VSTS Azure File Copy task and ACL - azure-devops

I am using VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services, formerly known as Visual Studio Onine) for continuous deployment to an Azure VM using an Azure File Copy task in my build definition.
The problem I am having is that I have an ACL setup on the Azure VM that is only allowing connections from my office for Remote Powershell.
With the ACL in place, the Azure File Copy task fails with an error like "WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that the firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer." With the ACL removed, everything works.
To be clear, this is not a problem with WinRM configuration or firewalls or anything like that. It is specifically the ACL on the VM that is blocking the activity.
So the question is, how can I get this to work without completely removing the ACL from my VM? I don't want to open up the VM Powershell endpoint to the world, but I need to be able to have the Azure File Copy task of my build succeed.

You can have an on-premises build agent that lives within your office's network and configure things so that the build only uses that agent.

Azure File Copy Task need to use WinRM Https Protocol, so when you enable the ACL, the Hosted Build Agent won't be able access to the WinRM on Azure VM and that will cause Azure File Copy Task fail.
When copying the files from the blob container to the Azure VMs,
Windows Remote Management (WinRM) HTTPS protocol is used. This
requires that the WinRM HTTPS service is properly setup on the VMs and
a certificate is also installed on the VMs.
There isn't any easy workaround for this as I know. I would recommend you to setup your own build agent in your network that can access to Azure VM WinRM.


Deploy issue with Azure Release Pipeline

I am having trouble deploying files to my servers through the Release Pipelines.
I need to copy files to a Windows and a Linux server. I have tried using the file copy and the ssh file copy tasks, but they seem to be getting blocked because the microsoft servers aren't in my firewall whitelist. What is worse is that I can't seem to get a reliable list of IP's that I need to whitelist, and even if I did it seems they change over time.
So, any advice appreciated.
Also, I am a bit confused about the azure agent. My understanding was that you install them on the servers so that you don't need to worry about firewall issues. I just have the feeling I am missing something. I have no idea what that agent is doing at the moment - it certainly doesn't seem to be helping with the file deploy.
Thanks in advance!
Deploy issue with Azure Release Pipeline
Self-hosted agent: An agent that you set up and manage on your own to run jobs is a self-hosted agent.
To resolve this issue, you could create your private agent, then you can add the IP address of the machine where your private agent deployed to the firewall whitelist of your server machine.
In this case, Azure Release Pipeline runs on your private agent, and the IP of the machine where the private agent is located is added as a whitelist, so that it will not be blocked by the firewall of Windows and Linux servers.
You could refer the document Self-hosted agents to create your private agent.

How to deploy windows service to onprem vm from azure devops server?

Im new to devops , and im trying to deploy windows service to on premises vm,
I have added Copy file from task and setup all the user name/ password/ source/ destination and all the required settings.
but error
[error]Failed to Create PSDrive with Destination:
'\my_server\D$\TestCI', ErrorMessage: 'The network path was not
fails the release.
can you help on this?
Since you work on the Azure Devops Server,you should be using self-hosted agents.
ErrorMessage: 'The network path was not found'
The casue of this issue could be that the Self-hosted agent and the Target windows machine are not in the same Windows Domain.
To solve this issue, you could try to create a new self-hosted agent under the same windows domain (the machine which in the same local network), then grant the permissions for the build agent service account to access another local PC.
Here is the ticket with the similar issue, you could refer to it.

Desired state configuration

I have two web servers and one service server and a database server and all these servers are domain joined. And I have set my private build agent from VSTS from where I can build my artifacts and based on build configuration. And all my DEV,QA and STAGING environments are setup on those servers.
My problem is i am looking for a way using PowerShell Desired state configuration such a way that based on the environment artifacts (DEV,QA and STAGING) the scripts has to copy the artifacts to specific location on those "TWO web-servers" and ensure the website is configured correctly with all the required permissions where these artifacts are used to host IIS website and perform the delete and creation action of particular windows service on "SERVICE service" and should also perform the migration activities on "DATABASE server" for particular database. since I have separated database for each individual environment.
Any kind of help or suggestion would be appreciated. thank you.
My suggestions are:
Don't use DSC for deployment (i.e. deploy applications or databases)
Use DSC for configuration (e.g. install IIS)
Install the VSTS Agent on each server in Deployment Groups mode, running as a service with local administrator privileges
Use the IIS Deploy Tasks designed for Deployment Groups
Use the Powershell Task to manage the Windows Services (tip. help *-Service)

TFS Release Management to deploy to a separate domain

We have TFS 2017 in premise setup hosted on our internal network. Lets call that tfs.OurInternalDomain.com
TFS application and its build controllers and agents are all hosted on our internal n/w.
Our production servers are hosted on a separate domain (data center) for security reasons.
I am trying to deploy TFS Build artifacts [files and folders] from within our internal n/w onto our production server using TFS Release management definition.
I am able to copy the files using "Copy files from" task onto a folder on our production server (which is on a separate domain) from our internal n/w using a separate ID with $(AdminLogin) and $(Password). This userID is a local admin on the production server. TFS services are running under a separate ID on our domain.
These are the variables for task: "Copy files from"
Admin Login=$(AdminLogin)
Destination Folder=$(BuildDropLocation)
So far so good.
Next task is to run a powershell script on the target machine and that is where the build agent on our internal n/w is not able to execute the powershell script. I used both -http and https protocol. Below is the error log when http was selected.
Executing the powershell script: D:\TFS2017Build\Agent1\tasks\PowerShellOnTargetMachines\1.0.41\PowerShellOnTargetMachines.ps1
Deployment started for machine: '<ServerOneOnSeparateDomain>.com:5985'
##[debug]Deployment logs for Deployment operation on <ServerOneOnSeparateDomain>:5985
##[debug]Permission denied while trying to connect to the target machine <ServerOneOnSeparateDomain> on the port:5985 via power shell remoting. Please check the following link for instructions: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390236System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException: Connecting to remote server <ServerOneOnSeparateDomain> failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the request. The following error with errorcode 0x80090311 occurred while using Kerberos authentication: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
Possible causes are:
-The user name or password specified are invalid.
-Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are specified.
-Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names.
-The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist.
-The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no trust between the two domains.
After checking for the above issues, try the following:
-Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication.
-Change the authentication method; add the destination computer to the WinRM TrustedHosts configuration setting or use HTTPS transport.
Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated.
Below is output when I execute winrm on production server:
winrm quickconfig
WinRM service is already running on this machine.
WinRM is already set up for remote management on this computer.
Is there a way to fix this such that we do not disturb the existing TFS architecture of having the TFS Application, Build controller and agents hosted on the InternalDomain and be able to execute a powershell script on a separate domain? If not, is there any other way to fix this?
My end objective is to be able to deploy code to production via TFS that is hosted on our internal n/w.
I may provide more details if required.
According to this part error info:
##[debug]Permission denied while trying to connect to the target machine <ServerOneOnSeparateDomain> on the port:5985 via power shell remoting. Please check the following link for instructions: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390236System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException: Connecting to remote server <ServerOneOnSeparateDomain> failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the request. The following error with errorcode 0x80090311 occurred while using Kerberos authentication: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
Permission denied The account used here must have permission to connect via power shell remoting.
To establish a PSSession or run a command on a remote computer, the user must have permission to use the session configurations on the remote computer.
By default, only members of the Administrators group on a computer have permission to use the default session configurations. Therefore, only members of the Administrators group can connect to the computer remotely.
To allow other users to connect to the local computer, give the user Execute permissions to the default session configurations on the local computer.
The following command opens a property sheet that lets you change the security descriptor of the default Microsoft.PowerShell session configuration on the local computer.
Set-PSSessionConfiguration Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI
If that fails try adding the source to the TrustedHosts of the remote machine. You can read how here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847850.aspx.
If you want to use https, you need Configure WinRM to listen on 5986.
More detail info please refer below similar issue and tutorial:
Release Management Error - Permission denied while trying to connect
to the target machine
Configuring WinRM over HTTPS to enable PowerShell remoting

VSTS What User Account does Hosted Agent run under?

We are trying to setup Release (continuous deployment) from our VSTS in the cloud. After the build is done, the Hosted Agent VS2017 tries to deploy the artifacts to the target server.
Firstly, it failed because our firewall blocked the target server from receiving the artifact (a .zip containing all the stuff). In fact, if I connect to the server via RDP and try to download the artifact from a browser, it's blocked.
Our security team temporarily disabled this firewall rule, and it worked (this also means the hosted agent has line of sight for the target server). Now, they don't want this rule off, they would like to know what is the User Account that tries to download/publish the artifact from the hosted agent, so they would allow the download of the .zip only for that specific user. I'm not sure if it's the same account which runs the service in the Host Agent, or if it's Network Service (therefore the own target server credentials), os some other account.
How do I know what user account should be granted rights in our firewall to download anything?
Use the Windows Machine File Copy task, you can provide a username/password to use for copying the files.
However, it uses RoboCopy over SMB to copy the files. As a result, it's probably going to be safer to set up a private agent within your network that has line-of-sight to the target servers, rather than opening up holes in your firewall a whole slew of ports.