How can I (programmatically) bold a folder\file in Project Explorer in Eclipse?
Just like Visual Studio, which bolds the start-up project:
Use Resource Decorator Plug-in. You can control the foreground and background color of resources but cannot make them bold.
Also Check these posts How can I configure the font size for the tree item in the package explorer in Eclipse? and I cannot change the font size of package explorer in Eclipse choose whichever solution you need.
How do I change the fonts used in the LiClipse PyDev Package Explorer? I find them a little bit on the small side.
There's no special configuration inside Eclipse for that... (LiClipse/PyDev just provides what's default in Eclipse here).
For more information and workarounds see:
Eclipse - changing font size in project/package explorer
I cannot change the font size of package explorer in Eclipse
How can I configure the font size for the tree item in the package explorer in Eclipse?
I have updated package explorer font size by as per the answer in the post
Mac os X Eclipse Package Explorer view , project folders in smaller size in mac theme CSS and it works well. But when I update a java or properties file, it font size is reset to the default(I am unable to find what is the default size). I enabled Maven and Git for my project, how to retain the same font size even after updating the files.
The configuration is present in eclipse>preferences>change colors and fonts > Git > Uncommitted Change Font.
I've installed Eclipse Debugger Plugin for v8.
When a Javascript file is brought up from the remote connection, it has a .chromium extension.
Acutal color scheme for *.chromium files is not ideal but I haven't been able to figure out how to change it.
I went into Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations and changed *.chromium file association from "JS Editor" to "JavaScript Editor" (used for .js files edition, and having the color scheme I want.)
However making this change had no effect.
I have the "Eclipse Color Theme" add-on installed and am using Eclipse version 4.2.1.M20120914-1800 running on windows 7.
Once I right clicked on one of the .chromium files and selected "Open With->JavaScript Editor" that file came up with the same editor as the js files. Doing this once must have fixed something in eclipse because now subsequently all .chromium files open up with the other editor.
The Eclipse theme only seams to apply on the editor’s window and set area like Project Browser , Outline, Task windows etc seems unchanged. I have downloaded the themes form the Eclipse Market place but it has no effect. Is that the way it suppose to work or something is wrong with my Eclipse on installation.
I have manage to change the Java doc and Declaration Windows manually form the
Windows ->Presences -> Color and Fonts
Plus I have tried putting pref files in the workspace as suggested by Eric in his blog :-
and Theme generator
My present Eclipse looks like :-
I wonder how did Aptana studio manage to change in the Eclipse plugin
I think there is no way to change those part of eclipse except the editor window. You can download lots of theme from Eclipse Theme. Also note that there is a plug-in available,here . It comes preloaded with many themes. After installing, Go to **Window->preference->search for theme and choose from variety of themes.
You can use Aptana plugin for Eclipse to change almost all the panels' view:
Follow the link [Download Aptana Studio], choose "Eclipse Plug-in Version", then click on Download button. You'll be redirected to Installation page. Follow that installation guide.
In Eclipse menu select Preferences > Aptana Studio > Themes
Choose any theme that fits you the best (this will change editor view only).
Click on 3 check boxes below: Apply to all (non-Studio) views, Apply to all (non-Studio) editors, Apply editor font to views.
Click Apply or OK button.
And voila! Theme is applied globally.
Unfortunately, this solutions doesn't work for ALL the panels. Some Perspectives cannot be modified by those actions.
go to this link
and follow instructions carefully!
*****Install the plugin;
Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance;
Select MoonRise (standalone) or, for a little better tabs decoration, install Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme from marketplace or from here and select MoonRise;*****
this must change your Project Browser , Outline, Task windows etc.
somehow I've ended up in a situation such that when I navigate through source files with Eclipse, the Eclipse always selects (and expands) the opened file with package explorer. With this I end up
losing my location on Package Explorer
Having my Package explorer expanded and pretty confusing.
With brief googling/exploring on the preferences I couldn't find this one..
Eclipse version is 3.4 if that happens to matter.
Thanks in advance,
Turn off the "Link with Editor" option in the Package Explorer toolbar.
(the left/right arrow icon, turned on here)
Select a source file, right click on it, choose "Open with" and then "Java Editor". The Java Editor should be the default after that for all java files.