Issue with click event in mobile IE - ionic-framework

I am using ionic framework to create a hybrid app. The app is working fine in all devices (android,ios and windows), and also url is working fine in android,ios browsers but the problem is with windows mobile IE browser.
Click functionality is working only when we double tap. But in desktop IE it is working on single tap only .


Flutter web showing blank white screen in Safari and mobile devices

I am having a problem when trying to navigate through a deployed Flutter web app in Safari and Mobile Devices.
I have like 4 different screens in the app, 3 of them works fine, but when I redirect user to the principal screen, it just shows a blank white screen. This happens only in Safari and in Mobile Devices browsers (Chrome/Safari). When using Chrome and a desktop it works as it should (all screens shows normally).
When debugging with Chrome it works perfectly too.
Print console error with Safari
I tried the following:
Changing build type (--web renderer canvaskit / html --release)
Changing channel from master to beta
Updating Flutter and outdated packages
Cleaning build a hundred times
Debug with Safari but I don't think it's possible

Ionic capacitor hybrid mobile application

I want to create a hybrid mobile app using ionic capacitor. When user logs in the app should open the main angular app in a hidden webview to initialize the angular app. The webview should be hidden for this time. After this when a user clicks on any links in mobile app, it should open in the webview and this time the webview should be displayed. The webview should open in the app container and not in the browser window (like InApp browser). Please help me if anybody have explored this kind of solutions.
My existing app is built using Xamarin and its built on the above concept.
I have tried the InApp browser but it does not give a good impression to the end user expecting a complete mobile app.
What you want to do is more or less possible if I've understood you well. I've done it in my job. We have a ionic app, but then there are some native screens developed natively for Android (with Java) and iOS (with Swift). With ionic you can call native code from Javascript. For that you need to make your own local Capacitor plugin:
In a plugin, the ionic Javascript function will trigger a native function (Java/Kotlin for Android - Swift/ObjectiveC for iOS). Once there, you can freely create native screens (Android = Activity, iOS = Storyboard/Controller) and then launch your native screens in the app. In our project most of the app is ionic, but we developed our own native screens such as a PDF Viewer, a Web browser, a QR scanner, etc.
But an app is not like a website, an app is a stack of screens. Which means that everytime you access a new screen, it's added to the top of the stack and the user can go back to the previous one. So, ionic will launch first. Inmediately after starting the app (or whenever you want) you can move the user to a native (android/ios) screen. However, if the user presses the native android back button, he will come back to ionic. If you want to prevent that, you need to code that behavior yourself (google android prevent back button). Likewise, you "can't" make the user go from the native screen to ionic, you can bring him back to ionic by navigating back programmatically.
Perhaps you can also change the launch activity to use a different one, and then later launch the ionic activity with native code. But I haven't done this myself and it could break ionic, so I can't advice you through this path.
I hope my answer helps, but I'm not sure I understood what you want to accomplish.

Flutter Web on iOS Safari not showing (rendering??) well

Hi I made a simple web with Flutter and I made it responsive, so I checked with chrome dev tools if all works properly and it does.
Like this picture, that is from Chrome dev tools
The thing is that when I deployed with firebase hosting, I tested it on an Iphone 8 plus with safari and the menu is not showing well, and I don't have any idea of why
As you can see the menu is cutted. Also if you know how to remove the annoying bottom white bar that is created only on mobile web I will appreciate it.

What browser opens a PWA when it is launched from home screen app icon

I am examining PWA and Web Components technologies recently. As far as I have learned now Web Components is a new suit of tech,
Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, HTML Templates and HTML imports. Together with those Web Components enabling techs Web App Manifest, Service Workers, and certain performance improvement techniques used to make what is called as Progressive Web Applications.
What I wonder is when one "Adds to Home Screen" an application in a certain web browser what is the browser that opens it when it is launched from its home screen icon? Is it the browser it has been added to home screen from, or it is the default browser of the system no matter which browser it has been added to home screen from, or it is just a generic web view available on the host operating system at the moment like the one used in native web applications?
Lastly, is it possible for a developer coding her/his app to choose one?
Currently, for me, these combinations open a new "Standalone" window
I believe Android/Chrome is the only one that installs a WebApk
All the others are just shortcuts to open your website in that browser without the normal browser navigation items
I know of no options for the developer for how the shortcut opens your PWA
Android 8.10 - Chrome 67
Android 8.10 - Chrome (beta) 68
Android 8.10 - Edge 42
Android 8.10 - Opera 43
iOS 11.4 (simulator) - Safari
As test I created app shortcut of site from browser:
and found that there were 3 different shortcut created for each of the browser. Launching each shortcut resulted in opening the respective browser that created it.
I believe there is no way of changing the default browser to launch the app by coding something in the app. I could not find a way of doing that, if someone knows how to do it, I will be interested to know about it
Here is similar question: What browser will PWA (Progressive Web App) use after adding to home screen?

Ipad and Iphone input focus issue

i have an jquery based website its works fine on every browser of pc and table but it isnt working on ipad i can not directly click on input field.
Focus is not possible in ipad( Mobile Safari ).