Keep the header and footer fixed while loading a different page? - intel-xdk

I have a button and footer
I want to click the button for redirect to a website but keep the footer fixed.
Please help me. I use Intel XDK
Thanks for your help.

When adding new page, add it as a subpage, this should keep the header and footer same:

you can try loading that website on the same page keeping the header and footer unchanged, this is what I prefer when I want to do the same. Or if you want to load in a different page, then create a sub page and load the website on that page.


How to add a search field on top of the master-detail(SplitContainer) without damage the navigation?

My requirement is as the title. Basically there are three parts: Search Page, Master Page and Detail Page.
I want to include all of these pages into one page and make them navigable. I considered Splitter layout but it could loose the navigation?
Any ideas??
Best regards,
I think this is a common requirement. I would suggest a full-screen layout, having a search bar and a result list on the landing/first page. From there, when a list item is clicked upon, you can navigate to the detail page.

Showing link target in not visible iframe?

I have a link, it looks like that:
link text
The target (shop) is an iframe with the name shop. Clicking the link and showing someplace.html in the iframe only works, if the page that contains the iframe is already loaded.
So my problem is, how can I make it work even if the page that contains the iframe is not loaded? I tried loading the page with the iframe by redirecting to it when the link was clicked using its onclick, that worked, but I still have to load someplace.html afterwards and this is where I am stuck.
Any ideas how to solve that? I can use jQuery or plain JavaScript ... doesnt matter.
If you have a link with a target "shop", you must have a iframe called "shop". It is possible to load the iframe with a blank page if there is no initial content.

How can i insert iframe in footer Layout Zend without refresh this footer?

I am building an application using Zend Framework and i need insert one iframe in footer this application but, when i press F5 or click link or button, all page refresh even iframe.
The layout zend is called everytime when i dispatcher an event to server, ready, the iframe too. (My iframe is in the foorter.phtml, ready, it called together layout).
Someone have an some idea how to resolve this question?
You cannot refresh the whole page except for an iframe on the page. When you ask a browser to refresh a page, it will refresh the whole page, there's no way to do it any differently.
To do what you seem to want to do, without using Javascript/AJAX, you'd have to use two frames. One for the top part of your website, and one for your footer. Here is an introduction to frames and how they work (iframes are similar, they are just "internal frames"):
Please, however, note that using frames/iframes is not a practice I personally encourage. You should ask yourself why you are trying to do this. If it's to reload only a certain part of the page, then you should probably check into Javascript/AJAX alternatives.
If you want to disable the layout for some action you can use $this->_helper->layout ()->disableLayout ();. Put it in the iframe action, which will disable the layout and will show only the view of the action.

PDF inner links not working iphone webview

I am Using pdf in my application .i am loading PDF in webView .In that PDF i have index as a first page click on list item it should go that particular page and in that PDF for every page top option is there clock on that it should go first page .how can i solve this problem .help out me
thank you
i am loading PDF in webView .In that PDF i have index as a first page click on list item it should go that particular page and in that PDF for every page top option is there clock on that it should go first page
check its code it will help u...
im using it my app
try this code
it may help you

How are the facebook chat windows implemented?

On Facebook you can browse the site without affecting the floating chat windows. Seems like if the main page was inside an iFrame and the footer and chat windows where floating outside.
Is the main content inside an iframe or are the footer and chat windows the ones inside an iframe?
The later doesn't seem possible because int this case when you click in a link in the main page everything would have to reload, including the footer iframe.
If you refresh the page the chat windows are reloaded, but if you browse the site by clicking links they are not.
Thank you.
If you install FireBug and enable the net monitor for Facebook, you'll see that when you click most links inside the application, you're not doing a full page refresh, but rather an AJAX call which updates the page with the new content.
It looks like a new page, but in reality you're on the same page with just about everything but the chat-bar replaced.
Probobly just an absolutely positioned div, containing a scrolling div for the content. Ajax would provide the content.
The chat windows do indeed refresh when you load a new page, they maintain their viewstate however (open/close/chat history).
It's an absolutely positioned div, positioned at the bottom of your browser window. It's not hard, I cloned the Facebook chat for ClockingIT from scratch in a weekend.