Scala/Play/Squeryl Retrieve multiple params - scala

I have the following url : http://localhost/api/books/?bookId=21&bookId=62?authorId=2
I want to retrieve all the bookId values with Scala and then use Squeryl to do a fetch in a the database.
I'm using the PlayFrameWork as the WebServer, so here's my code :
val params = { case (k, v) => k -> v(0) } // Retrieve only one the first occurence of a param
So params.get("bookId") will only get the last value in the bookId params. e-g : 62.
To retrieve all my bookId params i tried this :
val params = { case (k, v) => k -> v } so i can get a Seq[String], but what about the authorId which is not a Seq[String]? .
At the end i want to fetch the bookIds and authorId in my DB using Squeryl :
(a.author_id === params.get("authorId").?) and
(params.get("bookId").map(bookIds: Seq[String] => b.bookId in bookIds))
In my controller i get the params and open the DB connection :
val params = { case (k, v) => k -> v(0) }
DB.withTransaction() { where(Library.whereHelper(params)}
In my model i use the queries :
def whereHelper(params : Map[String,String]) = {
(a.author_id === params.get("authorId").?) and
(params.get("bookId").map{bookIds: Seq[String] => b.bookId in bookIds})
Since bookIds is a list, i need to use the Seq[String]. There's a way to use { case (k, v) => k -> v } for both a string (authorId) and a list of strings (bookIds) ?

If I really understand what you are trying to do, you want to know how to get the parameters from queryString. This is pretty simple and you can do the following at your controller:
def myAction = Action { request =>
// get all the values from parameter named bookId and
// transforming it to Long. Maybe you don't want the map
// and then you can just remove it.
val bookIds: Seq[Long] = request.queryString("bookId").map(_.toLong)
// Notice that now I'm using getQueryString which is a helper
// method to access a queryString parameter. It returns an
// Option[String] which we are mapping to a Option[Long].
// Again, if you don't need the mapping, just remove it.
val authorId: Option[Long] = request.getQueryString("authorId").map(_.toLong)
DB.withTransaction() { where(Library.whereHelper(authorId, bookIds) }
// Do something with the result
At your model you will have:
def whereHelper(authorId: Option[Long], booksId: List[Long]) = authorId match {
case Some(author_id) =>
(a.author_id === author_id) and
(b.bookId in bookIds)
case None =>
(b.bookId in bookIds)
I've left explicit types to help you understand what is happen. Now, since you have both values, you can just use the values at your query.
Edit after chat:
But, since you want to receive a params: Map[String, Seq[String]] at your models and is just having problems about how to get the authorId, here is what you can do:
def whereHelper(params: Map[String, Seq[String]]) = {
// Here I'm being defensive to the fact that maybe there is no
// "booksIds" key at the map. So, if there is not, an Seq.empty
// will be returned. map method will run only if there is something
// at the Seq.
val booksIds = params.getOrElse("booksIds", Seq.empty).map(_.toLong)
// The same defensive approach is being used here, and also getting
// the head as an Option, so if the Seq is empty, a None will be
// returned. Again, the map will be executed only if the Option
// is a Some, returning another Some with the value as a Long.
val authorId = params.getOrElse("authorId", Seq.empty).headOption match {
case Some(author_id) =>
(a.author_id === author_id) and
(b.bookId in booksIds)
case None =>
(b.bookId in booksIds)
Of course, more parameters you have, more complicated this method will be.


How can I pass an Array of RedisFutures to Akka HTTP onSuccess method?

I have a function in my EmployeesRepository class with the following signature:
def findAllEmployeesById(ids: List[String]): Array[RedisFuture[String]] {...}
I am basically trying to pass this to an EmployeeREST class which has a GET method that takes in a List[String] (the employee ids) and is supposed to return a JSON array of corresponding employees retrieved from Redis.
Am I allowed to pass in an Array[RedisFuture[String]]? Is there a way for me to actually implement this or am I thinking about it the wrong way? Is there a different way to achieve the functionality I'm trying to implement here?
Extending some of the comments to the question: you can first convert your RedisFuture to a scala Future using the converter:
import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters.toScala
val redisFutureToScalaFuture : RedisFuture[String] => Future[String] = toScala
This can be used to convert the entire RedisFuture Array:
val redisArrayToScala : Array[RedisFuture[String]] => Array[Future[String]] =
_ map redisFutureToScalaFuture
Now, the Future.sequence function will be handy to unwrap the Futures inside of the Array:
val unwrapArray : Array[Future[String]] => Future[Array[String]] = Future.sequence
Combine all of these together along with the original query function:
val idsToFuture : List[String] => Future[Array[String]] =
(findAllEmployeesById _) andThen redisArrayToScala andThen unwrapArray
Finally, the idsToFuture can be used within a Directive:
val entityToList : RequestEntity => List[String] = ???
val arrayToResponse : Array[String] => String = ???
val route : Route =
get {
extractRequestEntity { entity =>
onComplete(idsToFuture(entityToList(entity))) {
case Success(arr) => complete(200 -> arrayToResponse(arr))
case Failure(ex) => complete(500 -> ex.toString)

Create a list with empty map

I have a JSON string which is parsed and a typecaseted to a map. I'm using this map to get a List[Map[String, Any]]. Here to make my code error free I have used getOrElse while type casting.
JSON string looks similar to
"map-key" : [
"list-object-1-key" : "list-object-1-value"
"list-object-2-key" : "list-object-2-value"
My code
val json = JSON.parseFull(string) match {
case Some(e) =>
val list = e.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
.getOrElse("map-key", List[Map[String,Any]]) // Error here
val info = list.asInstanceOf[List[Map[String, Any]]]
//iterate over each element in the list and perform my operations
case None => string
I can understand that whenever there is no result present in list object then info object is repeated code.
How can I improve this programme by giving the default value to list object?
Do it in more functional way, without asInstanceOf:
val parsed = JSON.parseFull(string)
parsed match {
case Some(e: Map[String, Any]) =>
e.get("map-key") match {
case Some(a: List[Any]) =>
a.foreach {
case inner: Map[String, Any] => println(inner.toList)
case _ =>
case None => string
Your default value is wrong. You're passing a type, not an empty list.
e.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]].getOrElse("map-key", List.empty[Map[String,Any]])
Unfortunately i don't have the environment at this machine but try something like that
first thing you need to convert json to map
def jsonStrToMap(jsonStr: String): Map[String, Any] = {
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
parse(jsonStr).extract[Map[String, Any]]
and the second thing you will need to iterate over map to get values of list
val list={ case(k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) }. toList

Consolidate a list of Futures into a Map in Scala

I have two case classes P(id: String, ...) and Q(id: String, ...), and two functions returning futures:
One that retrieves a list of objects given a list of id-s:
def retrieve(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Seq[P]] = Future { ... }
The length of the result might be shorter than the input, if not all id-s were found.
One that further transforms P to some other type Q:
def transform(p: P): Future[Q] = Future { ... }
What I would like in the end is, the following. Given ids: Seq[String], calculate a Future[Map[String, Option[Q]]].
Every id from ids should be a key in the map, with id -> Some(q) when it was retrieved successfully (ie. present in the result of retrieve) and also transformed successfully. Otherwise, the map should contain id -> None or Empty.
How can I achieve this?
Is there an .id property on P or Q? You would need one to create the map. Something like this?
for {
ps <- retrieve(ids)
qs <- Future.sequence( => transform(p))
} yield => id -> qs.find( == id)).toMap
Keep in mind that Map[String,Option[X]] is usually not necessary, since if you have Map[String,X] the .get method on the map will give you an Option[X].
Edit: Now assumes that P has a member id that equals the original id-String, otherwise the connection between ids and ps gets lost after retrieve.
def consolidatedMap(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Map[String, Option[Q]]] = {
for {
ps <- retrieve(ids)
qOpts <- Future.traverse(ps){
p => transform(p).map(Option(_)).recover {
// TODO: don't sweep `Throwable` under the
// rug in your real code
case t: Throwable => None
} yield {
val qMap = ( zip qOpts).toMap{ id => (id, qMap.getOrElse(id, None)) }.toMap
Builds an intermediate Map from retrieved Ps and transformed Qs, so that building of ids-to-q-Options map works in linear time.

flattening future of option after mapping with a function that return future of option

I have a collection of type Future[Option[String]] and I map it to a function that returns Future[Option[Profile]], but this create a return type of Future[Option[Future[Option[Profile]]]] because queryProfile return type is `Future[Option[Profile]]'
val users: Future[Option[User]] = someQuery
val email: Future[Option[String]] = users map(opSL => opSL map( )
val userProfile = email map {opE => opE map {E => queryProfile(E)}}
I need to use the Profile object contained deep inside val userProfile without unpacking all these levels, what would be the right way to use flatMap or `flatten', or is there a better approach all together ?
You can get a "partial Future" with something like this:
val maybeProfile: Future[Profile] = users
.collect { case Some(u) => }
.flatMap { email => queryProfile(email) }
.collect { case Some(p) => p }
Now maybeProfile contains the (completely "naked"/unwrapped) Profile instance, but only if it was able to find it. You can .map it as usual to do something else with it, that'll work in the usual ways.
If you want to ever block and wait for completion, you will have to handle the missing case at some point. For example:
val optionalProfile: Option[Profile] = Await.result(
.map { p => Some(p) } // Or just skip the last `collect` above
.recover { case _:NoSuchElementException => None },
1 seconds
If you are happy with just having Future[Option[Profile]], and would prefer to have the "unwrapping" magic, and handling the missing case localized in one place, you can put the two fragments from above together like this:
val maybeProfile: Future[Option[Profile]] = users
.collect { case Some(u) => }
.flatMap { email => queryProfile(email) }
.recover { case _:NoSuchElementException => None }
Or use Option.fold like the other answer suggested:
val maybeProfile: Future[Option[Profile]] = users
.map { }
.flatMap { _.fold[Future[Option[Profile]]](Future.successful(None))(queryProfile) }
Personally, I find the last option less readable though.
Personally I think a monad transformer such as OptionT provided by scalaz/cats would be the cleanest approach:
val users = OptionT[Future,User](someQuery)
def queryProfile(email:String) : OptionT[Future,Profile] = ...
for {
u <- users
p <- queryProfile(
} yield p
I'd just create a helper method like this:
private def resolveProfile(optEmail: Option[String]): Future[Option[Profile] =
optEmail.fold(Future.successful(None)) { email =>
which then allows you to just flatMap your original email future like so:
val userProfile = email.flatMap(resolveProfile)

How should I handle Filter and Futures in play2 and Scala

I'm trying to learn Futures and ReactiveMongo.
In my case I have a couple of invite objects and want to filter out the ones that already exist in the db. I do not want to update or upsert the ones already in the db. Therefore I have created a filter method:
filter method:
def isAllowedToReview(invite: Invite): Future[Boolean] = {
ReviewDAO.findById(invite.recoId, invite.invitedUserId).map {
maybeReview => {
maybeReview match {
case Some(review) => false
case None => true
def findById(rId: Long, userId: Long): Future[Option[Review]] = findOne(Json.obj("rId" -> recoId, "userId" -> userId))
def findOne(query: JsObject)(implicit reader: Reads[T]): Future[Option[T]] = {
and then call:
val futureOptionSet: Set[Future[Option[Invite]]] = smsSet.filter(isAllowedToReview)
save the filtered set somehow...
this doesn't work since filter expects in this case Invite => Boolean but I'm sending Invite => Future(Boolean). How would you filter and save this? => isAllowedToReview(sms).map(b => sms -> b)) will have type Set[Future[(Invite, Boolean)]]. You should be able to call Future.sequence to turn it into a Future[Set[(Invite, Boolean)]]. Then you can collect the results .map(_.collect{ case (sms, true) => sms}).
So putting everything together a solution may look like this:
val futures = => isAllowedToReview(sms).map(b => sms -> b))
val future = Future.sequence(futures)
val result ={ case (sms, true) => sms})
When you see map and sequence you may be able to refactor to:
val filteredSet = Future.traverse(smsSet){ sms =>
isAllowedToReview(sms).map(b => sms -> b)
}.map(_.collect{ case (sms, true) => sms})
Note that instead of returning the set, you may just want to save your sms there. But the way I wrote this, all will be wrapped in a Future and you can still compose with other operations.
You could try something like this:
val revsFut = Future.sequence( => ReviewDAO.findById(invite.recoId, invite.invitedUserId)))
val toSave = for(revs <- revsFut) yield {
val flatRevs = revs.flatten
smsSet.filter{ invite =>
flatRevs.find(review => /*Add filter code here */).isDefined
What I'm doing here is first fetching the Set of reviews matching the the invites by mapping over the smsSet, fetching each individually and then sequencing that into one singe Future. Then, in the for-comprehension I flatten the Set of Option[Review] and then filter down the smsSet based on what's in that flatRevs Set. Since I don't know your object model, I had to leave the impl of the flatRevs.find up to you, but it should be pretty easy as that point.