Incorrect Special Character Handling in Informatica Powercenter 9.1 - unicode

I am currently working on a project in my organisation where we are migrating Informatica Powercenter in our application from v8.1 to v9.1.
Informatica PC is loading data from datafiles but is not able to maintain certain special characters present in few of the input dat files.
The data was is getting loaded correctly in v8.1.
Tried changing characterset settings in Informatica as below -
CodePage movement = Unicode
"DataMovementMode" = Unicode
After making the above settings I am getting the below error in the in Informatica log:
READER_1_2_1> FR_3015 Warning! Row [2258], field [exDestination]: Data [TO] was truncated.
READER_1_2_1> FR_3015 Warning! Row [2265], field [exDestination]: Data [IOMR] was truncated.
READER_1_2_1> FR_3015 Warning! Row [2265], field [parentOID]: Data [O-MS1109ZTRD00:esm4:iomr-2_20040510_0_0] was truncated.
READER_1_2_1> FR_3015 Warning! Row [2268], field [exDestination]: Data [IOMR] was truncated.
The special character that are being sent in the data are and not being handled correctly -
Can somebody please guide how to resolve this issue? What else is required at Informatica end to be changed.
Does it need any session parameters to be set in database?

I posted this in another thread about special characters. Please check if this is of any help.
Start with the Source in designer. Are you able to see the data correctly in the source qualifier preview? If not, you might want to set ff source definition encoding to UTF-8.
The Integration service should be running in Unicode mode and not ASCII mode. You can check this from the Integration service properties in Admin Console.
The target should be UTF-8 encoding.
Check the relational connection ( if the target is a database) encoding in workflow manager to ensure it is UTF-8
If the problem persists, write the output to a UTF-8 flat file and check if the data is loading properly. If yes, then the issue is with writing to the database.
Check the database settings like NLS_LANG, NLS_CHARACTERSET (for oracle) etc.

Also set your integration service (IS) to run in Unicode mode for best results apart from configuring ODBC and relational connections to use Unicode
Details for Unicode & ASCII
a) Unicode - IS allows 2 bytes for each character and uses additional byte for each non-ascii character (such as Japanese/chinese characters)
b) ASCII - IS holds all data in a single byte
Make sure that the size of the variable is big enough to hold the data. Some times the warnings mentioned will be received when the size is small to hold the incoming data.


Force Unicode on Data Transfer utility for iSeries AS400 for TSV tab delimited files

I am using Data Transfer utility for IBM i in order to create TSV files from my AS400s and then import them to my SQl Server Data Warehouse.
Following this: SO Question about SSIS encoding script i want to stop using conversion in SSIS task and have the data ready from the source.
I have tried using vatious codepages in TSV creation (1200 etc.) but 1208 only does the trick in half: It creates UTF8 which then i have to convert to unicode as shown in the other question.
What CCSID i have to use to get unicode from the start?
Utility Screenshot:
On IBM i, CCSID support is intended to be seamless. Imagine the situation where the table is in German encoding, your job is in English and you are creating a new table in French - all on a system whose default encoding is Chinese. Use the appropriate CCSID for each of these and the operating system will do the character encoding conversion for you.
Unfortunately, many midrange systems aren't configured properly. Their system default CCSID is 'no CCSID / binary' - a remnant of a time some 20 years ago, before CCSID support. DSPSYSVAL QCCSID will tell you what the default CCSID is for your system. If it's 65535, that's 'binary'. This causes no end of problems, because the operating system can't figure out what the true character encoding is. Because CCSID(65535) was set for many years, almost all the tables on the system have this encoding. All the jobs on the system run under this encoding. When everything on the system is 65535, then the OS doesn't need to do any character conversion, and all seems well.
Then, someone needs multi-byte characters. It might be an Asian language, or as in your case, Unicode. If the system as a whole is 'binary / no conversion' it can be very frustrating because, essentially, the system admins have lied to the operating system with respect to the character encoding that is effect for the database and jobs.
I'm guessing that you are dealing with a CCSID(65535) environment. I think you are going to have to request some changes. At the very least, create a new / work table using an appropriate CCSID like EBCDIC US English (37). Use a system utility like CPYF to populate this table. Now try to download that, using a CCSID of say, 13488. If that does what you need, then perhaps all you need is an intermediate table to pass your data through.
Ultimately, the right solution is a proper CCSID configuration. Have the admins set the QCCSID system value and consider changing the encoding on the existing tables. After that, the system will handle multiple encodings seamlessly, as intended.
The CCSID on IBM i called 13488 is Unicode type UCS-2 (UTF-16 Big Endian). There is not "one unicode" - there are several types of Unicode formats. I looked at your other question. 1208 is also Unicode UTF-8. So what exactly is meant "to get Unicode to begin with" is not clear (you are getting Unicode to begin with in format UTF-8) -- but then I read your other question and the function you mention does not say what kind of "unicode" it expects :
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(to, false, Encoding.Unicode, 1000000))
The operating system on IBM i default is to mainly store data in EBCDIC database tables, and there are some rare applications that are built on this system to use Unicode natively. It will translate the data into whatever type of Unicode it supports.
As for SQL Server and Java - I am fairly sure they use UCS-2 type Unicode so if you try using CCSID 13488 on the AS/400 side to transfer, it may let you avoid the extra conversion from UTF-8 Unicode because CCSID 13488 is UCS-2 style Unicode.
There are 2 CCSID's for UTF-8 unicode on system i 1208 and 1209. 1208 is UTF-8 with IBM PAU 1209 is for UTF-8. See link above.

Unicode characters in ColdFusion CLIENT scope

Is it possible to store unicode (utf-8) characters in ColdFusion's CLIENT scope? (CF9)
If I set a CLIENT scope variable and dump it immediately, it looks fine. But on next page load (ie: when CLIENT scope read back from storage) I just see question marks for the unicode characters.
I'm using a database for persistence and the data column in the CDATA table has been set to ntext.
Looking directly in the database I can see that the records have not been written correctly (again, just question marks showing for unicode characters).
(From the comments)
Have you checked/enabled the: String format --Enable High Ascii characters and Unicode ..." option in your client datasource?
From the docs:
Enable this option if your application uses Unicode data in
DBMS-specific Unicode data types, such as National Character or nchar.

Perl unicode handling with DBI

I am using Spreadsheet::Read to get data from Excel (xls or xlsx) files and put them in a MySQL database using DBI.
If I print out the data to the console, it displays all special characters properly, but when I insert it into the database, some files end up with corrupted characters. For example, "Möbelwerkstätte" becomes "Möbelwerkstätte".
I think that Spreadsheet::Read "knows" which character set is coming out of the file, as it prints properly to the console each time, regardless of the file encoding. How do I make sure that it is going into the database in UTF-8?
The answer you have received (and accepted) already will probably work most of the time, but it's a little fragile and probably only works because Perl's internal character representation is a lot like UTF-8.
For a more robust solution, you should read the Perl Unicode Tutorial and follow the recommendations in there. They boil down to:
Decode any data that you get from outside your program
Encode any data that you send out of your program
In your case, you'll want to decode the data that you read from the spreadsheet and encode the data that you are sending to the database.
Both DBI and DBD::MySQL defaults to Latin1 (compiled with Latin1).
By sending "USE NAMES utf8" as your first query you will change it for that session.
From the manual:
SET NAMES indicates what character set the client will use to send SQL statements to the server. Thus, SET NAMES 'cp1251' tells the server, “future incoming messages from this client are in character set cp1251.” It also specifies the character set that the server should use for sending results back to the client. (For example, it indicates what character set to use for column values if you use a SELECT statement.)
See for full documentation.

Character with encoding UTF8 has no equivalent in WIN1252

I am getting the following exception:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: character 0xefbfbd of encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in "WIN1252"
Is there a way to eradicate such characters, either via SQL or programmatically?
(SQL solution should be preferred).
I was thinking of connecting to the DB using WIN1252, but it will give the same problem.
I had a similar issue, and I solved by setting the encoding to UTF8 with \encoding UTF8 in the client before attempting an INSERT INTO foo (SELECT * from bar WHERE x=y);. My client was using WIN1252 encoding but the database was in UTF8, hence the error.
More info is available on the PostgreSQL wiki under Character Set Support (devel docs).
What do you do when you get this message? Do you import a file to Postgres? As devstuff said it is a BOM character. This is a character Windows writes as first to a text file, when it is saved in UTF8 encoding - it is invisible, 0-width character, so you'll not see it when opening it in a text editor.
Try to open this file in for example Notepad, save-as it in ANSI encoding and add (or replace similar) set client_encoding to 'WIN1252' line in your file.
Don't eridicate the characters, they're real and used for good reasons. Instead, eridicate Win1252.
I had a very similar issue. I had a linked server from SQL Server to a PostgreSQL database. Some data I had in the table I was selecting from using an openquery statement had some character that didn't have an equivalent in Win1252. The problem was that the System DSN entry (to be found under the ODBC Data Source Administrator) I had used for the connection was configured to use PostgreSQL ANSI(x64) rather than PostgreSQL Unicode(x64). Creating a new data source with the Unicode support and creating a new modified linked server and refernecing the new linked server in your openquery resolved the issue for me. Happy days.
That looks like the byte sequence 0xBD, 0xBF, 0xEF as a little-endian integer. This is the UTF8-encoded form of the Unicode byte-order-mark (BOM) character 0xFEFF.
I'm not sure what Postgre's normal behaviour is, but the BOM is normally used only for encoding detection at the beginning of an input stream, and is usually not returned as part of the result.
In any case, your exception is due to this code point not having a mapping in the Win1252 code page. This will occur with most other non-Latin characters too, such as those used in Asian scripts.
Can you change the database encoding to be UTF8 instead of 1252? This will allow your columns to contain almost any character.
I was able to get around it by using Postgres' substring function and selecting that instead:
select substring(comments from 1 for 200) from billing
The comment that the special character started each field was a great help in finally resolving it.
This problem appeared for us around 19/11/2016 with our old Access 97 app accessing a postgresql 9.1 DB.
This was solved by changing the driver to UNICODE instead of ANSI (see plang comment).
Here's what worked for me :
1 enable ad-hoc queries in sp_configure.
2 add ODBC DSN for your linked PostgreSQL server.
3 make sure you have both ANSI and Unicode (x64) drivers (try with both).
4 run query like this below - change UID, server ip, db name and password.
5 just keep the query in last line in postgreSQL format.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1
'Driver=PostgreSQL Unicode(x64);
'select * FROM table_name limit 10;')
I have face this issue when my Windows 10 using Mandarin China as default language. This problem has occurred because I did try to import a database with UTF-8. Checking via psql and do "\l", it shows collate and cytpe is Mandarin China.
The solution, reset OS language back to US and re-install PostgreSQL. As the collate back to UTF-8, you can reset back your OS language again.
I write the full context and solution here

Toad unicode input problem

In toad, I can see unicode characters that are coming from oracle db. But when I click one of the fields in the data grid into the edit mode, the unicode characters are converted to meaningless symbols, but this is not the big issue.
While editing this field, the unicode characters are displayed correctly as I type. But as soon as I press enter and exit edit mode, they are converted to the nearest (most similar) non-unicode character. So I cannot type unicode characters on data grids. Copy & pasting one of the unicode characters also does not work.
How can I solve this?
Edit: I am using toad
We never found a solution for the same problems with toad. In the end most people used Enterprise Manager to get around the issues. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Quest officially states, that they currently do not fully support Unicode, but they promise a full Unicode version of Toad in 2009:
An excerpt from know issues with Toad 9.6:
Toad's data layer does not support UTF8 / Unicode data. Most non-ASCII characters will display as question marks in the data grid and should not produce any conversion errors except in Toad Reports. Toad Reports will produce errors and will not run on UTF8 / Unicode databases. It is therefore not advisable to edit non-ASCII Unicode data in Toad's data grids. Also, some users are still receiving "ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size > 4000 in the bind list" messages, which also seem to be related to Unicode data.