I've got a Powershell script that stops an IIS website and corresponding app pool and then deletes the app logs (log4net logs). Here is the script snippet:
stop-website -name "MyWebsite"
stop-webapppool -name "MyWebsite"
del c:\inetpub\MyWebsite\logs\*.*
The problem is stop-website and stop-webapppool seem to return before the website is completely shutdown which results in the delete failing saying the file is being used by another process:
del : Cannot remove item C:\inetpub\MyWebsite\logs\App.log: The process cannot access the file 'C:\inetpub\MyWebsite\logs\App.log' because it is being used by another process.
If I add a 10 second sleep between the stop commands and the del command then the logs are deleted successfully. This is very hackish though and not reliable. Is there a way to force the stop-website/stop-webapppool commands to not return until the website/apppool is completely stopped?
Implemented solution from the below link. I will wait ~60 seconds and then kill the IIS process if it hasn't stopped.
"Stopping IIS site [$name]" >> $logFile
stop-website -name $name
"Stopping app pool [$name]" >> $logFile
stop-webapppool -name $name
$sleepTime = 5
$processId = $TRUE
while ($processId)
$processId = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_process -filter "name='w3wp.exe'" |
?{ ($_.CommandLine).Split("`"")[1] -eq $name } |
%{ $_.ProcessId }
if ($sleepTime -gt 60)
"Waited [$sleepTime] sec for process [$processId] to stop and it is still running. Killing it." >> $logFile
Stop-Process $processId
if ($processId)
"App pool [$name] is running with process ID: [$processId]. Sleeping for [$sleepTime] sec and then checking again." >> $logFile
Start-Sleep -s $sleepTime
$sleepTime = $sleepTime + 10
You can use these two commands to check the status of the website/app, say after 10 seconds, then use an If statement to delete logs only when the status returned is stopped
Get-WebsiteState -name "MyWebsite"
Get-WebAppPoolState -name "MyWebsite"
This loop should help you too
$currentRetry = 0;
$success = $false;
$status = Get-WebAppPoolState -name "MyWebsite"
if ($status -eq "Stopped"){
<....your code here....>
$success = $true;
Start-Sleep -s 10
$currentRetry = $currentRetry + 1;
while (!$success -and $currentRetry -le 4)
Updated Apr 24, 2019
Based on comment and current cmdlet document, it appears the return type is indeed an object. Thus presumably can be handled as commented or the line snippet below. Author no longer have access to Windows Server environment therefore did not directly modify original answer nor able to test the update
if ($status.Value -eq "Stopped")
After you run 'Stop-WebAppPool' the state of the WebAppPool will be "Stopping" and it may take a few seconds before the state of the WebAppPool is actually "Stopped".
Here is a little function to help with the WebAppPoolState
function Stop-AppPool ($webAppPoolName,[int]$secs) {
$retvalue = $false
$wsec = (get-date).AddSeconds($secs)
Stop-WebAppPool -Name $webAppPoolName
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) waiting up to $secs seconds for the WebAppPool '$webAppPoolName' to stop"
$poolNotStopped = $true
while (((get-date) -lt $wsec) -and $poolNotStopped) {
$pstate = Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $webAppPoolName
if ($pstate.Value -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Output "$(Get-Date): WebAppPool '$webAppPoolName' is stopped"
$poolNotStopped = $false
$retvalue = $true
return $retvalue
you can run this function using e.g.
Stop-AppPool "MyWebsite" 30
and check the return-value to see if the WebAppPool has stopped within the given seconds
The simplest way to stop the app pool and get it into Stopped state is to use appcmd.exe. It will return when the app pool is really stopped or you'll get an error
Just do this on PowerShell:
& $env:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe stop apppool /apppool.name:"YourAppPoolName"
When your AppPool is correctly stooped you'll get this message:
"YourAppPoolName" successfully stopped
I fix the #user4531 code It would be failed if the app pool is stopped before :
function Stop-AppPool ($webAppPoolName,[int]$secs) {
$retvalue = $false
$wsec = (get-date).AddSeconds($secs)
$pstate = Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $webAppPoolName
if($pstate.Value -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Output "WebAppPool '$webAppPoolName' is stopped already"
return $true
Stop-WebAppPool -Name $webAppPoolName
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) waiting up to $secs seconds for the WebAppPool '$webAppPoolName' to stop"
$poolNotStopped = $true
while (((get-date) -lt $wsec) -and $poolNotStopped) {
$pstate = Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $webAppPoolName
if ($pstate.Value -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Output "WebAppPool '$webAppPoolName' is stopped"
$poolNotStopped = $false
$retvalue = $true
return $retvalue
It can use like this :
Stop-AppPool "SSO" 30
Here is how I did it with Get-IISServerManager.
$manager = Get-IISServerManager
$site = $manager.Sites["mySiteName"]
if($site.State -ne "Stopped") {
while ($site.State -ne "Stopped") {
"waiting 1 second for site to stop..."
Start-Sleep -s 1
"site stopped"
using below snippet :
#loop until we have found the newly added domain
while (-not $Stop)
$stop = Get-AzureADDomain -Name $direct_routing_domain -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
if (!$stop)
Write-Host "Domain is not provisioned yet - retrying in 60 seconds..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Write-Host "Domain is provisioned " -ForegroundColor Green
The output gives an error on stdout:
Get-AzureADDomain : Error occurred while executing GetDomain
Code: Request_ResourceNotFound
So here comes the question: how can I surpress this output ? I believe that | out-null should be enough. Or is this a bug in AzureAd 2.0.0 module ?
Out-Null does not ignore errors. Out-Null redirects stdout (known as stream #1) to null. You can try doing a try catch (catch provides easy exceptions handling)
try {}
catch {}
doc. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_try_catch_finally?view=powershell-5.1
or redirect an error stream to void
Write-Error "ASD" 2>$null
doc. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_redirection?view=powershell-5.1
You can use this:
$stop = $true
try {Get-AzureADDomain -Name $direct_routing_domain}
catch {
$stop = $false
$stop = $true
$domain = Get-AzureADDomain | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $direct_routing_domain}
if ($null -eq $domain) {
$stop = $false
You can use a try{}..catch{} on this, but remember to add -ErrorAction Stop (not 'Ignore') to the cmdlet to ensure also non-terminating exceptions are caught in the catch block:
# loop until we have found the newly added domain
$isProvisioned = $false
while (-not $isProvisioned) {
try {
$isProvisioned = [bool](Get-AzureADDomain -Name $direct_routing_domain -ErrorAction Stop)
catch { $isProvisioned = $false }
if (!$isProvisioned) {
Write-Host "Domain is not provisioned yet - retrying in 60 seconds..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Write-Host "Domain is provisioned " -ForegroundColor Green
I'm looking for an example that can break out of the current command if it runs for longer than say, 1 minutes, which would allow me to re-run it.
Here is my script :
$ServiceName = 'service'
$arrService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName
while ($arrService.Status -ne 'Running')
Start-Service $ServiceName
write-host $arrService.status
write-host 'Service starting'
Start-Sleep -seconds 3
if ($arrService.Status -eq 'Running')
Write-Host 'Service is now Running'
Use Start-Job Start-Job cmdlet to run the process. Then define Wait-job
Wait-Job cmdlet with a -timeout. The -timeout defines the time for the wait to end and the command prompt will return.
A point to remember: -timeout don't display any error messages. Keep that in mind while doing error handling.
Could use some polish, but something like below may work:
$ServiceName = 'W32Time'
$arrService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName
$Interval = 3
$TimeOut = 20
$Count = 0
Start-Service $ServiceName
:SrvCheck While ( $arrService.Status -ne 'Running' )
if ( $arrService.Status -eq 'Running' )
Write-Host 'Service is now Running'
Break SrvCheck
if ( $Count -ge $timeout )
Write-Host "Timed out wating for service : $ServiceName to start, waited $($Count*$Interval) Seconds..."
Break SrvCheck
Write-Host "Waiting for service start, Current Status $($arrService.Status) ... Checks: $Count | Time Elapsed: $($Count*$Interval) ."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval
Moved the service start up out of the loop, unless it was your intent to reattempt the start after every failed check. Even so you may want to put some error handling around it. I know for example UAC can interfere in a service start request so you may want something there.
So the $TimeOut variable is 20 so each interval being 3 seconds the attempt will time out at 60 seconds.
If you want the check to occur at least once I'd switch this into a Do Until. With While, if the service starts quickly enough you won't see the message 'Service is now running'
Let me know how it goes.
My case happens when I run $IE.quit() already, but internet explorer still exists in the task manager.
if I run the quit function at "quit IE 1" there, the Internet Explorer will close/end (not exits in Task Manager),
but when I run it at "quit IE 2" there, the IE not end (still exist in Task Manager)
if run with $IE.Visible = $true it has no such problem.
Environment: Windows Server 2016, PowerShell v5.1
May I know what may cause this?
May I know after the "confirm page loaded", what happened to $IE? And possibly cause IE not to quit.
Or how I can trace this kind of problem?
I do try to run this without try/catch, but the same thing happens. I try to put $IE = null, but the same, while, the $IE.Quit() description as to force the end of IE, suppose no wonder what is running on the IE. It will end the task.
Here is the PowerShell script:
$looping = 10
timenowhms = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss)
try {
$Url = "http://localhost:8080/commandcenter/checking.aspx"
$IE = New-Object -Com InternetExplorer.Application
$IE.Height = 700
$IE.Width = 750
$IE.Top = 10
$IE.Left = 10
$IE.Visible = $false; # can turn on for testing purpose
$IEPID = [IntPtr]::Zero
[Win32Api]::GetWindowThreadProcessId($IE.HWND, [ref]$IEPID);
# quit IE 1
} catch {
$timenowhms = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss);
echo "$td_date $timenowhms Open website failed";
if ((Get-Process -Name "iexplore*" | ? {$_.Id -eq $IEPID} | measure).Count -eq 1) {
Stop-Process -Id $IEPID -force
exit 1
# confirm page loaded
while ($ie.Busy -eq $true) {
if ($looping -eq 0) {
$timenowhms = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss);
echo "$td_date $timenowhms Timeout, page not show";
if ((Get-Process -Name "iexplore*" | ? {$_.Id -eq $IEPID} | measure).Count -eq 1) {
Stop-Process -Id $IEPID -Force
exit 1
} else {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2500;
# quit IE 2
# $IE.Quit();
I have a script which starts a process only after specific service is running.
It's a loop that's trying to Get-Service its status.
I can't find how to limit loop by time.
The part where I'm stuck:
#add Start button
$button_start = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$button_start.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(25,70)
$button_start.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(240,32)
$button_start.TextAlign = "MiddleCenter"
$button_start.font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI",14,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)
$button_start.BackColor = "seashell"
$button_start.Text = "Start"
#add statement
while ((Get-Service -ComputerName $textBox_IP.text -ServiceName wscsvc).Status -ne "Running") {
# Pause before next check
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
#only then..
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Users\username\Desktop\software.exe" -verb RunAs -ArgumentList $textBox_IP.text
I've tried internet searching information on network without any success.
Define a time limit and check if the current time exceeds that limit.
$limit = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(5)
while (... -or (Get-Date) -le $limit) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
If you want to skip starting the external program when the service still isn't running after that add another check after the loop upon which you return:
if ((Get-Service ...).Status -ne "Running") {
This is an example how to stop a service and wait until it is stopped or timeout applies.
You can modify to start a service.
Function StopService ($serv)
Write-Host "Config service " $serv " ..."
$service = Get-Service $serv -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($service)
if($service.status -eq "running")
write-host "Stop service" $serv
Stop-Service $serv -Force
# Wait until service is stopped (max. 1 minute)
$acttime = 0
$waittime = 100
$maxtime = 60000
$TestService = Get-Service $serv
While($TestService | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'})
Start-Sleep -m $waittime
$acttime += $waittime
if ($acttime -gt $maxtime)
write-host "ERROR: Service" $serv " could not be stopped!" -ForegroundColor Red
return $False
write-host "Service already stopped!" -ForegroundColor Green
return $True
write-host "Service not installed" -ForegroundColor Green
return $True
I recommend you not using any polling While loops (with Start-Sleep cmdlets) in a Windows forms interface. It will stall your interface for important form events as button clicks etc.
Instead, I would anticipate on the Windows.Forms Timer class by creating a timer event and take appropriate checks and actions after a certain time period (e.g. a new Start-Process depending on a service state).
What is the correct way of determining if a process is running, for example FireFox, and stopping it?
I did some looking around and the best way I found was this:
if((get-process "firefox" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null){
echo "Not Running"
echo "Running"
Stop-Process -processname "firefox"
Is this the ideal way of doing it? If not, what the correct way of doing so?
The way you're doing it you're querying for the process twice. Also Lynn raises a good point about being nice first. I'd probably try something like the following:
# get Firefox process
$firefox = Get-Process firefox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($firefox) {
# try gracefully first
# kill after five seconds
Sleep 5
if (!$firefox.HasExited) {
$firefox | Stop-Process -Force
Remove-Variable firefox
If you don't need to display exact result "running" / "not runnuning", you could simply:
ps notepad -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill -PassThru
If the process was not running, you'll get no results. If it was running, you'll receive get-process output, and the process will be stopped.
#jmp242 - the generic System.Object type does not contain the CloseMainWindow method, but statically casting the System.Diagnostics.Process type when collecting the ProcessList variable works for me. Updated code (from this answer) with this casting (and looping changed to use ForEach-Object) is below.
function Stop-Processes {
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $processName,
$timeout = 5
[System.Diagnostics.Process[]]$processList = Get-Process $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
ForEach ($Process in $processList) {
# Try gracefully first
$Process.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null
# Check the 'HasExited' property for each process
for ($i = 0 ; $i -le $timeout; $i++) {
$AllHaveExited = $True
$processList | ForEach-Object {
If (-NOT $_.HasExited) {
$AllHaveExited = $False
If ($AllHaveExited -eq $true){
Start-Sleep 1
# If graceful close has failed, loop through 'Stop-Process'
$processList | ForEach-Object {
If (Get-Process -ID $_.ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Stop-Process -Id $_.ID -Force -Verbose
To start with process-killing, here python, my 2 cents:
Get-Process python3.9|Stop-Process
Thanks #Joey. It's what I am looking for.
I just bring some improvements:
to take into account multiple processes
to avoid reaching the timeout when all processes have terminated
to package the whole in a function
function Stop-Processes {
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $processName,
$timeout = 5
$processList = Get-Process $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($processList) {
# Try gracefully first
$processList.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null
# Wait until all processes have terminated or until timeout
for ($i = 0 ; $i -le $timeout; $i ++){
$AllHaveExited = $True
$processList | % {
$process = $_
If (!$process.HasExited){
$AllHaveExited = $False
If ($AllHaveExited){
sleep 1
# Else: kill
$processList | Stop-Process -Force