Eclipse installation doesn't exist in Programs - eclipse

I downloaded and ran eclipse.exe.exe for installation, but it doesn't get added to the Programs as an Installed software. I always get to locate the .exe and launch the IDE from there. Any thoughts why it doesn't get installed as a Program?

Eclipse doesn't work as a regular installation, but as an archive of related files, majorly because to create as much as a loose connection to the environment/OS as possible. Applications that are installed need to update data in OS registry and is therefore on some points restricted. In your Eclipse IDE you can specify own registries with data relevant for the project.
Another benefit is that it's easily updated and can also be easily shared between work stations without installation. That gives flexibility, if your workspace is corrupted, you don't need to uninstall, reinstall, restart and all that stuff. All you need is to take a back up of your plugins folder inside you Eclipse, and then discard the current directory, unzip the original download and replace your plugins with the backup. You are up and running on a new instance, no holds barred !!


Why is eclipse installing everything on my C drive?

I have limited space on my C drive, hence installing Eclipse in my E drive. After installation I find that about 1mb is on my E drive and all the rest is on my C drive!
Any idea how to get Eclipse to actually install in the folder I want? in previous versions all plugins went into the plugins folder of the install, but it seems Neon wants to install everything into a .p2 folder in my user folder.
Which is pretty useless too if I wanted Eclipse to be available to other users too...
It appears that you downloaded the Windows installer version, which I would avoid if at all possible. While it is possible to tweak your installation to behave as expected, I suggest uninstalling it and downloaded the package of your choice from Eclipse Downloads. Unzip the package on your E: drive. The resulting eclipse directory will house all current files and plugins and others as you add/download them. The .p2 directory will still be created in your user directory, but will not contain anything other than some user-specific configuration information.
You can create a shortcut to eclipse.exe or on Windows 10 right-click and Pin to Start for easy reference. Also make sure that any workspaces you create are created someplace other than your user directory.

Using same Pydev/Eclipse environment on multiple computers

I have Eclipse + PyDev installed on my laptop and desktop, both of which are dual-boot Windows Vista 64 & Ubuntu 12.04. Right now the only 'version' I have fully fleshed out pretty much the way I want it is in Windows on the laptop. What would be the best way to duplicate (and hopefully synchronize) this across both computers and both operating systems? In this case the only one using the account(s) would be myself.
A few suggestions:
If you just want to refine your Eclipse installations with some
common configuration then allow them deviating from that point, you
could copy your workspace folder to all places you want, then switch
to those workspaces from within Eclipse. You can also export your preferences from
within Eclipse using File > Export > General > Preferences, that may work as well,
or better.
If you want to share Eclipse configuration between Ubuntu and Windows, you could install NTFS-3G in Ubuntu, then make Eclipse workspace point to your Windows partition. I'm not sure if Eclipse can deal with this well though (for example JDK path).
If you want to use same configuration for all of your devices and operating systems, and considering you won't be using more than one Eclipse instance at same time:
If you have wi-fi, you could share your Eclipse workspace in Windows then map a network drive letter in the other Windows, and mount a remote network location in your Ubuntus. You could still use second suggestion above for same device.
Alternatively, you could use rsync or similar to synchronize your different workspaces, both when you start and close Eclipse. This way, you move possible performance issues with above option from when you are using Eclipse to when you are starting or closing it.
You sync on start for getting up-to-date with latest changes from other devices, and on close because you want to push the changes you have made to other workspaces as well. In Ubuntu, you could just wrap the sync commands around Eclipse call in a shell script, and in Windows you can do the same with Hidden Start, except that it can hide shell window for you.
You could use services such as Dropbox, Skydrive or Ubuntu One to store your Eclipse workspace and let their client software do the synchronization job for you.
This is what came up to my mind. Maybe Eclipse has something built-in to deal with this other than export wizard, not sure.
What exactly to share
Remember that the workspace is where all your personal configurations reside, including the list of projects you see when using Eclipse. If some of these projects are outside workspace directory you may face path conflicts, for example C:\MyProject present in your PC but missing in laptop. You could keep all your projects within workspace directory for avoiding this though. Also, if you go for the first suggestion, export wizard as said may work better.
I don't think it's a good idea to share only part of workspace, unless you know what you are doing, and I don't see much benefit from sharing whole Eclipse directory itself (which is not possible between Linux and Windows anyway). You can find out where exactly your workspace is located in File > Switch Workspace.

How to port Eclipse projects from one PC to another?

I'm new to Eclipse, there is a project at work that is set up and running, I want to set it up just like that on my home PC so I can look at it in my spare time, so I zipped up the project directory, and unzipped it on my home PC, but it didn't work like Netbeans, seems missing lots of parts/plug-ings ? How do I know what plug-ins are needed for the project at work, so I can install them at home, the project is large and someone else developed it, is there a way in Eclipse to zip up all the plugins related to the project with the project and unzip and install them automatically ?
The easiest way to reproduce the installed plugins should be File->Export->Install->Installed Items to File. The resulting file can be imported on your machine using File->Import->Install->Software items from file and will lead to installing all plugins which are available on the first machine.
This requires that the plugins from the first machine can be found via public update sites, as that exported file will only contain a list of meta data from where to install the plugins, not the actual jar files.
The export includes all plugins of the first machine. You can deselect some of them, but there is no automated way to find only the ones needed for your project.
Requires Eclipse 3.7 or newer.

How to keep an Eclipse installation in sync between multiple platforms with Dropbox?

Setting up Eclipse on each machine I work it a real headache and I want to keep the Eclipse files and configuration in-sync between several machines.
I want to keep Eclipse in sync on OS X, Linux and Windows so I started getting the OS X version of eclipse because it has the app needed for OS X, as for the other two platforms it's easier to launch it.
What questions/problems I have:
What should I not sync?
Where can I put JDBC jar files so they are synced too? Is there a way to load them using a relative path?
Any success stories?
Note: this is not about getting the projects themselves in sync, for this there are all blends of SCM.
You can not share the Eclipse installation directory or the workspace, but the projects themselves are easy to keep in sync using a version management system like cvs, svn, git, etc. I suppose you could store your project contents in a Dropbox folder (or similar file system syncing mechanism) and then just force Refresh when you sit down at a machine that was using those projects, but I've never tried it and would be wary that human error could lead to lost work or corruption of files.
The key is that, although workspaces themselves can't be shared, projects don't have to be located physically under the workspace folder on your file system. That's because the workspace is a logical container for projects, not necessarily a physical container. When creating a project you can specify an arbitrary file system location for the project contents. The default just happens to be under the workspace location. SO on each machine you'd have a separate workspace that imported the project(s) from wherever you are syncing them on your file system. That way the workspace is a tiny container that doesn't require much ongoing maintenance on each machine. I do this locally all the time - I have multiple workspaces on my machine, some of which include the same projects as others.
Most of the configuration of Eclipse is in the Workspace. And unfortunately, all the files in it are platform specific. I've tried doing something like this myself and had no luck. Asking questions in their IRC channel didn't leave me with hope either.

Mac OSX Lion, Eclipse, and Applications folder

I recently decided to switch to my MBP for full time dev work. I need to install Eclipse and all the tutorials I have seen always put it in the Applications folder. Does eclipse need to be installed there? I would prefer to keep programs that I get from .tar.gz in my ~/opt directory and want to make sure putting eclipse there will not cause any issues. Is Applications just like Program Files on windows a common place to store programs but not a required one.
I appreciate the feedback.
I've been running on my MBP for a while. I have STS (spring's eclipse based IDE) in ~/apps/sts so I think it's safe to say you can put it anywhere you want as long as you have the correct permissions.
You can put Eclipse anywhere, the /Applications folder, or your home ~/ folder. If you want to keep multiple version of Eclipse, after you installation, you can even rename folder name.