Dataproc Cluster with Spark 1.6.X using scala 2.11.X - scala

I'm looking for a way to use Spark on Dataproc built with Scala 2.11. I want to use 2.11 since my jobs pulls in ~10 BigQuery tables and I'm using the new reflection libraries to map the corresponding objects to case classes. (There's a bug with the new reflection classes and concurrency which is only fixed in Scala 2.11) I've tried working around this issues by setting executor-cores to 1 but the performance decrease is painful. Is there a better way?

In general, setting executor-cores to 1 is a reasonable way to work around concurrency issues, since it can often happen that third-party libraries you may incorporate into your Spark jobs also have thread-safety problems; the key here is that you should be able to resize the executors to each only have 1 core without really sacrificing performance (the larger scheduling overhead and yarn overhead might mean o the order of, say ~10% performance decrease, but certainly nothing unmanageable).
I'm assuming you're referring to some multiplicative factor performance decrease due to, say, only using 2 out of 8 cores on an 8-core VM (Dataproc packs 2 executors per VM by default). The way to fix this is simply to also adjust spark.executor.memory down proportionally to match up with the 1 core. For example, in your cluster config (gcloud dataproc clusters describe your-cluster-name) if you use 4-core VMs you might see something like:
spark:spark.executor.cores: '2'
spark:spark.executor.memory: 5586m
YARN packs entirely based on memory, not cores, so this means 5586m is designed to fit in half a YARN node, and thus correspond to 2 cores. If you turn up your cluster like:
gcloud dataproc clusters create \
--properties spark:spark.executor.cores=1,spark:spark.executor.memory=2000m
Then you should end up with a setup which still uses all the cores, but without concurrency issues (one worker thread in each executor process only).
I didn't just use 5586/2 in this case because you have to factor in spark:spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead as well, so basically you have to add in the memoryOverhead, then divide by two, then subtract the memoryOverhead again to determine the new executor size, and beyond that the allocations also round to the next multiple of a base chunk size, which I believe is 512m.
In general, you can use trial-and-error by starting a bit lower on the memory allocation per core, and then increasing it if you find you need more memory headroom.
You don't have to redeploy a cluster to check these either; you can specify these at job submission time instead for faster turnaround:
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
--properties spark.executor.cores=1,spark.executor.memory=2000m


Do partitions increase performance when only using one computer/node?

I know that partitions will boost the performance by doing parallel tasks on different nodes in a cluster. But will partitions help me get better performance when I am only using one single computer? I am using Spark and Scala.
Yes it will increase performance.
Make sure your CPU have more than one core.
when you making your local sparksession, make sure to use multiple core :
local to run locally with one thread, or local[N] to run locally with N thread, i suggest you to use local[*]
and make sure your RDD/Dataset have multiple partition, i good number of partition is 2 to 4 time the number of core.
Apache Spark scacles as well vertically (CPU, Ram, ...) and horizontally (Nodes). I assume, that your computer/node has a CPU with more than one core. The partitions are then processed in parallel.

having Spark process partitions concurrently, using a single dev/test machine

I'm naively testing for concurrency in local mode, with the following spark context
.config("spark.executor.instances", 4)
.config("spark.executor.cores", 2)
.config("", "10000001") // to avoid shutdown during debug, avoid otherwise
.config("spark.executor.heartbeatInterval", "10000000") // to avoid shutdown during debug, avoid otherwise
and a mapPartitions API call like follows:
import spark.implicits._
val inputDF : DataFrame =
val resultDF : DataFrame =[T].mapPartitions(sparkIterator => new MyIterator)).toDF
On the surface of it, this did surface one concurrency bug in my code contained in MyIterator (not a bug in Spark's code). However, I'd like to see that my application will crunch all available machine resources both in production, and also during this testing so that the chances of spotting additional concurrency bugs will improve.
That is clearly not the case for me so far: my machine is only at very low CPU utilization throughout the heavy processing of the inputDF, while there's plenty of free RAM and the JVM Xmx poses no real limitation.
How would you recommend testing for concurrency using your local machine? the objective being to test that in production, Spark will not bump into thread-safety or other concurrency issues in my code applied by spark from within MyIterator?
Or can it even in spark local mode, process separate partitions of my input dataframe in parallel? Can I get spark to work concurrently on the same dataframe on a single machine, preferably in local mode?
Max parallelism
You are already running spark in local mode using .master("local[*]").
local[*] uses as many threads as the number of processors available to the Java virtual machine (it uses Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() to know the number).
Max memory available to all executors/threads
I see that you are not setting the driver memory explicitly. By default the driver memory is 512M. If your local machine can spare more than this, set this explicitly. You can do that by either:
setting it in the properties file (default is spark-defaults.conf),
spark.driver.memory 5g
or by supplying configuration setting at runtime
$ ./bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 5g
Note that this cannot be achieved by setting it in the application, because it is already too late by then, the process has already started with some amount of memory.
Nature of Job
Check number of partitions in your dataframe. That will essentially determine how much max parallelism you can use.
If the output of this is 1, that means your dataframe has only 1 partition and so you won't get concurrency when you do operations on this dataframe. In that case, you might have to tweak some config to create more number of partitions so that you can concurrently run tasks.
Running local mode cannot simulate a production environment for the following reasons.
There are lots of code which gets bypassed when code is run in local mode, which would normally run with any other cluster manager. Amongst various issues, few things that i could think
a. Inability to detect bugs from the way shuffle get handled.(Shuffle data is handled in a completely different way in local mode.)
b. We will not be able to detect serialization related issues, since all code is available to the driver and task runs in the driver itself, and hence we would not result in any serialization issues.
c. No speculative tasks(especially for write operations)
d. Networking related issues, all tasks are executed in same JVM. One would not be able detect issues like communication between driver/executor, codegen related issues.
Concurrency in local mode
a. Max concurrency than can be attained will be equal to the number of cores in your local machine.(Link to code)
b. The Job, Stage, Task metrics shown in Spark UI are not accurate since it will incur the overhead of running in the JVM where the driver is also running.
c: As for CPU/Memoryutilization, it depends on operation being performed. Is the operation CPU/memory intensive?
When to use local mode
a. Testing of code that will run only on driver
b. Basic sanity testing of the code that will get executed on the executors
c. Unit testing
tl; dr The concurrency bugs that occur in local mode might not even be present in other cluster resource managers, since there are lot of special handling in Spark code for local mode(There are lots of code which checks isLocal in code and control goes to a different code flow altogether)
Achieving parallelism in local mode is quite possible.
Check the amount of memory and cpu available in your local machine and supply values to the driver-memory and driver-cores conf while submitting your spark job.
Increasing executor-memory and executor-cores will not make a difference in this mode.
Once the application is running, open up the SPARK UI for the job. You can now go to the EXECUTORS tab to actually check the amount of resources your spark job is utilizing.
You can monitor various tasks that get generated and the number of tasks that your job runs concurrently using the JOBS and STAGES tab.
In order to process data which is way larger than the resources available, ensure that you break your data into smaller partitions using repartition. This should allow your job to complete successfully.
Increase the default shuffle partitions in case your job has aggregations or joins. Also, ensure sufficient space on the local file system since spark creates intermediate shuffle files and writes them to disk.
Hope this helps!

Apache Spark Auto Scaling properties - Add Worker on the Fly

During the execution of a Spark Program, let's say,
reading 10GB of data into memory, and just doing a filtering, a map, and then saving in another storage.
Can I auto-scale the cluster based on the load, and for instance add more Worker Nodes to the Program, if this program eventually needs to hangle 1TB instead of 10GB ?
If this is possible, how can it be done?
It is possible to some extent, using dynamic allocation, but behavior is dependent on the job latency, not direct usage of particular resource.
You have to remember that in general, Spark can handle data larger than memory just fine, and memory problems are usually caused by user mistakes, or vicious garbage collecting cycles. None of these could be easily solved, by "adding more resources".
If you are using any of the cloud platforms for creating the cluster you can use auto-scaling functionality. that will scale cluster horizontally(number of nodes with change)
Agree with #user8889543 - You can read much more data then your memory.
And as for adding more resources on the fly. It is depended on your cluster type.
I use standalone mode, and I have a code that add on the fly machines that attached to the master automatically, then my cluster has more cores and memory.
If you only have on job/program in the cluster then it is pretty simple. Just set
to a very high number and the job will take all the cores of the cluster always. see
If you have several jobs in the cluster it becomes complicate. as mentioned in #user8889543 answer.

Understanding parallelism in Spark and Scala

I have some confusion about parallelism in Spark and Scala. I am running an experiment in which I have to read many (csv) files from the disk change/ process certain columns and then write it back to the disk.
In my experiments, if I use SparkContext's parallelize method only then it does not seem to have any impact on the performance. However simply using Scala's parallel collections (through par) reduces the time almost to half.
I am running my experiments in localhost mode with the arguments local[2] for the spark context.
My question is when should I use scala's parallel collections and when to use spark context's parallelize?
SparkContext will have additional processing in order to support generality of multiple nodes, this will be constant on the data size so may be negligible for huge data sets. On 1 node this overhead will make it slower than Scala's parallel collections.
Use Spark when
You have more than 1 node
You want your job to be ready to scale to multiple nodes
The Spark overhead on 1 node is negligible because the data is huge, so you might as well choose the richer framework
SparkContext's parallelize may makes your collection suitable for processing on multiple nodes, as well as on multiple local cores of your single worker instance ( local[2] ), but then again, you probably get too much overhead from running Spark's task scheduler an all that magic. Of course, Scala's parallel collections should be faster on single machine. - are your files big enough to be automatically split to multiple slices, did you try setting slices number manually?
Did you try running the same Spark job on single core and then on two cores?
Expect best result from Spark with one really big uniformly structured file, not with multiple smaller files.

NUMA awareness of JVM

My question concerns the extent to which a JVM application can exploit the NUMA layout of a host.
I have an Akka application in which actors concurrently process requests by combining incoming data with 'common' data already loaded into an immutable (Scala) object. The application scales well in the cloud, using many dual core VMs, but performs poorly on a single 64 core machine. I presume this is because the common data object resides in one NUMA cell and many threads concurrently accessing from other cells is too much for the interconnects.
If I run 64 separate JVM applications each containing 1 actor then performance is is good again. A more moderate approach might be to run as many JVM applications as there are NUMA cells (8 in my case), giving the host OS a chance to keep the threads and memory together?
But is there a smarter way to achieve the same effect within a single JVM? E.g. if I replaced my common data object with several instances of a case class, would the JVM have the capability to place them on the optimal NUMA cell?
I'm using Oracle JDK 1.7.0_05, and Akka 2.1.4
I've now tried with the UseNUMA and UseParallelGC JVM options. Neither seemed to have any significant impact on slow performance when using one or few JVMs. I've also tried using a PinnedDispatcher and the thre-pool-executor with no effect. I'm not sure if the configuration is having an effect though, since there seems nothing different in the startup logs.
The biggest improvement remains when I use a single JVM per worker (~50). However, the problem with this appears to be that there is a long delay (up to a couple of min) before the FailureDector registers the successful exchange of 'first heartbeat' between Akka cluster JVMs. I suspect there is some other issue here that I've not yet uncovered. I already had to increase the ulimit -u since I was hitting the default maximum number of processes (1024).
Just to clarify, I'm not trying to achieve large numbers of messages, just trying to have lots of separate actors concurrently access an immutable object.
I think if you sure that problems not in message processing algorithms then you should take in account not only NUMA option but whole env. configuration, starting from JVM version (latest is better, Oracle JDK also mostly performs better than OpenJDK) then JVM options (including GC, memory, concurrency options etc.) then Scala and Akka versions (latest release candidates and milestones can be much better) and also Akka configuration.
From here you can borrow all things that matter to got 50M messages per second of total throughput for Akka actors on contemporary laptops.
Never had chance to run these benchmarks on 64-core server - so any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
From my findings, which can help, current implementations of ForkJoinPool increases message send latency when number of threads in pool increases. It is greatly noticeable for cases when rate of response-request call between actors is high, e. g. on my laptop when increasing pool size from 4 to 64 message send latency of Akka actors for such cases grows up to 2-3x times for most executor services (Scala's ForkJoinPool, JDK's ForkJoinPool, ThreadPoolExecutor).
You can check if there are any differences by running with the benchmark.parallelism system variable set to different values.