ST_Contains. Find all road that are within the scope - postgresql

I'm try find all road that are within the scope.
That is my request:
select osm_id,
from planet_osm_roads
where ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=900913;POLYGON((4355764.028 6715445.513, 4364401.418 6715674.192, 4364248.577 6708736.416, 4354808.572 6709155.795, 4355764.028 6715445.513))'), way)
LIMIT 100;
or that:
select osm_id,
from planet_osm_roads
where ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(4355764.028 6715445.513, 4364401.418 6715674.192, 4364248.577 6708736.416, 4354808.572 6709155.795, 4355764.028 6715445.513)', 900913), way)
LIMIT 100;
I do everything on the local database, the required data have.
Polygon such:
The query result is empty.
Tell me what went wrong. Thanks.

ST_Contains probably isn't suited for this job
ST_Contains — Returns true if and only if no points of B lie in the
exterior of A, and at least one point of the interior of B lies in the
interior of A.
Since these are roads, at least some parts of it will lie outside your polygon. That means ST_Contains will return false. Perhaps ST_Intersects might be a better option.

The error was in the Spatial Reference.
That's a valid request:
select osm_id, name,
ST_AsText(ST_Transform(way,4326)) from planet_osm_roads
where ST_Contains(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((39.128494 51.716394, 39.206085 51.71767, 39.204712 51.678942, 39.119911 51.681284, 39.128494 51.716394))',4326),900913), way)
LIMIT 120;
ST_Transform — Returns a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to the SRID referenced by the integer parameter.


Errors converting Geometry to Geography

I am getting an error trying to convert data from a Geometry field to a geography field in a separate table.
([ID], [geo_name], [geo_wkt] ,[port_geography_binary] )
SELECT [id], [name] ,[wkt], GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(em_ports.geom.STAsBinary(),4326)
FROM [guest].[em_ports]
where ID < 4548 and ID not in (select ID from PIGeoData)
The error I get is this
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "geography":
Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.GLArgumentException: 24205: The specified input does not represent a valid geography instance because it exceeds a single hemisphere. Each geography instance must fit inside a single hemisphere. A common reason for this error is that a polygon has the wrong ring orientation. To create a larger than hemisphere geography instance, upgrade the version of SQL Server and change the database compatibility level to at least 110.
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.GLNativeMethods.ThrowExceptionForHr(GL_HResult errorCode)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.GLNativeMethods.GeodeticIsValid(GeoData& g, Double eccentricity, Boolean forceKatmai)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.IsValidExpensive(Boolean forceKatmai)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography..ctor(GeoData g, Int32 srid)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.GeographyFromBinary(OpenGisType type, SqlBytes wkbGeography, Int32 srid)
I get the same message if I try to convert from WKT using
Both these formats come from the MS documentation here
But if I copy the polygon data from the wkt and paste it into a query like this
declare #sGeo geography
declare #sWKT varchar(max)
select #sWKT = wkt from guest.em_ports where wkt like '%POLYGON ((73.50667 4.181667,73.50667 4.21,73.48 4.21,73.48 4.1783333,73.50667 4.181667,73.50667 4.181667))%'
set #sGeo = geography::STPolyFromText (#sWKT, 4326 )
Update PIGeoData
Set PortBoundaries = #sGeo
Where wkt like '%POLYGON ((73.50667 4.181667,73.50667 4.21,73.48 4.21,73.48 4.1783333,73.50667 4.181667,73.50667 4.181667))%'
that works.
So I moved all the non-geo data to the new table and started going through record by record to see which WKT was failing:
I used this query
Update PIGeoData
Set port_geography_binary = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText(geo_wkt,4326)
where port_geography_binary is null and ID = <xyz>
where xyz was individual record ids
These WKT values succeeded
POLYGON ((-135.31197 59.451653,-135.32457 59.45799,-135.32996 59.454834,-135.36717 59.455154,-135.36452 59.449005,-135.36488 59.43996,-135.36697 59.43817,-135.33139 59.438065,-135.31197 59.451653,-135.31197 59.451653))
POLYGON ((-4.524549 48.365623,-4.518855 48.361416,-4.4854136 48.367413,-4.436236 48.381382,-4.420772 48.39644,-4.431077 48.398525,-4.4376454 48.393867,-4.438626 48.38611,-4.4559207 48.390007,-4.470995 48.387226,-4.4933248 48.384468,-4.499816 48.38401,-4.512855 48.3754,-4.524549 48.365623,-4.524549 48.365623))
These WKT values failed
POLYGON ((-8.788489 37.773106,-8.989748 37.785244,-9.11148 37.93065,-9.01401 38.13953,-8.993956 38.30128,-9.266149 38.264282,-9.382366 38.33244,-9.435615 38.54836,-9.656681 38.602306,-9.683701 38.883057,-9.1720295 39.00796,-8.444215 39.550682,-8.213643 39.355015,-8.537656 38.037514,-8.712016 37.782127,-8.788489 37.773106))
POLYGON ((-119.71587 34.396824,-119.69837 34.410378,-119.67453 34.41837,-119.62994 34.420082,-119.63012 34.380177,-119.62986 34.3551,-119.71534 34.355022,-119.71587 34.396824,-119.71587 34.396824))
There is nothing obvious to me in the data. Can anyone help with why these records and data are failing?
The relevant part of the error message is "A common reason for this error is that a polygon has the wrong ring orientation."
The polygons that have failed are in clockwise order.
To convert them to counter-clockwise order, you can use something like this:
DECLARE #t VARCHAR(MAX)='POLYGON ((-119.71587 34.396824,-119.69837 34.410378,-119.67453 34.41837,-119.62994 34.420082,-119.63012 34.380177,-119.62986 34.3551,-119.71534 34.355022,-119.71587 34.396824,-119.71587 34.396824))'
DECLARE #x XML=REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(#t,'POLYGON ((','<root><p>'),'))','</p></root>'),',','</p><p>')
SELECT ','+q.Point
SELECT n.value('.','varchar(50)') AS Point, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.n) AS Position
FROM #x.nodes('/root/p') t(n)
) q ORDER BY q.Position DESC
SELECT #g, #g.ToString()
Later edit:
There is a convention that says that a polygon should always be represented in counter-clockwise order. Imagine that you have a polygon in the shape of the equator; without this convention it would not be clear if the polygon represents the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere. See Spatial Data Types Overview in the Microsoft SQL Server documentation for details.
Additionally, there is a limitation in SQL Server when the compatibility level is 100 or below that each geography instance must fit inside a single hemisphere. If you are using SQL Server 2012 or later and you choose to use at least compatibility level 110, you can avoid the error message, but the polygon would represent the entire area that is outside of what you would normally think that the polygon represents.
If you use compatibility level is 100 or below, you could use a TRY/CATCH to detect the error and if it happens you should try reversing the polygon.
If you use compatibility level 110 or later, you can try to use STArea() to check if the polygon has a surface which is much bigger or much smaller than one hemisphere. If the area approaches 510100000000000 square meters (which approximately the area of the entire earth) then you should reverse the polygon.

Using ST_Intersects with ST_MakePoint with no SET_SRID

I'm using WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint($1, $2)::geography, 4326), geog) to find a point within a geography field (named geog in the example query).
For reasons I can't quite figure out*, ST_SetSRID sometimes causes issues, removing it from the query makes these issues go away. I'd like to remove ST_SetSRID from the query but can't find anywhere that explains what SRID ST_Intersects will use.
geog has an SRID of 4326. Will ST_Intersects just use that or is going to assume no coordinate system and give me results that differ than when using ST_SetSRID?
* In case you are curious the issue has something to do with prepared transactions, nodejs, and the minimum connection pool. For 1 minimum connections in the pool, after 4-6 queries the next query will take 15-30 seconds (which usually takes about 100ms). For 2 min connections it takes about 8-10 queries before issues occur, for 5 min, about 25 queries (and so on). I feel like I'm taking Crazy Pills.
ST_SetSRID returns a geometry, not a geography. You generally don't need to set the SRID for geography, since it assumes a default of 4326, so I suggest not using it (unless you have a different ellipsoid or something). (But if you are working with geometry, ST_SRID is mandatory).
Furthermore, ST_Intersects implicitly operates on either geometry or geography types. Depending if you used ST_SetSRID or not, it will pick either:
ST_Intersects(geometry, geometry); or
ST_Intersects(geography, geography)
You can explicitly choose the one of the operators by casting each parameter:
ST_Intersects(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint($1, $2), 4326)::geography, geog::geography)
(note I've moved the first ::geography to outside ST_SetSRID, so it sets an SRID then casts it as a geography). Or equivalently:
ST_Intersects(ST_MakePoint($1, $2)::geography, geog::geography)
As for the actual performance of the two intersects spatial operators, this depends if you have an index on either geometry or geography types for geog.

Problems with spatial join

I am new to sql, and attempting to use it to speed up spatial analysis on a set of ~1.2 million trips from a csv that contains the lat and lon for pickup and dropoff points.
What I am trying to do in plain English is:
select all trips that start in the area of interest (loaded into my database as a shapefile) into one table
select all trips that end in the area of interest into another
-perform a spatial join between these points and a shapefile of census tracks (which contains neighborhood names)
count by neighborhood name to list the most frequent origins/destination of trips to/ from the area of interest.
The code I am working with is below (If its helpful, NTA or neighborhood tabulation area, is the neighborhood name which I want to display in my table at the end of this operation) :
--Select all trips that end in project area
FROM trips, projarea
WHERE ST_Intersects(trips.dropoff, projarea.geom);
--for trips that end in project area - index by NTA of pick up point
CREATE TABLE points_ct_end AS
SELECT nyct2010.ntacode as ct_nta, end_PA.gid as point_id
from nyct2010, end_PA WHERE ST_Intersects(nyct2010.geom , end_PA.pickup);
--Count most common NTA
--return count for each NAT as a csv
select count(ct_nta) from points_ct_end
group by ct_nta
order by count desc)
to 'C://TaxiData//Analysis//Trips_Arriving_LM.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
However, I am having problems from the very start - ST_Intersects does not return any points within the area of interest!
Troubleshooting solutions I have tried thus far:
My first thought is that the points weren't in the correct SRID. When I created the 'dropoff' point I set the SRID to 4326. I tried both using ST_SetSRID to change the projection of both data sets to 4326, and manually re projecting the shapefiles to 4326 in ArcMap - but neither worked.
I plotted a small sample of the points from the 'trips' data set in Arc Map to ensure they were correctly projected and overlapping with the ProjArea shapefile. They are.
I imported the multipoint shapefile this created into my geo database to test if that worked with ST_Intersects. Nope.
I tried using ST_Within. This threw the error message:
ERROR: function st_within(character varying, geometry) does not exist
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You
might need to add explicit type casts.
I am using Big SQL and postgres
My first thought is that the points weren't in the correct SRID. When I created the 'dropoff' point I set the SRID to 4326. I tried both using ST_SetSRID to change the projection of both data sets to 4326, and manually re projecting the shapefiles to 4326 in ArcMap - but neither worked.
ST_SetSRID doesn't change the projection (reproject). It just changes the internal representation. This can totally screw everything up if the previous SRID matched the input data. You likely wanted ST_Transform().
There isn't enough information here to trouble shoot this problem. However, we can answer this...
ERROR: function st_within(character varying, geometry) does not exist
This simply means the first argument is not a geometery. Of course, we can't do anything with that at all because we don't have your query that you tried with ST_Within().
Your syntax for ST_Intersects() looks to be right. But, there simply isn't enough information provided to help. Show some schema and sample data.

Postgres PostGIS: st_intersects returns false but only for first record returned, even if hard coded

Using Postgres 9.2
I have a strange issue. To simplify it:
I have some data with line points. The query in question is using st_intersects to determine if the line points overlap with a polygon. Both the line and the polygon are stored in a 3d representation, with the z-axis being 0. This is for geospatial data.
In this case, I have a line point where the start and end are the same value. Two records have seemingly the same value, the X,Y,Z components on the start and end points are the same. Comparing the two points using =~, they are equal. Using =, they are equal. Using st_equals, the result is false, but comparing the components that make up the lines, the values all seem to be equal, including comparing the binary representation by visual inspection.
When I do st_intersects(my_line, some_polygon), one record returns true, the other false, even though the value of the line for both records appear identical. I didn't create the original values, so I do not know how they were originally created. There is a vehicle associated with each record, and for whatever reason, one of the vehicles has this problem for several of its records.
If I change the function from st_intersects to the presumably more expensive st_3dintersects, they both return true as expected, and the problem goes away. The polygon being compared against is quite large, and this affects several records with different points, so its unlikely we're hitting some fringe rounding error of any kind. Using st_force2d doesn't work either.
Any ideas why I might be seeing the behavior that I'm seeing?
Here's the EWKT of the line, with the coordinates changed:
SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979 0,-85.6600021 30.7976979 0)
Both records have this exact same value for ST_AsEWKT, and yet one of them returns false for st_intersects(my_line, the_poly) and the other returns true for st_intersects(my_line, the_poly). Even if I hard code the EWKT value I still see this discrepency:
ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979 0,-85.6600021 30.7976979 0)')),
It seems like it is always affecting the very first record in the result set and no other records. If I change everything else in my query, this always returns false for the first record and true for all the subsequent records.
More investigation, it appears that the linestring is not valid with both the start and end being the same value. Casting st_makevalid fixes it by making it a point. Apparently the invalid linestring is evaluated inconsistently.
It's most likely there are sub-decimal differences with coordinates that you can only see with the WKB, which means there are small differences that you cannot see with the WKT formatting. Here is an example:
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(A) AS wkt_a, ST_AsEWKT(B) AS wkt_b,
ST_AsEWKT(A) = ST_AsEWKT(B) AS wkt_are_equal,
A::text = B::text AS wkb_are_equal,
ST_Intersects(A, B), ST_Distance(A, B),
ST_Distance(A, B) < 1e-12 AS pretty_much_intersect
'01010000A0E6100000A5B272793D6A55C07E96F8ED35CC3E400000000000000000'::geometry AS A,
'01010000A0E6100000A5B272793D6A55C07F96F8ED35CC3E400000000000000000'::geometry AS B
) f;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+------------------------------------------
wkt_a | SRID=4326;POINT(-85.6600021 30.7976979 0)
wkt_b | SRID=4326;POINT(-85.6600021 30.7976979 0)
wkt_are_equal | t
wkb_are_equal | f
st_intersects | f
st_distance | 3.5527136788005e-015
pretty_much_intersect | t
So you can see that the WKT are equal, but the WKB are not. There is a tiny distance between the two, therefore ST_Intersects will return false, as these predicate functions require exact noding.
A more robust metric to find geometries that essentially intersect is shown by testing if the distance is within a small distance, as demonstrated by the last column. Another solution is to see ST_Snap.
Now just seeing the invalid geometries in the question, my answer is to not use invalid geometries!
Behaviour is reproduced here:
CREATE TEMP TABLE invalid(id integer primary key, geom geometry);
INSERT INTO invalid(id, geom) VALUES
(1, 'LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979,-85.6600021 30.7976979)'),
(2, 'LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979,-85.6600021 30.7976979)'),
(3, 'LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979,-85.6600021 30.7976979)');
SELECT id, ST_Intersects(
ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979,-85.6600021 30.7976979)'), x.geom)
FROM invalid x;
id | st_intersects
1 | f
2 | t
3 | t
(3 rows)
I have no idea what you're talking about. Just provide data because you're not good at describing the problem.
\set linestring ST_GeomFromEWKT($$SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-85.6600021 30.7976979 0,-80.6600021 30.7976979 0)$$)
\set point ST_GeomFromEWKT($$SRID=4326;POINT(-85.6600021 30.7976979 0)$$)
SELECT ST_Intersects( :linestring, :point ) AS linestringPoint
, ST_Intersects( :linestring, :linestring ) AS linestringLinestring

Postgis and Postgres: How to perform a ST_Contains query with geometry array?

I have a boundary which is stored in a geometry array. (like {...,...,...})
My goal is to perform a ST_Contains query. I want see whether a node is inside that boundary or not.
I tried something like
SELECT ST_Contains(ST_Polygonize((SELECT CAST(bt.geomarray AS geometry[]) FROM boundarytable AS bt)), nodetable.geom)
But I always get errors like "Invalid hex character (,) encountered".
Can anybody show me the right way to do this?
Now that I know how to do it, I'm answering this question by myself.
We do not have to use an array. We step through each node's geom and create the polygon. We store the polygon in polygontable. (Notice: don't forget you need the polygon to be closed, so you have to add the first node as last node again in boundarytable before you perform the query. Otherwise you will get an error):
SELECT ST_MakePolygon(ST_MakeLine(bt.geom)) AS geomboundary
INTO TABLE polygontable
FROM boundarytable AS bt
GROUP BY bt.dummy -- (just a constant value to round up all bt.geom)
Then we can perform the ST_Contains query like
SELECT *, ST_Contains((SELECT geomboundary FROM polygontable), anytable.geom)