In OOP it is good practice to talk to interfaces not to implementations. So, e.g., you write something like this (by Seq I mean scala.collection.immutable.Seq :)):
// talk to the interface - good OOP practice
doSomething[A](xs: Seq[A]) = ???
not something like the following:
// talk to the implementation - bad OOP practice
doSomething[A](xs: List[A]) = ???
However, in pure functional programming languages, such as Haskell, you don't have subtype polymorphism and use, instead, ad hoc polymorphism through type classes. So, for example, you have the list data type and a monadic instance for list. You don't need to worry about using an interface/abstract class because you don't have such a concept.
In hybrid languages, such as Scala, you have both type classes (through a pattern, actually, and not first-class citizens as in Haskell, but I digress) and subtype polymorphism. In scalaz, cats and so on you have monadic instances for concrete types, not for the abstract ones, of course.
Finally the question: given this hybridism of Scala do you still respect the OOP rule to talk to interfaces or just talk to concrete types to take advantage of functors, monads and so on directly without having to convert to a concrete type whenever you need to use them? Put differently, is in Scala still good practice to talk to interfaces even if you want to embrace FP instead of OOP? If not, what if you chose to use List and, later on, you realized that a Vector would have been a better choice?
P.S.: In my examples I used a simple method, but the same reasoning applies to user defined types. E.g.:
case class Foo(bars: Seq[Bar], ...)
What I would attack here is your "concrete vs. interface" concept. Look at it this way: every type has an interface, in the general sense of the term "interface." A "concrete" type is just a limiting case.
So let's look at Haskell lists from this angle. What's the interface of a list? Well, lists are an algebraic data type, and all such data types have the same general form of interface and contract:
You can construct instances of the type using its constructors according to their arities and argument types;
You can observe instances of the type by matching against their constructors according to their arities and argument types;
Construction and observation are inverses—when you pattern match against a value, what you get out is exactly what was put into it.
If you look at it in these terms, I think the following rule works pretty well in either paradigm:
Choose types whose interfaces and contracts match exactly with your requirements.
If their contract is weaker than your requirements, then they won't maintain invariants that you need;
If their contracts are stronger than your requirements, you may unintentionally couple yourself to the "extra" details and limit your ability to change the program later on.
So you no longer ask whether a type is "concrete" or "abstract"—just whether it fits your requirements.
These are my two cents on this subject. In Haskell you have data types (ADTs). You have both lists (linked lists) and vectors (int-indexed arrays) but they don't share a common supertype. If your function takes a list you cannot pass it a vector.
In Scala, being it a hybrid OOP-FP language, you have subtype polymorphism too so you may not care if the client code passes a List or a Vector, just require a Seq (possibly immutable) and you're done.
I guess to answer to this question you have to ask yourself another question: "Do I want to embrace FP in toto?". If the answer is yes then you shouldn't use Seq or any other abstract superclass in the OOP sense. Of course, the exception to this rule is the use of a trait/abstract class when defining ADTs in Scala. For example:
sealed trait Tree[+A]
case object Empty extends Tree[Nothing]
case class Node[A](value: A, left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
In this case one would require Tree[A] as a type, of course, and then use, e.g., pattern matching to determine if it's either Empty or Node[A].
I guess my feeling about this subject is confirmed by the red book (Functional Programming in Scala). There they never use Seq, but List, Vector and so on. Also, haskellers, don't care about these problems and use lists whenever they need linked-list semantic and vectors whenever they need int-indexed-array semantic.
If, on the other hand, you want to embrace OOP and use Scala as a better Java then OK, you should follow the OOP best practice to talk to interfaces not to implementations.
If you're thinking: "I'd rather opt for mostly functional" then you should read Erik Meijer's The Curse of the Excluded Middle.
In the chapter "Handling errors without exceptions" of book "functional programming in Scala", the author gives:
The problem of throwing exceptions from the body of a function
Use Option if we don't care about the actual exception
Use Either if we care about the actual exception
But scala.util.Try is not mentioned. From my point of view, I think Try is very suitable when we care about the actual exception, why it's not mentioned? Is there any reason I have missed?
I'm neither of the authors of Functional Programming in Scala, but I can make a few guesses about why they don't mention Try.
Some people don't like the standard library's Try because they claim it violates the functor composition law. I personally think that this position is kind of silly, for the reasons Josh Suereth mentions in the comments of SI-6284, but the debate does highlight an important aspect of Try's design.
Try's map and flatMap are explicitly designed to work with functions that may throw exceptions. People from the FPiS school of thought (including me) would tend to suggest wrapping such functions (if you absolutely have to deal with them at all) in safe versions at a low level in your program, and then exposing an API that will never throw (non-fatal) exceptions.
Including Try in your API muddles up the layers in this model—you're guaranteeing that your API methods won't throw exceptions, but then you're handing people a type that's designed to be used with functions that throw exceptions.
That's only a complaint about the standard library's design and implementation of Try, though. It's easy enough to imagine a version of Try with different semantics, where the map and flatMap methods didn't catch exceptions, and there would still be good reasons to avoid this "improved" version of Try whenever possible.
One of these reasons is that using Either[MyExceptionType, A] instead of Try[A] makes it possible to get more mileage out of the compiler's exhaustivity checking. Suppose I'm using the following simple ADT for errors in my application:
sealed class FooAppError(message: String) extends Exception(message)
case class InvalidInput(message: String) extends FooAppError(message)
case class MissingField(fieldName: String) extends FooAppError(
s"$fieldName field is missing"
Now I'm trying to decide whether a method that can only fail in one of these two ways should return Either[FooAppError, A] or Try[A]. Choosing Try[A] means we're throwing away information that's potentially useful both to human users and to the compiler. Suppose I write a method like this:
def doSomething(result: Either[FooAppError, String]) = result match {
case Right(x) => x
case Left(MissingField(_)) => "bad"
I'll get a nice compile-time warning telling me that the match is not exhaustive. If I add a case for the missing error, the warning goes away.
If I had used Try[String] instead, I'd also get exhaustivity checking, but the only way to get rid of the warning would be to have a catch-all case—it's just not possible to enumerate all Throwables in the pattern match.
Sometimes we actually can't conveniently limit the kinds of ways an operation can fail to our own failure type (like FooAppError above), and in these cases we can always use Either[Throwable, A]. Scalaz's Task, for example, is essentially a wrapper for Future[Throwable \/ A]. The difference is that Either (or \/) supports this kind of signature, while Try requires it. And it's not always what you want, for reasons like useful exhaustivity checking.
According to the documentation:
The Try type represents a computation that may either result in an
exception, or return a successfully computed value. It's similar to,
but semantically different from the scala.util.Either type.
The docs do not go into further detail as to what the semantic difference is. Both seem to be able to communicate successes and failures. Why would you use one over the other?
I covered the relationship between Try, Either, and Option in this answer. The highlights from there regarding the relationship between Try and Either are summarized below:
Try[A] is isomorphic to Either[Throwable, A]. In other words you can treat a Try as an Either with a left type of Throwable, and you can treat any Either that has a left type of Throwable as a Try. It is conventional to use Left for failures and Right for successes.
Of course, you can also use Either more broadly, not only in situations with missing or exceptional values. There are other situations where Either can help express the semantics of a simple union type (where value is one of two types).
Semantically, you might use Try to indicate that the operation might fail. You might similarly use Either in such a situation, especially if your "error" type is something other than Throwable (e.g. Either[ErrorType, SuccessType]). And then you might also use Either when you are operating over a union type (e.g. Either[PossibleType1, PossibleType2]).
Since Scala 2.12, the standard library does include the conversions from Either to Try or from Try to Either. For earlier versions, it is pretty simple to enrich Try, and Either as needed:
object TryEitherConversions {
implicit class EitherToTry[L <: Throwable, R](val e: Either[L, R]) extends AnyVal {
def toTry: Try[R] = e.fold(Failure(_), Success(_))
implicit class TryToEither[T](val t: Try[T]) extends AnyVal {
def toEither: Either[Throwable, T] =
This would allow you to do:
import TryEitherConversions._
//Try to Either
Try(1).toEither //Either[Throwable, Int] = Right(1)
Try("foo".toInt).toEither //Either[Throwable, Int] = Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException)
//Either to Try
Right[Throwable, Int](1).toTry //Success(1)
Left[Throwable, Int](new Exception).toTry //Failure(java.lang.Exception)
To narrowly answer your question: "What's the semantic difference":
This probably refers to flatMap and map, which are non-existent in Either and either propagate failure or map the success value in Try. This allows, for instance, chaining like
for {
a <- Try {something}
b <- Try {somethingElse(a)}
c <- Try {theOtherThing(b)}
} yield c
which does just what you'd hope - returns a Try containing either the first exception, or the result.
Try has lots of other useful methods, and of course its companion apply method, that make it very convenient for its intended use - exception handling.
If you really want to be overwhelmed, there are two other classes out there which may be of interest for this kind of application. Scalaz has a class called "\/" (formerly known as Prince), pronounced "Either", which is mostly like Either, but flatMap and map work on the Right value. Similarly, and not, Scalactic has an "Or" which is also similar to Either, but flatMap and map work on the Left value.
I don't recommend Scalaz for beginners.
Either does not imply success and failure, it is just a container for either an A or a B. It is common to use it to represent successes and failures, the convention being to put the failure on the left side, and the success on the right.
A Try can be seen as an Either with the left-side type set to Throwable. Try[A] would be equivalent to Either[Throwable, A].
Use Try to clearly identify a potential failure in the computation, the failure being represented by an exception. If you want to represent the failure with a different type (like a String, or a set of case classes extending a sealed trait for example) use Either.
Either is more general, since it simply represents disjoint unions of types.
In particular, it can represent a union of valid return values of some type X and Exception. However, it does not attempt to catch any exceptions on its own. You have to add try-catch blocks around dangerous code, and then make sure that each branch returns an appropriate subclass of Either (usually: Left for errors, Right for successful computations).
Try[X] can be thought of as Either[Exception, X], but it also catches Exceptions on its own.
Either[X, Y] usage is more general. As its name say it can represent either an object of X type or of Y.
Try[X] has only one type and it might be either a Success[X] or a Failure (which contains a Throwable).
At some point you might see Try[X] as an Either[Throwable,X]
What is nice about Try[X] is that you can chain futher operations to it, if it is really a Success they will execute, if it was a Failure they won't
val connection = Try(
val data = connection.flatMap(conn => Try(conn.readData()))
//At some point you can do
data matches {
Success(data) => print data
Failure(throwable) => log error
Of course, you can always oneline this like
Try( => Try(conn.readData()) matches {
Success(data) => print data
Failure(throwable) => log error
As already have been mentioned, Either is more general, so it might not only wrap error/successful result, but also can be used as an alternative to Option, for branching the code path.
For abstracting the effect of an error, only for this purpose, I identified the following differences:
Either can be used to specify a description of the error, which can be shown to the client. Try - wraps an exception with a stack trace, less descriptive, less client oriented, more for internal usage.
Either allows us to specify error type, with existing monoid for this type. As a result, it allows us to combine errors (usually via applicative effects). Try abstraction with its exception, has no monoid defined. With Try we must spent more effort to extract error and handle it.
Based on it, here is my best practices:
When I want to abstract effect of error, I always use Either as the first choice, with List/Vector/NonEmptyList as error type.
Try is used only, when you invoke code, written in OOP. Good candidates for Try are methods, that might throw an exception, or methods, that sends request to external systems (rest/soap/database requests in case the methods return a raw result, not wrapped into FP abstractions, like Future, for instance.
Disclaimer: I'm much more experienced in Java than in Scala (which I'm learning).
In Java, I have read several times that switch could be harmful to object orientation, especially when used against types (this kind of problems also led to this:
In Scala, one of the introduction video lessons of Martin Odersky shows how pattern matching is a better alternative to multiple "low-level" isInstanceOf checks.
Although, pattern matching catches more flexible patterns than a simple Java switch, I still see the first as a generalization of the latter.
Don't pattern matching and "switch on types" roughly share the same fundamental approach?
Isn't pattern matching just some syntactic sugar hiding lots of isInstanceOf/asInstanceOf?
If not, how would pattern matching be more flexible (as in: resilient to change) than writing those low level checks ourselves (apart from the error-prone nature of this tedious task)?
Pattern matching may well be "syntactic sugar", in some senses, but it is a lot more than a code replacement.
a) The match construct will enforce completeness on the domain by making sure there are no uncovered cases, unless you specifically indicate that it is only a partial function.
b) The match syntax is much less verbose.
c) The match construct includes guards, predicates that qualify the match.
def mergeSort(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]): List[Int] = (a, b) match {
case (ah :: at, bh :: bt) if ah < bh =>
ah :: mergeSort(at, b)
case (ah :: at, bh :: bt) if ah >= bh =>
bh :: mergeSort(a, bt)
case (Nil, b) =>
case (a, Nil) =>
d) Deconstruction
case Node(x, Empty, Empty) =>
x - 52
The declarative form is much easier to read (given a bit of experience).
Edit: the term "syntactic sugar" is used frequently about Scala. However, type inferencing and "aggressive" type resolution such as is used in pattern matching make for powerful language constructs. As for the original question, pattern matching is independent of object orientation and provides powerful, type safe methods for accessing data that may make the use of classes less of a requirement.
If you have n types of nouns with m types of verbs, you have n x m noun-verb combinations to keep track of.
There are two good strategies for managing this complexity.
You can organize your code by nouns (classes), and each class needs to be able to deal with every verb (method). This makes it easy to add new nouns. Of course, when you add a new verb, it's annoying to go through each of your nouns and make sure that it can handle the new verb. This is the object-oriented approach.
You can also organize your code by verbs (functions), and each function needs to be able to deal with every noun (pattern). This makes it easy to add new verbs, Of course, when you add a new noun, it's annoying to go through each of your verbs and make sure that it can handle the new noun. This is the functional approach.
There's nothing clearly better about either approach, and both have been used very successfully. You can run into problems when you try to mix them, though, so generally you want to be very clear about which approach you are using for a given problem.
In Scala, pattern matching is done via extractors. Extractors are themselves objects and only have access to the public API of the object that is being pattern matched against.
Thus, pattern matching does not break object encapsulation.
Theoretically, all conditionals (including pattern matching) can be replaced by polymorphism. See Smalltalk as an example of a language which has no conditionals, no loops, no switches, no control structures of any kind except polymorphic message dispatch. And see Newspeak as an example of a Smalltalk-inspired language which has powerful pattern matching inspired by Scala and F# implemented as a library completely on top of polymorphic message dispatch.
When done this way, pattern matching is as object-oriented as can be.
I am a Scala programmer, learning Haskell now. It's easy to find practical use cases and real world examples for OO concepts, such as decorators, strategy pattern etc. Books and interwebs are filled with it.
I came to the realization that this somehow is not the case for functional concepts. Case in point: applicatives.
I am struggling to find practical use cases for applicatives. Almost all of the tutorials and books I have come across so far provide the examples of [] and Maybe. I expected applicatives to be more applicable than that, seeing all the attention they get in the FP community.
I think I understand the conceptual basis for applicatives (maybe I am wrong), and I have waited long for my moment of enlightenment. But it doesn't seem to be happening. Never while programming, have I had a moment when I would shout with a joy, "Eureka! I can use applicative here!" (except again, for [] and Maybe).
Can someone please guide me how applicatives can be used in a day-to-day programming? How do I start spotting the pattern? Thanks!
Applicatives are great when you've got a plain old function of several variables, and you have the arguments but they're wrapped up in some kind of context. For instance, you have the plain old concatenate function (++) but you want to apply it to 2 strings which were acquired through I/O. Then the fact that IO is an applicative functor comes to the rescue:
Prelude Control.Applicative> (++) <$> getLine <*> getLine
Even though you explicitly asked for non-Maybe examples, it seems like a great use case to me, so I'll give an example. You have a regular function of several variables, but you don't know if you have all the values you need (some of them may have failed to compute, yielding Nothing). So essentially because you have "partial values", you want to turn your function into a partial function, which is undefined if any of its inputs is undefined. Then
Prelude Control.Applicative> (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Just 5
Just 8
Prelude Control.Applicative> (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Nothing
which is exactly what you want.
The basic idea is that you're "lifting" a regular function into a context where it can be applied to as many arguments as you like. The extra power of Applicative over just a basic Functor is that it can lift functions of arbitrary arity, whereas fmap can only lift a unary function.
Since many applicatives are also monads, I feel there's really two sides to this question.
Why would I want to use the applicative interface instead of the monadic one when both are available?
This is mostly a matter of style. Although monads have the syntactic sugar of do-notation, using applicative style frequently leads to more compact code.
In this example, we have a type Foo and we want to construct random values of this type. Using the monad instance for IO, we might write
data Foo = Foo Int Double
randomFoo = do
x <- randomIO
y <- randomIO
return $ Foo x y
The applicative variant is quite a bit shorter.
randomFoo = Foo <$> randomIO <*> randomIO
Of course, we could use liftM2 to get similar brevity, however the applicative style is neater than having to rely on arity-specific lifting functions.
In practice, I mostly find myself using applicatives much in the same way like I use point-free style: To avoid naming intermediate values when an operation is more clearly expressed as a composition of other operations.
Why would I want to use an applicative that is not a monad?
Since applicatives are more restricted than monads, this means that you can extract more useful static information about them.
An example of this is applicative parsers. Whereas monadic parsers support sequential composition using (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b, applicative parsers only use (<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. The types make the difference obvious: In monadic parsers the grammar can change depending on the input, whereas in an applicative parser the grammar is fixed.
By limiting the interface in this way, we can for example determine whether a parser will accept the empty string without running it. We can also determine the first and follow sets, which can be used for optimization, or, as I've been playing with recently, constructing parsers that support better error recovery.
I think of Functor, Applicative and Monad as design patterns.
Imagine you want to write a Future[T] class. That is, a class that holds values that are to be calculated.
In a Java mindset, you might create it like
trait Future[T] {
def get: T
Where 'get' blocks until the value is available.
You might realize this, and rewrite it to take a callback:
trait Future[T] {
def foreach(f: T => Unit): Unit
But then what happens if there are two uses for the future? It means you need to keep a list of callbacks. Also, what happens if a method receives a Future[Int] and needs to return a calculation based on the Int inside? Or what do you do if you have two futures and you need to calculate something based on the values they will provide?
But if you know of FP concepts, you know that instead of working directly on T, you can manipulate the Future instance.
trait Future[T] {
def map[U](f: T => U): Future[U]
Now your application changes so that each time you need to work on the contained value, you just return a new Future.
Once you start in this path, you can't stop there. You realize that in order to manipulate two futures, you just need to model as an applicative, in order to create futures, you need a monad definition for future, etc.
UPDATE: As suggested by #Eric, I've written a blog post:
I finally understood how applicatives can help in day-to-day programming with that presentation:
The autor shows how applicatives can help for combining validations and handling failures.
The presentation is in Scala, but the author also provides the full code example for Haskell, Java and C#.
Warning: my answer is rather preachy/apologetic. So sue me.
Well, how often in your day-to-day Haskell programming do you create new data types? Sounds like you want to know when to make your own Applicative instance, and in all honesty unless you are rolling your own parser, you probably won't need to do it very much. Using applicative instances, on the other hand, you should learn to do frequently.
Applicative is not a "design pattern" like decorators or strategies. It is an abstraction, which makes it much more pervasive and generally useful, but much less tangible. The reason you have a hard time finding "practical uses" is because the example uses for it are almost too simple. You use decorators to put scrollbars on windows. You use strategies to unify the interface for both aggressive and defensive moves for your chess bot. But what are applicatives for? Well, they're a lot more generalized, so it's hard to say what they are for, and that's OK. Applicatives are handy as parsing combinators; the Yesod web framework uses Applicative to help set up and extract information from forms. If you look, you'll find a million and one uses for Applicative; it's all over the place. But since it's so abstract, you just need to get the feel for it in order to recognize the many places where it can help make your life easier.
I think Applicatives ease the general usage of monadic code. How many times have you had the situation that you wanted to apply a function but the function was not monadic and the value you want to apply it to is monadic? For me: quite a lot of times!
Here is an example that I just wrote yesterday:
ghci> import Data.Time.Clock
ghci> import Data.Time.Calendar
ghci> getCurrentTime >>= return . toGregorian . utctDay
in comparison to this using Applicative:
ghci> import Control.Applicative
ghci> toGregorian . utctDay <$> getCurrentTime
This form looks "more natural" (at least to my eyes :)
Coming at Applicative from "Functor" it generalizes "fmap" to easily express acting on several arguments (liftA2) or a sequence of arguments (using <*>).
Coming at Applicative from "Monad" it does not let the computation depend on the value that is computed. Specifically you cannot pattern match and branch on a returned value, typically all you can do is pass it to another constructor or function.
Thus I see Applicative as sandwiched in between Functor and Monad. Recognizing when you are not branching on the values from a monadic computation is one way to see when to switch to Applicative.
Here is an example taken from the aeson package:
data Coord = Coord { x :: Double, y :: Double }
instance FromJSON Coord where
parseJSON (Object v) =
Coord <$>
v .: "x" <*>
v .: "y"
There are some ADTs like ZipList that can have applicative instances, but not monadic instances. This was a very helpful example for me when understanding the difference between applicatives and monads. Since so many applicatives are also monads, it's easy to not see the difference between the two without a concrete example like ZipList.
I think it might be worthwhile to browse the sources of packages on Hackage, and see first-handedly how applicative functors and the like are used in existing Haskell code.
I described an example of practical use of the applicative functor in a discussion, which I quote below.
Note the code examples are pseudo-code for my hypothetical language which would hide the type classes in a conceptual form of subtyping, so if you see a method call for apply just translate into your type class model, e.g. <*> in Scalaz or Haskell.
If we mark elements of an array or hashmap with null or none to
indicate their index or key is valid yet valueless, the Applicative
enables without any boilerplate skipping the valueless elements while
applying operations to the elements that have a value. And more
importantly it can automatically handle any Wrapped semantics that
are unknown a priori, i.e. operations on T over
Hashmap[Wrapped[T]] (any over any level of composition, e.g. Hashmap[Wrapped[Wrapped2[T]]] because applicative is composable but monad is not).
I can already picture how it will make my code easier to
understand. I can focus on the semantics, not on all the
cruft to get me there and my semantics will be open under extension of
Wrapped whereas all your example code isn’t.
Significantly, I forgot to point out before that your prior examples
do not emulate the return value of the Applicative, which will be a
List, not a Nullable, Option, or Maybe. So even my attempts to
repair your examples were not emulating Applicative.apply.
Remember the functionToApply is the input to the
Applicative.apply, so the container maintains control.
list1.apply( list2.apply( ... listN.apply( List.lift(functionToApply) ) ... ) )
list1.apply( list2.apply( ... ... ) )
And my proposed syntactical sugar which the compiler would translate
to the above.
funcToApply(list1, list2, ... list N)
It is useful to read that interactive discussion, because I can't copy it all here. I expect that url to not break, given who the owner of that blog is. For example, I quote from further down the discussion.
the conflation of out-of-statement control flow with assignment is probably not desired by most programmers
Applicative.apply is for generalizing the partial application of functions to parameterized types (a.k.a. generics) at any level of nesting (composition) of the type parameter. This is all about making more generalized composition possible. The generality can’t be accomplished by pulling it outside the completed evaluation (i.e. return value) of the function, analogous to the onion can’t be peeled from the inside-out.
Thus it isn’t conflation, it is a new degree-of-freedom that is not currently available to you. Per our discussion up thread, this is why you must throw exceptions or stored them in a global variable, because your language doesn’t have this degree-of-freedom. And that is not the only application of these category theory functors (expounded in my comment in moderator queue).
I provided a link to an example abstracting validation in Scala, F#, and C#, which is currently stuck in moderator queue. Compare the obnoxious C# version of the code. And the reason is because the C# is not generalized. I intuitively expect that C# case-specific boilerplate will explode geometrically as the program grows.