Matlab - make one point move towards another - matlab

I need to program a dot moving towards another dot. I have the initial coords of the point, however the point at which it has to move to is randomly selected.Eg the initial of the dot might me [0 0], and it will have to travel to [100,325] or [198,-243]. The grid within which the points can spawn has bound of 500 and -500 (square).
Currently generating points using,
dots = plot(XY(:,1), XY(:,2), ...
'Marker', '.', ...
'Color', 'b', ...
'LineStyle', 'none', ...
'MarkerSize', 6);
and giving them XY coordinates with (initially random within a small starting area). In this case numberDots is = 1 (have to add more later). baseRadius = 50
angle = rand(numberUAVs, 1) * 2*pi;
r = baseRadius * sqrt(rand(numberDots, 1));
XY = [r .* cos(angle(:)) + 0, ...
r .* sin(angle(:)) + 0]
This is how im currently trying to get them to move by simply adding 1 to the coords and plotting.
for i = 1:1000000
XY = XY + 1;
set(dots, 'XData', XY(:,1), 'YData', XY(:,2));
How can make the dot move towards a randomly defined point. Thanks

Adding 1 to you x/y coordinates each time through the loop will work only if your new point is always to the upper right of your current point with the same x and y distance from your start point.
Instead, you can simply use linspace to get linearly spaced x values between the start and finish and similarly for y values.
%// Number of "steps" you want to take to get from the start point to the end point
nSteps = 100;
%// Figure out all intermediate x/y values between the two
xx = linspace(x_start, x_end, nSteps);
yy = linspace(y_start, y_end, nSteps);
%// Create the initial plot
plt = plot(NaN, NaN, 'bo');
%// Then plot the point's path
for k = 1:nSteps
set(plt, 'XData', xx(k), 'YData', yy(k))


Plot line between all the scattered points and adjust the thickness of line according to the distance between points

Here are the coordinates that I am planning to plot, filename is Coords:
x y
0.0110 0.1105
-0.2730 0.2559
0.3610 0.1528
-0.0077 -0.2520
-0.2412 -0.1979
0.0444 -0.0526
0.0543 -0.0076
-0.1710 0.1170
0.12741 -0.0448
0.0949 -0.0811
Here is my code that plots the scatter graph first:
Hold on
%Plot Coordinate
For i=1:10
dot_size = 100;
scatter ( Coords(i,1) ,Coords(i,2), dot_size, 'filled', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );
%Draw line distance between each points
for i=1:10
for j=1:10
plot( [Coords(i,1) Coords(i,2)], [Coords(j,1) Coords(j,2)] );
Hold off
%Sets the size of the y and x axis
xlim( [ min( Coords(:,1)) max( Coords(:,1)) ] );
ylim( [ min( Coords(:,2)) max( Coords(:,2)) ] );
axis off;
Here is the result I get:
I don't know why the lines are being drawn everywhere. I also notice that even when plot(x,y) = 0, the line is still being drawn.
I also would like to change the thickness and opacity of the line depending on the distance between the two points: E.g. thicker and darker line for short distance between points. And thinner /lighter line if the distance between two points are long.
I want my plot to look something like this:
The reason your lines do not match the scattered points is the coordinates you give to plot; The coordinates are in wrong order and therefore they do not define the lines correctly.
I modified your code to correct this issue. I replaced plot with line, but you can also do the same with plot. In addition, I defined the anonymous functions f and g to define the color and thickness of each line based on distance of the two ends, d. You can modify these functionalities to get different graphical behaviors.
n = 10; % number of points
dot_size = 100;
Coords = rand(n, 2);
% maximum possible length in your coordination plane:
L = norm([max(Coords(:,1))-min(Coords(:,1)),max(Coords(:,2))-min(Coords(:,2))]);
% this function defines the line width:
f = #(x) L / (x + 0.1); % 0.1 avoids huge line widths in very small distances
% this function defines the color:
g = #(x) x * [1 1 1] / L;
hold on
for ii = 1:n-1
for jj = ii+1:n
d = norm([Coords(ii,1)-Coords(jj,1), Coords(ii,2)-Coords(jj,2)]);
line([Coords(ii,1) Coords(jj,1)], [Coords(ii,2) Coords(jj,2)], ...
'LineWidth', f(d), 'Color', g(d));
scatter (Coords(:,1), Coords(:,2), dot_size, 'filled', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
axis tight
axis off
With this output:
axis tight is a command that sets the limits to the tightest possible. It is equivalent to your xlim( [ min( Coords(:,1)) max( Coords(:,1)) ] ); and the next line.
In the for-loops you should try to avoid choosing one pair of points twice or same point as both sides of a line.
For scattering you do not need a loop. It could all be done at once.
I brought scatter after plotting the lines, so the circles are drawn on top.
There is also a specialized MATLAB function for generating plots like this: gplot.
data = [
0.0110 0.1105
-0.2730 0.2559
0.3610 0.1528
-0.0077 -0.2520
-0.2412 -0.1979
0.0444 -0.0526
0.0543 -0.0076
-0.1710 0.1170
0.12741 -0.0448
0.0949 -0.0811]; % Coordinates
adjM = squareform(pdist(data)); %
adjM (adjM > 0) = 1; % Form adjacency matrix based on Euclidean distances
figure; gplot(adjM, data, '-o') % Plot figure based on coordinates and adjacency matrix
Then, customize to your liking, e.g. if you want to change marker type, remove the axis, add labels etc.

matlab: moving circle along a graph and axis equal

Hello and pardon me if my english is a bit rusty. I'm trying to create a circle that moves along a parametric function (coordinates are stored in vectors). I have written a function for drawing the circle and I know that you can use the axis equal command in matlab in order to create a circle shape and avoid an ellipse. My problem is that when I do this the figure window becomes very wide relative to the plotted graph. Any input is appreciated.
t = linspace(0,3);
x = 30*cos(pi/4)/2*(1-exp(-0.5*t));
y = (30*sin(pi/4)/2 + 9.81/0.5^2)*(1-exp(0.5*t)) - 9.81*t/0.5;
for i = 1:length(t)
axis equal
hold on
cirkel(x(i),y(i),1,1,'r') % argument #3 is the radius #4 is 1 for fill
hold off
function cirkel(x,y,r,f,c)
angle = linspace(0, 2*pi, 360);
xp = x + r*cos(angle);
yp = y + r*sin(angle);
if f == 1 && nargin == 5
When you call axis equal it makes one unit of the x axis be the same size as one unit of the y axis. You are seeing what you are because your y values span a much larger range than the x values.
One way to deal with this would be to query the aspect ratio and x/y limits of the current axes as shown in the second part of this answer. However, an easier approach is rather than using fill to plot your circle, you could instead use scatter with a circular marker which will be circular regardless of the aspect ratio of your axes.
t = linspace(0,3);
x = 30*cos(pi/4)/2*(1-exp(-0.5*t));
y = (30*sin(pi/4)/2 + 9.81/0.5^2)*(1-exp(0.5*t)) - 9.81*t/0.5;
% Plot the entire curve
hplot = plot(x, y);
hold on;
% Create a scatter plot where the area of the marker is 50. Store the handle to the plot
% in the variable hscatter so we can update the position inside of the loop
hscatter = scatter(x(1), y(1), 50, 'r', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');
for k = 1:length(t)
% Update the location of the scatter plot
set(hscatter, 'XData', x(k), ... % Set the X Position of the circle to x(k)
'YData', y(k)) % Set the Y Position of the circle to y(k)
% Refresh the plot
As a side note, it is best to update existing plot objects rather than creating new ones.
If you want the small dot to appear circular, and you want to have a reasonable domain (x-axis extent), try this:
function cirkel(x,y,r,f,c)
angle = linspace(0, 2*pi, 360);
xp = x + 0.04*r*cos(angle); %% adding scale factor of 0.04 to make it appear circular
yp = y + r*sin(angle);
if f == 1 && nargin == 5
Note the addition of the scale factor in the computation of xp. If you want to automate this, you can add another parameter to cirkel(), let's call it s, that contains the scale factor. You can calculate the scale factor in your script by computing the ratio of the range to the domain (y extent divided by x extent).

Plot Multiple Points Simultaneously

Let me start by saying that I suspect this is a very simple solution that I am somehow barely missing.
I'm trying to write a script that will plot one set of data in four separate subplots (each showing a different view of a 3D shape the points are being plot in), but I only want to show the current points - as in, I don't want to see every point, just one set of points as they progresses with time (I'm capturing video of the plot to visualize movement with time). However, for every instant in time, there are n points to plot simultaneously. I know this should be simple, but I can't manage to get all n points to plot at once - I can only seem to get it to plot one point at a time, which is pretty meaningless when you have n markers moving with time, all of which you'd like to see moving at the same time.
The following code works to plot every point in sequence, but does not plot all n points together, refreshing those points for every t:
n = 0;
for i = 1:length(data)
% every marker occurs in one row of a specific set of data, and is split
% into x, y, z, so I correct here for each marker being every 3rd column
for j = 1:(cind/3) % cycle through every marker
x = markerLoc(i, j*3 - 2);
y = markerLoc(i, j*3 - 1);
z = markerLoc(i, j*3);
if j == 1 && i == 1 % set up the initial plots for each subplot
% s1,2,3,4 are the handles for the subplots
h1 = scatter3(s1,x, y, z, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .75 .75],...
h2 = scatter3(s2,x, y, z, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .75 .75],...
h3 = scatter3(s3,x, y, z, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .75 .75],...
h4 = scatter3(s4,x, y, z, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .75 .75],...
else % update data
% this is probably insanely redundant
set(h1, 'XData', x, 'YData', y, 'ZData', z);
set(h2, 'XData', x, 'YData', y, 'ZData', z);
set(h3, 'XData', x, 'YData', y, 'ZData', z);
set(h4, 'XData', x, 'YData', y, 'ZData', z);
frames(n) = getframe(gcf); % capture frames
n = n + 1;
Can anyone help find what I need to change here to make it plot, instead of after every j (individual marker), after ever nth j?
As it is, you are currently only updating the XData, YData, and ZData for one marker at each instant at a time. Instead you want to get rid of the inner loop and get an array of x, y, and z variables. You can then use these for the scatter3 calls as well as to update the XData, YData, and ZData.
for i = 1:length(data)
%// Get XYZ coordinates for all markers at this time and reshape so X,Y,Z are rows
xyz = reshape(markerLoc(i,:), 3, []);
if i == 1
%// Put these in an array so we can update them easier
h(1) = scatter3(s1, xyz(1,:), xyz(2,:), xyz(3,:), ...
'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .75 .75],...
%// Just use copyobj to make a copy of this plot to all axes
h(2:4) = copyobj(h(1), [s2, s3, s4]);
set(h, 'XData', xyz(1,:), 'YData', xyz(2,:), 'ZData', xyz(3,:))

Matlab animation of several points simultaneously

I am trying to simulate the trajectories of a few particles in 2D on Matlab. I have the x- and y- coordinates of these particles as a function of time, which I store as matrix x and y. The column in both x and y corresponds to the time, while the row corresponds to the particle number: 1, 2, etc.
I know how to do the animation for one particle with pause, but I am not sure how to customize the code for multiple particles' trajectories. Basically, my idea is that on the initial plot, I have 3 markers which correspond to the initial position of the particles, say particle A, B and C. Then, I would like to follow the movement of these 3 markers, and here is where I encountered the problem: I don't know how to sort the subsequent points according to the particle identity. For example, I want to specify the first point I plot in the second time point as particle A, second point as particle B and third point in particle C.
I have done something similar to this, but in my simulation, the number of particles may be 100, which makes it impractical to create x1, x2, ..., x100, y1, y2, ..., y100 for the animation to work:
y = rand(3, 20); % Generate random sample data.
x = rand(size(y, 1), size(y, 2));
% Now we have x and y sample data and we can begin.
% Extract into separate arrays
x1 = sort(x(1,:));
x2 = sort(x(2,:));
x3 = sort(x(3,:));
y1 = y(1,:);
y2 = y(2,:);
y3 = y(3,:);
for k = 1 : length(x1)
plot(x1(1:k), y1(1:k), 'r*-', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlim([min(x(:)), max(x(:))]);
ylim([min(y(:)), max(y(:))]);
grid on;
hold on;
plot(x2(1:k), y2(1:k), 'g*-', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(x3(1:k), y3(1:k), 'b*-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold off;
fprintf('Plotted points 1 through %d\n', k);
Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
In order to plot all graphs at once, we might make an 2D array.
Below is an example.
y = rand(3, 20); % Generate random sample data.
x = rand(size(y, 1), size(y, 2));
% Now we have x and y sample data and we can begin.
% Extract into separate arrays
x = sort(x');
for k = 1 : length(x)
if k==1;
plot(x0(1:2,1:N), y0(1:2,1:N), '*', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(x(1:k,1:N), y(1:k,1:N), '*-', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlim([min(x(:)), max(x(:))]);
ylim([min(y(:)), max(y(:))]);
grid on;
fprintf('Plotted points 1 through %d\n', k);
One trick was added.
At the first iteration, I added zeros before x and y.
Some unnecessary codes were removed.

Draw log graph curve on Matlab by clicking?

I'd like to draw a curve on an empty (semilog-y) graph by clicking the points I want it to run through, on the X-Y plane.
Is there a function for this?
edit: I'm trying to do this by obtaining the position of last pointer click -
axis([0 3000 0 1000]);
co=get(gcf, 'CurrentPoint');
It seems to return the cursor position at the time of execution, but it does not change later.
edit2: Here's what works for me. The actual drawing I can do by using the arrays of points collected.
grid on;
xlim([0 3000]);
ylim([0 1000]);
datacursormode on;
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
set(gcf, 'units','pixels','outerposition', screenSize);
hold on;
% Print the x,y coordinates - will be in plot coordinates
x=zeros(1,10); y=zeros(1,10);
for p=1:10;
[x(p),y(p)] = ginput(1) ;
% Mark where they clicked with a cross.
plot(x(p),y(p), 'r+', 'MarkerSize', 20, 'LineWidth', 3);
% Print coordinates on the plot.
label = sprintf('(%.1f, %.1f)', x(p), y(p));
text(x(p)+20, y(p), label);
Not really, but now there is:
function topLevel
%// parameters
xrange = [0 100];
yrange = [1e-4 1e4];
%// initialize figure, plot
figure, clf, hold on
plot(NaN, NaN);
axis([xrange yrange]);
set(gca, 'YScale', 'log')
t = text(sum(xrange)/2, sum(yrange)/2, ...
'<< Need at least 3 points >>',...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
%// Main loop
xs = []; p = [];
ys = []; P = [];
while true
%// Get new user-input, and collect all of them in a list
[x,y] = ginput(1);
xs = [xs; x]; %#ok<AGROW>
ys = [ys; y]; %#ok<AGROW>
%// Plot the selected points
if ishandle(p)
delete(p); end
p = plot(xs, ys, 'rx');
axis([xrange yrange]);
%// Fit curve through user-injected points
if numel(xs) >= 3
if ishandle(t)
delete(t); end
%// Get parameters of best-fit in a least-squares sense
[A,B,C] = fitExponential(xs,ys);
%// Plot the new curve
xp = linspace(xrange(1), xrange(end), 100);
yp = A + B*exp(C*xp);
if ishandle(P)
delete(P); end
P = plot(xp,yp, 'b');
%// Fit a model of the form y = A + B·exp(C·x) to data [x,y]
function [A, B, C] = fitExponential(x,y)
options = optimset(...
'maxfunevals', inf);
A = fminsearch(#lsq, 0, options);
[~,B,C] = lsq(A);
function [val, B,C] = lsq(A)
params = [ones(size(x(:))) x(:)] \ log(abs(y-A));
B = exp(params(1));
C = params(2);
val = sum((y - A - B*exp(C*x)).^2);
Note that as always, fitting an exponential curve can be tricky; the square of the difference between model and data is exponentially much greater for higher data values than for lower data values, so there will be a strong bias to fit the higher values better than the lower ones.
I just assumed a simple model and used a simple solution, but this gives a biased curve which might not be "optimal" in the sense that you need it to be. Any decent solution really depends on what you want specifically, and I'll leave that up to you ^_^