imagej image type conversion - netbeans

I am new to java programing.
I am trying to write a java application using netbeans that uses imagej jar to open a dicom image & process it. I was able to do that using the following java code:
public class user_interface extends java.awt.Frame {
/** Creates new form user_interface */
public user_interface() {
private void initComponents() {
btn_open_image = new java.awt.Button();
btn_invert_image = new java.awt.Button();
slbl_display = new javax.swing.JLabel();
addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
setLayout(new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteLayout());
btn_open_image.setLabel("Open Image");
btn_open_image.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
btn_open_image.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
add(btn_open_image, new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints(10, 40, 80, -1));
btn_invert_image.setLabel("Invert Image");
btn_invert_image.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
add(btn_invert_image, new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints(10, 150, 80, -1));
slbl_display.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(51, 51, 51));
add(slbl_display, new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints(120, 60, -1, -1));
}// </editor-fold>
* Exit the Application
private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
private ImagePlus IPL_image;
private ImageJ ImageJ_image;
private ImageJ CovImageJ_image;
private ImageProcessor ip;
private Image AWT_image;
private ImageIcon AWT_icon;
private void btn_open_imageMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
String MacroName ="C:\\Program Files\\ImageJ\\macros\\RadFz\\DrawGraticule(Worksfine).txt";
String ImgName = "G:\\PV-QA Images\\01-31-2016\\6MV-FS-OF\\RI\\5x5-6MV-MLC.dcm";
//(01) open image
IPL_image = IJ.openImage(ImgName);
int ImgType = IPL_image.getType();
System.out.println("Image Type = " + ImgType);
//(02) pass it to processor to acess each pixel
// ip.convertToColorProcessor();
ip = IPL_image.getProcessor();
//(03) reset the image window & level
//get width & height
int imgWdth = ip.getWidth();
int imgHgth = ip.getHeight();
// set line color and width
ip.drawLine(0, imgHgth/2, imgWdth, imgHgth/2);
ip.drawLine(imgWdth/2, 0, imgWdth/2, imgHgth);
//; // Display image in imagej window
//String IIP = IJ.runMacroFile(MacroName);
//convert image from imagej format to one that you can
//display in image container
AWT_image = ip.createImage();
AWT_icon = new ImageIcon(AWT_image);
System.out.println("Width = " + imgWdth + " pixels");
System.out.println("Height = " + imgHgth + " pixels");
private void btn_invert_imageMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
AWT_image = ip.createImage();
AWT_icon = new ImageIcon(AWT_image);
private void btn_open_imageActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
private void GetDICOMTagVal(String DICOMTag) {
String imgInfoStr = IPL_image.getInfoProperty();
//"0002,0003" "300A,012C"
System.out.println("imgInfoStr = \n"+ imgInfoStr );
String InfoLines[];
InfoLines = split(imgInfoStr, "\n");
//System.out.println(" Number of lines = " + InfoLines.length);
int i;
for (i =0; i<InfoLines.length; i++){
//System.out.println(i+" -->" + InfoLines[i].startsWith(DICOMTag));
if(InfoLines[i].startsWith(DICOMTag)) {
String Tag;
Tag = InfoLines[i].substring(DICOMTag.length());
System.out.println(DICOMTag + " = " + Tag);
} else {
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String args[]) {
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new user_interface().setVisible(true);
// Variables declaration - do not modify
private java.awt.Button btn_invert_image;
private java.awt.Button btn_open_image;
private javax.swing.JLabel slbl_display;
// End of variables declaration
I am able to open the image and process it (draw on it) using black lines only. That is because the image is opened as an 8 bit gray image. I am not sure how to convert image to RGB. The convertToRGB() is available in the ij package in the processing folder in the image converter class.
How can I do that?

Indeed as you said, the abstract class ImageProcessor has a method convertToRGB():
public ImageProcessor convertToRGB()
if ( type == RGB ) return ip ;
ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.convertToByte(doScaling) ;
return new ColorProcessor(ip2.createImage()) ;
It does exactly what you need: convert a ByteProcessor (8 bits) into a ColorProcessor (24 bits).


GWT image get from server

when I implemented as given here but for not working
my implementation is
File f = fileFromDatabase // from database the fileName is india.png
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
String base64 = Base64Utils.toBase64(data);
String[] s = filename.split("\\.");
base64 = "data:" + "india/png" + ";base64," + base64;
base64 = "data:image/png;base64," + base64;
return base64;
imageService.getImageData(new AsyncCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String imageData) {
Image image = new Image(imageData);
//this Canvas class addItem into com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Window
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
client side imageData stirng is <image class="gwt-Image src=sume big string starts with "......>"
eventhough client side could not see the image.
Please clear my doubt
Thanks in advance
When you get the base64 string from the server you need to add a load handler on the image in the DOM. The way I've done it is to attach it to the DOM and hide it as in the below code.
/** get events preview from server, attach to the DOM and store in 'preview'
* #param handler option to pass a custom load handler
private void get_preview(LoadHandler handler) {
final LoadHandler load_handler = handler;
server.getPreviewImage(user, data, new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {"getPreviewImage: " + error);
public void onSuccess(String result) {
preview = null;
if (result != null) {
ImageElement ie = doc.createImageElement();
preview = Image.wrap(ie);
// add load handler to DOM image before being able to use
if (load_handler == null) {
preview.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
} else {
/** Displays the preview on the canvas.
* Resizes canvas if necessary and sets zoom
private void display_preview() {
EventSize size = data.getEventSize();
float zoom = Float.parseFloat(preview_zoom.getSelectedValue());
canvas.canvas.setPixelSize((int)(size.width * zoom), (int)(size.height * zoom));
if (preview != null) {
ImageElement elem =;
canvas.canvas.getContext2d().drawImage(elem, 0, 0);

Creating custom plugin for chinese tokenization

I'm working towards properly integrating the stanford segmenter within SOLR for chinese tokenization.
This plugin involves loading other jar files and model files. I've got it working in a crude manner by hardcoding the complete path for the files.
I'm looking for methods to create the plugin where the paths need not be hardcoded and also to have the plugin in conformance with the SOLR plugin architecture. Please let me know if there are any recommended sites or tutorials for this.
I've added my code below :
public class ChineseTokenizerFactory extends TokenizerFactory {
/** Creates a new WhitespaceTokenizerFactory */
public ChineseTokenizerFactory(Map<String,String> args) {
if (!args.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameters: " + args);
public ChineseTokenizer create(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) {
Reader processedStringReader = new ProcessedStringReader(input);
return new ChineseTokenizer(luceneMatchVersion, factory, processedStringReader);
public class ProcessedStringReader extends {
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 8;
//private static TextProcess m_textProcess = null;
private static final String basedir = "/home/praveen/PDS_Meetup/solr-4.9.0/custom_plugins/";
static Properties props = null;
static CRFClassifier<CoreLabel> segmenter = null;
private char[] m_inputData = null;
private int m_offset = 0;
private int m_length = 0;
public ProcessedStringReader(Reader input){
char[] arr = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int numChars;
if(segmenter == null)
segmenter = new CRFClassifier<CoreLabel>(getProperties());
segmenter.loadClassifierNoExceptions(basedir + "ctb.gz", getProperties());
try {
while ((numChars =, 0, arr.length)) > 0) {
buf.append(arr, 0, numChars);
} catch (IOException e) {
m_inputData = processText(buf.toString()).toCharArray();
m_offset = 0;
m_length = m_inputData.length;
public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int charNumber = 0;
for(int i = m_offset + off;i<m_length && charNumber< len; i++){
cbuf[charNumber] = m_inputData[i];
m_offset ++;
if(charNumber == 0){
return -1;
return charNumber;
public void close() throws IOException {
m_inputData = null;
m_offset = 0;
m_length = 0;
public String processText(String inputText)
List<String> segmented = segmenter.segmentString(inputText);
String output = "";
if(segmented.size() > 0)
output = segmented.get(0);
for(int i=1;i<segmented.size();i++)
output = output + " " +segmented.get(i);
return output;
static Properties getProperties()
if (props == null) {
props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("sighanCorporaDict", basedir);
// props.setProperty("NormalizationTable", "data/norm.simp.utf8");
// props.setProperty("normTableEncoding", "UTF-8");
// below is needed because CTBSegDocumentIteratorFactory accesses it
props.setProperty("inputEncoding", "UTF-8");
props.setProperty("sighanPostProcessing", "true");
return props;
public final class ChineseTokenizer extends CharTokenizer {
public ChineseTokenizer(Version matchVersion, Reader in) {
super(matchVersion, in);
public ChineseTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, Reader in) {
super(matchVersion, factory, in);
/** Collects only characters which do not satisfy
* {#link Character#isWhitespace(int)}.*/
protected boolean isTokenChar(int c) {
return !Character.isWhitespace(c);
You can pass the argument through the Factory's args parameter.

Can't get JBox2d Testbed to work

I have followed this tutorial and the testbed launches, but nothing ever happens. The GUI appears but the tests never run, it just sits there. The testbed is launched from the driver class and you add the testbed test. Anyone else have this problem?
Driver Class
public class Driver {
public static final String GRAVITY_SETTING = "Gravity";
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TestbedModel model = new TestbedModel(); // create our model
// add tests
model.addCategory("My Tests");
model.addTest(new MJWTest2());
model.addTest(new VerticalStack());
// add our custom setting "My Range Setting", with a default value of 10, between 0 and 20
model.getSettings().addSetting(new TestbedSetting(GRAVITY_SETTING, SettingType.ENGINE, false));
TestbedPanel panel = new TestPanelJ2D(model); // create our testbed panel
JFrame testbed = new TestbedFrame(model, panel, null); // put both into our testbed frame
// etc
Testbed Test class
public class MJWTest2 extends TestbedTest {
public static final String GRAVITY_SETTING = "Gravity";
public void initTest(boolean argDeserialized) {
setTitle("Couple of Things Test");
getWorld().setGravity(new Vec2());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape();
polygonShape.setAsBox(1, 1);
FixtureDef fix = new FixtureDef();
fix.shape = polygonShape;
BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
bodyDef.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
bodyDef.position.set(5 * i, 0);
bodyDef.angle = (float) (Math.PI / 4 * i);
bodyDef.allowSleep = false;
Body body = getWorld().createBody(bodyDef);
body.applyForce(new Vec2(-10000 * (i - 1), 0), new Vec2());
public void step(TestbedSettings settings) {
super.step(settings); // make sure we update the engine!
TestbedSetting gravity = settings.getSetting(GRAVITY_SETTING); // grab our setting
if (gravity.enabled) {
getWorld().setGravity(new Vec2(0, -9));
else {
getWorld().setGravity(new Vec2());
public String getTestName() {
return "Couple of Things";
There was an updated to the engine w/o an update to the wiki. Whoops! sorry. You need to create a controller and start is, as shown here:
Try this
public class MJWTest2 extends TestbedTest {
public void initTest(boolean argDeserialized) {
setTitle("Couple of Things Test");
getWorld().setGravity(new Vec2());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// CircleShape circleShape = new CircleShape();
// circleShape.m_radius = 1;
// Shape shape = circleShape;
PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape();
polygonShape.setAsBox(1, 1);
Shape shape = polygonShape;
BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
bodyDef.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
bodyDef.position.set(5 * i, 0);
bodyDef.angle = (float) (Math.PI / 4 * i);
bodyDef.allowSleep = false;
Body body = getWorld().createBody(bodyDef);
body.createFixture(shape, 5.0f);
body.applyForce(new Vec2(-10000 * (i - 1), 0), new Vec2());
* #see org.jbox2d.testbed.framework.TestbedTest#getTestName()
public String getTestName() {
return "Couple of Things";
And so called 'driver class'
public class App2 {
public static final String GRAVITY_SETTING = "Gravity";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TestbedModel model = new TestbedModel(); // create our model
// add tests
model.addCategory("My Tests");
model.addTest(new MJWTest2());
model.addTest(new VerticalStack());
// add our custom setting "My Range Setting", with a default value of 10, between 0 and 20
model.getSettings().addSetting(new TestbedSetting(GRAVITY_SETTING, SettingType.ENGINE, false));
TestbedPanel panel = new TestPanelJ2D(model); // create our testbed panel
JFrame testbed = new TestbedFrame(model, panel); // put both into our testbed frame
// etc
worked fine for me.. hope that it works for you as well..

Drag and drop to other applications and OS?

I'm using JavaFX's Drag and Drop system in my application, and it has been working well so far.
Now I want to support drag and drop to outside applications, eg. dragging files from my application to the explorer. How would I achieve that?
I've achieved what you described by using:
Vector<File> files = new Vector<File>();
private ClipboardContent filesToCopyClipboard = new ClipboardContent();
final ObjectWithAReturnablePathField draggableObj = new ObjectWithAReturnablePathField();
draggableObj.setOnDragDetected(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
public void handle(MouseEvent me)
Dragboard db = draggableObj.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.ANY);
File f = new File(new URI(draggableObj.getFilePath()));
catch (URISyntaxException e)
draggableObj.setOnDragDone(new EventHandler<DragEvent>()
public void handle(DragEvent me)
Which means:
It's possible to achieve file transference between JavaFX 2 and a native application by filling a ClipboardContent with a list using the TransferMode.ANY on the setOnDragDetected method of any Draggable Object (Any Node) which can return a Path for a file. In my case, I've created a class called Thumb extending ImageView and (among others things) I made a method called getFilePath() which returns the Path from the Image used to initialize the ImageView(). I'm sorry BTW for the poor example and the poor english, but I'm running out of time to give a more detailed answer as of now. I hope it helps. Cheers
Here is a sample source for an action listener on an ImageView image extraction to OS' explorer (With a custom process for jpg image to remove alpha-channel to display it correctly):
inputImageView.setOnDragDetected(new EventHandler <MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
// for paste as file, e.g. in Windows Explorer
try {
Clipboard clipboard Clipboard.getSystemClipboard();
Dragboard db = inputImageView.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.ANY);
ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();
Image sourceImage = inputImageView.getImage();
ImageInfo imageInfo = (ImageInfo) inputImageView.getUserData();
String name = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(imageInfo.getName());
String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(imageInfo.getName());
///Avoid get "prefix lenght too short" error when file name lenght <= 3
if (name.length() < 4){
name = name+Long.toHexString(Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.random()));;
File temp = File.createTempFile(name, "."+ext);
if (ext.contentEquals("jpg")|| ext.contentEquals("jpeg")){
BufferedImage image = SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(sourceImage, null); // Get buffered image.
BufferedImage imageRGB = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(),image.getHeight(),
Graphics2D graphics = imageRGB.createGraphics();
graphics.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
ImageIO.write(imageRGB, ext, temp);
ext, temp);
ImageIO.write(SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(sourceImage, null),
ext, temp);
} catch (IOException ex) {
With the help of use of an Object that is passed to the imageView's setUserData method, it helps me to retrieve database id and pic name:
public class ImageInfo {
private String imageInfo;
private int inputId;
public String toString() {
return imageInfo;
public ImageInfo(String imageInfo, int inputId) {
this.imageInfo = imageInfo;
this.inputId = inputId;
public String getName() {
return imageInfo;
public void setName(String imageInfo) {
this.imageInfo = imageInfo;
public int getIndex() {
return inputId;
public void setIndex(int areaindex) {
this.inputId = inputId;
I hope it will help somenone at an expected time :-)

GMail like file upload progress bar with GWT?

All Gmail users should have already noticed that file upload progress bar has been updated recently.
I'm wondering such effect is possible to implement with GWT.
I'm fairly new with GWT, so if any GWT source code that can help me test out the function would be very helpful.
I ended up going with SWFUpload. However, other suggestions under this question are all valid. Just try different options and choose the one you like!
Take a look to this library: It is really easy to to use and works fine in all browsers and OS I've checked. It uses ajax requests to calculate progress. BTW Swfupload doesn't do well in linux and Mac.
I've used this tool before:
Unlike the other suggestions here, not only does it give the proper API to show upload progress, it also gives the ability to do batch uploads by selecting multiple files, and it also gives drag and drop support. It also has a pre HTML5 fallback mechanism.
I've had had great luck with it gwt-fileap. Recently it broke in Firefox 7 and 8 and I had to apply this patch to it - but otherwise it works really great:
## -57,26 +57,33 ##
* gets the filename
- *
+ *
* #return the filename
public final native String getFileName() /*-{
- return this.fileName;
+ if(
+ return;
+ else
+ return this.fileName;
* gets the file size in bytes
- *
+ *
* #return the file size in bytes
public final native int getFileSize() /*-{
- return this.fileSize;
+ if(this.size)
+ return this.size;
+ else
+ return this.fileSize;
* gets the MIME type of the file, may be null if the browser cannot detect
* the type
I also had to add the following lines to - these lines describe how the fallback mechanism works. You can do something similar if you want your code to fall back on the SWFUploader implementation shown below in case HTML5 is missing.
<define-property name="" values="yes,no" />
<property-provider name=""><![CDATA[
var input=document.createElement('input');
return input.files==null?'no':'yes';
class="com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.ui.FileInput.FileInputImpl" />
<when-property-is name="" value="yes" />
<when-property-is name="user.agent" value="ie8" />
<when-property-is name="user.agent" value="safari" />
<when-property-is name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8" />
<when-property-is name="user.agent" value="opera" />
<when-property-is name="user.agent" value="chrome" />
This is how I use it in my application:
This is the interface that describes the abstraction:
public interface FileUpload {
public void uploadFiles();
public Widget getWidget();
public void initialize(Grid updateTable, Uploader uploader, String url, boolean createDropHandler);
public void setDisabled(boolean b);
public void readyToPaint();
public void reset();
The following is the gwt-fileapi implementation of the interface:
package com.hierarchycm.gxt.client.fileUpload;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.FileApiSupport;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.drop.DropHandler;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.file.File;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.file.FileEvent;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.file.FileEvent.FileEventHandler;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.ui.FileInput;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.upload.UploadRequest;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.upload.UploadRequestBuilder;
import com.gwtpro.html5.fileapi.client.upload.UploadRequestCallback;
public class FileUploadHtmlImpl extends FileInput implements FileUpload {
private Grid uploadTable;
int currentFile =0;
String url;
File[] files;
UploadRequestBuilder fileUploader;
Uploader uploader;
public FileUploadHtmlImpl() {
FileUploadHtmlImpl(Grid updateTable, Uploader uploader, String url) {
this(updateTable, uploader, url, true);
FileUploadHtmlImpl(Grid updateTable, Uploader uploader, String url, boolean createDropHandler) {
initialize(updateTable, uploader, url, createDropHandler);
public void initialize(Grid updateTable, Uploader uploader, String url, boolean createDropHandler){
this.url = url;
this.uploadTable = updateTable;
this.uploader = uploader;
this.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() {
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
if (createDropHandler) {
private File[] jsArrToArr (JsArray<File> ipFiles) {
File [] result = new File [ipFiles.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < ipFiles.length(); ++i) {
result[i] = ipFiles.get(i);
return result;
private UploadRequestCallback getMyCallback() {
return new UploadRequestCallback() {
public void onError(UploadRequest request, Throwable exception) {
uploadTable.setText(currentFile + 1, 2, "failed: " + exception.getMessage());
uploadNextFile(currentFile + 1);
public void onResponseReceived(UploadRequest request, Response response) {
uploadTable.setText(currentFile + 1, 2, "success: " + response.getText());
uploadNextFile(currentFile + 1);
//If we just finished uploading do your thing
if (currentFile == files.length) {
public void onUploadProgress(UploadRequest request, int bytesUploaded) {
uploadTable.setText(currentFile + 1, 2, bytesUploaded + "");
public void createDropHandler() {
RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
DropHandler dropHandler = new DropHandler(rootPanel);
this.fileUploader = new UploadRequestBuilder(url);
dropHandler.addFileEventHandler(new FileEventHandler() {
public void onFiles(FileEvent event) {
private void addFiles (File[] ipFiles) {
files = ipFiles;
uploadTable.resize(files.length + 1, 3);
uploadTable.setText(0, 0, "File name");
uploadTable.setText(0, 1, "File size");
uploadTable.setText(0, 2, "Progress");
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
uploadTable.setText(i + 1, 0, files[i].getFileName());
uploadTable.setText(i + 1, 1, files[i].getFileSize() + "");
uploadTable.setText(i + 1, 2, "");
public void uploadNextFile(int index) {
for (String paramName : uploader.getPostParams().keySet()) {
fileUploader.setHeader(paramName, uploader.getPostParams().get(paramName));
currentFile = index;
if (index < this.files.length) {
try {
this.fileUploader.setHeader("itemName", files[currentFile].getFileName());
} catch (RequestException e) {
this.uploadTable.setText(index + 1, 2, "failed: " + e.getMessage());
uploadNextFile(index + 1);
public void uploadFiles() {
public Widget getWidget() {
return this;
public void readyToPaint() {
//no need to do anything - already painted for non swf
public void reset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void showCapabilities() {
"Drag and Drop Support: "
+ (FileApiSupport.isDragDropSupported() ? "Yes"
: "No")
+ "<br/>HTTPXmlRequest Level 2: "
+ (FileApiSupport.isHttpXmlRequestLevel2() ? "Yes"
: "No")
+ "<br/>File input supports multiple files: "
+ (FileApiSupport
.isMultipleFileInputSupported() ? "Yes"
: "No")+"<br/><br/>");
This is the SWFUpload implementation of the same interface:
package com.hierarchycm.gxt.client.fileUpload;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Html;
public class FileUploadSwfImpl extends Html implements FileUpload {
SwfUploadUtil swfUploadUtil = null;
private Uploader uploader;
private String url;
private boolean createDropHandler;
private Grid updateTable;
static int uploadId = 0;
static String divTagId;
public FileUploadSwfImpl() {
divTagId = "swfupload" + uploadId++;
String divTag = "<div id=\"" + divTagId + "\"></div";
public void uploadFiles() {
public Widget getWidget() {
return this;
public void readyToPaint() {
swfUploadUtil = new SwfUploadUtil(uploader, updateTable, divTagId, url);
public void initialize(Grid updateTable, Uploader uploader, String url, boolean createDropHandler) {
this.uploader = uploader;
this.url = url;
this.createDropHandler = createDropHandler;
this.updateTable = updateTable;
public void setDisabled(boolean b) {
this.disabled = true;
public void reset() {
And this is the utility the FileUploadSwfImpl depends on:
package com.hierarchycm.gxt.client.fileUpload;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.swfupload.client.File;
import org.swfupload.client.SWFUpload;
import org.swfupload.client.UploadBuilder;
import org.swfupload.client.SWFUpload.ButtonAction;
import org.swfupload.client.SWFUpload.ButtonCursor;
import org.swfupload.client.event.DialogStartHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.FileDialogCompleteHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.FileQueuedHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadCompleteHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadErrorHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadProgressHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadSuccessHandler;
import org.swfupload.client.event.FileDialogCompleteHandler.FileDialogCompleteEvent;
import org.swfupload.client.event.FileQueuedHandler.FileQueuedEvent;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadCompleteHandler.UploadCompleteEvent;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadErrorHandler.UploadErrorEvent;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadProgressHandler.UploadProgressEvent;
import org.swfupload.client.event.UploadSuccessHandler.UploadSuccessEvent;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.TextArea;
public class SwfUploadUtil {
HashMap<String, Integer> filenameRowHm = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private boolean resetIssued;
SWFUpload swfUpload = null;
private HashMap <String, File> files = new HashMap<String, File>();
int tableRow = 5;
Uploader uploader = null;
private Grid updateTable;
private String divName;
private String url;
synchronized private void removeFile(String id) {
public SwfUploadUtil(Uploader uploader, Grid updateTable, String divName, String url){
this.uploader = uploader;
this.updateTable = updateTable;
this.divName = divName;
this.url = url;
this.swfUpload = loadSWFUpload();
updateTable.resize(5, 5);
updateTable.setText(2, 0, "Upload URL:" );
updateTable.setText(2, 1, url );
updateTable.setText(4, 0, "File Name" );
updateTable.setText(4, 1, "Bytes In");
updateTable.setText(4, 2, "Status");
updateTable.setText(4, 3, "File Size" );
updateTable.setText(4, 4, "Server response" );
public SWFUpload loadSWFUpload() {
this.updateTable = updateTable;
if (swfUpload == null) {
final UploadBuilder builder1 = new UploadBuilder();
builder1.setHTTPSuccessCodes(200, 201);
builder1.setFileTypesDescription("Images, Video & Sound");
builder1.setUploadProgressHandler(new UploadProgressHandler() {
public void onUploadProgress(UploadProgressEvent e) {
File f = e.getFile();
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(f), 2, String.valueOf(e.getBytesComplete()));
builder1.setUploadSuccessHandler(new UploadSuccessHandler() {
public void onUploadSuccess(UploadSuccessEvent e) {
File f = e.getFile();
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(f), 4, e.getServerData());
builder1.setUploadErrorHandler(new UploadErrorHandler() {
public void onUploadError(UploadErrorEvent e) {
File ff = e.getFile();
String message = e.getMessage();
if (message == null || message.trim().length() == 0) {
message = "upload failed";
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(ff), 2, String.valueOf(message));
if (files.values().size() > 0) {
ff = files.values().iterator().next();
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(ff), 2, "Started");
builder1.setDialogStartHandler(new DialogStartHandler() {
public void onDialogStart() {
if(resetIssued == true) {
resetIssued = false;
builder1.setUploadCompleteHandler(new UploadCompleteHandler() {
public void onUploadComplete(UploadCompleteEvent e) {
File f = e.getFile();
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(f), 2, "Done");
if (files.values().size() > 0) {
File ff = files.values().iterator().next();
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(ff), 2, "Started");
} else {
builder1.setFileQueuedHandler(new FileQueuedHandler() {
public void onFileQueued(FileQueuedEvent event) {
File f = event.getFile();
updateTable.setText(getFilenameRow(f), 2, "Queued");
files.put(f.getId(), f);
builder1.setFileDialogCompleteHandler(new FileDialogCompleteHandler() {
public void onFileDialogComplete(FileDialogCompleteEvent e) {
updateTable.setText(2, 0, "Number of files");
updateTable.setText(2, 1, String.valueOf(files.values().size()));
for(File f : files.values()) {
if (files.values().size() > 0) {
for (String paramName : uploader.getPostParams().keySet()) {
swfUpload =;
return swfUpload;
public int getFilenameRow (File f) {
Integer filenamerow = filenameRowHm.get(f.getId());
if (filenamerow == null) {
updateTable.resize(tableRow+1, 5);
filenamerow = new Integer(tableRow++);
updateTable.setText(filenamerow.intValue(), 0, f.getName());
updateTable.setText(filenamerow.intValue(), 3, String.valueOf(f.getSize()));
//updateTable.setText(filenamerow.intValue(), 3, String.valueOf(f));
filenameRowHm.put(f.getId(), filenamerow);
return filenamerow.intValue();
public void startUpload() {
public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) {
public void reset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
resetIssued = true;
Use SWFUpload via swfupload-gwt
The main advantage over the other methods is this does not require any special server code. You could even upload to another domain (if there is a crossdomain.xml which allows it).
Check out GWTC Upload, which has an implementation of exactly what you're looking for.
It's trivial to write your own if you have a java back end, you just start a file upload and then poll the server on a timer to see where it's up to (say every second or two). The java file upload binaries (the apache commons ones) support telling you the current progress so it's trivial to do.
Recently I started a project of my own called gwtupld
The main goal is to provide best file upload experience for cutting edge browsers
and acceptable usability for all others. By the moment, following key features are present
multiple file selection
progress bars
slick and simple exterior
consistent behavior for all browsers
ease of visual customization
no external dependencies but GWT
Feel free to fork and submit bugs/feature proposals.
You can check out source code, then type
gradlew gwtcompile devmode
and get it will start a fully functional
sandbox (server side with real file saving should work)
You can use GwtSwfExt which is wrapper on top of SWFUpload (Its same as Swfupload-gwt lib ) you can download example and source code from
When creating your own file upload progress, instead of pulling it form server at a small set time, you can have the client to display a indeterminate bar for 2 seconds and have the server calculate the estimated finish time the change back to determinate and pull new estimates every 5, 10 seconds instead. that should have little to no effect on the traffic.
There is custom multiupload plugin demo