Why Task scheduler withoutOverlapping method not working in laravel 5.2 - scheduled-tasks

I have tried withoutOverlapping method in Laravel 5.2 But it is not working for me. Can anybody help me in figuring out my issue
$newUserStrava = new StravaController();

It is because it create a mutex file when there is fatal error while running the schedule job and it does not re-initiate the schedule job again. You can refer to below link for the solution.


How to stop specific schedule task (cron job) in laravel 5 on live server cpanel

I have created multiple schedule tasks in laravel 5, and created cron job on cpanel it is working fine. But now i want to stop specific schedule task, i have comment the command and remove class from app/Console/kernel.php file, but still it is running on live server on that specific time.
Befor in kernel.php
protected $commands = [
Now Remove the class Commands\ChangeCreatedPostDuration::class
After Removed the class:
protected $commands = [
But still it is running on live server.
Please anyone can help ? how to stop this specific schedule task ?
Make sure that you have completely removed the scheduled function/command from "Kernel.php" of your Laravel 5 and that you do not have related manual CronJob in your cPanel -> CronJobs.
You might also want to check this article: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/laravel/how-to-stop-scheduled-tasks-from-running-in-kernelphp

Laravel 8 "Queue::push" is working, but "dispatch" is not

I'm facing an issue with Laravel queued jobs.
I'm using Laravel v8.40.0 with Redis v6.2.5 and Horizon v5.7.14 for managing jobs.
I have a job class called MyJob which should write a message in log file.
If I use Queue::push(new MyJob()) everything seems to work fine: I see the job in Horizon and the new row in log file.
But if I use dispatch(new MyJob()) or MyJob::dispatch() it doesn't seem to push my job into queue: I can't see the job in Horizon and I see no results in log file.
I was following the docs (https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/queues#dispatching-jobs) to use queues correctly and I don't understand where I'm doing wrong.
Thank you

Unable to turn on debug for ADFv2 Mapping Data Flow

Today, I'm not able to turn on debug on my ADFv2 mapping data flow. I'm getting the error below:
I already tried creating a new IR set to auto resolve and also set to same region as my ADFv2 - still no good.
Failed to setup debug session. Error: No connection is available to service this operation: SETEX dfProd_dataflowdebugsession26a9d381-5924-4c1f-b36f-cf41e2eab60e_f96ba068-97be-478a-8ed6-012a7ec58d80; IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=100,Min=50,Max=100), WORKER: (Busy=7,Free=93,Min=50,Max=100), Local-CPU: n/a
Congratulations that your error solved now.
I think maybe it's caused by the cache. Refresh the Data Factory and try again.
You tried again today and it worked.
I post this as the answer to make others know the error is gone.
What Azure Region is this factory in?

javax.resource.ResourceException: IJ000459 Transaction is not active

I am using JBOSS EAP7 and EJB3.0.
I have some functionality like whenever I got some Exception, I need to log it.
But when I get a Exception and trying to log it, I am getting an exception like Transaction is not active. I am using Container Managed Transaction and Attribute type as Required.
Please help me to resolve it.
Thanks in Advance.

Spring GS - Creating a Batch Service missing output from db query

I have run the complete source for Getting Started - Creating a Batch Service
Knowing that the sample uses the memory-based database provided by the #EnableBatchProcessing, is the db query result expected or it will only be available if data will be persisted permanently?
After adding some debug lines, it seems that the DB query is executed first before the job gets executed. Was this the expected behavior?
Is there anything I'm missing here.
You aren't missing anything. This is related to issue number 8 for that guide (https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-batch-processing/issues/8). I just created a pull request to address this issue. You can view the PR here (https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-batch-processing/pull/9) until it's merged.
The PR has been merged and the guid has been updated. The new version should no longer have this issue.