How to case match a View in scala - scala

I'm implementing a class to constrain the access on an iterable. Intermediate steps of the sequence (after some map, etc...) is expected to be too big for memory. Thus map (and the likes: scanLeft, reduce, ...) should be lazy.
Internally I use map(...) = ... ). But it seems, IterableView.view is not it-self, which produce useless redirection when calling map multiple times. It is probably not critical, but I'd like to call .view only if the iterable is not already a view.
So, how can I case-match a View?
class LazyIterable[A](iterable: Iterable[A]){
def map[B](f: A => B) = {
val mapped = iterable match {
case v: View[A] => v // what should be here?
case i: Iterable[A] => i.view
}.map( f ))
new LazyIterable(mapped)
def compute() = iterable.toList
Note that I don't know what is the inputed Iterable, a concrete Seq (e.g. List, Vector) or a View. And if a View, I don't know on which concrete seq type (e.g. InterableView, SeqView, ...). And I got lost in the class hierarchy of View's & ViewLike's.

v: IterableView[A,_] is probably what you are looking for ...
But I don't think you need any of this to begin with.
I simply don't see what having this wrapper buys you at all. What benefits does writing
new LazyIterable(myThing).map(myFunc).compute
have over


Scala - function map is a pattern matching or an interation

I had spent weeks on trying to understand the idea behind "lifting" in scala.
Originally, it was from the example related to Chapter 4 of book "Functional Programming in Scala"
Then I found below topic "How map work on Options in Scala?"
The selected answer specify that:
def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] = this match (Let's considered this as (*) )
So, from above code, I assume that function "map" is derived from function match. Hence, the mechanism behind "map"
is a kind of pattern matching to provide a case selection between Some, and None
Then, I created below examples by using function map for Seq, Option, and Map (Let's considered below examples as (**) )
Example 1: map for Seq
val xs = Seq(1, 2, 3)
Example 2: map for Option
val a:Option[Int] = Some(5)
val b:Option[Int] = None
Example 3: map for Map
val capitals = Map("France" -> "Paris", "Japan" -> "Tokyo")
From (*) and (**), I could not know whether "map" is a pattern matching or an iteration, or both.
Thank you for helping me to understand this.
#Jwvh provided a more programming based answer but I want to dig a little bit deeper.
I certainly appreciate you trying to understand how things work in Scala, however if you really want to dig that deep, I am afraid you will need to obtain some basic knowledge of Category Theory since there is no "idea behind lifting in scala" but just the "idea behind lifting"
This is also why functions like "map" can be very confusing. Inherently, programmers are taught map etc. as operations on collections, where as they are actually operations that come with Functors and Natural Transformations (this is normally referred to as fmap in Category Theory and also Haskell).
Before I move on, the short answer is it is a pattern matching in the examples you gave and in some of them it is both. Map is defined specifically to the case, the only condition is that it maintains functoriality
Attention: I will not be defining every single term below, since I would need to write a book to build up to some of the following definitions, interested readers are welcome to research them on their own. You should be able to get some basic understanding by following the types
Let's consider these as Functors, the definition will be something along the lines of this:
In (very very) short, we consider types as objects in the category of our language. The functions between these types (type constructors) are morphisms between types in this category. The set of these transformations are called Endo-Functors (take us from the category of Scala and drop us back in the category of Scala). Functors have to have a polymorphic (which actually has a whole different (extra) definition in category theory) map function, that will take some object A, through some type constructor turn it into object B.
implicit val option: Functor[Option] = new Functor[Option] {
override def map[A,B](optA: Option[A])(f: (A) => B): Option[B] = optA match{
case Some(a) => Some(f(a))
case _ => None
implicit val seq: Functor[Seq[_]] = new Functor[Seq[_]] {
override def map[A,B](sA: Seq[A])(f: (A) => B): Seq[B] = sA match{
case a :: tail => Seq(f(a), map(tail)(f))
case Nil => Nil
As you can see in the second case, there is a little bit of both (more of a recursion than iteration but still).
Now before the internet blows up on me, I will say you cant pattern match on Seq in Scala. It works here because the default Seq is also a List. I just provided this example because it is simpler to understand. The underlying definition something along the lines of that.
Now hold on a second. If you look at these types, you see that they also have flatMap defined on them. This means they are something more special than plain Functors. They are Monads. So beyond satisfying functoriality, they obey the monadic laws.
Turns out Monad has a different kind of meaning in the core scala, more on that here: What exactly makes Option a monad in Scala?
But again very very short, this means that we are now in a category where the endofunctors from our previous category are the objects and the mappings between them are morphisms (natural transformations), this is slightly more accurate because if you think about it when you take a type and transform it, you take (carry over) all of it's internal type constructors (2-cell or internal morphisms) with it, you do not only take this sole idea of a type without it's functions.
implicit val optionMonad: Monad[Option] = new Monad[Option] {
override def flatMap[A, B](optA: Option[A])(f: (A) => Option[B]): Option[B] = optA match{
case Some(a) => f(a)
case _ => None
def pure[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
//You can define map using pure and flatmap
implicit val seqMonad: Monad[Seq[_]] = new Monad[Seq[_]] {
override def flatMap[A, B](sA: Seq[A])(f: (A) => Seq[B]): Seq[B] = sA match{
case x :: xs => f(a).append(flatMap(tail)(f))
case Nil => Nil
override def pure[A](a: A): Seq[A] = Seq(a)
//Same warning as above, also you can implement map with the above 2 funcs
One thing you can always count on is map being having pattern match (or some if statement). Why?
In order to satisfy the identity laws, we need to have some sort of a "base case", a unit object and in many cases (such as Lists) those types are gonna be what we call either a product or coproduct.
Hopefully, this did not confuse you further. I wish I could get into every detail of this but it would simply take pages, I highly recommend getting into categories to fully understand where these come from.
From the ScalaDocs page we can see that the type profile for the Standard Library map() method is a little different.
def map[B](f: (A) => B): Seq[B]
So the Standard Library map() is the means to transition from a collection of elements of type A to the same collection but the elements are type B. (A and B might be the same type. They aren't required to be different.)
So, yes, it iterates through the collection applying function f() to each element A to create each new element B. And function f() might use pattern matching in its code, but it doesn't have to.
Now consider Every element of a is sent to println which returns Unit. So if a is List[Int] then the result of is List[Unit], which isn't terribly useful.
When all we want is the side effect of sending information to StdOut then we use foreach() which doesn't create a new collection: a.foreach(println)
Function map for Option isn't about pattern matching. The match/case used in your referred link is just one of the many ways to define the function. It could've been defined using if/else. In fact, that's how it's defined in Scala 2.13 source of class Option:
sealed abstract class Option[+A] extends IterableOnce[A] with Product with Serializable {
self =>
final def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] =
if (isEmpty) None else Some(f(this.get))
If you view Option like a "collection" of either one element (Some(x)) or no elements (None), it might be easier to see the resemblance of how map transforms an Option versus, say, a List:
val f: Int => Int = _ + 1
// res1: List[Int] = List(43)
// res2: List[Int] = List()
// res3: Option[Int] = Some(43)
// res4: Option[Int] = None

Is there an efficient way to avoid repeated evaluation with mapValues?

The mapValues method creates a new Map that modifies the results of queries to the original Map by applying the given function. If the same value is queried twice, the function passed to mapValues is called twice.
For example:
case class A(i: Int) {
case class B(a: A) {
case class C(b: B) {
val map = Map("One" -> 1)
val a = map.get("One")
val b = map.get("One")
This will print ABCABC because a new set of case classes is created each time the value is queried.
How can I efficiently make this into a concrete Map that has pre-computed the mapValues functions? Ideally I would like a mechanism that does nothing if the Map already has concrete values.
I know that I can call but this would re-compute the index for the Map which seems inefficient. The same is true if the last mapValues is converted to a map.
The view method will turn a strict Map into a non-strict Map, but there does not seem to be a method to do the opposite.
You can call force on the view to force evaluation:
scala> val strictMap = map.view.force
ABCstrictMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,C] = Map(One -> C(B(A(1))))
scala> strictMap.get("One")
res1: Option[C] = Some(C(B(A(1))))
scala> strictMap.get("One")
res2: Option[C] = Some(C(B(A(1))))
I'd be careful about assuming that this will perform better than a simple map, though, and even if it does, the difference is likely to be negligible compared to the noise and the inconvenience if you need to cross-build for 2.11 or 2.12 and future Scala versions that will fix mapValues and change the view system entirely.

Scala Seq vs List performance

So I am a bit perplexed. I have a piece of code in Scala (the exact code is not really all that important). I had all my methods written to take Seq[T]. These methods are mostly tail recursive and use the Seq[T] as an accumulator which is fed initially like Seq(). Interestingly enough, when I swap all the signature with the concrete List() implementation, I am observing three fold improvement in performance.
Isn't it the case that Seq's default implementation is in fact an immutable List ? So if that is the case, what is really going on ?
Calling Seq(1,2,3) and calling List(1,2,3) will both result in a 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil. The Seq.apply method is just a very generic method that looks like this:
def apply[A](elems: A*): CC[A] = {
if (elems.isEmpty) empty[A]
else {
val b = newBuilder[A]
b ++= elems
newBuilder is the thing that sort of matters here. That method delegates to scala.collection.immutable.Seq.newBuilder:
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, Seq[A]] = new mutable.ListBuffer
So the Builder for a Seq is a mutable.ListBuffer. A Seq gets constructed by appending the elements to the empty ListBuffer and then calling result on it, which is implemented like this:
def result: List[A] = toList
/** Converts this buffer to a list. Takes constant time. The buffer is
* copied lazily, the first time it is mutated.
override def toList: List[A] = {
exported = !isEmpty
List also has a ListBuffer as Builder. It goes through a slightly different but similar building process. It is not going to make a big difference anyway, since I assume that most of your algorithm will consist of prepending things to a Seq, not calling Seq.apply(...) the whole time. Even if you did it shouldn't make much difference.
It's really not possible to say what is causing the behavior you're seeing without seeing the code that has that behavior.

Early return from a for loop in Scala

Now I have some Scala code similar to the following:
def foo(x: Int, fn: (Int, Int) => Boolean): Boolean = {
for {
i <- 0 until x
j <- i + 1 until x
if fn(i, j)
} return true
But I get the feeling that return true is not so functional (or maybe it is?). Is there a way to rewrite this piece of code in a more elegant way?
In general, what is the more functional (if any) way to write the return-early-from-a-loop kind of code?
There are several methods can help, such as find, exists, etc. For your case, try this:
def foo2(x: Int, fn: (Int, Int) => Boolean): Boolean = {
(0 until x).exists(i =>
(i+1 until x).exists(j=>fn(i, j)))
Since all you are checking for is existence, you can just compose 2 uses of exists:
(0 until x).exists(i => (i + 1 until x).exists(fn(i, _)))
More generally, if you are concerned with more than just determining if a certain element exists, you can convert your comprehension to a series of Streams, Iterators, or views, you can use exists and it will evaluate lazily, avoiding unnecessary executions of the loop:
def foo(x: Int, fn: (Int, Int) => Boolean): Boolean = {
(for {
i <- (0 until x).iterator
j <- (i + 1 until x).iterator
} yield(i, j)).exists(fn.tupled)
You can also use map and flatMap instead of a for, and toStream or view instead of iterator:
(0 until x).view.flatMap(i => (i + 1 until x) => i -> j)).exists(fn.tupled)
You can also use view on any collection to get a collection where all the transformers are performed lazily. This is possibly the most idiomatic way to short-circuit a collection traversal. From the docs on views:
Scala collections are by default strict in all their transformers, except for Stream, which implements all its transformer methods lazily. However, there is a systematic way to turn every collection into a lazy one and vice versa, which is based on collection views. A view is a special kind of collection that represents some base collection, but implements all transformers lazily.
As far as overhead is concerned, it really depends on the specifics! Different collections have different implementations of view, toStream, and iterator that may vary in amount of overhead. If fn is very expensive to compute, this overhead is probably worth it, and keeping a consistent, idiomatic, functional style to your code makes it more maintainable, debuggable, and readable. If you are in a situation that calls for extreme optimization, you may want to fall back to the lower-level constructs like return (which isn't without it's own overhead!).

Is there a 'lazy map'?

Just like Stream is a lazy Seq, is there a lazy version of Map?
What I want to do:
val lm = LazyMap[Int, String]((a) => {
println("only once")
(a * a).toString()
lm.get(10) // print "only once"
lm.get(10) // print nothing
You are basically asking for a cache.
You might have a shot at using scalaz.Memo, which adds memoization to a given function.
This would give something like:
val lm: Int => String = Memo.mutableHashMapMemo[Int, String] { a =>
println("only once")
(a * a).toString()
Note however that what you get is a function, not a map. This means that you cannot test for the presence or absence of a given key, you can only apply.
But if I am to trust your example, in your case this is exactly what you want.
mutable.Map provides the method getOrElseUpdate(key: A, op: ⇒ B): B. You could use that to implement lazy semantics.
You should wrap the class in another class though, because else the value can be changed later by anyone who has the reference to that map.