Where do I enter my Visual Studio Team Services username and access token in GitHub Desktop? - azure-devops

A colleague has been having problems logging in to our Git repository hosted in Visual Studio Team Services (was Visual Studio Online) using GitHub Desktop on the Mac. He use to have access but now cannot fetch, push, etc. Yesterday my VSTS token failed and GitHub Desktop presented me with a login window where I entered a new personal access token that I generated on our project's VSTS portal. So today I thought I'd show him how to do that. I started by revoking my personal access token in the VSTS portal. Now I cannot get access nor can I see where to enter new credentials!
When I click 'sync' in GitHub Desktop here's what I see:
Authentication Failed
You may not have permission to access VisualCollectionsIOS. Check
Preferences to make sure you’re still logged in.
But the preferences have nowhere to add my VSTS username and access token.
Where in GitHub Desktop can I enter my username and access token for my Git repository hosted in a team project in VSTS?

You can update the credentials from OSX Keychain. Check the steps in this link for reference: Updating credentials from the OSX Keychain. Instead of searching for the github.com password, as the reference suggests, search for the visualstudio.com password. When the visualstudio.com password entries are deleted GitHub Desktop will prompt you for your username and personal access token again.


tf.exe TF30063 unauthorized (VS 2022)

I had to change my corporate password which we also use for Azure access. I rebooted and logged in into the account again. I can access Azure TFS from Visual Studio without a problem. However, tf.exe get . does not work anymore because apparantly I am unauthorized. I checked the internet/SO but the credential manager didn’t seem to hold any credentials I could clear and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\ does not contain a Team Foundation folder where I could delete any cache.
When I try to use a personal access token (PAT), then instead of two "denied"s, I only get one:

How to connect my GitHub Enterprise Account with Visual Studio Code

I want to know if it's possible to connect my github enterprise account of my organization to vs code, and if so how?
I know how to sign in with a normal github account on vs code but it doesn't work for github enterprise. I already looked up online but couldn't find any answers.
In the vs code settings there is an option called github enterprise: Uri. I put there the url of my github organization "github.organizationname.com" but I don't know what else I need to do.
Here's what worked for me on vs code 1.62.3.
Clone the GitHub Enterprise repo outside of vs code (ie, using git cli in a terminal or GitHub Desktop).
In vs code, open the folder containing the cloned repo.
And just like magic, it works. If you click on the source control tab in vs code, you can pull changes and make commits. Actually, it might not work quite yet if your cloned project doesn't have your personal access token saved. If you need to do that, you can find instructions in this answer to a different question
I have set it up in the vscode settings like so:
Then it asked for my personal access token. This is token can be created under "settings" -> "developer options"
see: https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server#3.4/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token
It is possible to login using GitHub enterprise from VS Code without using personal access token or SSH keys. User can login by SSO if session already exist in browser else will need to sign in using their credentials. One of the ways to achieve this is to install Git Credential Manager. Git Credential Manager (GCM) is a secure Git credential helper built on .NET that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Compared to Git's built-in credential helpers (Windows: wincred, macOS: osxkeychain, Linux: gnome-keyring/libsecret) which provides single-factor authentication support working on any HTTP-enabled Git repository, GCM provides multi-factor authentication support for Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server), GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.
For installing GCM based on OS follow the given link:
Once GCM is installed and you try to clone a repository you will be able to see Enterprise login page. This can be achieved by using other Git Oauth Authorized Apps such as GitHub CLI.
Another option is to access with you microsoft email and then , the Github enterprise signing option will be added in "Account" just click it and you now will have access to GithubEnterprise
Account bottom in green
more reference here is the link:

Deprecated password authentication with github warning

Hello community can you please help me out, not very knowledgeable in this area
I got an email from git saying that personal password is no longer gonna be supported and that team city was using it so I went into GitHub and generated a token and added to the VCS in the, after our next deploy I got an email from GitHub saying, you are still using the password dummy, so I asked our server guy to update TeamCity as we were several versions behind, so he did and we ran a deploy again today. I pay a visit to the VCS again and saw my Authentication method was set to Password/Token. I got no email from GIT this time saying I was dummy and "Developer Settings/Personal access tokens" mention TeamCity has used it but TeamCity keeps saying this ▼▼▼▼ any ideas ?? Thanks.
git) https://github.com//xxxxxxxxxx is using deprecated password authentication with github.com and will soon stop working
Please consider switching to either personal access token or to SSH private key authentication.
Edit VCS root
Solution as mentioned in the error.
It is also mentioned on TeamCity documentation
You may either use SSH priv/pub keys as authentication or "Personal Access Token".
I can tell by git) https://github.com//xxxxxxxxxx that you are currently using HTTPS instead of SSH to source your VCS, so the most similar solution is GitHub Private Access Token (linked: how-to)
Go to Setting > Developer Settings > Personal Access Token and click "Generate New".
If this is a private GitHub repo, you will need to tick the "repo" scope.
On your TeamCity VCS change the password to be the Personal Access Token you generated.
Tip: since you can not view the PAT after generating nor after using on the VCS, it is recommend to set the PAT as a root configuration variable, so you can call it on this VCS, build features, or other future use.

Eclipse Egit and GitHub authentication deprecation

I'm using Eclipse (Egit) and GitHub and I'm receiving this notice:
You recently used a password to access the repository with git using JGit/
Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer work. Visit https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more information around suggested workarounds and removal dates.
Currently I'm using HTTPS connection with user and password and probably I have to switch to a HTTPS token, but how can I configure Eclipse/Egit for an HTTPS token?
Github deprecated the authentication of using your personal account password. You will need to change your git credentials in Eclipse to use a personal access token instead of using your Github account password.
Link for creating a personal access token.
Link for changing your credentials in Eclipse.

I cannot link toolchain to different github organization

I have a github account: https://github.com/remkohdev
and am a member of several github organizations
I have added all organizations to the Bluemix DevOps Third Party applications authorizations.
But I cannot change the default github organization to a different organization when I enable the Toolchain on Bluemix, so that I can create/edit the source code to the repo in a different than default Github organization?
The integration could not be set up. Check the settings and try again.
Reason: Unable to update the git integration. An error occurred while cloning the git repository. Error details: Unable to read the repository on: https://github.com/eventquarry/server.git. User is not authorized, or repository does not exist.
When you authorized with GitHub you probably did not explicitly grant access to the eventquarry organization.
To fix this, first you need to revoke your token by logging into Github.com, then click settings > Authorized applications > Revoke "IBM Bluemix Toolchains". Now go back to Bluemix, and when you click on the GitHub tool you will see an “Authorize” button. Upon clicking, you will be taken to GitHub, and here you need to click "Grant Access" next to eventquarry (and all orgs you would like to grant access to) before clicking "Authorize application".
Now you should be able to fork/clone/link with the private repositories in the eventquarry organization.
The devops git folks responded with this:
Right now, we don't support the ability to create new organization repositories through the toolchain UI. Any new repos are created under the personal account of the user. It is possible to link to existing organization repos by typing in the repo URL in the field. (Org repos won't show up in the dropdown, but the URL can be entered manually.) Note that the user needs admin privileges on the repo they're linking to in order to have a fully functioning integration though. It's possible to link to a repo without admin privileges, but we can't create a webhook on the repo, so there's no way for us to be notified of commit events. Pipelines will only run manually if the user doesn't have admin privileges on the repo.
Let me know if this is helpful...