error in ibm watson retrieve and rank service setup - ibm-cloud

I'm following the retrieve and rank tutorial and everything is good until the script - I get error "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded"
my command line with masked creds:
python ./ -u "zzzz":"ssss" -i /Users/nik/Downloads/cranfield_gt.csv -c "zzzz" -x example_collection -n "example_ranker"
Input file is /Users/nik/Downloads/cranfield_gt.csv
Solr cluster is zzzz
Solr collection is example_collection
Ranker name is example_ranker
Rows per query 10
Generating training data...
curl -k -s -u zzzz:ssss -d "q=what similarity laws must be obeyed when constructing aeroelastic models of heated high speed aircraft.&gt=184,3,29,3,31,3,12,2,51,2,102,2,13,1,14,1,15,1,57,3,378,3,859,3,185,2,30,2,37,2,52,1,142,1,195,1,875,3,56,2,66,2,95,2,462,1,497,2,858,2,876,2,879,2,880,2,486,0&generateHeader=true&rows=10&returnRSInput=true&wt=json" ""
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 88, in <module>
parsed_json = json.loads(output)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 338, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 366, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 384, in raw_decode
raise ValueError("No JSON object could be decoded")
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
Ideas why I get this error and most of all how to resolve it?

OK this is one of those late night experiences .. I was convinced that I did uploaded my cranfield_data.json file, but checking it today showed me that I didn't.
Runnig the script today to upload it again and seeing the confirmation was the key.
After that I've repeated the and everything worked!
I hope this helps someone else too.
BTW just before uploading the first time I've tried to update and recompile curl. It seems that I did not configure it to use https and I guess I did not payed attention when I executed the curl to upload cranfield_data.json the first time.
Today I saw the error "protocol "https" not supported" and this helped me understand what happened before. Restoring the original curl on my mac resolved the issue.


Error using the bbc-microbit v2 with a servo motor

I am having difficulty using a servo motor with the bbc-microbit v2. I am programming in MicroPython using Mu (1.1.0.alpha.2), and I have followed instructions and sample code from Microbit and Sparkfun. I keep getting a "ValueError: invalid period" when I use the command "set_analog_period". I can get the exact same set-up and similar program to work, without any errors, when using the Microbit MakeCode editor.
Here is the sample code (slightly edited for length) that is taken directly from
from microbit import *
while True:
The REPL outputs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in <module>
ValueError: invalid period
MicroPython v1.13 on 2020-12-21; micro:bit v2.0.0-beta.3 with nRF52833
I also failed to get the mu editor to run correctly with v2 of the micro:bit. Instead of mu, I use the online micropython editor here:
This can be downloaded from the project's GitHub site and used offline. The GitHub site is here:
To get this to run in Linux (you don't mention which OS you are using), you need to set up a udev rule:
Create the file:
with this content:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0d28", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
You then need to add your username to the plugdev group:
To add your username to the plugdev group:
sudo usermod -aG plugdev <user>
To have this change recognised by the system, we need to restart the udev rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
The PythonEditor then works in Chrome for me. The first time I flash a script takes a while, I suspect the first flash writes a micropython interpreter hex file to the board.

Smartsheet Python SDK Copy Workspace Fails

I am trying to copy a workspace to get around the 100 object limit.
Here's my code:
def rg_copy_workspace(workspace_id, new_ws_name, api_token, debug=False):
import smartsheet
smartsheet = smartsheet.Smartsheet(api_token)
new_workspace = smartsheet.Workspaces.copy_workspace(
'new_name': new_ws_name
just like the example in the Python SDK.
I am testing on a workspace with a small number of objects (I started with only one Sheet)
I'm getting an error on the folder_obj. I have tried it with and without a folder, and when I have a folder with and without contents.
rg_copy_workspace(workspace_id, new_ws_name)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
rg_copy_workspace(workspace_id, new_ws_name)
File "", line 15, in rg_copy_workspace
'new_name': new_ws_name
File "(path-deleted)\", line 80, in copy_workspace
folder_obj = Folder({
File "(path-deleted)\", line 210, in request
File "(path-deleted)\", line 278, in request_with_retry
if 200 <= response.status_code <= 299:
File "(path-deleted)\", line 244, in _request
native = res.native(expected)
UnexpectedRequestError: (, None)
What am I doing wrong? I don't know how the code makes it to line 80 of
I updated to latest version of SDK this morning (after receiving the error)
Reputation won't let me comment.
Your code seemed to execute fine for me on the updated 1.3 SDK.
The traceback locations look to lineup with sources from roughly a year ago, but linecache is pulling from the new source to build the traceback (, line 210 is actually in a comment, so it's definitely not right). I'm not sure what all the situations are that could account for this but I'd guess there are compiled bytecode (.pyc) files somewhere that are stale.
Can you share a DEBUG level log near the relevant failure so that I can see what the API request looks like?

gcloud crashed (UnicodeEncodeError): 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

Welcome to the Google Cloud SDK! Run "gcloud -h" to get the list of
available commands.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK>gcloud init Welcome! This
command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.
Your current configuration has been set to: [default]
You can skip diagnostics next time by using the following flag:
gcloud init --skip-diagnostics
Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues.
Checking network connection...done. Reachability Check passed. Network
diagnostic (1/1 checks) passed.
ERROR: gcloud crashed (UnicodeEncodeError): 'ascii' codec can't encode
character u'\xe7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)
If you would like to report this issue, please run the following
command: gcloud feedback
To check gcloud for common problems, please run the following command:
gcloud info --run-diagnostics
I don't know what to do... I just want to use the sdk but I can't init it...
Have a look at the file which gave error , edit the .py file to add following lines
import sys
Try edit the code in google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/socks/ is the archive you downloaded to install google cloud sdk) in line 262:
req = req + struct.pack(">H", destport)
if isinstance(req, unicode):
req = req.encode('UTF-8')
req = req + struct.pack(">H", destport)
For me the fix was removing an accent ('é') from a folder in the path of my project. Hope it can help someone since I didn't find this solution after googling it for hours.
I kept getting this similar error every time I ran a gcloud command after a crash:
ERROR: gcloud crashed (UnicodeDecodeError): 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa4 in position 1: invalid start byte
The solution was to delete this file:
Don't ask me why that works or what that files does, I don't know (if you do, please let me know), but it gets recreated on the next command run and it fixed my issue.
In my case, it was a special character in the folders of the current directory. After changing the current directory, it worked!
As you’ve noticed that the error is due to a non-ASCII character in the username. As a workaround, you can set the CLOUDSDK_CONFIG environment variable to a path that contains only ASCII characters.

IBM Bluemix API key error with Python

I am trying to use Python to program watson_developer_cloud and I am getting an API key error. My code is really simple:
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import VisualRecognitionV3 as VisualRecognition
visual_recognition = VisualRecognition('2016-05-20', api_key='<myAPIkey>')
test_url = ''
But for some reason when I run it, I get a SSL error:
requests.exceptions.SSLError: hostname '' doesn't match either of '', ''
I know the API key (omitted above) works because when I use CURL or NodeJS it works just fine.
I am really stumped. Could someone please help?
Figured it out. It turns out you require python>=2.7.8 because of server name identification (SNI). My version of python is 2.7.3, and it does not support that and therefore I am getting the error seen above.
So this is why CURL and other attempts to use the API key work, whereas my python was generating a SSLError. Happy upgrading!
Quick Hack:
Change the file - as below:
diff watson_developer_cloud/
< params=params, data=data, files=files, verify=False, **kwargs)
> params=params, data=data, files=files, **kwargs)
after that -
rm -f /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/watson_developer_cloud-0.14.0-py2.7.egg
followed by ..
python install

Python notebook fail to load properly

I am using the Anaconda 2.76 version. It was working fine until today. The notebook page was not loaded properly. Noe of the feature was responsive. After I did some research, I think it is some coding error, but since I am really not a computing kind of guy, I don't know where exactly went wrong and how to fix it. Below is the error message I received. please lend me a hand. Thanks a lot.
HTTPRequest (protocol=’http’, host =’;,method=’GET’,uri=’/static/base/images/favicon.ico’,version=’HTTP/1.1’,remote_ip-‘’,headers={‘connection’:’keep-alive’,’Accept-Language’:’zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.6,zh-TW;q=0.4’,’Accept-Encoding’:’gzip,deflate,sdch’,'host’:'’,Accept':'*/*','User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0(windows NT 6.1; WOW64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,like Gecko)Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:|Anaconda\lib\site-packages\tornado\", line 1218, in _when_complete
File "D:|Anaconda\lib\site-packages\tornado\", Line 1239, in _execute_method
File "D:|Anaconda\lib\site-packages\IPython\html\base\", line 318, in get
mime_type, encoding=mimetypes.guess_type(abspath)
File "D:\Anaconda\lib\", line 297, in guess_type
File "D:\Anaconda\lib\", line 358,in init
File "D:\Anaconda\lib\", line 258,in read_windows_registry
for subkeyname in enum_types(hkcr):
File "D:\Anaconda\lib\", line 249,in enum_types
ctype=ctype.encode(default_encoding)#omit in 3.X!
UnicodeDecodeError: "ascii" codec can't decode byte 0*b0 in position 1:ordinal not in range(128)
2014-5-12 16:43:45.456 [tornado.access] ERROR |500 GET /static/base/images/favicon.ico ( 97.00ms`
This is a known issue.
I've solved the same problem using the following temporary modification of Anaconda/Lib/, lines 252-253 (as proposed here).
ctype = ctype.encode(default_encoding) # omit in 3.x!
except UnicodeEncodeError:
except Exception: #<--
pass #<--
yield ctype