ReactiveMongo BSONHandler for Map - scala

I have following class, and want to use reactivemongo.bson.Macros.handler to get the reader and writer automatically.
case class Data(a: String, b: Map[String, String])
object Data {
implicit val dataHandler = reactivemongo.bson.Macros.handler[Data]
But it fails to compile, saying Implicit Map[String,String] for 'value vs' not found
How to make this work? I'm using reactivemongo_2.10 0.11.10

According to this gist, I find a solution as:
case class Data(date: String, base: String, vs: Map[String, String])
object Data {
implicit object BSONMapHandler extends BSONHandler[BSONDocument, Map[String, String]] {
override def read(bson: BSONDocument): Map[String, String] = { {
case (key, value) => key -> value.asInstanceOf[BSONString].value
override def write(t: Map[String, String]): BSONDocument = {
val stream: Stream[Try[(String, BSONString)]] = {
case (key, value) => Try((key, BSONString(value)))
implicit val dataHandler = reactivemongo.bson.Macros.handler[Data]
Don't know why reactivemongo not support it by default.


Scala circe decode Map[String, String] type

I have a Map[String, String] object with I want to use as json. I have written an encoder for this type:
implicit val encodeMap: Encoder[Map[String, String]] = new Encoder[Map[String, String]] {
override def apply(values: Map[String, String]): Json = {
.map(pair => Json.obj(
(pair._1, pair._2.asJson)
In addition to encoder, I need a decoder, but I don't have an idea how to write it. My best try so far:
implicit val decodeMap: Decoder[Map[String, String]] = new Decoder[Map[String, String]] {
final def apply(c: HCurser): Decoder.Result[Map[String, String]] = ???
Pretty basic, but I don't really know how to get into this problem.
Something like this should work but as Andy said above, you should be able to use automatic or semi-automatic derivation in this case.
import cats.syntax.either._
implicit val decodeMap: Decoder[Map[String, String]] = new Decoder[Map[String, String]] {
override def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[Map[String, String]] = {
c.keys.fold[Decoder.Result[Map[String, String]]](Right(Map.empty))(
_.foldLeft(Map[String, String]().asRight[DecodingFailure])((res, k) => {
res.flatMap((m: Map[String, String]) => {
_.asLeft[Map[String, String]],
v => (m + (k -> v)).asRight[DecodingFailure]

How to bind an enum to a playframework form?

I have an enum of the form:
object MatchFilterType extends Enumeration {
type MatchFilterType = Value
val gt = Value("gt")
val lt = Value("lt")
val eq = Value("eq")
Trying to create a form val in my controller:
case class SearchRequest(mft: MatchFilterType, queryText: String, locations: List[String])
val searchForm: Form[SearchRequest] = Form(
"mft" -> ????????,
"queryText" -> nonEmptyText,
"locations" -> list(text)
I am using play 2.6.x for this project.
How do I map my enumeration in my Form val?
First create an implicit Formatter that uses the enums withName method which takes a string and turns it into an enum:
implicit def matchFilterFormat: Formatter[MatchFilterType] = new Formatter[MatchFilterType] {
override def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) =
.toRight(Seq(FormError(key, "error.required", Nil)))
override def unbind(key: String, value: MatchFilterType) =
Map(key -> value.toString)
Then use Forms.of to create a FieldMapping:
"mft" -> Forms.of[MatchFilterType],
Bear in mind that MatchFilterType.withName(_) will thrown an exception if the string is not an enum member, so update the bind method to handle this as you need.
A more generic approach:
def enumerationFormatter[E <: Enumeration](enum: E): Formatter[E#Value] = new Formatter[E#Value] {
override def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]): Either[Seq[FormError], E#Value] =
data.get(key).map(s => enum.withName(s)).toRight(Seq(FormError(key, "error.required", Nil)))
override def unbind(key: String, value: E#Value): Map[String, String] = Map(key -> value.toString)
Which can then be used like:
object TestValues extends Enumeration {
type TestValue = Value
val Test: TestValue = Value
case class MyForm(testValue: TestValue)
object MyForm {
implicit val testValueFormatter: Formatter[TestValue] = enumerationFormatter(TestValues)
val form = Form(mapping("testValue" -> of[TestValue])(MyForm.apply)(MyForm.unapply))

akka http (un)marshall traits

Let's assume the following Code:
sealed trait Action {
def run(): Boolean
case class SimpleAction(parameter: String) extends Actions {
// some impl
case class ExtendedAction(parameter1: String, parameter2: String) extends Actions {
// some impl
Now I want to define a webservice where one can retrieve the Actions. How can I Marshall the Action as it's just the trait and no specific Type?
I have found this in the Docs. Is there any simpler way to achieve this than using this approach mixed with pattern matching?
import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
implicit val simpleActionFormat = jsonFormat1(SimpleAction)
implicit val extendedActionFormat = jsonFormat2(ExtendedAction)
implicit val actionFormat1 = new JsonFormat[Action] {
override def write(obj: Action): JsValue = obj match {
case a: SimpleAction => JsObject("type" -> "simple".toJson, "value" -> a.toJson)
case b: ExtendedAction => JsObject("type" -> "extended".toJson, "value" -> b.toJson)
override def read(json: JsValue): Action = json.asJsObject.getFields("type", "value") match {
case Seq(JsString("simple"), js) => js.convertTo[SimpleAction]
case Seq(JsString("extended"), js) => js.convertTo[ExtendedAction]
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Invalid json format: $json")
Or if you only care about converting Actions to json, then simply:
implicit val simpleActionFormat = jsonFormat1(SimpleAction)
implicit val extendedActionFormat = jsonFormat2(ExtendedAction)
implicit val actionFormat = lift(new JsonWriter[Action] {
override def write(obj: Action): JsValue = obj match {
case a: SimpleAction => a.toJson
case b: ExtendedAction => b.toJson

Conditional Behavior With Free Monads

I'm following the tutorial here: and trying to modify it to work with a cache in front of the key value store. This is what I've come up with so far but I'm getting a compiler error with valueGetOperation. I understand why I get the compile error, I just don't understand how to work around it. What's the best practice for conditional behavior when using a free monad?
import{Free, Inject}
object KvStore {
sealed trait KvOp[A]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends KvOp[Option[T]]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends KvOp[Unit]
case class Delete[T](key: String) extends KvOp[Unit]
object CacheStore {
sealed trait CacheOp[A]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends CacheOp[Option[T]]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends CacheOp[Unit]
case class Delete[T](key: String) extends CacheOp[Unit]
type WriteThruCache[A] = Coproduct[KvStore.KvOp, CacheStore.CacheOp, A]
class KvOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[KvStore.KvOp, F]) {
import KvStore._
def get[T](key: String): Free[F, Option[T]] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Get(key))
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Put(key, value))
def delete[T](key: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Delete(key))
object KvOps {
implicit def kvOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[KvStore.KvOp, F]): KvOps[F] = new KvOps[F]
class CacheOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[CacheStore.CacheOp, F]) {
import CacheStore._
def get[T](key: String): Free[F, Option[T]] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Get(key))
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Put(key, value))
def delete[T](key: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Delete(key))
object CacheOps {
implicit def cacheOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[CacheStore.CacheOp, F]): CacheOps[F] = new CacheOps[F]
def valueWriteOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String, T) => Free[WriteThruCache, Unit]) = {
(key: String, value: T) =>
for {
_ <- Kv.put(key, value)
_ <- Cache.put(key, value)
} yield ()
// This is where I'm stuck
// desired behavior: If the value isn't in the cache, load it from the kv store and put it in the cache
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cacheOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
kvOption <- Kv.get[T](key) if cacheOption.isEmpty // value withFilter is not a member of[A$A39.this.WriteThruCache,Option[T]]
} yield cacheOption.orElse(kvOption)
As you know in for comprehension, when you use if it is desugared by compiler to calling withFilter method, and if it's not accessible it falls back to filter method. If they are not implemented you will receive compiler error.
However you can simply use if else!
for {
booleanValue <- myfreeAlbebra.checkCondidtion(arg1, arg2)
valueToReturn <- if (booleanValue) {
} else {
} yield valueToReturn
alternatively you can do something like:
for {
booleanValue <- myfreeAlbebra.checkCondidtion(arg1, arg2)
valueToReturnOpt <- myfreeAlbebra.someValue
fallbackValue <- myfreeAlbebra.someOtherValue
} yield valueToReturnOpt.getOrElse(fallbackValue)
The formar one will assign value to valueToReturn depending on booleanValue. As such only one branch will be interpreted. The later will evaluate both values and return one of them depending on whether or not valueToReturnOpt will be empty.
Personally I would try something like:
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cacheOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
returnedValue <- if (cacheOption.isEmpty) Cache.get[T](key) else Kv.get[T](key)
} yield returnedValue
Following Mateusz' suggestions, this is what I came up with:
def withFallback[A[_], T](loadedValue: Option[T], fallback: => Free[A, Option[T]]): Free[A, Option[T]] = {
if(loadedValue.isDefined) {
Free.pure[A, Option[T]](loadedValue)
} else {
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cachedOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
actualValue <- withFallback[WriteThruCache, T](cachedOption, fallback = Kv.get[T](key))
} yield actualValue
If there's a standard construct to implement withFallback I'd be glad to know about it.
You could also use OptionT#orElse.
type KV[A] = Free[WriteThruCache, A]
def valueGetOperation[T](
Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache],
Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]
): String => KV[Option[T]] =
key => OptionT[KV, T](Cache.get[T](key)).orElse(OptionT[KV, T](Kv.get[T](key))).value
Or OptionT#orElseF :
def valueGetOperation[T](
Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache],
Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]
): String => KV[Option[T]] =
key => OptionT[KV, T](Cache.get[T](key)).orElseF(Kv.get[T](key)).value
Note that with the -Ypartial-unification flag in Scala 2.12 you don't need the KV type alias and you can write OptionT(...) instead of OptionT[KV, T](...).

Scala: convert map to case class

Let's say I have this example case class
case class Test(key1: Int, key2: String, key3: String)
And I have a map
myMap = Map("k1" -> 1, "k2" -> "val2", "k3" -> "val3")
I need to convert this map to my case class in several places of the code, something like this:
What would be the easiest way of doing that? Can I somehow use implicit for this?
Two ways of doing this elegantly. The first is to use an unapply, the second to use an implicit class (2.10+) with a type class to do the conversion for you.
1) The unapply is the simplest and most straight forward way to write such a conversion. It does not do any "magic" and can readily be found if using an IDE. Do note, doing this sort of thing can clutter your companion object and cause your code to sprout dependencies in places you might not want:
object MyClass{
def unapply(values: Map[String,String]) = try{
Some(MyClass(values("key").toInteger, values("next").toFloat))
} catch{
case NonFatal(ex) => None
Which could be used like this:
val MyClass(myInstance) = myMap
be careful, as it would throw an exception if not matched completely.
2) Doing an implicit class with a type class creates more boilerplate for you but also allows a lot of room to expand the same pattern to apply to other case classes:
implicit class Map2Class(values: Map[String,String]){
def convert[A](implicit mapper: MapConvert[A]) = mapper conv (values)
trait MapConvert[A]{
def conv(values: Map[String,String]): A
and as an example you'd do something like this:
object MyObject{
implicit val new MapConvert[MyObject]{
def conv(values: Map[String, String]) = MyObject(values("key").toInt, values("foo").toFloat)
which could then be used just as you had described above:
val myInstance = myMap.convert[MyObject]
throwing an exception if no conversion could be made. Using this pattern converting between a Map[String, String] to any object would require just another implicit (and that implicit to be in scope.)
Here is an alternative non-boilerplate method that uses Scala reflection (Scala 2.10 and above) and doesn't require a separately compiled module:
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
case class Test(t: String, ot: Option[String])
package object ccFromMap {
def fromMap[T: TypeTag: ClassTag](m: Map[String,_]) = {
val rm = runtimeMirror(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getClassLoader)
val classTest = typeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass
val classMirror = rm.reflectClass(classTest)
val constructor = typeOf[T].decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val constructorMirror = classMirror.reflectConstructor(constructor)
val constructorArgs = (param: Symbol) => {
val paramName =
if(param.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Option[Any]])
m.get(paramName).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map is missing required parameter named " + paramName))
class CaseClassFromMapSpec extends Specification {
"case class" should {
"be constructable from a Map" in {
import ccFromMap._
fromMap[Test](Map("t" -> "test", "ot" -> "test2")) === Test("test", Some("test2"))
fromMap[Test](Map("t" -> "test")) === Test("test", None)
Jonathan Chow implements a Scala macro (designed for Scala 2.11) that generalizes this behavior and eliminates the boilerplate.
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
trait Mappable[T] {
def toMap(t: T): Map[String, Any]
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): T
object Mappable {
implicit def materializeMappable[T]: Mappable[T] = macro materializeMappableImpl[T]
def materializeMappableImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Mappable[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
val companion = tpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol
val fields = tpe.declarations.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor ⇒ m
val (toMapParams, fromMapParams) = { field ⇒
val name =
val decoded = name.decoded
val returnType = tpe.declaration(name).typeSignature
(q"$decoded → t.$name", q"map($decoded).asInstanceOf[$returnType]")
c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
new Mappable[$tpe] {
def toMap(t: $tpe): Map[String, Any] = Map(..$toMapParams)
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): $tpe = $companion(..$fromMapParams)
""" }
This works well for me,if you use jackson for scala:
def from[T](map: Map[String, Any])(implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
val mapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
Reference from:Convert a Map<String, String> to a POJO
I don't love this code, but I suppose this is possible if you can get the map values into a tuple and then use the tupled constructor for your case class. That would look something like this:
val myMap = Map("k1" -> 1, "k2" -> "val2", "k3" -> "val3")
val params = Some({
case List(a:Int,b:String,c:String) => Some((a,b,c))
case other => None
val myCaseClass =
You have to be careful to make sure the list of values is exactly 3 elements and that they are the correct types. If not, you end up with a None instead. Like I said, not great, but it shows that it is possible.
Here's an update to Jonathon's answer for Scala 3 (which no longer has TypeTag). Be aware that this won't work for case classes nested inside of other classes. But for top-level case classes it seems to work fine.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object Reflect:
def fromMap[T <: Product : ClassTag](m: Map[String, ?]): T =
val classTag = implicitly[ClassTag[T]]
val constructor = classTag.runtimeClass.getDeclaredConstructors.head
val constructorArgs = constructor.getParameters()
.map { param =>
val paramName = param.getName
if (param.getType == classOf[Option[_]])
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing required parameter: $paramName"))
constructor.newInstance(constructorArgs: _*).asInstanceOf[T]
And a test for the above:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Option[String] = None)
case class Bar(a: String, b: Int, c: Option[Foo])
class ReflectSuite extends munit.FunSuite:
test("fromMap") {
val m = Map("a" -> "hello", "b" -> 42, "c" -> "world")
val foo = Reflect.fromMap[Foo](m)
assertEquals(foo, Foo("hello", 42, Some("world")))
val n = Map("a" -> "hello", "b" -> 43)
val foo2 = Reflect.fromMap[Foo](n)
assertEquals(foo2, Foo("hello", 43))
val o = Map("a" -> "yo", "b" -> 44, "c" -> foo)
val bar = Reflect.fromMap[Bar](o)
assertEquals(bar, Bar("yo", 44, Some(foo)))
test("fromMap should fail when required parameter is missing") {
val m = Map("a" -> "hello", "c" -> "world")
intercept[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException] {