object Main extends App {
val p1 = Promise[Option[String]]()
val p2 = Promise[Option[String]]()
val f1 = p1.future
val f2 = p2.future
val res = (for{
file1Opt <- f1
file2Opt <- f2
file1 <- file1Opt
file2 <- file2Opt
} yield {
combineFiles(file1, file2)
}).fallbackTo(Future.successful("Files not found"))
p1.success(Some("file one"))
p2.success(Some("file two"))
val finalData = res.map(s =>
s + " " + "add more data to the file"
def combineFiles(f1: String, f2: String): String = {
f1 + " " + f2
I have two functions that return Future[Option[String]] and I need to combine the two strings into one string.
I want the output to be either combination of two strings and footer: "file one file two add more data to the file" or default when one or both of the Futures return None: "Files not found add more data to file".
How can this be achieved?
Compiler error:
Error:(16, 11) type mismatch;
found : Option[String]
required: scala.concurrent.Future[?]
file1 <- file1Opt
Well, without doing anything fancy like monad transformers or stuff, one can just simply nest for comprehensions. It will be more wordy, but no extra dependencies.
val res = (for{
file1Opt <- f1
file2Opt <- f2
} yield for {
file1 <- file1Opt
file2 <- file2Opt
} yield combineFiles(file1, file2))
.fallbackTo(Future.successful(Some("Files not found")))
//or, alternatively, .fallbackTo(Future.successful(None))
Ultimately, the problem here is that you try to combine Future and Option in a single for comprehension. That just doesn't work for the reasons other respondents mentioned. Nesting, however, works just fine.
The downside of the nesting is that you end up with very complex data structures, which might not be easy to use elsewhere in your program. You should think about how you would flatten them, i.e. going from Future[Option[String]] to just Future[String]. Is your particular case you can do something like this: res.map(_.getOrElse("")).
Okay, may 2 levels of nesting is fine, but you nest more than that, consider flattening that hierarchy before letting your colleagues deal with it. :)
Like alf mentioned in his answer, you can use monad tranformers for this, in this case OptionT.
An example using cats :
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import cats.data.OptionT
import cats.implicits._
val file1: Future[Option[String]] = Future.successful(Some("file1"))
val file2: Future[Option[String]] = Future.successful(Some("file2"))
val combinedOT: OptionT[Future, String] =
for {
f1 <- OptionT(file1)
f2 <- OptionT(file2)
} yield s"$f1 $f2"
val combinedFO: Future[Option[String]] = combinedOT.value
val combinedF: Future[String] = combinedOT.getOrElse("Files not found")
Note that if you use cats, you can replace the for comprehension in combinedOT2 by using a cartesian builder (the |#|), because file2 doesn't depend on file1 :
val combinedOT2: Future[Option[String]] =
(OptionT(file1) |#| OptionT(file2)).map(_ + " " + _).value
You can still use fallbackTo if the "combined" Future fails, eventhough it is probably better to use recover or recoverWith to actually check which Throwables you want to recover from.
I think exactly this problem is covered in this 47deg blog post, as well as in this one: monads do not compose, so you need a transformer from one monad to another, as there's no flatMap operation that would (flat) map a Future into Option.
I have a list of fileNames and I want to load the correlated pages in batches (and not all at once). In order to do so, I'm using FoldLeft and I'm writing an aggregate function which aggregates a Future[Map[T1,T2]].
def loadPagesInBatches[T1, T2](fileNames: Set[FileName]): Future[Map[T1, T2]] = {
val fileNameToPageId: Map[FileName, PageId] = ... //invokes a function that returns the pageId correlated to the fileName.
val batches: Iterator[Set[FileName]] = fileNames.grouped(10) //batches of 10;
batches.foldLeft(Future(Map.empty[T1, T2]))(aggregate(fileNameToPageId))
And the signature of aggregate is as follows:
def aggregate(fileNameToPageId: Map[FileName, PageId]): (Future[Map[T1, T2]], Set[FileName]) => Future[Map[T1, T2]] = {..}
I'm trying to make sure what is the best way to merge these Future[Map]s.
Thanks ahead!
P.S: FileName and PageId are just Types of string.
In case you have exactly 2 futures, zipWith would probably be the most idiomatic.
val future1 = ???
val future2 = ???
future1.zipWith(future2)(_ ++ _)
Which is a shorter way of writing a for comprehension:
for {
map1 <- future1
map2 <- future2
} yield map1 ++ map2
Although zipWith could potentially implement some kind of optimization.
My solution was putting the two maps into a list and using Future.reduceLeft.
def aggregate(fileNameToPageId: Map[FileName, PageId]): (Future[Map[T1, T2]], Set[FileName]) => Future[Map[T1, T2]] = {
case (all, filesBatch) =>
val mapOfPages: Future[Map[NodeId, T]] = for {
... //Some logic
} yield "TheBatchMap"
Future.reduceLeft(List(all, mapOfPages))(_ ++ _)
Suppose,there are 2 future sequences of type Future[Seq[A,B]]. How can I combine into one?
You combined Futures using flatMap. So like:
futureA.flatMap(firstSequence =>
futureB.map(secondSequence => firstSequence ++ secondSequence))
For comprehensions are syntax sugar for this:
for {
firstSequence <- futureA
secondSequence <- futureB
} yield firstSequence ++ secondSequence
This code will run your Futures sequentially if they've been lazy up until this point. So you may wish to allow them to run in parallel by assigning them to a val before the for comprehension.
val executingFutureA = futureA
val executingFutureB = futureB
for {
firstSequence <- executingFutureA
secondSequence <- executingFutureB
} yield firstSequence ++ secondSequence
You can use Future.sequence to convert a sequence of Future into a single Future containing a sequence of the results of each Future. So in your case you can do this:
val a: Future[Seq[Either[A,B]]] = ???
val b: Future[Seq[Either[A,B]]] = ???
Future.sequence(Seq(a, b)).map(_.flatten) // => Seq[Either[A,B]]
The flatten operations converts the Seq[Seq[Either[A,B]]] into Seq[Either[A,B]], but the results could be combined in other ways if required.
This solution is very flexible, but for a fixed number of Seq[Future] it is often better to use flatMap/for as explained in another answer.
I have one Future[Option[String]] function. I need get a transformed string only if future was succesfull and string exists. In other cases I need to get just a None (no any errors or exceptions)
I tried to use for comprehensions (as well as maps/flatMaps) but apparently my result is type Nothing instead of Option[String].
def getOption: Option[String]
def getOptionResult: Future[Option[String]]
def someActions: String
val resultO: Option[String] = for {
myString: String <- getOption
optionResult: Option[String] <- getOptionResult
result: String <- optionResult
} yield {
What's the most elegant way to deal with such situations?
try this
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
def getOptionResult: Future[Option[String]] = Future(Some("Foo"))
// def getOptionResult: Future[Option[String]] = Future(None)
val d = getOptionResult.map(a => a.map(r => "(" + r + ")"))
val res = Await.result(d, 100 nanos).getOrElse(None)
getOptionResult.recover { case _ => None }
if I understood your requirement correctly. This will give an always successful future which has the same result as getOptionResult if that succeeds and None if it fails. See the docs.
Generally you don't want to specify types on the left of <-, it doesn't work at all like specifying them for val/var/def but turns into a pattern match instead.
I have two functions which return Futures. I'm trying to feed a modified result from first function into the other using a for-yield comprehension.
This approach works:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get) if sid.isDefined
} yield s
However I'm not happy with having the "if" in there, it seems that I should be able to use a map instead.
But when I try with a map:
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- sid.map(schoolStore.getSchool(_))
} yield s
I get a compile error:
[error] found : Option[scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]]
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]
[error] s <- sid.map(schoolStore.getSchool(_))
I've played around with a few variations, but haven't found anything attractive that works. Can anyone suggest a nicer comprehension and/or explain what's wrong with my 2nd example?
Here is a minimal but complete runnable example with Scala 2.10:
import concurrent.{Future, Promise}
case class User(userId: Int)
case class UserDetails(userId: Int, schoolId: Option[Int])
case class School(schoolId: Int, name: String)
trait Error
class UserStore {
def getUserDetails(userId: Int): Future[Either[Error, UserDetails]] = Promise.successful(Right(UserDetails(1, Some(1)))).future
class SchoolStore {
def getSchool(schoolId: Int): Future[Option[School]] = Promise.successful(Option(School(1, "Big School"))).future
object Demo {
import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val userStore = new UserStore
val schoolStore = new SchoolStore
val user = User(1)
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- sid.map(schoolStore.getSchool(_))
} yield s
(Edited to give a correct answer!)
The key here is that Future and Option don't compose inside for because there aren't the correct flatMap signatures. As a reminder, for desugars like so:
for ( x0 <- c0; w1 = d1; x1 <- c1 if p1; ... ; xN <- cN) yield f
c0.flatMap{ x0 =>
val w1 = d1
c1.filter(x1 => p1).flatMap{ x1 =>
... cN.map(xN => f) ...
(where any if statement throws a filter into the chain--I've given just one example--and the equals statements just set variables before the next part of the chain). Since you can only flatMap other Futures, every statement c0, c1, ... except the last had better produce a Future.
Now, getUserDetails and getSchool both produce Futures, but sid is an Option, so we can't put it on the right-hand side of a <-. Unfortunately, there's no clean out-of-the-box way to do this. If o is an option, we can
o.map(Future.successful).getOrElse(Future.failed(new Exception))
to turn an Option into an already-completed Future. So
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId) // RHS is a Future[Either[...]]
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId) // RHS is an Option[Int]
fid <- sid.map(Future.successful).getOrElse(Future.failed(new Exception)) // RHS is Future[Int]
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(fid)
} yield s
will do the trick. Is that better than what you've got? Doubtful. But if you
implicit class OptionIsFuture[A](val option: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def future = option.map(Future.successful).getOrElse(Future.failed(new Exception))
then suddenly the for-comprehension looks reasonable again:
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid <- ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId).future
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid)
} yield s
Is this the best way to write this code? Probably not; it relies upon converting a None into an exception simply because you don't know what else to do at that point. This is hard to work around because of the design decisions of Future; I'd suggest that your original code (which invokes a filter) is at least as good of a way to do it.
This answer to a similar question about Promise[Option[A]] might help. Just substitute Future for Promise.
I'm inferring the following types for getUserDetails and getSchool from your question:
getUserDetails: UserID => Future[Either[??, UserDetails]]
getSchool: SchoolID => Future[Option[School]]
Since you ignore the failure value from the Either, transforming it to an Option instead, you effectively have two values of type A => Future[Option[B]].
Once you've got a Monad instance for Future (there may be one in scalaz, or you could write your own as in the answer I linked), applying the OptionT transformer to your problem would look something like this:
for {
ud <- optionT(getUserDetails(user.userID) map (_.right.toOption))
sid <- optionT(Future.successful(ud.schoolID))
s <- optionT(getSchool(sid))
} yield s
Note that, to keep the types compatible, ud.schoolID is wrapped in an (already completed) Future.
The result of this for-comprehension would have type OptionT[Future, SchoolID]. You can extract a value of type Future[Option[SchoolID]] with the transformer's run method.
What behavior would you like to occur in the case that the Option[School] is None? Would you like the Future to fail? With what kind of exception? Would you like it to never complete? (That sounds like a bad idea).
Anyways, the if clause in a for-expression desugars to a call to the filter method. The contract on Future#filteris thus:
If the current future contains a value which satisfies the predicate,
the new future will also hold that value. Otherwise, the resulting
future will fail with a NoSuchElementException.
But wait:
scala> None.get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
As you can see, None.get returns the exact same thing.
Thus, getting rid of the if sid.isDefined should work, and this should return a reasonable result:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get)
} yield s
Keep in mind that the result of schoolFuture can be in instance of scala.util.Failure[NoSuchElementException]. But you haven't described what other behavior you'd like.
We've made small wrapper on Future[Option[T]] which acts like one monad (nobody even checked none of monad laws, but there is map, flatMap, foreach, filter and so on) - MaybeLater. It behaves much more than an async option.
There are a lot of smelly code there, but maybe it will be usefull at least as an example.
BTW: there are a lot of open questions(here for ex.)
It's easier to use https://github.com/qifun/stateless-future or https://github.com/scala/async to do A-Normal-Form transform.
I have two functions which return Futures. I'm trying to feed a modified result from first function into the other using a for-yield comprehension.
This approach works:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get) if sid.isDefined
} yield s
However I'm not happy with having the "if" in there, it seems that I should be able to use a map instead.
But when I try with a map:
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- sid.map(schoolStore.getSchool(_))
} yield s
I get a compile error:
[error] found : Option[scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]]
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]
[error] s <- sid.map(schoolStore.getSchool(_))
I've played around with a few variations, but haven't found anything attractive that works. Can anyone suggest a nicer comprehension and/or explain what's wrong with my 2nd example?
Here is a minimal but complete runnable example with Scala 2.10:
import concurrent.{Future, Promise}
case class User(userId: Int)
case class UserDetails(userId: Int, schoolId: Option[Int])
case class School(schoolId: Int, name: String)
trait Error
class UserStore {
def getUserDetails(userId: Int): Future[Either[Error, UserDetails]] = Promise.successful(Right(UserDetails(1, Some(1)))).future
class SchoolStore {
def getSchool(schoolId: Int): Future[Option[School]] = Promise.successful(Option(School(1, "Big School"))).future
object Demo {
import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val userStore = new UserStore
val schoolStore = new SchoolStore
val user = User(1)
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- sid.map(schoolStore.getSchool(_))
} yield s
(Edited to give a correct answer!)
The key here is that Future and Option don't compose inside for because there aren't the correct flatMap signatures. As a reminder, for desugars like so:
for ( x0 <- c0; w1 = d1; x1 <- c1 if p1; ... ; xN <- cN) yield f
c0.flatMap{ x0 =>
val w1 = d1
c1.filter(x1 => p1).flatMap{ x1 =>
... cN.map(xN => f) ...
(where any if statement throws a filter into the chain--I've given just one example--and the equals statements just set variables before the next part of the chain). Since you can only flatMap other Futures, every statement c0, c1, ... except the last had better produce a Future.
Now, getUserDetails and getSchool both produce Futures, but sid is an Option, so we can't put it on the right-hand side of a <-. Unfortunately, there's no clean out-of-the-box way to do this. If o is an option, we can
o.map(Future.successful).getOrElse(Future.failed(new Exception))
to turn an Option into an already-completed Future. So
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId) // RHS is a Future[Either[...]]
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId) // RHS is an Option[Int]
fid <- sid.map(Future.successful).getOrElse(Future.failed(new Exception)) // RHS is Future[Int]
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(fid)
} yield s
will do the trick. Is that better than what you've got? Doubtful. But if you
implicit class OptionIsFuture[A](val option: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def future = option.map(Future.successful).getOrElse(Future.failed(new Exception))
then suddenly the for-comprehension looks reasonable again:
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid <- ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId).future
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid)
} yield s
Is this the best way to write this code? Probably not; it relies upon converting a None into an exception simply because you don't know what else to do at that point. This is hard to work around because of the design decisions of Future; I'd suggest that your original code (which invokes a filter) is at least as good of a way to do it.
This answer to a similar question about Promise[Option[A]] might help. Just substitute Future for Promise.
I'm inferring the following types for getUserDetails and getSchool from your question:
getUserDetails: UserID => Future[Either[??, UserDetails]]
getSchool: SchoolID => Future[Option[School]]
Since you ignore the failure value from the Either, transforming it to an Option instead, you effectively have two values of type A => Future[Option[B]].
Once you've got a Monad instance for Future (there may be one in scalaz, or you could write your own as in the answer I linked), applying the OptionT transformer to your problem would look something like this:
for {
ud <- optionT(getUserDetails(user.userID) map (_.right.toOption))
sid <- optionT(Future.successful(ud.schoolID))
s <- optionT(getSchool(sid))
} yield s
Note that, to keep the types compatible, ud.schoolID is wrapped in an (already completed) Future.
The result of this for-comprehension would have type OptionT[Future, SchoolID]. You can extract a value of type Future[Option[SchoolID]] with the transformer's run method.
What behavior would you like to occur in the case that the Option[School] is None? Would you like the Future to fail? With what kind of exception? Would you like it to never complete? (That sounds like a bad idea).
Anyways, the if clause in a for-expression desugars to a call to the filter method. The contract on Future#filteris thus:
If the current future contains a value which satisfies the predicate,
the new future will also hold that value. Otherwise, the resulting
future will fail with a NoSuchElementException.
But wait:
scala> None.get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
As you can see, None.get returns the exact same thing.
Thus, getting rid of the if sid.isDefined should work, and this should return a reasonable result:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get)
} yield s
Keep in mind that the result of schoolFuture can be in instance of scala.util.Failure[NoSuchElementException]. But you haven't described what other behavior you'd like.
We've made small wrapper on Future[Option[T]] which acts like one monad (nobody even checked none of monad laws, but there is map, flatMap, foreach, filter and so on) - MaybeLater. It behaves much more than an async option.
There are a lot of smelly code there, but maybe it will be usefull at least as an example.
BTW: there are a lot of open questions(here for ex.)
It's easier to use https://github.com/qifun/stateless-future or https://github.com/scala/async to do A-Normal-Form transform.