Follow the example on leaflet map (, I can create a layer group cities, which showed in overlayMaps Cities.
In the later stage (i.e. another function), is it possible to get the object layer group by name cities or Cities? Then I can use it in another function (e.g. leaflet-search (
This is my pseudo code to demo my question
find_layer_by_name = function(name){
// add code here
var searchLayer = find_layer_by_name('cities');
var searchcontrol = new L.Control.Search({layer: searchLayer});
Let me know if my question is not clear.
If you have created an overlayMaps object with key/value pairs (as in the Leaflet example), you can use square bracket notation with your key as a string to get the corresponding layer. The following will assign cities to searchLayer:
var overlayMaps = {
"Cities": cities
var searchLayer = overlayMaps["Cities"];
I have a smart table that shows data from odata service. all properties of the entity type are Edm.String.
now i can set a filter for each column of the resulting table with a lot of filter operators.
My goal is to filter the list of available filter operators depending on the selected column.
selected colum 'A' then allow only 'equal to'.
Is that somehow possible? I would like to solve it in front end code.
I didn't find anything like that in ui5 docu...
you need to use equals FilterOperator
here is a link for FilterOperator and another example how to use filter in grid table
Here is a quick example of setting more than one filter each with different Filter Operator
filterGlobally : function(oEvent) {
var sQuery = oEvent.getParameter("query");
this._oGlobalFilter = null;
if (sQuery) {
this._oGlobalFilter = new Filter([
new Filter("columA", FilterOperator.EQ, sQuery),
new Filter("columB", FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery)
], false);
var oFilter = null;
if (this._oGlobalFilter) {
oFilter = new Filter([this._oGlobalFilter], true);
this.byId("idTable").getBinding().filter(oFilter, "Application");
I'm creating a table viewcell. this viewcell will show hotel and relative rooms .
to do that I created 2 classes to define hotel and rooms. each of 2 classes represent the relative object. example:
hotel: services, position, lat, lang , description
room: bed_type, people, Availability
I know need now to create a structure or array or whatever that act like a three so basically so basically , for each hotel I can have more than one available room.
I was looking using an 2d array of any object as first solution but I don't know If this is best way to solve the problem.
ideally best would be to later can access object in an easy way...
my first second idea is to use a struct like this
struct SearchResults{
var Hotel: HotelModel
var Rooms: [RoomModel]
any suggestion is welcome
Here is how you can model your data.
Just create a Hotel model that contains an array of Room as its property.
struct Hotel {
var rooms: [Room]
struct Room {
//your properties...
Now, instead of using an extra SearchResults model, you can simply use a array of Hotel, i.e.
var results: [Hotel]
I'm developing a sap ui5 application using sap.ui.table.Table.
I need to apply a filter based on multiple strings. For example, if the user input is an array like:
["Stack", "Overflow"]
I need:
Filter all table fields by "Stack";
Filter the result of point 1 by "Overflow";
the result will be all rows that have "Stack" and "Overflow", no matter the field.
Does anyone have a solution?
As per the sap.ui.model.Filter documentation, you can create a filter either based on a filter info object, or from an array of previously created filters. This allows us to do the following:
Create a filter for the first value (eg "Stack")
Create a filter for the second value (eg "Overflow")
Create a filter which contains both of these values, and use it to filter the table.
Let's have a look at some code.
// We will only display rows where ProductName contains
// "Stack" AND CustomerName equals "Overflow"
var oFilterForProductName,
aArrayWhichContainsBothPreviousFilters = [],
var sValueToFilterTheProductNameOn = "Stack",
sValueToFilterTheCustomerNameOn = "Overflow";
var sKeyForProductNameInTheTableModel = "ProductName",
sKeyForCustomerNameInTheTableModel = "CustomerName";
var oTableToFilter = this.byId("myTableId");
// Step 1: create two filters
oFilterForProductName = new sap.ui.model.Filter(
oFilterForCustomerName = new sap.ui.model.Filter(
// Step 2: add these two filters to an array
// Step 3: create a filter based on the array of filters
oFilterToSetOnTheTable = new sap.ui.model.Filter({
filters: aArrayWhichContainsBothPreviousFilters,
and: true
oTableToFilter.getBinding("items").filter(oFilterToSetOnTheTable , sap.ui.model.FilterType.Application);
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Please pass that array in for loop and pass filters like,
var tableId = this.byId("oTable");
for(var i=0;i < array.length ; i++)
oTable.getBinding().filter(new sap.ui.model.Filter("", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, array[0]));
it may be helpful for you.
I am trying to convert the selected regions in the following URL (marked in red) into geojson and retrieve administrative info (State, Country etc.)
This is an example code that I found online.
var feature = L.esri.Util.arcgisToGeoJSON(neighborhoods[i], ids[i]);
var latlng = L.Projection.Mercator.unproject(L.point(feature.geometry.coordinates));
feature.geometry.coordinates = [latlng.lng,];
Please Help!
the short answer is that you don't need to convert clientside esri leaflet features to GeoJSON because they already are GeoJSON.
the only complication in the sample that you referenced is that the query to select an individual feature chains the ids() method, so only an identifier is requested for features that match search criteria (rather than raw GeoJSON features) because they've already been requested an drawn once.
for (var i = ids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
neighborhoods.setFeatureStyle(ids[i], { color: 'red', weight: 2 });
/* retrieve an individual GeoJSON feature via its ID
using L.esri.featureLayer.getFeature() */
var selectedNeighborhood = neighborhoods.getFeature(ids[i]);
I have a rather large linq-to-nhibernate query. I now need to add a filter based on a user-defined function written in t-sql that i have to pass parameters into. In my case, I need to pass in a zipcode that the user types in and pass it to the t-sql function to filter by distance from this zip. Is this possible, or do i need to rewrite my query using the ICriteria api?
i did find a solution:
Note the NHibernate query (nquery) which has RegisterCustomAction:
private void CallZipSqlFunction(ListingQuerySpec spec, IQueryable<Listing> query)
var nQuery = query as NHibernate.Linq.Query<Listing>;
//todo: find some way to paramaterize this or use linq-to-nh and not criteria to call the function
// so i don thave to check for escape chars in zipcode
if (spec.ZipCode.Contains("'"))
throw new SecurityException("invalid character");
var functionString = "dbo.GetDistanceForListing('" + spec.ZipCode + "',{alias}.ID) as Distance";
//create a projection representing the function call
var distance = Projections.SqlProjection(functionString, new[] { "Distance" }, new IType[] { NHibernateUtil.String });
//create a filter based on the projection
var filter = Expression.Le(distance, spec.ZipCodeRadius.Value);
//add the distance projection as order by
nQuery.QueryOptions.RegisterCustomAction(x => x.AddOrder(Order.Asc(distance)));
//add teh distance filter
nQuery.QueryOptions.RegisterCustomAction(x => x.Add(filter));