Inside my register event action I have an if statement that checks to see if the paths match, if they do I set the email to $smtpTo to the proper email address. But I get an error "The parameter 'to' cannot be an empty string. I know the paths are correct as they Write to console in the if statement.
$MonitorFolder = Get-Content "C:\Desktop\ScanFTPDeptClients\OutgoingPathlist.txt"
$MonitorStopFile = "monitor.die"
$smtpServer = ""
$smtpFrom = ""
$smtpSubject = "Completed files have arrived in FTP"
$smtpTo= ""
$SourceID = "MonitorFiles"
foreach ($path in $MonitorFolder){
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher $path
#Files only. Default is files + directory
$watcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName,LastWrite'
#Using a thread-safe collection (in global scope so Action-block can reach it) to store the log just to be safe.
$global:newFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
$newFileSubscription = Register-ObjectEvent $watcher Created -SourceIdentifier $i+"NewFileCreated" -Action {
Write-Host "New file named '$($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name)' arrived in $(split-path $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath)"
#Check the path
$deptClient= "$(split-path $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath)"
#set the email based on folder path
if ("$($deptClient)" -eq "\\vavm\FTP\C\O\RuthWebster"){
Write-host "$($deptClient)"
$smtpTo = ""
#add files to content of body email
$global:newFiles.Add("`n[$(Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss)]`t $($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name)has been completed and arrived in $(split-path $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath) ")
if($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name -eq $MonitorStopFile) {
Write-Host "Monitoring stopped"
#Stop monitoring
Unregister-Event -SubscriptionId $newFileSubscription.Id
#Dispose FileSystemWatcher
$smtp = New-Object -TypeName "Net.Mail.SmtpClient" -ArgumentList $smtpServer
while ($watcher.EnableRaisingEvents -or $global:newFiles.Count -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
if($global:newFiles.Count -gt 0) {
#Convert list of strings to single string (multiline)
$smtpbody = $global:newFiles
$smtp.Send($smtpFrom, $smtpTo, $smtpSubject, $smtpBody)
#Mail sent, Empty array
Try with $smtpTo as a global variable. Replace all $smtpTo with $global:smtpTo.
Btw. you don't need to wrap split-path in a string and subexpression. Try:
$deptClient= split-path $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
#set the email based on folder path
if ($deptClient -eq "\\vavm\FTP\C\O\RuthWebster"){
Write-host $deptClient
$smtpTo = ""
I'm using FileSystemWatcher to monitor a folder where documents are scanned to. When a new file is detected, it will send an email to notify someone. It's working as is, but sometimes (not every file) it will trigger 2 or 3 times on a new file and send the email 2-3 times for the same file. I'm guessing it has to do with the way the file is created by the scanner or something like that.
I'm trying to figure out a way to protect against this happening, to ensure it only sends one email per file. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
$PathToMonitor = "\\path\to\folder"
$FileSystemWatcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$FileSystemWatcher.Path = $PathToMonitor
$FileSystemWatcher.Filter = "*.*"
$FileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $false
$FileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
$Action = {
if ($EventArgs.Name -notlike "*.pdf" -and $EventArgs.Name -notlike "*.tif") {
$details = $event.SourceEventArgs
$Name = $details.Name
$Timestamp = $event.TimeGenerated
$text = "{0} was submitted on {1}." -f $Name, $Timestamp
$FromAddress = "Email1 <>"
$ToAddress = "Email2 <>"
$Subject = "New File"
$SMTPserver = ""
Send-MailMessage -From $FromAddress -To $ToAddress -Subject $Subject -Body $text -SmtpServer $SMTPserver
$handlers = . {
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $FileSystemWatcher -EventName Created -Action $Action -SourceIdentifier FSCreateConsumer
try {
do {
Wait-Event -Timeout 5
} while ($true)
finally {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier FSCreateConsumer
$handlers | Remove-Job
$FileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $false
This may be because you listen too many notifications. The default is LastWrite, FileName, and DirectoryName
FileName is sufficient for your need and may prevent your issue.
$FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::FileName
As a remark, I don't know why you use Wait-Event -Timeout 5. Script is working fine without the try{} block.
EDIT: Add a ConcurrentDictionary to avoid duplicate events
Try this sample code. I've included only the beginning part of your script. End is untouched.
$PathToMonitor = "\\path\to\folder"
$KeepFiles = 5 #minutes
$MonitoredFiles = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[[System.String],[System.DateTime]]'
$FileSystemWatcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$FileSystemWatcher.Path = $PathToMonitor
$FileSystemWatcher.Filter = "*.*"
$FileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $false
$FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::FileName
$FileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
$Action = {
if ($EventArgs.Name -notlike "*.pdf" -and $EventArgs.Name -notlike "*.tif") {
#Cleaning events -gt 5mn
$Now = [System.DateTime]::Now
$OriginEventDate = [System.DateTime]::MinValue
foreach($MonitoredFile in [System.Linq.Enumerable]::ToList(($MonitoredFiles.Keys))) {
if ($MonitoredFiles.TryGetValue($MonitoredFile, [ref]$OriginEventDate)) {
if ($OriginEventDate.AddMinutes($KeepFiles) -gt $Now) {
try {
catch {}
$ProcessEvent = $false
# any same file creation event within 5mn are discarded
$OriginEventDate = [System.DateTime]::MinValue
if ($MonitoredFiles.TryGetValue($event.SourceEventArgs.Name, [ref]$OriginEventDate)) {
if ($OriginEventDate -ne [System.DateTime]::MinValue -and $OriginEventDate.AddMinutes($KeepFiles) -le $Now) {
else {
$ProcessEvent = $true
else {
#not successful means a concurrent event was successful, so discard this one.
if ($MonitoredFiles.TryAdd($event.SourceEventArgs.Name, $event.SourceEventArgs.TimeGenerated)) {
$ProcessEvent = $true
else {
if ($ProcessEvent) {
$details = $event.SourceEventArgs
$Name = $details.Name
$Timestamp = $event.TimeGenerated
$text = "{0} was submitted on {1}." -f $Name, $Timestamp
$FromAddress = "Email1 <>"
$ToAddress = "Email2 <>"
$Subject = "New File"
$SMTPserver = ""
Send-MailMessage -From $FromAddress -To $ToAddress -Subject $Subject -Body $text -SmtpServer $SMTPserver
I had to adjust these two things to make it work:
if ($MonitoredFiles.TryAdd($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name, $Event.TimeGenerated))
if ($OriginEventDate -ne [System.DateTime]::MinValue -and $OriginEventDate.AddMinutes($KeepFiles) -ge $Now)
Linux user here trying to write a script in PowerShell to automate SFTP transfers from a Windows server to a remote server. I have everything working for the most part (though I still have some testing to do). My current issue is after the script runs one time it is done. I need the FileSystemWatcher to run every time it finds a new file creation. I realize this is because of the exit but when I remove that portion and a user drops in a directory it loops through every file in the directory and uploads every file in the directory over and over. What I need it to do is run through the process once and then remain active to listen for another file creation event. My issue may be my limited workings with coding in Windows so any help is appreciated!
And yes I realize the duplication of code in the handling of my files vs my folders is redundant. I will most likely make that portion a function that accepts parameters depending on if it is given a file or folder.
I am posting my entire code in case it can help someone later
###Watches a directory for new files and fires off the batch file to push to Connexxion
$folder = "C:\pathTo\watchfolder"
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$watcher.Path = $folder
$watcher.Filter = "*.csv"
$watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
Register-ObjectEvent $watcher Created -SourceIdentifier FileCreated -Action {
$folderpath = $(split-path -LiteralPath $event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath)
$filename = $event.SourceEventArgs.Name
$filepath = (Join-Path $folderpath $filename.split("\")[-1])
Write-Host folderpath: $folderpath
Write-Host filename: $filename
Write-Host filepath: $filepath
$remotePath = "/data/"
Write-Host "Here is directory"
#Set path to winscp
$assemblyPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"
Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $assemblyPath "WinSCPnet.dll")
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property #{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = "hostname"
UserName = "username"
Password = "passwd"
SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx"
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Upload files, collect results
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
$transferResult =
$session.PutFiles($folderpath, $remotePath, $False, $transferOptions)
# Throw on any error
# Print results
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
Write-Host "Upload of $($transfer.FileName) succeeded"
# Disconnect, clean up
exit 0
}#end of first try
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
exit 1
Write-Host "Here is a file"
#Set path to winscp
$assemblyPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"
Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $assemblyPath "WinSCPnet.dll")
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property #{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = "hostname"
UserName = "username"
Password = "passwd"
SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx"
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Upload files, collect results
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
$transferResult =
$session.PutFiles($filepath, $remotePath, $False, $transferOptions)
# Throw on any error
# Print results
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
Write-Host "Upload of $($transfer.FileName) succeeded"
# Disconnect, clean up
exit 0
}#end of first try
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
exit 1
}#end of action
while ($true) {sleep 5}
Just take the path to the new file and use RemotePath.TranslateLocalPathToRemote to map it to a server path, and upload the file there.
The code will be a lot simpler. All you need to do is to make sure new folders are re-created on the server.
# Watches a directory for new files and
# fires off the batch file to push to connection
$remotePath = "/data"
$localPath = "C:\pathTo\watchfolder"
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$watcher.Path = $localPath
$watcher.Filter = "*.csv"
$watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $True
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $True
Register-ObjectEvent $watcher Created -SourceIdentifier FileCreated -Action {
$localFilePath = $event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
Write-Host "Local path: $localFilePath"
$assemblyPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"
Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $assemblyPath "WinSCPnet.dll")
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property #{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = ""
UserName = "username"
Password = "password"
SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 2048 xxxxxxxxxxx...="
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
$remoteFilePath =
$localFilePath, $localPath, $remotePath)
Write-Host "Remote path: $remoteFilePath"
# Connect
# Check if corresponding remote directory exists, if not, create it
$i = $remoteFilePath.LastIndexOf("/")
$remoteDirPath = $remoteFilePath.SubString(0, $i)
if (($remoteDirPath.Length -gt 0) -and
Write-Host "New subdirectory, creating $remoteDirPath on server"
$session.PutFiles($localFilePath, $remoteFilePath).Check()
Write-Host "Upload of $localFilePath succeeded"
# Disconnect, clean up
} #end of first try
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
} #end of action
while ($True) { sleep 5 }
How do I reference a specific email address in this code it always directs to
the default email account. I have multiple email accounts in my outlook and I want to download emails from a different account which I want to reference by that email address . I have a feeling
$folder = $namespace.getDefaultFolder($olFolders::olFolderInBox)
has to be changed please give suggestions.
`[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="All")] `
HelpMessage='Folder path to store emails. Do not use quotation marks even if the path has spaces.',
[Alias("Destination", "Dest", "FullName")]
[String]$DestinationPath, `
#Removes invalid Characters for file names from a string input and outputs
the clean string
` #Similar to VBA CleanString() Method
#Currently set to replace all illegal characters with a hyphen (-)
Function Remove-InvalidFileNameChars {`
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
return [RegEx]::Replace($Name, "[{0}]" -f ([RegEx]::Escape([String][System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars())), '-')
#Test for destination folder nonexistence
if (!(Test-Path $DestinationPath)) {
#Set values for prompt and menu
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", `
"Confirmation Choice"
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", `
"Negative Response"
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
$title = "Invalid Destination"
$message = "The folder you entered does not exist. Would you like to create the folder?"
#Prompt for folder creation and store answer
$result = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
#If yes, create.
if ($result -eq 0) {
New-Item $DestinationPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Host "Directory created."
#If no, exit
else {exit}
#Add a trailing "\" to the destination path if it doesn't already
if ($DestinationPath[-1] -ne "\") {
$DestinationPath += "\"
#Add Interop Assembly
Add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook" | Out-Null
#Type declaration for Outlook Enumerations, Thank you Hey, Scripting Guy! blog for this demonstration
$olFolders = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.olDefaultFolders" -as [type]
$olSaveType = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlSaveAsType" -as [type]
$olClass = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlObjectClass" -as [type]
#Add Outlook Com Object, MAPI namespace, and set folder to the Inbox
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
#Future Functionality to Receive Email before saving - Still Needs Testing
#$outlook.Session | Out-Null
#$outlook.Session.SendAndReceive($false) | Out-Null
$folder = $namespace.getDefaultFolder($olFolders::olFolderInBox)
#Iterate through each object in the chosen folder
foreach ($email in $folder.Items) {
#Get email's subject and date
[string]$subject = $email.Subject
[string]$sentOn = $email.SentOn
#Strip subject and date of illegal characters, add .msg extension, and combine
$fileName = Remove-InvalidFileNameChars -Name ($sentOn + "-" + $subject + ".msg")
#Combine destination path with stripped file name
$dest = $DestinationPath + $fileName
#Test if object is a MailItem
if ($email.Class -eq $olClass::olMail) {
#Test if UnreadOnly switch was used
if ($UnreadOnly) {
#Test if email is unread and save if true
if ($email.Unread) {
#Test if MarkRead switch was used and mark read
if ($MarkRead) {
$email.Unread = $false
$email.SaveAs($dest, $olSaveType::olMSG)
#UnreadOnly switch not used, save all
else {
$email.SaveAs($dest, $olSaveType::olMSG)
Think You can do something like this:
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace =$outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Also you can use Assembly - Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll and do something like this:
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll") > $nul
$getref = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2010_SP2)
$getref.Credentials = New-Object Net.NetworkCredential('Account', 'Password', 'domain.local')
$inbox = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]::Bind($getref,[Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Inbox)
#Write-Host "Total Messages:" $inbox.TotalCount
$psPropset = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BasePropertySet]::FirstClassProperties)
$ivItemView = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemView($inbox.TotalCount)
$fiItems = $getref.FindItems($Inbox.Id,$ivItemView)
foreach($Item in $fiItems.Items){
if ($Item.From -EQ "") {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
Emails = $Item.From
} | select Emails
Hello! You can load a body text (to html) something like this:
foreach($Item in $fiItems.Items){
if ($Item.Subject -match "Something special") {
$Save = ((Get-Date -Format "yyMMdd") + "-" + $Item.Subject[0] + ".html")
New-Item -Path "C:\file\exch\" -name $Save -ItemType file -value $Item.Body.Text
I want to monitor the particular Folder where people are placing the excel sheets for some activities.
I want to make sure that people should take care of the below rules before placing the excel sheets.
The excel sheet should be in xls format (Excel 97-2003 Workboomk Format)
The excel file name should not contain any space
The length of the file name should not exceed 15 characters.
I want to set a email alert to me if the users placed a excel sheet without following the above 3 rules.
I need a VB or Powershell script or batch to monitor the folder. Kindly help me on this.
This sounds like two steps. Step 1, write a section of code that can be run to check files for the correct conditions. Step 2, email users the list of incorrectly named files. Step 1 is fairly simple.
Dim fso, scanFolder, files, n, fileList, fileArray
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set scanFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\Your\Folder\Here")
Set files = scanFolder.Files
fileList = ""
for each n in files
if len( > 15 or right(, 3) <> "xls" or InStr(, " ") > 0 then
fileList = fileList & & "|"
end if
fileList = left(fileList, len(fileList) - 1)
fileArray = split(fileList, "|")
This will grab a list of all inappropriately named files.
Step 2. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there is no way for an FSO to get the owner name out of file. Best you can do is email a distribution list with the list of files named in error. I hope this helps.
Edit: this is the email code I use in my scripts.
Dim objEmail, strFileList, x
strFileList = ""
for each x in fileArray
strFileList = strFileList & x & vbNewLine
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
with objEmail
.From = ""
.To = ""
.CC = ""
.Subject = "List of wrong files"
.Body = strFileList
.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 'you will need to get the code for this from IT'
.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
end with
I have wrapped the functionality of FileSystemWatcher into a module and provided a small sample of how that can be used for your requirements.
# Module FileSystemWatcher
Register to receive filesystemwatcher events for a file or folder.
function Register-FileSystemEvent
# Action code here
$sourceidentifier = $Event.SourceIdentifier
$FileName = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
$EventType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
$EventTime = $Event.TimeGenerated
$message = ("File {0} {1} at {2:yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss}" -f $FileName, $EventType, $EventTime)
Msg ([environment]::UserName) $message
if ($PSCMdLet.ParameterSetName -eq "File")
$folder = $path.Replace(([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($path)), "")
$filter = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($path)
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher -ArgumentList $folder, $filter
$uniqueId = ("{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}" -f [DateTime]::Now)
$sourceIdentifier = ("File_{0}_{1}" -f $event, $uniqueId)
$job = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName $event -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdentifier -Action $action -MessageData $MessageData
$Script:ActiveWatchers += #{$sourceIdentifier = $job}
Unregister a FileSystem event or All
Unregisters all events
function Unregister-FileSystemEvent
if ($All.IsPresent)
foreach ($item in $Script:ActiveWatchers.Keys)
Unregister-Event $item
Remove-Job $item
$Script:ActiveWatchers = #{}
Unregister-Event $id
Remove-Job $id
function Init
if ($Script:ActiveWatchers.Count -gt 0){Unregister-FileSystemEvent -All}
$Script:ActiveWatchers = #{}
Export-ModuleMember -Function Register-FileSystemEvent, Unregister-FileSystemEvent `
-Variable ActiveWatchers
The basic idea with this module is the ability to specify a scriptblock to be executed once the file event is fired. The -MessageData is used to attach more data to the event once it is fired. In below sample it is used to send the smtpserver and the credentials.
Below the sample code to make use of the fileSystemWatcher module and send an email with the results every time a file is created.
Please note that the arguments to Send-MailMessage might not be exactly what is necessary for your mail server, but is what i used to send the email using office365 server.
# Demo using FileSystemWatcher to validate created files
Import-Module .\FileSystemWatcher
$smtpserver = Read-Host -Prompt "Specify your smtp server"
$mailcred = Get-Credential -Message "Specify credentials for your smtp server"
$eventid = Register-FileSystemEvent -folder C:\users\Jower\OneDrive\Documents -event Created -MessageData #{SmtpServer = $smtpserver;Credentials = $mailcred} -action {
function ValidateFile($filename)
$messages = #()
if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($filename) -ne ".xls")
$messages += ("{0}: Only excel version 97 files allowed here" -f $filename)
if ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($filename).Contains(" "))
$messages += ("{0}: Spaces are not allowed in filename" -f $filename)
if ($filename.Length -gt 15)
$messages += ("{0}: Filenames of more than 15 characters is not allowed" -f $filename)
return $messages
$smtpserver = $Event.MessageData.SmtpServer
$credentials = $Event.MessageData.Credentials
$messages = ValidateFile $Event.SourceEventArgs.Name
if ($messages.Count -gt 0)
Send-MailMessage -From "" -To "" -Subject "File validation" -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Body ([string]::Join("`n", $messages)) -port 587 -UseSsl -Credential $credentials
# To disable events again.
# Unregister-FileSystemEvent -id $eventid
# Can also use
# Unregister-FileSystemEvent -All
I am a novice when it comes to scripting so please bear with me. I am trying to create a script that will monitor a bait file that is added to all file shares on a server. When the script sees that the file was modified it will block access to the user that made the modification and send an email. The script seems to work ok other than the FileSystemWatcher. It will only monitor the last share. I have seen a similar post on here but was getting confused with the answer. Can someone please help me with the task of creating a FileSystemWatcher for each bait file? I would also like any input as to how I might improve upon the script in other ways. Your help is greatly appreciated.
$to = ""
$File = "test.txt"
$FilePath = "C:\temp"
$md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
function sendMail($s, $to) {
$smtpServer = ""
$smtpFrom = ""
$smtpTo = $to
$messageSubject = $s[0]
$message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtpfrom, $smtpto
$message.Subject = $messageSubject
$message.IsBodyHTML = $false
$message.Body = $s[1]
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
## Get a list of shares and Perform tasks on each location.
$cryptopaths = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_share -filter "Type=0 AND name like '%[^$]'" | ForEach ($_.Path) {
$cryptopath = $_.Path
## Copy the bait file to the share location
Copy $FilePath\$File $cryptopath\$File -Force
##Get files hash
Try {
$Origin = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$FilePath\$File")))
$Copy = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$CryptoPath\$File")))
##Error on reading hash
Catch {
echo "error reading $CryptoPath\$File"
## If files don't match, then Send messaged and quit
if (Compare-Object $Origin $Copy){
## files don't match
$subject = "Error logged on $CryptoPath\$File by $env:username on $env:computername"
$body = "The original file does not match the witness file. Aborting monitor script."
$email =#($subject,$body)
sendMail -s $email -to ""
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$watcher.Path = $CryptoPath
$watcher.Filter = $File
$watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $false
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $false
$watcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::LastWrite -bor [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::FileName
## Execute Watcher
$result = $watcher.WaitForChanged([System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes]::Changed `
-bor [System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes]::Renamed `
-bor [System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes]::Deleted `
-bor [System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes]::Created, 1000);
if ($result.TimedOut){
if ($result.Name -eq $File) {
### Make sure the files do not match
try {
$FileCheck = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$CryptoPath\$File")))
if (Compare-Object $Origin $FileCheck){
## files don't match
$body = "Witness file $FilePath\$File on $env:computername has been modified."
catch {
## file deleted
$body = "Witness file $FilePath\$File on $env:computername has been deleted"
finally {
## Deny owner of changed file access to shares and disconnect their open sessions. Send email alert
Get-Acl "$CryptoPath\$File" | foreach ($_.Owner) {
Get-SmbShare | Block-SmbShareAccess –AccountName $_.Owner
Close-SmbSession –ClientUserName $_.Owner
$subject = "EMERGENCY ON FILE SERVER -- $FilePath\$File by $env:username on $env:computername"
$email =#($subject,$body)
sendMail -s $email -to ""
sendMail -s $email -to ""
The problem is that you create FileSystemWatcher instances in a loop (ForEach ($_.Path) {}), but you assign them to the same variable $watcher, overwriting the previous reference each time. Once outside the loop, you work with the $watcher variable, which references the last FileSystemWatcher instance you created and that's why you are receiving notifications for the last file only.
To get this working, you should use a type that allows storing multiple references -- that is, an array. Example:
$watchers = #();
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher;
$watchers += $watcher;
Also, I would propose to use event handler/callback/delegate-based approach instead of waiting for a change using WaitForChanged(), because waiting for multiple file system watchers would call for a parallelized solution (well, ideally). Use Register-ObjectEvent to register an event handler and see this example in particular:
PowerShellPack also has a Start-FileSystemWatcher cmdlet that wraps this all up nicely, but I'm not sure about the status of PowerShellPack in general. It should be part of the Windows 7/8 Resource Kit, though.