How I can to define in UE4 the default values of variables published by UFUNCTION - unreal-engine4

I have a proeject in C++ with UE4 and I need to know if there is a way to define the default value of C++ variables when I use this function from Blueprints.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = SirenPlayerCameraManager)
virtual void SwitchCameraTo(ACameraActor* CameraActor, EViewTargetBlendFunction BlendFunc, float BlendTime);
This is my Function, and when I use this Blueprint I want the parameter BlendFunc could have a default value != 0

Yes it is possible
just like in plain C++ you can assign a value for example
void F(int x = 0);


MQL4 - How to set a "today"-datetime to an extern variable in MQL4 script?

I have an MQL4 script ( a script that runs on MetaTrader4 Terminal platform ) and I need to define an extern variable, named extractionDate of type datetime, so that the user can change its input value before the script starts.
I tried the conventional way to define the variable before the standard script's function start(), but it doesn't work. When I compile I, get the error message
['TimeLocal' - constant expected]
that means MQL4 wants a constant value for the variable. But this isn't my goal. I would like to show as default value the "Today" date, when the script starts and not a fixed predefined date value.
Is it possible to do this or not?
extern datetime extractionDate = TimeLocal();
int start()
No, compiler does not allow this directly
Compiler does not allow a way to assign a default value, that is not constant.
It has to know the value, so an attempt to setup / assign an unknown / variable-value as a default one, will yield compilation error.
Yet, how to solve this?
My approach would be to give user instructions and a choice to setup any datetime, or setup a value of -1, which would be translated inside the OnInit() event handler code-block:
void OnInit(){
if ( extractionData == -1 ) extractionDate = TimeLocal();

How do I create a Unity 3D UI text element in an F# script?

I'm attempting to create some ui elements in my F# script that is attached to a camera in Unity 3d. I know how to do this in C# but I'm not quite sure how to do it in F#.
Here's a simple C# example:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text uiText;
void Start ()
uiText.text = "Hello world!";
void Update ()
Now, here's my F# code. I've added comments that displays the compiler error I get when attempting to create a text element, This type has no accessible constructors.
namespace GameLogic
open UnityEngine
open UnityEngine.UI
type CameraController() =
inherit MonoBehaviour()
member this.uiText = Text // Compiler Error: This type has no accessible constructors
member this.Start() =
let uiText = Text // Compiler Error: This Type has no accessible constructors
member this.Update() =
It seems like F# implicitly calls a constructor method on Unity's Text object.
So, how can I create a ui text element in an F# script? Thanks for any and all help.
In your C# code, the uiText member is getting initialized with null, which is the default for C#. In F#, there is no "default", you have to write the initial value explicitly:
member this.uiText: Text = null
This will compile, but won't give you the desired result. This syntax will create a read-only property that always returns null. In order to create a read/write property with initial value, you have to use member val:
member val uiText: Text = null with get, set
The 'get, set' part in there serves for clarification that you want the property to be readable and writable. Without it (by default), the property will be read-only.
For a complete description of how properties work in F#, see MSDN.
I ended up using a mutable let binding that specifies it is of type Text and its initial value is null. I then added the SerializeField attribute in order to associate UI Text elements in the Unity editor with the script.
Below is a simple example.
namespace GameLogic
open UnityEngine
open UnityEngine.UI
type CameraController() =
inherit MonoBehaviour()
let mutable uiText : Text = null
member this.Start() =
uiText.text <- "hello world!"
member this.Update() =

Is there any method to know whether a member is declared random or not in a class in SV

// Current Class
class x;
rand int a;
int b; // b is nonrandom as of now
function new();
function abc;
// if a != ref.a, where ref is reference object of class x, declared somewhere else
// Future Possible Class
class x;
rand int a;
rand int b; // b is also a random variable now
function new();
function abc;
// if a != ref.a, where ref is reference object of class x, declared somewhere else
// if b != ref.b, where ref is reference object of class x, declared somewhere else
So in function abc, depending upon whether a rand member value matches or doesn't match with the value of that member in reference class, that rand declared members of class x, should be active or inactive accordinly.
Purpose - I need to check if a rand variable matches with reference class value then only it should be randomized, otherwise not.
I want to generalize method abc, for all possible future variations (So I don't need to modify it, as done in the above example), and as I don't know, when a class member may become rand or nonrand member, Is there any inbuilt method to know, whether a member of a class is declared as rand or not in that class?
You could change your perspective on the problem slightly. Instead of trying to disable randomization for fields that are declared rand, why not say that when they get randomized, they should keep their value?
According to this nice post, there's a new construct in SV 2012, const'(...) that would work in this case. Unfortunately I don't think many vendors support it. Your randomize() call would look like this:
if (!rand_obj.randomize() with {
const'(a) != ref_obj.a -> a == const'(a);
$fatal(0, "rand error");
Let's dissect this code. const(a) will sample the value of a prior to doing any sort of randomization. If the value of a before randomization is not equal to the reference value, then we have the second part of the constraint that says a should keep its value. I've tried this code on two simulators but it wasn't supported by either (though it should be legal SV 2012 syntax). Maybe you're lucky enough to have a vendor that supports it.
You can write such constraints even for state variables, as they will still hold.
If you can't get the const syntax to work in your simulator, then the same post shows how you could work around the issue. You could store the values prior to randomization inside the object and use those in the constraint:
class some_class;
rand bit [2:0] a;
bit [2:0] b;
bit [2:0] pre_rand_a;
bit [2:0] pre_rand_b;
function void pre_randomize();
pre_rand_a = a;
pre_rand_b = b;
When you want to randomize, you'd add the following constraints:
if (!rand_obj.randomize() with {
pre_rand_a != ref_obj.a -> a == pre_rand_a;
pre_rand_b != ref_obj.b -> b == pre_rand_b;
$fatal(0, "rand error");
You can find a full example on EDAPlayground.
You mention that your function that does randomization is defined outside of the object. Because of that, the pre_rand_* fields can't be local/protected, which isn't very nice. You should consider making the function a class member and pass the reference object to it, so that you can enforce proper encapsulation.
This isn't possible as SystemVerilog doesn't provide any reflection capabilities. You could probably figure this out using the VPI, but I'm not sure how complete the implementation of the VPI is for classes.
Based on what you want to do, I'd say it anyway doesn't make sense to implement such a query just to future proof your code in case some fields will one day become rand. Just as how you add the rand modifier to the field, you can also add it to the list of fields for which randomization should be disabled. Both code locations reside in the same file, so it's difficult to miss.
One certain simulator will return -1 when interrogating a state variable's rand_mode(), but this is non-standard. The LRM explicitly states that it's a compile error to call rand_mode() on non-random fields.

Change G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY property via inheritance

I try to inherit a gobject and, among other things, would like to change the value of a G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY property so the next child class doesn't have to care.
Here's an example to depict this: GtkComboBox has a construct only property called "has-entry" with default value FALSE. In class A I want to change this value to TRUE, so that class B doesn't need to care.
GtkComboBoxClass <-- AClass <-- BClass
"has-entry" FALSE TRUE
The first naive approach was to use g_object_set() in A's instance_init function, but to no avail.
The next idea was to obtain the GParamSpec with g_object_class_find_property() and change the default value with g_param_value_set_default() in A's class_init function. But I suppose this to change the default for all GtkComboBoxClass derived objects.
The best idea I could come up with: If g_object_class_override_property() creates a new GParamSpec I could find this and set its default value in A's class_init function. But documentation doesn't loose a word about this.
So my question: Is this a working, and intended, way of accomplishing this, or is there a better solution?
Tried so far:
g_object_set() in instance init():
no warning on start
no effect
g_object_set() in GObjectClass->constructor():
no warning on start
no effect
warning on exit: invalid cast from GtkCellCiew to GtkEntry
g_object_set() in GObjectClass->constructed():
warning on start: can't be set after construction
if you want to set a property in a sub-class, and that property is construct-only, then you should use the constructed virtual function to call g_object_set() instead of the init virtual.
properties marked as construct-only will be applied during construction, using their default value, unless specified on the constructor itself — i.e. with g_object_new(). this means that setting a construct-only property inside init() will not suffice, as the value will be set after init() has been called. the constructed() virtual function, on the other hand, is called after the constructor properties have been applied, so it's possible to override the default value there.
Answering this for myself:
A look into gobject source reveals that the properties list given to constructor() contains all G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT and G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY properties and their default or given values.
Modifying these values is undocumented (or at least I couldn't find it), but it works.
Construction time property values have to be modified in this list before chaining up to parents constructor, non construct properties have to be set afterwards. Example code looks like:
static GObject *constructor(GType gtype, guint n_properties, GObjectConstructParam *properties) {
GObject *object;
guint i;
gchar const *name;
GObjectConstructParam *property;
for (i = 0, property = properties; i < n_properties; ++i, ++property) {
name = g_param_spec_get_name(property->pspec);
if (!strcmp(name, "has-entry")) // is G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY
g_value_set_boolean(property->value, TRUE);
object = G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->constructor(gtype, n_properties, properties);
g_object_set(object, "entry-text-column", TEXT_COLUMN, NULL);
return object;

Timer Thread with passed Function* and Param

I'm working on finishing up my server for my first iPhone application, and I want to implement a simple little feature.
I would like to run a function (perhaps method as well), if another function returns a certain value after a certain waiting period. Fairly simple concept.... right?
Here's my basic foundation.
template <typename T,class TYP>
struct funcpar{
T (*function)(TYP);
TYP parameter;
funcpar(T (*func)(TYP),TYP param);
funcpar& operator=(const funcpar& fp);
The goal here is to be able to call funcpar::function(funcpar::parameter) to run the stored function and parameter, and not have to worry about anything else...
When I attempted to use a void* parameter instead of the template, I couldn't copy the memory as an object (because I didn't know what the end object was going to be, or the beginning for that matter) and when I tried multiple timers, every single object's parameter would change to the new parameter passed to the new timer... With the previous struct I have a
Is it possible to make an all-inclusive pointer to this type of object inside a method of a class? Can I templatize a method, and not the whole class? Would it work exactly like a function template?
I have a managing class that holds a vector of these "jobs" and takes care of everything fairly well. I just don't know how to use a templatized function with the struct, or how to utilize templates on a single method in a class..
I'm also utilizing this in my custom simple threadpool, and that's working fairly well, and has the same problems...
I have another question:
Can I possibly store a function with a parameter before it's run? Something like toRun = dontrunmeyet(withThisParameter);? Is my struct even necessary?
Am I going about this whole thing incorrectly?
If this is overly ambiguous, I can set you up with my whole code for context
In order to create a class method that takes a template parameter, yes, it would work almost exactly like a function template. For example:
class A
template<typename T>
void my_function(const T& value) { }
int main()
A test;
return 0;
Secondly, for your structure, you can actually turn that into a functor-object that by overloading operator(), lets you call the structure as-if it were a function rather than having to actually call the specific function pointer members inside the structure. For instance, your structure could be re-written to look like this:
#include <iostream>
template <class ReturnType, class ParameterType>
class funcpar
ReturnType (*function)(ParameterType);
ParameterType parameter;
funcpar(ReturnType (*func)(ParameterType),ParameterType param):
function(func), parameter(param) {}
funcpar& operator=(const funcpar& fp);
//operator() overloaded to be a function that takes no arguments
//and returns type ReturnType
ReturnType operator() ()
return function(parameter);
int sample_func(int value)
return value + 1;
int main()
funcpar<int, int> test_functor(sample_func, 5);
//you can call any instance of funcpar just like a normal function
std::cout << test_functor() << std::endl;
return 0;
BTW, you do need the functor object (or your structure, etc.) in order to bind a dynamic parameter to a function before the function is called in C/C++ ... you can't "store" a parameter with an actual function. Binding a parameter to a function is actually called a closure, and in C/C++, creating a closure requires a structure/class or some type of associated data-structure you can use to bind a function with a specific parameter stored in memory that is used only for a specific instance of that function call.