Intel XDK 3240 - No build target activated - intel-xdk

I'm using Intel XDK tool version 3240. Here, i could not set build target. I need to know what is NO BUILD TARGET ACTIVATED and to set the target. How to solve this issue.

Try selecting one of the build targets in project settings, if selected, it should be in blue like this:


Selenium iOS Driver

I took a clone of the Selenium iOS Driver however xcode isn't allowing me to build for a device.
Here is the menu:
When I select 'device' from the list, it pauses for a second then appears to do nothing.
NB: Im using, xcode Version 3.2.5
Go to target settings (Project->Edit Active Target) and set Base SDK to Latest iOS. Maybe you should also change this in project settings too.

Target integrity - mac os deployment target newer than sdk warning

i was add a new target in my existing project.
Everything work fine, but... this warning is become.
Mac OS X Deployment Target '10.6' is newer than SDK 'iOS 4.2' in target snow iphone
Anybody knows how i can disable it?
XCode4 is different and I had trouble finding this option. Here is how to do it - to access the Base SDK for the project, select the project (blue xcode icon) in the navigator top-left; select project properties (not targets) in the next pane; then select "Build Settings".
I tried to post a screenshot but apparently I need to earn more "reputation points" first...
I know this is an old question, but I ran across the same issue and want to provide help. The warning means your version of Xcode is using an SDK older than your deployment target. For example, you have Xcode 6.2 but are deploying for iOS 8.3. You would need to update Xcode to version 6.3 to resolve that error. Another option is to simply download the SDK manually from the Apple Developer center.
Right-click on your target and select Get Info. Go to the Build tab and ensure that the Base SDK setting is Latest iOS.
go to target settings and make sure that Base SDK is set to the latest one. Also check the deployment target.
I hit this problem when I accidentally opened my older version of Xcode. If you have 2 versions of Xcode installed on your computer, make sure you are using the one you intend to! The older version won't understand a newer deployment SDK.

iOS Deployment Target Missing

I'm updating an older iPhone application, and the usual 'Base SDK Missing' pops up. When I open the project settings and try to set the 'iOS Deployment Target,' it's not in the list. This is the first time I've encountered this.
I'm able to set the Base SDK to 'Latest SDK' but many of the options are missing from the settings.
What should I do to update this project so it has all the settings?
Did you select "Base SDK for all configurations" in the General tab of the Project Settings to your Latest SDK as if you dont set the base SDK there then by default it will show as " < Multiple Values > ".
Change to the latest deployment target in the project settings and then reload the project. Failing that restart Xcode but this is not necessary.
To fix this error, I had to also change: Build -> Edit Active Target -> Build -> Architecture -> Base SDK
I had the same problem. but solved it this way:
Select your project in the left hand side, then select the target, and then in SUMMARY, select the deployment target.
My problem was that I had not seen this summary page, and it was so simple!

iPhone + OSX targets on the same project

I created a project with two targets, one for iPhone and another for Mac OsX. They both build and run well when I build them the first time (I built the OsX target first then iPhone target next).
However, if I build the iPhone target and switch back to OsX target, the OsX target now thinks that it uses the iPhone SDK rather than it's own mac OsX SDK, and doesn't compile anymore (can't find the OSX SDK header files).
My build settings of the project and targets are setup correctly and the ".pbxproj" file is not changed in the process of switching targets. But I tracked down the problem to the ".pbxuser" file, specifically in the parameter "activeSDKPreference =".
Basically when I switch to iPhone target this parameter gets changed from macosx10.6 to iphonesimulator4.0, but when I switch back to OsX target it stays on iphonesimulator4.0. The only way to get it to work again is to close the project, manually change that param to macosx10.6, and reopen the project. This would solve it until I switch to iPhone again.
Is it a bug in XCode? anyone has a solution or a work around?
The same question is asked and answered at
It says there: "you can Opt-Click your "Overview" combo box ([in the] Xcode Project [window], in the toolbar). You should see a more complete list of Active SDKs; pick an explicit OSX SDK".
it is a bug in xCode, so you use the latest version of xCode
when you build this it set all your target. you can solve this by clean all target than build it. you wil find this in xcode build manu >> clean all target. than build this. it will work.

XCode: iPhone target dependency on Mac OS X target

I'm building an iPhone application, and I want to run a custom built-on-the-fly Mac OS X command-line utility during the build phase of the iPhone target. I set up the command-line utility as a dependent target of the iPhone target, but it won’t build, telling me:
target specifies product type ‘’, but there’s no such product type for the ‘iphoneos’ platform
Is there any way to do this correctly?
Have you tried adding a run script build phase? From there, you should be able to execute any other scripts you wish, including compiling other tools or projects.
Right click on the target and Add New Build Phase.