command line options in perl - perl

I invoke my perl script by passing a number of command line options. If the required command line options are not passed by the user while invoking the script, the script should terminate. Currently I'm doing a simple check using if statement. If the required arguments are more than 10, using If statement looks clunky. I'm just wondering if there is a better way to do it than just using an if statement.
Command line options :
sub startup {
my ($self) = #_;
GetOptions (
"endpoint|e=s" => \$self->{'endpoint'},
"port|pt=s" => \$self->{'port'},
"client|c=s" => \$self->{'client'},
"client_interface|ci=s" => \$self->{'client_interface'},
"origin|o=s" => \$self->{'origin'},
"origin_interface|oi=s" => \$self->{'origin_interface'},
"customer_id|cid=s" => \$self->{'customer_id'},
"endpoint_id|eid=s" => \$self->{'endpoint_id'},
) || $self->abort( "Invalid command line options.
Valid options are endpoint,port,client,client_interface,
#Terminate the script execution if --endpoint ip and --customer id and --client are not passed
if ( !$self->{'endpoint'} || !$self->{'customer_id'} || !$self->{'client'}){
$self->abort( '[Startup] endpoint customer and client are required arguments.'
. 'Please provide --endpoint and --customer id and -- client ');
command to invoke the script :
./testframework --scriptname -- --endpoint= --port=5000 --client= --client_interface= --origin= --origin_interface= --Outertunnel=Tunnel0 --Innertunnel=Tunnel2 --customer_id=900010 --endpoint_id=2859588

The version below removes some of the clunkiness while providing a more specific error message.
my #required = qw( endpoint customer_id client );
if ( my #missing = grep { !$self->{$_} } #required ) {
$self->abort("[Startup] Missing required arguments: #missing");

One way is to use all from List::Util:
unless ( all { defined $self->{$_} } qw(endpoint customer_id client) ){
# error
If you don't have a recent version of List::Util, use List::MoreUtils

Can you just check to see that you have the proper number of defined keys in your hash?
my #options = grep { defined $self->{$_} } keys %{$self};
die "Missing options\n" unless #options == 10;
Or if you want your usage statement to be more explicit:
for my $opt (keys %{$self}) {
die "Missing option --$opt\n" unless defined $self->{$opt};


Get blob uploaded data with pure Perl

In Javascript, I am sending a blob using XHR by the following code:
var v=new FormData();
v.append("EFD",new Blob([...Uint8Array...]));
var h=new XMLHttpRequest();
h.setRequestHeader("Content-type","multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8");"POST","...url...");
In the server, I have created in Perl the following function, that suppose to implement CGI->param and CGI->upload:
# QS (Query String) receive in argument string for single parameter or array of many required parameters.
# If string been supplied: Return the value of the parameter or undef if missing.
# If array been supplied, a hash will be returned with keys for param names and their corresponding values.
# If the first argument is undef, then return hash with ALL available parameters.
sub QS {
read(STDIN,$b,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) or die "E100";
my $e=$_[0]; my $t=&AT($e); my $r={}; my #q=split(/&/,$b);
my %p=(); if($t eq "A") { %p=map { $_=>1 } #{$e}; }
foreach my $i(#q) {
my ($k,$s)=split(/=/,$i); $s=~tr/+//; $s=~s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
if($t eq "") { $r->{$k}=$s; }
elsif($t eq "A") { if($p{$k}) { $r->{$k}=$s; } }
elsif($k eq $_[0]) { return $s; }
return $r;
# AT is a function for determining type of an object, and also a quck way to distinguish between just a string and a number.
sub AT {
if(!defined $_[0]) { return ""; } my $v=ref($_[0]);
if($v eq "") { return ($_[0]*1 eq $_[0])?"N":"S"; }
my $k={"ARRAY"=>"A","HASH"=>"H"};
return $k->{$v}||$_[0]->{_obt}||$v;
So in the main program it will be called as:
my $EFD=&FW::QS("EFD"); # FW = The module name where QS and AT are.
When I issuing the POST from the client, the script in the server does not pop-up any errors, and does not terminates - it continues to run and run and run.... Endlessly.... Consuming 100% CPU time and 100% memory - without any explanation.
I have these in the beginning of the script, though:
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
but it still behave in such a way that I need to kill the script in order to terminate it...
Anyone know what I did wrong...? No infinite loop here, as far as I know... If I change the Blob to regular classic way of "...url...?EFD=dhglkhserkhgoi" then it works just fine, but I want a Blob....
Thanks a lot
This QS function is only usable for POSTs with an application/x-www-urlencoded body, which yours isn't.

How to create trigger in DB with help of `DBIx::Class` using add_trigger method?

I want to add trigger into my database. I use DBIx::Class and follow these examples: 1, 2.
My code is:
package App::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
sub sqlt_deploy_hook {
my ($self, $schema) = #_;
$schema->add_trigger( name => 'foo' );
But I get this error:
Failed to translate to YAML: translate: Error with producer 'SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML': Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at /home/kes/work/projects/x/app/local/lib/perl5/SQL/Translator/Schema/ line 198
When run command with all environment variables as required by dbic-migration:
dbic-migration --force --schema_class App::Schema --database PostgreSQL -Ilib prepare
Which point me somewhere into SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger
What did I miss? How to fix this error?
Even when I add all arguments I got error:
Failed to translate to YAML: translate: Error with parser 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class': Table named users doesn't exist at /home/kes/work/projects/x/app/local/lib/perl5/SQL/Translator/Schema/ line 54
Here the target line:
my $table = $args->{schema}->get_table($arg)
or die "Table named $arg doesn't exist";
Modified code:
sub sqlt_deploy_hook {
my ($self, $schema) = #_;
warn "TABLES: " ,$schema->get_tables ,"\n";
,name => 'foo'
,perform_action_when => 'after'
,database_events => 'insert'
,on_table => 'users'
,action => 'text'
,scope => 'row'
This code produce next warnings:
TABLES: users
TABLES: dbix_class_deploymenthandler_versions
But DB has only one table at the moment. I expect it at least should produce:
TABLES: users dbix_class_deploymenthandler_versions
How to create trigger in DB?
There maybe the problem with DBIx::Class::ResultSource::default_sqlt_deploy_hook:
which was originally designed to expect the Result class name and the $sqlt_table instance of the table being deployed
As work around add next line of code before add_trigger:
return unless grep $_ eq 'users', $schema->get_tables;
But the recommend way is to create deploy/upgrade/downgrade .sql files manually

Dancer::Tutorial connect to SQLite

I'm create database
sqlite3 database
create table if not exists entries (
id integer primary key autoincrement,
title string not null,
text string not null
Where should i put this database ?
sub connect_db {
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=".setting('database')) or
die $DBI::errstr;
return $dbh;
sub init_db {
my $db = connect_db();
my $schema = read_file('./schema.sql');
$db->do($schema) or die $db->errstr;
get '/' => sub {
my $db = connect_db();
my $sql = 'select id, title, text from entries order by id desc';
my $sth = $db->prepare($sql) or die $db->errstr;
$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
template '', {
'msg' => get_flash(),
'add_entry_url' => uri_for('/add'),
'entries' => $sth->fetchall_hashref('id'),
Recieve an Error
Runtime Error
near "desk" : syntax error at /home/ultramozg/App/lib/ line 40, line 16
What it's my mistake ?
I highly recommend you use Dancer::Plugin::Database instead of the connect_db routine you're proposing. The way you're doing it will probably create leftover open connections and therefore all sorts of problems. Dancer::Plugin::Database handles persistent connections for you. Doc for plugin:
Once you install Dancer::Plugin::Database and configure it in config.yml, then whenever you need to a database handle, you just:
my $dbh => database('my_database_name');
and don't bother disconnecting when done.
If you're using ubuntu, just:
apt-get install libdancer-plugin-database-perl
Good luck on your project!
You have a ^D character for starters - last line in the first section. Please learn to read output. It tells you line 16.
Check where the word "desk" appears in your code as well.

Send request parameters when calling a PHP script via command line

When you run a PHP script through a browser it looks something like
I am trying to achieve the same thing via command line without having to rewrite the script to accept argv instead of $_REQUEST. Is there a way to do something like this:
php yourscript.php?param1=val1&param2=val2
such that the parameters you send show up in the $_REQUEST variable?
In case you don't want to modify running script, you can specify parameters using in -B parameter to specify code to run before the input file. But in this case you must also add -F tag to specify your input file:
php -B "\$_REQUEST = array('param1' => 'val1', 'param2' => 'val2');" -F yourscript.php
I can't take credit for this but I adopted this in my bootstrap file:
// Concatenate and parse string into $_REQUEST
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') {
parse_str(implode('&', array_slice($argv, 1)), $_REQUEST);
Upon executing a PHP file from the command line:
php yourscript.php param1=val1 param2=val2
The above will insert the keys and values into $_REQUEST for later retrieval.
No, there is no easy way to achieve that. The web server will split up the request string and pass it into the PHP interpreter, who will then store it in the $_REQUEST array.
If you run from the command line and you want to accept similar parameters, you'll have to parse them yourself. The command line has completely different syntax for passing parameters than HTTP has. You might want to look into getopt.
For a brute force approach that doesn't take user error into account, you can try this snippet:
foreach( $argv as $argument ) {
if( $argument == $argv[ 0 ] ) continue;
$pair = explode( "=", $argument );
$variableName = substr( $pair[ 0 ], 2 );
$variableValue = $pair[ 1 ];
echo $variableName . " = " . $variableValue . "\n";
// Optionally store the variable in $_REQUEST
$_REQUEST[ $variableName ] = $variableValue;
Use it like this:
$ php test.php --param1=val1 --param2=val2
param1 = val1
param2 = val2
I wrote a short function to handle this situation -- if command line arguments are present and the $_REQUEST array is empty (ie, when you're running a script from the command line instead of though a web interface), it looks for command line arguments in key=value pairs,
function Argv2Request($argv) {
When $_REQUEST is empty and $argv is defined,
interpret $argv[1]...$argv[n] as key => value pairs
and load them into the $_REQUEST array
This allows the php command line to subsitute for GET/POST values, e.g.
php script.php animal=fish color=red number=1 has_car=true has_star=false
if ($argv !== NULL && sizeof($_REQUEST) == 0) {
$argv0 = array_shift($argv); // first arg is different and is not needed
foreach ($argv as $pair) {
list ($k, $v) = split("=", $pair);
$_REQUEST[$k] = $v;
The sample input suggested in the function's comment is:
php script.php animal=fish color=red number=1 has_car=true has_star=false
which yields the output:
[animal] => fish
[color] => red
[number] => 1
[has_car] => true
[has_star] => false

What does this perl crash means?

Can someone tell me what this means?
if (not defined $config{'crontab'}) {
die "no crontab defined!";
I want to open a file crontab.txt but the perl script crashes at this line and I don't really know any perl.
It goes like this:
sub main()
my %config = %{getCommandLineOptions()};
my $programdir = File::Spec->canonpath ( (fileparse ( Win32::GetFullPathName($PROGRAM_NAME) ))[1] );
my $logdir = File::Spec->catdir ($programdir, 'logs');
$logfile = File::Spec->catfile ($logdir, 'cronw.log');
$log = get_logger("cronw::cronService-pl");
# if --exec option supplied, we are being invoked to execute a job
if ($config{exec}) {
execJob(decodeArgs($config{exec}), decodeArgs($config{args}));
my $cronfile = $config{'crontab'};
$log->info('starting service');
$log->debug('programdir: '.$programdir);
$log->debug('logfile: '.$logfile);
if (not defined $config{'crontab'}) {
$log->error("no crontab defined!\n");
die "no crontab defined!";
# fixme: crontab detection?
$log->debug('crontab: '.$config{'crontab'});
And I'm trying to load this 'crontab.txt' file...
sub getCommandLineOptions()
my $clParser = new Getopt::Long::Parser config => ["gnu_getopt", "pass_through"];
my %config = ();
my #parameter = ( 'crontab|cronfile=s',
$clParser->getoptions (\%config, #parameter);
if (scalar (#ARGV) != 0) { $config{'unknownParameter'} = $true; }
return \%config;
Probably I have to give the script an argument
Probably I have to give the script an argument
I would say so.
$ script --cronfile=somefile
That code looks to see whether there is a key 'crontab' in the hash %config. If not, then it calls die and terminates.
If that's not what you expect to happen, then somewhere else in your script there should be something that is setting $config{'crontab'}, but there is not currently enough information in your question to determine what that might be.
Probably the file path of crontab.txt is expected in %config hash, pointed by the 'crontab' key, but isn't there! If so, a DIRTY solution CAN BE:
#if (not defined $config{'crontab'}) {
# die "no crontab defined!";
but this may not work because there is something like $config{'prefix'} and what you will try to open is the path represented by the concatenation of both, or just because in $config{'crontab'} is expected any other value than full path!