Adding a key value pair to an existing json object in perl - perl

I want to add a key value pair to a JSON object. Following is the structure of Param{Data} variable for the below code.
$VAR1 = {
'ArticleID' => '86',
'OldTicketData' => {
'TicketID' => '67'
Following is the function in which I want to perform the mentioned operation:
sub PrepareRequest {
my ( $Self, %Param ) = #_;
my %TicketInfo = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleGet(
ArticleID => $Param{Data}->{ArticleID},
userID => $Param{Data}->{CustomerID},
my %newParamData = to_json($Param{Data});
return {
Success => 1,
Data => %newParamData,
Above function returns 'OldTicketData'. I want following key-pair attached to 'OldTicketData' element of the JSON object ->('Body', $TicketInfo{Body}). Consider, $TicketInfo{Body} returns a string 'someString'.

Your code is the wrong way around. You need to add the key to the hash reference first, before you turn it into JSON.
my $newParamData = to_json($Param{Data});
In addition, since to_json returns a string, which is scalar, you need to use $newParamData instead of %newParamData.
Of course you need to fix your return as well.
return {
Success => 1,
Data => $newParamData,


How to loop through subarrays of a SOAP::Lite response in Perl?

I have a Perl script that is successfully getting a response from my ShoreTel Phone server. The server provides information on what calls are currently connected for the extension entered. However I am having issues looping through the sub arrays to get more than one response when there are multiple items. In this case I want to get each of the caller IDs that is currently connected.
My SOAP:LITE request is successfully pulling data from the server using the following code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
my $myWebService = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('')
-> proxy('http://10.1.##.##:8070/ShoreTelWebSDK/WebService')
-> on_action(sub {sprintf '%s/ShoreTelWebService/%s', $_[0], $_[1]});
my $query = new CGI;
my $ip = $query->remote_host; # IP address of remote party...use later as unique identifier
my $myClientID = $query->param('MyClientID'); # Possible client ID from previous script passed into us.
my $extnNr = $query->param('MyExtn'); # Has to be at least an extension number so we know who to status.
my $url = CGI::url(-path_info=>1); # What is my URL?
# There should be an extension number given, else what would we status.
if (defined($refreshNr) && defined($extnNr) && ($extnNr ne '') && ($refreshNr ne ''))
# If there is a client ID defined, use it...otherwise registering and getting a client ID
# is the first thing we need to do when using our web service.
unless (defined($myClientID))
# To use our service, we need to register ourselves as a client...use remote IP address
# as a unique name for association to this session.
my $regClientResult = $myWebService->RegisterClient(SOAP::Data->name('clientName' => $ip));
if ($regClientResult->fault)
print '<p>FAULT', $myClientID->faultcode, ', ', $myClientID->faultstring;
# Retrieve client ID which we will be using for subsequent communication.
$myClientID = $regClientResult->valueof('//RegisterClientResponse/RegisterClientResult/');
if (defined($myClientID))
# Use our web service to open the line. This is necessary to get a line ID.
# print '<br>Client ID ', $myClientID, ' has been registered.<br>';
my $openResult = $myWebService->OpenLine(SOAP::Data->name('clientHandle' => $myClientID), SOAP::Data->name('lineAddress' => $extnNr));
my $lineID = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineID/');
my $lineType = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineType/');
my $lineName = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineName/');
my $lineState = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineState/');
# Call GetActiveCalls to see if anything is going on with this line.
my $result = $myWebService->GetActiveCalls(SOAP::Data->name('clientHandle' => $myClientID), SOAP::Data->name('lineID' => $lineID));
my $callID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callID/');
if ($callID ne '')
# print '<br>Call ID is ', $callID;
my $isExternal = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/isExternal/');
my $isInbound = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/isInbound/');
my $callReason = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callReason/');
my $connectedID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/connectedID/');
my $connectedIDName = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/connectedIDName/');
my $callerID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');
my $callerIDName = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerIDName/');
my $calledID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/calledID/');
my $calledIDName = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/calledIDName/');
my $callState = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callState/');
my $callStateDetail = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callStateDetail/');
# Print call information.
print <<EndOfCallInfo;
print <<EndOfCallInfo2;
But I am only able to access the first result in the multidimensional array.
I have tried looping through the results using
for my $t ($result->result({ShoreTelCallStateInfo}{callInfo}')) {
print $t->{callerID} . "\n";}
But I am getting absolutely no results. It appears that the the loop is not even entered.
The following code I have works fine, but only pulls the first caller ID, in this case 1955.
my $callerID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');
What can I do to make my loop work?
So that you can see what I am receiving from the server I have included the response from the SOAP Server using DUMP :
$VAR1 = { 'ShoreTelCallStateInfo' => [
{ 'callStateDetail' => 'Active',
'callState' => 'OnHold',
'callInfo' =>
{ 'callerIDName' => 'Joel LASTNAME',
'callID' => '69105', 'lineID' => '3947',
'connectedIDName' => 'VM-Forward',
'calledID' => '2105',
'callerID' => '1955',
'isInbound' => 'false',
'calledIDName' => 'VM-Forward',
'callReason' => 'None',
'callUniqueID' => '1369702515',
'connectedID' => '2105',
'isExternal' => 'false',
'callGUID' => '{00030000-66C2-537E-3FD8-0010492377D9}'
{ 'callStateDetail' => 'Active',
'callState' => 'Connected',
'callInfo' =>
{ 'callerIDName' => 'LASTNAME Joel ',
'callID' => '71649',
'lineID' => '3947',
'connectedIDName' => 'LASTNAME Joel ',
'calledID' => '1955',
'callerID' => '+1385#######',
'isInbound' => 'true',
'calledIDName' => 'Joel LASTNAME',
'callReason' => 'None',
'callUniqueID' => '1117287558',
'connectedID' => '+1385#######',
'isExternal' => 'true',
'callGUID' => '{00030000-66C5-537E-3FD8-0010492377D9}'
Just a guess...
The following code I have works fine, but only pulls the first caller
ID, in this case 1955.
my $callerID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');
What can I do to make my loop work?
SOAP::Lite docs say:
Returns the value of a (previously) matched node. It accepts a node
path. In this case, it returns the value of matched node, but does not
change the current node. Suitable when you want to match a node and
then navigate through node children:
$som->match('/Envelope/Body/[1]'); # match method
$som->valueof('[1]'); # result
$som->valueof('[2]'); # first out parameter (if present)
The returned value depends on the context. In a scalar context it will
return the first element from matched nodeset. In an array context it
will return all matched elements.
Does this give the behavior you expect? It imposes list context on the valueof method.
for my $callerID ($result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/')) {
# do something with each callerID
my #callerIDs = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');

DBIx::Class: sub resultset in Template Toolkit presented as an array, not a resultset

I am developing a Catalyst application using DBIx::Class and Template Toolkit; in the particular part I'm having issues with, I have a resultset obtained using by calling the following function in my ResultSet schema:
sub divisions_and_teams_in_season {
my ( $self, $season, $grid ) = #_;
return $self->search({
"division_seasons.season" => $season->id,
"division_seasons.fixtures_grid" => $grid->id,
}, {
prefetch => [
"team_seasons" => {
"team" => [{
"club" => "venue"
order_by => {
-asc => [ qw( division_seasons.rank team_seasons.grid_position club.short_name ) ]
This returns the data as I would expect and I'm able to do the following in my Controller code to get back my resultset and iterate through the team_seasons:
my $divisions = [ $c->model("DB::Division")->divisions_and_teams_in_season($current_season, $c->stash->{grid}) ];
foreach my $division ( #{ $divisions } ) {
$c->log->debug( $division->team_seasons->grid_positions_filled ); # This works because $division->team_seasons is a resultset object
However, in my template (having stashed $divisions), I'm unable to access the grid_positions_filled object because division.team_seaons gives me an arrayref of team resultsets in that division:
# Loop through our divisions
FOREACH division IN divisions;
CALL c.log.debug(division.team_seasons); # The output of this is something like: ARRAY(0x6f8318c)
The output I get for the same debug log in my controller is more like a list of resultset objects:
Hope all this makes sense! Does anyone know how I can get the behaviour from the controller into the template so that I can access methods on the team_season ResultSet?
Thank you very much in advance.
Try $self->search_rs rather than $self->search. "This method does the same exact thing as search() except it will always return a resultset, even in list context."
See the docs for more info.
The team_seasons accessor returns a resultset in scalar context, and an array of rows in list context. It seems that template toolkit code evaluates the accessor in list context.
As a work-around, DBIC installs a special accessor, postfixed with _rs that always returns a resultset regardless of context. So the following should work:
CALL c.log.debug(division.team_seasons_rs.grid_positions_filled);
This is documented under DBIx::Class::Relationship.

How do I access a specific return value from the CDBI::Search function?

I am using a DB::CDBI class for accessing the database in our application. Our project is in object-oriented Perl.
package LT::LanguageImport;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Misk5::CDBI';
__PACKAGE__->table( 'english_text_translation' );
__PACKAGE__->columns( Primary => qw/english language translation/ );
__PACKAGE__->columns( Essential => qw/english language translation/ );
__PACKAGE__->has_a( english => 'LT::EnglishLanguage' );
In one such scenario, I am supposed to check if a row in a table exists. I am using the built-in search API in a CDBI call.
sub find_translation {
my $translation_exists_r_not = $class->search(
english => $english,
language => $language,
translation => $translation
$translation_exists_r_not is getting the expected values depending on the inputs given in the search. If the row exists, then the _data is updated with the row details.
$translation_exists_r_not = bless({
'_data' => [
'language' => 'polish',
'translation' => 'Admin',
'english' => 'admin'
'_place' => 0,
'_mapper' => [],
'_class' => 'LT::LanguageImport'
If the row desn't exist, then I get a return value like this.
$translation_exists_r_not = bless({
'_data' => [],
'_place' => 0,
'_mapper' => [],
'_class' => 'LT::LanguageImport'
I want to return the value of translation from this sub find_translation depending on the search result. I am not able to get a best condition for this.
I tried copying the _data into an array, but I'm not sure how to proceed further. As _data will be an empty arrayref and another condition it will have a hashref inside the arrayref.
my #Arr = $translation_exists_r_not->{'_data'};
CDBI's search method will return an iterator, because there may be multiple rows returned depending on your criteria.
If you know there can be only one row that matches your criteria, you want to use the retrieve method, i.e.:
if (my $translation_exists_r_not = $class->retrieve(
english => $english,
language => $language,
translation => $translation
return [$translation_exists_r_not->translation,
else {
return [ '', undef ]
And if multiple rows can be returned from your search, and you're only interested in the truthiness, then again, don't be rummaging around inside the CDBI::Iterator, but use its methods:
my $translation_exists_r_not = $class->search(
english => $english,
language => $language,
translation => $translation
); # returns an iterator
if ($translation_exists_r_not){
my $first = $translation_exists_r_not->first;
return [ $first->translation, 'Misk5::TranslationAlreadyExists' ]
Have a look at perldoc Class::DBI and perldoc Class::DBI::Iterator. CDBI has excellent documentation.
I think I got the solution. Thanks to whoever has tried to solve it.
my #req_array = %$translation_exists_r_not->{_data};
my $length_of_data = '9';
foreach my $elem (#req_array) {
$length_of_data = #{$elem};
Now check the length of the array.
if ($length_of_data == 0) {
$error = '';
$result = [undef, $error];
Now check if it is one.
if ($length_of_data == 1) {
my #result_array = #{%$translation_exists_r_not->{_data}};
my $translation = $result_array[0]{'translation'};
$error = 'Misk5::TranslationAlreadyExists';
$result = [$translation, $error];
return #$result;

Rose::DB::Object::Manager query with a list of object ids

I'm trying to write a Rose::DB::Object query string using either an Array or a Hash, however I'm unsure how to do it. I'm trying to write an update function based off of certain ID's in a list that are enumerated in the array. I unfortunately do not have any other unique key to filter on to build the query, so I need to query specific ID's.
Essentially I am trying to programatically write the follow:
my $list = My::DB::Manager->get_items(query => [
{id => 1},
{id => 14},
{id => 210},
{id => 1102},
{id => 3151},
This is the code I have so far, but I haven't been able to successfully achieve what I am trying to do:
use My::DB::Manager;
my #ary;
foreach (#_) {
my %col = ("id", $_);
push (#ary, \%col);
my $list = My::DB::Manager->get_items(query => \#ary);
Now the script just hangs with no output indefinately.
I'm trying to avoid iterating through the DB::Manager and making a DB call on a per record basis as this script will be run via cron every 60 seconds and has the potential to return large sets.
The query parameter takes a reference to an array of name/value pairs, not a reference to an array of hash references. If you want objects where the value of the id column is one of a list of values, then use the name id and a reference to an array of ids as the value. This code should work (assuming the id values are in #_):
$list = My::DB::Manager->get_items(query => [ id => \#_ ]);
You push strings into #ary when you need to push perl structures:
use My::DB::Manager;
my #ary;
foreach (#_) {
push (#ary, { id => $_ });
my $list = My::DB::Manager->get_items(query => [#ary]);
However, I think you can use query => [ id => [$id1, $id2, ... ], ...]:
use My::DB::Manager;
my $list = My::DB::Manager->get_items(query => [ id => \#_ ]);
Never used Rose, this based on docs of the module.

How can I create a hash of hashes from an array of hashes in Perl?

I have an array of hashes, all with the same set of keys, e.g.:
my $aoa= [
{NAME=>'Dave', AGE=>12, SEX=>'M', ID=>123456, NATIONALITY=>'Swedish'},
{NAME=>'Susan', AGE=>36, SEX=>'F', ID=>543210, NATIONALITY=>'Swedish'},
{NAME=>'Bart', AGE=>120, SEX=>'M', ID=>987654, NATIONALITY=>'British'},
I would like to write a subroutine that will convert this into a hash of hashes using a given key hierarchy:
my $key_hierarchy_a = ['SEX', 'NATIONALITY'];
aoh_to_hoh ($aoa, $key_hierarchy_a) = #_;
will return
{Swedish=>{{NAME=>'Dave', AGE=>12, ID=>123456}},
British=>{{NAME=>'Bart', AGE=>120, ID=>987654}}},
{Swedish=>{{NAME=>'Susan', AGE=>36, ID=>543210}}
Note this not only creates the correct key hierarchy but also remove the now redundant keys.
I'm getting stuck at the point where I need to create the new, most inner hash in its correct hierarchical location.
The problem is I don't know the "depth" (i.e. the number of keys). If I has a constant number, I could do something like:
%h{$inner_hash{$PRIMARY_KEY}}{$inner_hash{$SECONDARY_KEY}}{...} = filter_copy($inner_hash,[$PRIMARY_KEY,$SECONDARY_KEY])
so perhaps I can write a loop that will add one level at a time, remove that key from the hash, than add the remaining hash to the "current" location, but it's a bit cumbersome and also I'm not sure how to keep a 'location' in a hash of hashes...
use Data::Dumper;
my $aoa= [
{NAME=>'Dave', AGE=>12, SEX=>'M', ID=>123456, NATIONALITY=>'Swedish'},
{NAME=>'Susan', AGE=>36, SEX=>'F', ID=>543210, NATIONALITY=>'Swedish'},
{NAME=>'Bart', AGE=>120, SEX=>'M', ID=>987654, NATIONALITY=>'British'},
sub aoh_to_hoh {
my ($aoa, $key_hierarchy_a) = #_;
my $result = {};
my $last_key = $key_hierarchy_a->[-1];
foreach my $orig_element (#$aoa) {
my $cur = $result;
# song and dance to clone an element
my %element = %$orig_element;
foreach my $key (#$key_hierarchy_a) {
my $value = delete $element{$key};
if ($key eq $last_key) {
$cur->{$value} ||= [];
push #{$cur->{$value}}, \%element;
} else {
$cur->{$value} ||= {};
$cur = $cur->{$value};
return $result;
my $key_hierarchy_a = ['SEX', 'NATIONALITY'];
print Dumper(aoh_to_hoh($aoa, $key_hierarchy_a));
As per #FM's comment, you really want an extra array level in there.
The output:
$VAR1 = {
'F' => {
'Swedish' => [
'ID' => 543210,
'NAME' => 'Susan',
'AGE' => 36
'M' => {
'British' => [
'ID' => 987654,
'NAME' => 'Bart',
'AGE' => 120
'Swedish' => [
'ID' => 123456,
'NAME' => 'Dave',
'AGE' => 12
EDIT: Oh, BTW - if anyone knows how to elegantly clone contents of a reference, please teach. Thanks!
EDIT EDIT: #FM helped. All better now :D
As you've experienced, writing code to create hash structures of arbitrary depth is a bit tricky. And the code to access such structures is equally tricky. Which makes one wonder: Do you really want to do this?
A simpler approach might be to put the original information in a database. As long as the keys you care about are indexed, the DB engine will be able to retrieve rows of interest very quickly: Give me all persons where SEX = female and NATIONALITY = Swedish. Now that sounds promising!
You might also find this loosely related question of interest.