RapidMiner Get Day of the Week - date

I am using RapidMiner to deal with a dataset that has a timestamp attribute. I am using the Generate Attribute operator to obtain the date from the timestamp:
date = date_parse([vr_timestamp])
However, I need to obtain the Day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, ...).
Any idea of how can this be achieved?

You can use the following within Generate Attributes.
dayofweek = date_str_custom(aDate, "E")
In this case, aDate is an attribute of type Date time and dayofweek is your new attribute.
A full reference to all possible values that control this is given here.


How to initialize and compare dates (such as production/ expiration date of a product) in AnyLogic?

I would like to create two variables as the production date and expiration date for my agent "Product" in AnyLogic and then compare the expiration date to the current date of the model to find out if it's expired.
I modeled the variables as Date:
Date productionRDate;
Date expirationRDate = addToDate(productionRDate, DAY, 30);
and compare expirationRDate to the current date like this:
differenceInCalendarUnits(DAY, agent.expirationRDate, date()) > 0
and initialized productionRDate as in the image below. But it has an error that says:
initialization and the error
Any suggestion on what should I do?
Thanks a lot.
You need to initialize productionDate as well, it is currently empty, so you cannot add to it.
Do something like
Date productionDate =date();
It needs to have a value

Quicksight datepicker for month only

I'm searching for a way to have month selection and that will serve as startdate and enddate for the date filtering.
I'm building a monthly report on quicksight, I try to use the last 31 days but that give information of multiple months
I already create date picker for those parameters but didn't find any way to limit the value to be the complete month only.
Example : if select the 12 september I desire to get the September values only (from the 1er to the 31th)
Any advice is welcome
Thanks for your help
First, add a new date filter (if you want, e.g., today to be the default you'll need to add a dynamic default against a data set that returns today)
Add a new control (I found naming this to be difficult, perhaps you're better at picking names than I am)
Add a new calculated field that returns 1 if the truncDate of your date field and the truncDate of your parameter are equal, otherwise return 0
truncDate("MM", {date}) = truncDate("MM", ${InMonth}),
Finally, add a filter that checks where your calculated field is 1 and apply it to all visuals

Tableau: Same Day Last Year Auto Filter

I am trying to compare yesterday's data to the same day the year before. For example, yesterday is 11 November 2018. I want to compare to 12 November 2017 (same day but the year before). I am wanting this to be applied automatically on the filter so all I need to do is open the file and verify the numbers are correct before sending off the report.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are many Tableau functions that manipulate dates. A couple in particular are relevant to your problem:
Today() - returns the current date
DateAdd() - adds or subtracts an interval from a date. For instance, DateAdd('year', Today(), -1) gives the date one year prior to today. The first argument to DateAdd is the level of granularity or date part.
DateDiff() - determines the difference of the interval between two dates. DateDiff('day', [Start Date], [End Date]) returns the number of days separating the two date arguments.
The functions are well documented in the online help. Construct the formulas you need and filter accordingly.
Isolate yesterday's date as its own field. For instance if that is the max date in your data, then {max([Date])} would create an LOD of the maximum date.
Then make a calculation that will display the same date last year:
year([Date]) = year([max_date])-1
and datepart('week',[Date]) = datepart('week',[max_date])
and datepart('weekday',[Date]) = datepart('weekday',[max_date])

Using Current Date Time in SAS

I am selecting the data from a table using a date string. I would like to select all rows that have a update time stamp greater than or equal to today.
The simplest way that I can think of is to put today's date in the string, and it works fine.
WHERE UPDATE_DTM >'29NOV2016:12:00'DT;
However, if I want to put something like today's date or system date, what should I put?
I used today(), but it returned all rows in the table. I am not sure if it's because today() in SAS refers to the date 1/1/1960? I also tried &sysdate, but it returned an error message seems like it requires a date conversion.
Any ideas? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
DATETIME() is the datetime equivalent of TODAY() (but includes the current time). You could also use dhms(TODAY(),0,0,0) if you want effectively midnight (or, for your example above, dhms(TODAY(),12,0,0) to get noon today).

Zend_Date compare two dates

I have two dates given as Zend_Date(). I must check the following:
if theese dates are in the same month day (for example: second day of the month, year does not matter),
if dates are from exactly the same day(for example 2 december 2012);
To check the dates are the exact same day, you can check each individual part separately.
This returns a date object that specifically gives you the day for the 'your-date-here' and it accepts a variety of formats; for example, I use php's date function as:
$myDate = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
$dateDayObject = Zend_Date($myDate, Zend_Date::DAY);
and now $dateDayObject will have the value of the 'd' in it.
You can use DAY, WEEK, YEAR... there are many constant all defined here:
Finally, to test if they are in the same day of the month, you can use a combination of loops and if statement and the same method as above to write your own function to check the day within the month or there may be a defined constant for it. Good luck.