Pass parameters from main report to sub reports - crystal-reports

I have searched many sites for this but the suggestions do not work. I set 2 parameters on the main report. I have added the 2 sub reports, both are to use the same values of these parameters. The 2 parameters are date values I need to use as a date range in the select expert where I am using a Is Between check. I right click on the sub report and click the Change the sub report links. When I select the parameter in the Available Fields: drop down the Select data in subreport based on field: is not populated with any choices - which was one of the suggestions I read about. Can someone walk me thru this process?

You have to create parameters in your Sub reports first for them to appear in the Connecting list and then map to main reports parameters


Pass Record Selection Data to Subreport

I have a main report that uses a formula in the Record Selection. The numbers are set by choosing the "is between" option in the Select Expert. I need these numbers to go through to the subreport, however, no matter what I do, I can't get both numbers through to the subreport, just the one. Is there any way I can pass both these numbers through to the subrport? Neither of them are based on parameters, we use a system here at work where the parameter is set at runtime.
Attached is a picture of the main reports' Select Expert - I need to get the 2 and 6 through to the subreport. Is this possible?
Thank you.
The answer in the link below seems to work, if you have a similar problem. To quote:
Create two formulas
MinValue as Minimum({vw_P_SDL_MTDSummaryList.PAYROLLDETAIL_ID})
and MaxValue as Maximum({vw_P_SDL_MTDSummaryList.PAYROLLDETAIL_ID})
and pass them to the subreport as a parameter without linking it to any of the > field in sub report.

Passing result of a query as parameter in Crystal Report

I am new to crystal report, I have a report to generate which contains two queries.
I need to run the first query which returns a single column.
I need to fetch the result of the first query one by one and pass it as a parameter to the second query. And finally running the second query.
It would be helpful if anyone tell me the steps about how to do this.
I am using crystal report 2008, I hope the above mentioned information is sufficient, if not please let me know.
you need to use sub reports for this purpose...
Take query 1 in main repoirt and query 2 in sub report. Place the sub report in the section that is coming after the data in main report.
Then pass the filed of mail report to sub report using the sub report links and then apply condition on this field in sub report Record Selection Formula

Trying to remove exisitng parameters in Crystal Report 10 report by creating new subreport to provide the parameter data

Hello: I am trying to run crystal report 10 report from command line (and I'm new to crystal). The report has two date parameters ?from and ?to. I can query a different database to get the ?from and ?to parameters. So what I'm trying to do is get rid of the external parameters by generating the dates from within the report to replace/populate ?from and ?to.
Can I somehow add a sub-report to query Oracle to get the ?to and ?from dates? This new sub-report would need to run first since the other four reports (3 subs and 1 main report hitting SQL server) all use these date parameters?
Thanks for any help.
To the extent I know, Whether you use sub report of main report if a user needs to enter his own parameters to query the database then you need to create external parameters
Since you are trying to get the date input from different database... your approach is correct to create a sub report for this.
Make sure to place the sub report first in order from where you are taking the values.
Either use a shared variable or through parameter linking get the date values to main report and pass the values to remaining sub reports through linking option in sub report links.

Crystal Reports - One report that lets user select from multiple reports

I need to "merge" 3 big reports.
Is it possible to just create a drop down menu that lets the user select which report to view?
Then just put all 3 reports into one as sub-reports?
You could:
create a dummy main report
embed each of the 3 reports as a sub-report
create a pick-list parameter that allows a person to select one of the reports to be shown
suppress sub-reports that aren't in the parameter's chosen value
** edit **
In addition, create the necessary parameter fields in the main report, then link them to the corresponding parameter fields in each sub-report. This will eliminate the report from prompting repeated for each parameter.

Multiple Crystal Report to be printed on same report

I have a crystal report that takes only about 1/3rd of the report space.
I have field read from the database which is an integer value.
I wish to print this report number of times as read from the database on the same page.
Any idea on how this can be achieved?
I can only use crystal report for achieving this.
Thanks in advance.
You can create another report and add your current report as a subreport multiple times
Lan is correct, build another report and add your current report as a subreport.
Here's the trick:
On your main report, have it make a list of all of the items that
you'd like to run the sub-report on.
On your sub-report, add a parameter called "itemNumber" or something like that. Then change your Subreport Links so the new "itemNumber" parameter is linked to the item on your top level report.
Now hide the field on the main report but leave the
subreport visible.!
This should make your report run for all items at one time.
In this case you can create a table with the maximum number of prints you will ever use. For example if you think you might need to print the report 100 times your table should contain records from 1 to 100. So lets assume this is the case- create a table , name it Copies and add a field CopyNo. Create a 100 records and set CopyNo from 1 to 100. Create the a main report based on Copies table - the record selection formula will be something like :
#NumberOfCopies is a parameter , which you can set in order to control the printed copies. Create your actual report as a subreport and place it in the details section of the main report. When you run the report it will ask you for the number of copies and when you insert it, will print the same subreport as many times as the number you provide.