, I actually found a way, just adding this to my scalatest maven plugin worked:
Is there a way to pass this externally to mvn test?

axis2 wsdl2code plugin only creates Arrays

When running wsdl2code maven plugin it only creates Arrays as opposed to wsdl2java plugin we were earlier using for ant. Following is the configuration.
Fixed by setting java version. By default it was using version 4. I set it to version 1.5 using following settings. Its generating lists now.

Eclipse m2e connector for JAX-WS org.codehaus.mojo

I am trying to consume a webservice using wsimport goal declared at maven build. But I am facing the problem with m2e connectors. There is an error in my POM which says
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-
plugin:1.10:wsimport (execution: default, phase: generate-sources)
I have been trying to install m2e connectors but not getting them even in marketplace. There are other m2e connectors but not for JAX-WS which i need.
I have followed and tried almost each solution mentioned here but all in vain.
Although there is no problem in generating the resources. The resources are generated at build time successfully but this POM error is not allowing my project to get sync with my tomcat and each time I have to deploy the war manually to test even the little changes i make.
All this is really annoying and I need to figure out a solution to this. I am using eclipse juno in this.
Below is the POM file I am using
<!-- -->
There is a M2E jaxws-maven-connector GitHub project: . It worked for me with Eclipse Kepler and org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin:1.12.
Choose Install new Software from the Help menu.
Add the repository (see project)
Install m2e connector for jaxws and restart.
Import the Maven project or update the Eclipse Maven project configuration.
Vote for and get this fixed in the plugin.
Then you don't need a connector.
In the meantime you can hack this as per Archimedes Trajano's post
Though I did keep the jaxws-maven-connector updated to work with the latest M2E and jaxws-maven-plugin, I found a better way (which I also posted on
You add the following profile to your pom.xml file to remove the need for a non-discoverable M2E plugin.
<execute />
As for the jaxws-maven-plugin configuration, just keep it to the defaults as much as possible:

Trouble debugging Maven integration test in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Indigo on Win XP, with Maven 3.0.3. I have created a Selenium 2 test that I wish to debug in Eclipse. It is set up to run in the Maven integration test phase. I'm using the Maven Cargo plugin with Tomcat as the container. Here's the relevant section from my pom.xml ...
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase -->
Problem is, when I right click on my integration test in Eclipse, select "Debug As" and then choose my Debug Configuration (which is just the maven goal "clean install -Dtest=TableIntegrationTest"), the execution runs without hitting the breakpoint I set ( How can I do step-through debugging on a JUnit/Selenium integration test in Eclipse?
Maven's integration tests by default run in a forked JVM. Therefore, eclipse is unable to attach to the forked JVM and see the breakpoints.
You can force the integration-test to run in the same JVM with the -DforkMode=never option.
More here:
Edit: Updated link

Maven : How to generate project's war file in two folders

I want that when I run the mvn install, a war can be generated in the /target and an other war in the c:....tomcat 6\deploy directory.
I'm using maven2, Eclipse and m2eclipse. How to do this ??
Thnx :)
You could try to use the maven-antrun-plugin to copy your war to the tomcat deploy directory like this:
<copy file="{}/${project.actifactId}-${project.version}.war" tofile="<your tomcat path>/${project.actifactId}-${project.version}.war" />
Maybe you don't need to copy the war file if you try the Maven Jetty Plugin. This plugin is for running a web application directly from Maven.
Try the cargo-maven2-plugin. Probably something like this would work:
<home>/your/tomcat/dir</home> <!-- replace as needed -->
... slap that into a profile or the top-level <build><plugins> section and see if it works for you ...