Jenkins won't send e-mails anymore - email

This might be a tough thing to figure out but i have to give it a try.
With no changes i am aware of, my jenkins just stopped sending out e-mail notifications. I use jenkins 1.609 and email extension plugin 2.40.5. Jenkins runs as a service using a service user who also has the rights on the server to send e-mails. Ports to our smtp-server are unlocked. Used telnet for testing that everything works as expected. SMTP-server works fine, so it has something to do with jenkins and i cant figure out what is going wrong.
For some unknown reason jenkins still fails to send e-mails. When i use the test-feature that jenkins offers i get: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful which tells me that either user or pw is incorrect, but as mentioned i've checked many times, it's setup correctly. Can anyone help out with this?
After decrypting the password i can safely say that jenkins does save the password correct. Is there any way i can check that jenkins actually compares the correct encrypted passwords with each other? From my understanding jenkins uses 2 different encrypting techniques, maybe it uses tech1 for stored pw and tech2 for compare pw?
Just tried adding a new certificate to the keystore, just in case, still no change.
Tried updating the mailer plugin- no change
Tried different users - all failed with the same error
So no matter what user i try, they all fail, but have jenkins execute a script which sends e-mails using said users it works.
August 18, 2016 - no change


Client settings need to be updated to Microsoft Exchange. For more info see

I am using my email and password to send email using python script. But I am not able to send mail since past couple of weeks.
I debugged and found error.
Msg: b"Your message wasn't delivered because your client settings need to be updated to Microsoft Exchange. For more info see"
on windows machine using outlook I also updated my email to Microsoft Exchange but still my problem is not resolved.
Can someone guide me on this?
Note: From outlook web and app email send/receive both are working fine. problem is only with script smtp.
Main Purpose is to use same details with flask-mail in flask project.

ansible tower "msg": "ntlm: Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 403",

I have ansible version 2.9.18. Trying to send the email notification when deployment job completed. When I execute the template, it will call the mail module .yaml file.
But getting below error while executing the mail module:
Below is the mail module configuration for reference:
However I'm able to execute other tasks on the same server like installing the chrome or other agents. I'm wondering whats wrong while calling the mail module.
We were using only host name alone and tried with IP address as well.
We have to use server name with full fqdn name (Ex:
This helped us to overcome this error.
The other issue was "ansible_shell_type: powershell" was mentioned in the code level. After committing that line helped us to over come power shell related error.

Moodle email not get even after a success message

I can't get user verification mail even after a success message. My file permission is 755. It show success message with or with out an smtp setting. I think problem arises after my server change. But php mail function is working when I tested in separate file on server.Any Idea about this problem.
Please install test email moodle plugin and test email using that plugin. it will show the error if email fail.

The parameter is incorrect (WinMgmt)

I have a BizTalk 2013r2 Standard Edition application server with CU7 installed. The BizTalk databases are hosted on a separate Sql Server 2014 server. This setup has been working fine for many months - until today! A colleague used the BizTalk admin console to make a change to the address BizTalk uses to the reach the SMTP server, by selecting Platform Settings\Adapters\SMTP\\properties.
After making this change, on attempting to refresh the BizTalk Admin Console, the following error is displayed:
From what I've googled, it seems this may be due to some corruption in the SSO database. I have a backup of the SSO database, and a backup of the SSO key along with the password. Before restoring the backup of the SSO database, I wanted to check that I would be able to restore the key, so I ran ssoconfig -restoreSecret from the command line. I was prompted to enter the password. If I intentionally enter the wrong password then it tells me the password is incorrect. However, if I enter the correct password then it displays the message "BAD DATA".
Although the BizTalk admin console is currently unusable, thankfully the BizTalk host instance continue to run and messages are being processed as expected.
Can anyone please suggest why I'm getting the "BAD DATA" message, or perhaps a work-around in order to solve the problem?
I had this problem again and blogged about it at BizTalk WinMgt error solution. As Colin says the hard part is identifying the corrupt handler. It is probably the SMTP send handler but you should check this using WBEMTEST first. I found this link helpful on using WBEMTest. The parameter is incorrect (WinMgt)" error when refreshing the BizTalk Group in BizTalk Administration Console
In my case a quick fix to bring the BizTalk Administration Console back to life was to hack the database. N.B. This probably won't be supported by MS. In my case it was the FTP send handler that screwed up. So I ran
USE [BizTalkMgmtDb]
DECLARE #return_value int
EXEC #return_value = [dbo].[adm_SendHandler2_Delete]
#AdapterName = N'FTP',
#HostName = N'Sending32'
SELECT 'Return Value' = #return_value
At this point the BizTalk Administration console came back to life. In my case it worked because I was creating a new handler but in your case you just edited it. It will take all your SMTP handling out.
I then fixed the corruption using the BizTalk Administration console.
In my case I had to set every FTP receive and send adapter temporarily to a FILE adapter.
I then deleted the FTP adapter and then re-added it. Finally I reset the all the change receive and send location from FILE back to FTP.
This was all very scary on a live system.
Finally I believe that this is bug in BizTalk 2013 R2 because I've seen it happen on 2 systems and now I have heard that the same thing happened to you.
The WinMgt error happens when one of the Adapters setting has gotten itself corrupted. See WinMgt error when refreshing Group Hub
Removing and re-adding the adapter to the host usually fixes it. The trick of course is identifying which Adapter / Host, I would start with the SMTP adapter in your case.

nopcommerce password recovery not working properly

Password recovery is not working on the server after deployment. It is working fine on the localhost. I checked password recovery template and it is showing active. I am getting all the other mails after deployment such as order confirmation and welcome mails but there is some problem in password recovery. If I check the message queue it is showing sent but we are not receiving it. I tried to change the message template and if I keep only the text instead of any URL's than it is working fine but when I add passwords recovery URL we are not getting mails. If URL is a problem than how my other mails are working. I haven't made any changes in the core files. I checked on the nopcommerce forum but there are no one facing this issue.
Any help will be appreciated.