Maintaining reliable service state history - azure-service-fabric

The Reliable Services Overview topic has a section, at the bottom, called When to use Reliable Services APIs. In there, one list item says:
Your application needs to maintain change history for its units of state*.
The star at the end is explained just a little bit further down:
* Features available at SDK general availability.
The SDK has reached general availability by now, but I cannot find any information about how to make use of the "Maintain change history for its units of state"-feature or even a suggestion of what that actually means.
I'm asking here, in hope that someone can shed any light on this. I'm interested in knowing whether this feature is indeed available, or if not when it is supposed to be available, or if it has been abandoned.
Some insights on the intended design and functionality of this feature would also be much appreciated.

It describes the scenarios in which you might use the reliable collections. It can be used to keep multiple versions of an object and build a history of changes. (like delta's or snapshots)
This way you can create an event source. (it would require some coding on your end though)
Unit of state: entry in the State manager


Getting up to speed on current web service design practices

I'm admittedly unsure whether this post falls within the scope of acceptable SO questions. If not, please advise whether I might be able to adjust it to fit or if perhaps there might be a more appropriate site for it.
I'm a WinForms guy, but I've got a new project where I'm going to be making web service calls for a Point of Sale system. I've read about how CRUD operations are handled in RESTful environments where GET/PUT/POST/etc represent their respective CRUD counterpart. However I've just started working on a project where I need to submit my requirements to a developer who'll be developing a web api for me to use but he tells me that this isn't how the big boys do it.
Instead of making web requests to create a transaction followed by requests to add items to the transaction in the object based approach I'm accustomed to, I will instead use a service based approach to just make a 'prepare' checkout call in order to see the subtotal, tax, total, etc. for the transaction with the items I currently have on it. Then when I'm ready to actually process the transaction I'll make a call to 'complete' checkout.
I quoted a couple words above because I'm curious whether these are common terms that everyone uses or just ones that he happened to choose to explain the process to me. And my question is, where might I go to get up to speed on the way the 'big boys' like Google and Amazon design their APIs? I'm not the one implementing the API, but there seems to be a little bit of an impedance mismatch in regard to how I'm trying to communicate what I need and the way the developer is expecting to hear my requirements.
Not sure wrt the specifics of your application though your general understanding seems ik. There are always corner cases that test the born though.
I would heed that you listen to your dev team on how things should be imolemented and just provide the "what's" (requirements). They should be trusted to know best practice and your company's own interpretation and standards (right or wrong). If they don't give you your requirement (ease-of-use or can't be easily reusable with expanded requirements) then you can review why with an architect or dev mgr.
However, if you are interested and want to debate and perhaps understand, check out Atlassian's best practice here:
FYI: Atlassian make really leading dev tools in use in v.large companies. Note also that this best-practices is as a part of refactoring meaning they've been through the mill and know what worked and what hasn't).
FYI2 (edit): Reading between the lines of your question, I think your dev is basically instructing you specifically on how transactions are managed within ReST. That is, you don't typically begin, add, end. Instead, everything that is transactional is rolled within a transaction wrapper and POSTed to the server as a single transaction.

SDLC: Managing changes in a 'Closed System' (M1 - ERP)

I am working with a client who has an ERP system in place, called M1, that they are looking to make custom changes to.
I have spent a little bit of time investigating the ERP system in terms of making customizations. Here is a list of what I have found with regards to custom changes:
Custom changes cannot be exported/imported. There is an option in the M1 Design Studio, however, they always appear to be disabled... I tried everything and I couldn't find a mention of it in the help documentation.
You can export a customizations change log (CSV, XML, Excel, HTML) that provides type, name, location and description. In essence, it is a read-only document that provides a list of changes you made. You cannot modify the contents of this log.
Custom form changes made, go into effect for all data sources (Test, Stage, LIVE). In other words, there does not appear an ability to limit the scope of a form change.
Custom field changes must be made in each data source (Test, Stage, LIVE). What's odd here is that if add a field in Test, adjust a grid to display it, subsequently change to LIVE, it detects that the field doesn't exist and negates the grid changes.
I'm unable to find documentation indicating that this application supports version control.
How do I manage changes from an SDLC: ALM methodology and tools standpoint?
I could start by bringing in a change request system to manage pending and completed customizations. But then what? How should changes me managed and released? Put backups of application under source control and deploy when needed?
There might not be a good answer to this question since I'm unable to take advantage of version control and create a separation of environments, but I figured I'd ask in case anybody has had similar experience or worked with M1.
I take it from the lack of answers in two months that your question is unanswerable. SDLC is something you could write a textbook on, or read a textbook on, and not know enough about your environment, other than that probably in order to get hired at your shop, "SDLC" would be a bullet point on the hiring qualifications.
I have no experience with M1, but I am assuming that you're going to have to ask your peers at work for their ideas, because it sounds like you're asking a vertically closed (your shop, your tools, your practices) question that has no exact technical answer.
As for best practices; I suggest you investigate best practices outside your M1 ERP silo and apply them as makes sense to you.
The company I work for also uses M1 erp. We have similar issues regarding version control of the customisations. From what I can tell, all customisations are stored in the M1DD database. You could backup a copy of this database before any major development work as a basic revision control system.
I am familiar with the issue of all changes becoming immediately active in all datasets. This is particularly annoying when you are making changes to a commonly used modules as you don't know how live data will be affected during the development process. One technique I have found useful is to surround untested code with an if statement so it is only executed when I am logged in.
If App.UserID = "MYUSERNAME" Then
'new code here
End If
I would be interested in hearing how you solved this problem.

Source control Branching needs

we are creating hospital information system software. The project will be different hospital to hospital and contain different use cases. But lots of parts will be the same. So we will use branching mechanism of the source control. If we find a bug in one hospital, how can we know the other branches have the same bug or not.
The numbers in the picture which we attached show the each hospital software.
Do you have a solution about this problem ?
Which source control(SVN,Git,Hg) we will be suitable about this problem ?
Thank you.!
Ok, this is not really a VCS question, this is first and foremost and architectural problem - how do you structure and build your application(s) in such a way that you can deliver the specific use cases to each hospital as required whilst being able, as you suggest, to fix bugs in commom code.
I think one can state with some certainty that if you follow the model suggested in your image you aren't going to be able to do so consistently and effectively. What you will end up with is a number of different, discrete, applications that have to be maintained separately even though they have at some point come from a common set of code.
Its hard to make more than good generalisations but the way I would think about this would be something along the following lines:
Firstly you need a core application (or set of applications or set of application libraries) these will form the basis of any delivered system and therefore a single maintained set of code (although this core may itself include external libraries).
You then have a number of options for your customised applications (the per hospital instance) you can define the available functionality a number of means:
At one extreme, by configuration - having one application containing all the code and effectively switching things on and off on a per instance basis.
At the other extreme by having an application per hospital that substantially comprises the core code with customisation.
However the likelyhood is that whilst the sum of the use cases for each hospital is different individual use cases will be common across a number of instances so you need to aim for a modular system i.e. something that starts with the common core and that can be extended and configured by composition as much as by any other means.
This means that you are probably want to make extensive use of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection to give you flexibility within a common framework. You want to look at extensibility frameworks (I do .NET so I'd be looking at the Managed Extensibility Framework - MEF) that allow you to go some way towards "assembling" an application at runtime rather than at compile time.
You also need to pay attention to how you're going to deploy - especially how you're going to update - your applications and at this point you're right you're going to need to have both your version control and you build environment right.
Once you know how you're going build your application then you can look at your version control system - #VonC is spot on when he says that the key feature is to be able to include code from shared projects into multiple deliverable projects.
If it were me, now, I'd probably have a core (which will probably itself be multiple projects/solutions) and then one project/solution per hospital but I would be aiming to have as little code as possible in the per hospital projects - ideally just enough framework to define the instance specific configuration and UI customisation
As to which to use... if you're a Microsoft shop then take a good long hard look at TFS, the productivity gains from having a well integrated environment can be considerable.
Otherwise (and in any case), DVCS (Mercurial, Git, Bazaar, etc) seem to me to be gaining an edge on the more traditional systems as they mature. I think SVN is an excellent tool (I use it and it works), and I think that you need a central repository for this kind of development - not least because you need somewhere that triggers your Continuous Integration Server - however you can achieve the same thing with DVCS and the ability to do frequent local, incremental, commits without "breaking the build" and the flexibility that DVCS gives you means that if you have a choice now then that is almost certainly the way to go (but you do need to ensure that you establish good practices in ensuring that code is pushed to your core repositories early)
I think there is still a lot to address purely from the VCS question - but you can't get to that in useful detail 'til you know how you're going to structure your delivered solution.
All of those VCS (Version Control System) you mention are compatible with the notion of "shared component", which allows you to define a common shared and deployed code base, plus some specialization in each branch:
CVCS (Centralized)
Subversion externals
DVCS (Distributed)
Git submodules (see true nature of submodules)
Hg SubRepos
Considering the distributed aspect of the release management process, a DVCS would be more appropriate.
If the bug is located in the common code base, you can quickly see in the other branches if:
what exact version of the common component they are referring to.
they refer the same or older version of that common component than the one in which the bug has been found (in which case chances are they also do have the bug)

Speccing out new features

I am curious as to how other development teams spec out new features. The team I have just moved up to lead has no real specification process. I have just implemented a proper development process with CI, auto deployment and logging all bugs using Trac and I am now moving on to deal with changes.
I have a list of about 20 changes to our product to have done over the next 2 months. Normally I would just spec out each change going into detail of what should be done but I am curious as to how other teams handle this. Any suggestions?
I think we had a successful approach in my last job as we delivered the project on time and with only a couple of issues found in production. However, there were only 3 people working on the product, so I'm not entirely sure how it would scale to larger teams.
We wrote specs upfront for the whole product but without going into too much detail and with an emphasis on the UI. This was a means for us to get a feel for what had to be done and for the scope of the project.
When we started implementing things, we had to work everything out in a lot more detail (and inevitably had to do some things differently from the spec). To that end, we got together and worked out the best approach to implementing each feature (sometimes with prototypes). We didn't update the original spec but we did make notes after the meetings as it's very easy to forget the details afterwards.
So in summary, my approach is to treat specs as an exploratory tool and to work out finer details during implementation. Depending on the project, it may also be a good idea to keep the original spec up to date as the application evolves (which we didn't need to do this time).
Good question but its can be subjective. I guess it depends on the strategy of the product, if its to be deployed to multiple clients in the same way or to a single client on a bespoke project, the impact, dependency these changes have on the system and each other and the priority these changes need to be made.
I would look at the priority and the dependency, that will naturally start grouping things?

Is it expected to disclose all the frameworks / open source software used in a project to a client

Taken aback to day when I was confronted about the use of validation code used from the Csla framework. It felt like I was reprimanded for not disclosing the use of the framework to the client.
Is this not the same as using libraries such as jQuery etc?
You absolutely should acknowledge what you're using, IMO.
Some clients may have particularly strict legal requirements (whether for legitimate reasons or not - they're the client, it's not up to you to judge their laywers) and detailing any third party software you're using to create a product for them seems only reasonable.
What reason could you have for not wanting to be open with your client?
This depends on the license of the open source code you are using. Many of them require to acknowledge the use in some credits section, others require you to redistribute the source code, etc. You should read the license and act accordingly.
It depends on the project and the kind of client and whatever contracts you had. However, for a typical consultant delivering code to a customer, I would say no it is very strange that you would be reprimanded for not bothering them with details such as the use of CSLA. That's pretty odd.
It is the same, I have a feeling that you would have been reprimanded for using jQuery as well. There are enterprises that frown upon the use of open source for various reasons.
They boil down to
The type of license and what does it force the user to do
The availability of support in some commercial form
The need to 'share-alike' the results
You should know what's your customer/employer's stance on this. If they don't have a stance, then you have to discuss on a case-by-case basis.
I usually tell people I use a lot of open source and, by seeing the response I get I know the path to follow. If they jump and scream at the mention of open source and the lack of support and whatnot, I just tend to ask for budget to buy commercial components or present good cases as to why the open source version of X is better than the commercial alternatives.
It very much depends on the type of project and the type of client. The real problem here is that you were surprised, which indicates non-alignment of expectations. How did the client motivate its interest in Csla specifically?
If your client needs to know or cares about which technology you use, then you should specify everything as part of the project documentation. If the choices are clearly described, then it is easier to have a discussion about them, if required. Documentation also gives you a way to ask (literally) for 'sign-off', if that is the way you work.
From your question it is not clear whether the problem was the choice of framework, or not having informed the customer.
Even on projects with minimal documentation, if the customer owns the code then I always deliver at least a High-level architecture document that includes the names and exact versions of every software component used, along with a brief description of what it is for and why it was selected. This is also the correct place to address any license issues.