Saliency maps of neural networks (using Keras) - neural-network

I have a fully connected multilayer perceptron trained in Keras. I feed it an N-dimensional feature vector and it predicts one out of M classes for the input vector. The training and prediction is working well. Now I want to analyze what part of the input feature vector is actually responsible for a particular class.
For example, lets say there are two classes A and B , and an input vector f. The vector f belongs to class A and the network predicts it correctly - the output of the network is A=1 B=0. Because I have some domain knowledge, I know that the entire f is actually not responsible for f belonging to A, only a certain part inside f is responsible for that. I want to know if the neural network has captured that. Drawing a correspondence to images, if an image I has a cat in it (with some grassy background) and a trained network predicts that correctly, then the network must know that the entire image is actually not a cat; the network internally knows the location of the cat in the image. Similarly, in my case, the network knows what part of f makes it belong to class A. I want to know what part that is.
I searched around, and believe what I want to do is called finding Saliency Maps for my network, for a given input. Is that correct?
If I've understood it correctly, Saliency Maps are simply (change in output)/(change in input), and can be found by simply 1 backpropagation operation where I find the derivative of output with respect to the input.
I found the following code snippet for doing this in Keras, but I'm not really sure if it is correct:
inp = model.layers[0].get_input()
outp = model.layers[-1].get_output()
max_outp = T.max(outp, axis=1)
saliency = theano.grad(max_outp.sum(), wrt=inp)
In the above code, when computing the gradient, is the backpropagation actually happening? The output is a non-linear function of the input, so the only way to find the gradient is to do backprop. But in the above code, there is nothing to connect theano and the network, how is theano "aware" of the network here? As far as I know, when computing gradients with Theano, we first define the function in terms of input and output. So theano has to know what that non-linear function is. I don't think that is true in the above snippet..
Update: The above code doesn't work because I have a fully connected MLP. It gives an error saying "Dense object doesn't have get_output()" . I have the following Keras function, which computes output of network given input. I want to now find gradient of this function wrt the input:
get_output = K.function([self.model.layers[0].input],[self.model.layers[-1].output])

I found the solution:
get_output = theano.function([model.layers[0].input],model.layers[-1].output,allow_input_downcast=True)
fx = theano.function( [model.layers[0].input] ,T.jacobian(model.layers[-1].output.flatten(),model.layers[0].input), allow_input_downcast=True)
grad = fx([input_feature])


RNN generate series numbers

If I use the trained RNN(or LSTM) to generate series data(name the network with generated-RNN), then I use the series data to train the RNN(i.e. the same structure with the generated-RNN) from scratch, is it possible to get the same trained network(the same trained weights) with the generated-RNN?
You take series with X as input and Y as output to train a model, then with that model you generate series O.
Now you want to recreate the Ws from O=sigmoid(XWL1+b)...*WLN+bn with O as input and X as output.
Is it possible?
Unless X=O, then most likely not. I can't give a formal mathematical proof but multiplying forward through a network isn't equal to multiplying backwards, mainly due to the activation function. If you removed the activation function or took the inverse of the activation function you would more likely approach the Ws you desired, though another set of weights might also get you the the same output for a given input.
Also, this question would be better received in stats.stackexchange than stackoverflow.

Error function and ReLu in a CNN

I'm trying to get a better understanding of neural networks by trying to programm a Convolution Neural Network by myself.
So far, I'm going to make it pretty simple by not using max-pooling and using simple ReLu-activation. I'm aware of the disadvantages of this setup, but the point is not making the best image detector in the world.
Now, I'm stuck understanding the details of the error calculation, propagating it back and how it interplays with the used activation-function for calculating the new weights.
I read this document (A Beginner's Guide To Understand CNN), but it doesn't help me understand much. The formula for calculating the error already confuses me.
This sum-function doesn't have defined start- and ending points, so i basically can't read it. Maybe you can simply provide me with the correct one?
After that, the author assumes a variable L that is just "that value" (i assume he means E_total?) and gives an example for how to define the new weight:
where W is the weights of a particular layer.
This confuses me, as i always stood under the impression the activation-function (ReLu in my case) played a role in how to calculate the new weight. Also, this seems to imply i simply use the error for all layers. Doesn't the error value i propagate back into the next layer somehow depends on what i calculated in the previous one?
Maybe all of this is just uncomplete and you can point me into the direction that helps me best for my case.
Thanks in advance.
You do not backpropagate errors, but gradients. The activation function plays a role in caculating the new weight, depending on whether or not the weight in question is before or after said activation, and whether or not it is connected. If a weight w is after your non-linearity layer f, then the gradient dL/dw wont depend on f. But if w is before f, then, if they are connected, then dL/dw will depend on f. For example, suppose w is the weight vector of a fully connected layer, and assume that f directly follows this layer. Then,
dL/dw=(dL/df)*df/dw //notations might change according to the shape
//of the tensors/matrices/vectors you chose, but
//this is just the chain rule
As for your cost function, it is correct. Many people write these formulas in this non-formal style so that you get the idea, but that you can adapt it to your own tensor shapes. By the way, this sort of MSE function is better suited to continous label spaces. You might want to use softmax or an svm loss for image classification (I'll come back to that). Anyway, as you requested a correct form for this function, here is an example. Imagine you have a neural network that predicts a vector field of some kind (like surface normals). Assume that it takes a 2d pixel x_i and predicts a 3d vector v_i for that pixel. Now, in your training data, x_i will already have a ground truth 3d vector (i.e label), that we'll call y_i. Then, your cost function will be (the index i runs on all data samples):
sum_i{(y_i-v_i)^t (y_i-vi)}=sum_i{||y_i-v_i||^2}
But as I said, this cost function works if the labels form a continuous space (here , R^3). This is also called a regression problem.
Here's an example if you are interested in (image) classification. I'll explain it with a softmax loss, the intuition for other losses is more or less similar. Assume we have n classes, and imagine that in your training set, for each data point x_i, you have a label c_i that indicates the correct class. Now, your neural network should produce scores for each possible label, that we'll note s_1,..,s_n. Let's note the score of the correct class of a training sample x_i as s_{c_i}. Now, if we use a softmax function, the intuition is to transform the scores into a probability distribution, and maximise the probability of the correct classes. That is , we maximse the function
sum_i { exp(s_{c_i}) / sum_j(exp(s_j))}
where i runs over all training samples, and j=1,..n on all class labels.
Finally, I don't think the guide you are reading is a good starting point. I recommend this excellent course instead (essentially the Andrew Karpathy parts at least).

ANN: Approximating non-linear function with neural network

I am learning to build neural networks for regression problems. It works well approximating linear functions. Setup with 1-5–1 units with linear activation functions in hidden and output layers does the trick and results are fast and reliable. However, when I try to feed it simple quadratic data (f(x) = x*x) here is what happens:
With linear activation function, it tries to fit a linear function through dataset
And with TANH function it tries to fit a a TANH curve through the dataset.
This makes me believe that the current setup is inherently unable to learn anything but a linear relation, since it's repeating the shape of activation function on the chart. But this may not be true because I've seen other implementations learn curves just perfectly. So I may be doing something wrong. Please provide your guidance.
About my code
My weights are randomized (-1, 1) inputs are not normalized. Dataset is fed in random order. Changing learning rate or adding layers, does not change the picture much.
I've created a jsfiddle,
the place to play with is this function:
function trainingSample(n) {
return [[n], [n]];
It produces a single training sample: an array of an input vector array and a target vector array.
In this example it produces an f(x)=x function. Modify it to be [[n], [n*n]] and you've got a quadratic function.
The play button is at the upper right, and there also are two input boxes to manually input these values. If target (right) box is left empty, you can test the output of the network by feedforward only.
There is also a configuration file for the network in the code, where you can set learning rate and other things. (Search for var Config)
It's occurred to me that in the setup I am describing, it is impossible to learn non–linear functions, because of the choice of features. Nowhere in forward pass we have input dependency of power higher than 1, that's why I am seeing a snapshot of my activation function in the output. Duh.

How does a neural network work with correlated image data

I am new to TensorFlow and deep learning. I am trying to create a fully connected neural network for image processing. I am somewhat confused.
We have an image, say 28x28 pixels. This will have 784 inputs to the NN. For non-correlated inputs, this is fine, but image pixels are generally correlated. For instance, consider a picture of a cow's eye. How can a neural network understand this when we have all pixels lined up in an array for a fully-connected network. How does it determine the correlation?
Please research some tutorials on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network); here is a starting point for you. A fully connected layer of a NN surrenders all of the correlation information it might have had with the input. Structurally, it implements the principle that the inputs are statistically independent.
Alternately, a convolution layer depends upon the physical organization of the inputs (such as pixel adjacency), using that to find simple combinations (convolutions) of feature form one layer to another.
Bottom line: your NN doesn't find the correlation: the topology is wrong, and cannot do the job you want.
Also, please note that a layered network consisting of fully-connected neurons with linear weight combinations, is not deep learning. Deep learning has at least one hidden layer, a topology which fosters "understanding" of intermediate structures. A purely linear, fully-connected layering provides no such hidden layers. Even if you program hidden layers, the outputs remain a simple linear combination of the inputs.
Deep learning requires some other discrimination, such as convolutions, pooling, rectification, or other non-linear combinations.
Let's take it into peaces to understand the intuition behind NN learning to predict.
to predict a class of given image we have to find a correlation or direct link between once of it is input values to the class. we can think about finding one pixel can tell us this image belongs to this class. which is impossible so what we have to do is build up more complex function or let's call complex features. which will help us to find to generate a correlated data to the wanted class.
To make it simpler imagine you want to build AND function (p and q), OR function (p or q) in the both cases there is a direct link between the input and the output. in and function if there 0 in the input the output always zero. so what if we want to xor function (p xor q) there is no direct link between the input and the output. the answer is to build first layer of classifying AND and OR then by a second layer taking the result of the first layer we can build the function and classify the XOR function
(p xor q) = (p or q) and not (p and q)
By applying this method on Multi-layer NN you'll have the same result. but then you'll have to deal with huge amount of parameters. one solution to avoid this is to extract representative, variance and uncorrelated features between images and correlated with their class from the images and feed the to the Network. you can look for image features extraction on the web.
this is a small explanation for how to see the link between images and their classes and how NN work to classify them. you need to understand NN concept and then you can go to read about Deep-learning.

Non-linear regression using custom neural network in MatLab

I am very new to MatLab. I got a task for modelling non-linear regression using neural network in MatLab.
I need to create a two-layer neural network where:
The first layer is N neurons with sigmoid activation function.
The second layer is layer with one neuron and a linear activation
Here is how I implemented the network:
net = network(N, 2);
net.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'logsig';
net.layers{1}.size = N
net.layers{2}.size = 1;
Is this implementation correct? How should I assign the linear activation function to the second layer?
A quick reading of the Matlab help on the nntransfer function gives you the list of all possible transfer functions you can use. In your case I think you should either try the poslin (positive linear) or the purelin one (pure linear).
When you have such questions, the best way is actually to 'ask' Matlab the possibilities you have.
In this case, I just typed net.layers{2} in the Matlab console window. This displays the list of the parameters of the 2nd layer. Then, you just click on the link TransferFcn and the Matlab help with the possible options for this parameter value automatically opens. This works for any parameter of your neural network ;)
You didn't determine the transfer function for the second layer.
The rest is OK.