Exact Phrase Not working properly in mongodb full text search - mongodb

I'm currently having some issues with the full text search functionality in MongoDB with or condition. Specifically when trying to match exact phrases with or condition.
Exact Phrase and or condition Not working properly in mongodb full text search
$text: { $search: "cake \"coffee shop\"" }
i want result which find all documents containing “cake” or “coffee shop”:

Have a look here.
If the search string includes phrases, the search performs an AND with any other terms in the search string; e.g. search for "\"twinkle twinkle\" little star" searches for "twinkle twinkle" and ("little" or "star").


Possible to get words matched fuzzily by MongoDB full text search?

I'm writing a UI that presents the results of a MongoDB full text search query, visually highlighting the matched search terms in each result; this works well enough for full word or phrase matches, but not for partial/fuzzy matches.
For example, if I search for "delete" a will get a search result that contains "deletion", which does not contain the full word "delete" and therefore won't be highlighted if I merely highlight the full search term matches. I do want the partial matches, though.
Is there any way to project the set of matched words/substrings when I execute the query?
I've so far been unable to find anything in the docs that hints at this being possible, but I thought it worth asking around. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use the Mongo DB Atlas feature where you can search your text based on different Analyzers that MongoDB provides. And you can then do a search like this: Without the fuzzy object, it would do a full-text-match search.
index: 'analyzer_name_created_from_atlas_search',
text: {
query: 'Text to do a full match or fuzzy match with',
path: 'sentence',
maxEdits: 2 #max 2 is allowed

Mongodb text index - better scoring?

I have an index in MongoDB which covers name and email.
This works, and I can query it with:
const c = await Contact.
find({ $text: { $search: search } }, { score: { $meta: "textScore" } })
.sort({ score: { $meta: "textScore" } })
But, the results are somewhat odd, yet logical.
if I search for "Roger Johan"
It will start listing both people called Roger and Johan, which is logical.
but, it would have been less odd if it ranked "Roger Johansson" highest as that is a match on both Roger and Johan%
Is there any way to tune this?
I know I can regex match on partial, but that instead fails on things like:
data: Roger T. Johansson
query: Roger Johansson
Is there any fancy trick to combine parts of these two options?
If you apply search by phrase it will be able to find Roger Johan, but it won't work if you will try to search for Rog or Johan.
To make it work with partial matches on the first word we created additional field with prefixes for the word, i.g. ["Rog", "Roge"] and included this field into text index.
Having that implemented search will be able to find searches for Rog as well as Roger Johan.
If you need to search last name Johan you can also include another property with prefixes ["Joh", "Joha", "Johan", "Johans", "Johanss", "Johansso"] and give it lower (or higher, depending on how you want results to appear) rank. Or you can include all prefixes to the same array property if the rank should be same.
Just to be clear, you do need to use phrase search, i.e.: "\"Roger Johan"\".
I haven't tried it myself, but maybe you need to do the search as a phrase: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#phrases
If not I think it will split your search term and then search.

how to find partial search in Mongodb?

How to find partial search?
Now Im trying to find
db.content.find({$text: {$search: "Customer london"}})
It finds all records matching customer, and all records matching london.
If I am searching for a part of a word for example lond or custom
db.content.find({$text: {$search: "lond"}})
It returns an empty result. How can I modify the query to get the same result like when I am searching for london?
You can use regex to get around with it (https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/regex/). However, it will work for following :
if you have word Cooking, following queries may give you result
cooking(exact matching)
coo(part of the word)
cooked(The word containing the english root of the document word, where cook is the root word from which cooking or cooked are derived)
If you would like to go one step further and get a result document containing cooking when you type vooking (missplled V instead of C), go for elasticsearch.
Elasticsearch is easy to setup, has extremely powerful edge-ngram analyzer which converts each words into smaller weightage words. Hence when you misspell, you will still get a document based on score elasticsearch gives to that document.
You can read about it here : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-edgengram-tokenizer.html
it will always return the empty array for partial words like when you are searching for lond to get this type of text london..
Because it take full words and search same as that they are ..
Not achive same results like :-
Here you may get help from ELASTIC-SEARCH . It is quite good for full text search when implement with mongoDB.
Refrence : ElasticSearch
The find all is to an Array
clientDB.collection('details').find({}).toArray().then((docs) =>
I now used the str.StartWith in a for loop to pick out my record.
if (docs[i].name.startsWith('U', 0)) {
return console.log(docs[i].name);
} else {
console.log('Record not found!!!')
This may not be efficient, but it works for now

Multiple Keyword matching problems

I have a product description of the following text:
"DODGE H4C14S03706G-2G ILH48 37.06 W/ BALDOR VEM3558T"
I attempt a search "H4C1" and Algolia produces relevant results however
if I perform a search of "H4C1 VEM35" Algolia produces no results.
Is there a way to get Algolia to produce relevant results on this search?
By default, Algolia is only doing prefix matching for the last word of the search query, which means it would only match records containing H4C1 as a full word, and VEM35 as a full word or a prefix. However H4C1 is only a prefix of H4C14S03706G-2G, not a full word.
You can change the behavior by tweaking the queryType setting (the value you want is prefixAll), you can find more info in the FAQ and the documentation

MongoDB - searching text

What is the best strategy for selecting mongodb entries in which a string value contains a set of words or phrases? I'm thinking of something equivalent to mysql's LIKE function, e.g.
WHERE (TEXT LIKE "% apple %") or (TEXT LIKE "% banana %")
I've seen options that involve tokenizing the string, but this would involve building unigrams for all the text, which would be huge no?
Mongo now supports text search since 2.4.
My experience has been pretty positive
You start the server with setParameter text search enabled
Then enable the index on the collection
Then search with runCommand
MongoDB has no full text search capability right now, but it's easy to use external search engines like SOLR.
I strongly discourage you trying to rebuild text search with Regex or word stemming etc. yourself. You should rather focus on your app own features :)
I am using this combination: Mongoid, Sunspot and Mongoid-Sunspot. It works very well in production, and development setup is easy.
You can use the regular expression support in MongoDB queries. More details available # the following link
Here are two examples should the above link move again in the future:
db.collection.find( { field: /acme.*corp/i } );
db.collection.find( { field: { $regex: 'acme.*corp', $options: 'i' } } );
Somehow MongoDB built-in text search failed to meet my requirements on an existing database which used a compound index. I am now using mongoose-search-plugin and it has been working superbly well. It uses natural stemming, and distance algorithms to return a relevance score.
User.search('Malaysia Car Food',{username:1},{}, function(err, u){
console.log('Search Results: '+JSON.stringify(u));