TYPO3: Automatic wrapping CASE by page.layout - typo3

I'm having a big teaser image at the top of the page. The author may select in the backend whether the teaser image should be static or a animated slideshow. I'm using bootstrap for the slideshow btw.
The selection appears at Page > Edit > Appearance
Rootpage TSConfig:
TCEFORM.pages {
layout.altLabels.1 = Default (with Slideshow)
layout.altLabels.0 = Default
Now, it gets a bit trickier.
To get the Bootstrap slider running, you need to have an outer wrap and each slide wrapped, too. This is what I've got so far:
page.10.variables {
teaser < styles.content.get
teaser.select.where = colPos = 0
teaser.stdWrap.required = 1
teaser.stdWrap.wrap {
cObject = CASE
cObject {
key.field = layout
default = TEXT
default.value = |
1 = TEXT
1.value = <div id="teaser" ...>|</div> ### shortened
teaser.renderObj.stdWrap.wrap {
cObject = CASE
cObject {
key.field = layout
default = TEXT
default.value = |
1 = TEXT
1.value = <div class="item">|</div>
The first teaser.stdWrap.wrap works like a charm. Selecting the Frontend Layout wraps the teaser correspondingly.
But the teaser.renderObj.stdWrap.wrap doesn't want to work. Mainly, because I think that the key of the CASE is not the Frontend Layout, but the layout of the content element. How to change that?
Second question. This is how the wraps currently look like (or how they would look if the TS above would work as intended):
<div class="item">
<div id="c14">
<div class="ce-textpic ce-right ce-intext">
<div class="ce-gallery" data-ce-columns="1" data-ce-images="1">
<div class="ce-row">
<div class="ce-column">
<div class="ce-media">
<img src="img.jpg" width="1150" height="632" alt="">
<div class="ce-bodytext"></div>
Is there a way to make it look more or less like this?
<div class="item">
<img class="slide" src="img.jpg">
The customer doesn't wish to have any captions or text, so it can be ignored.
I'm running TYPO3 7.6.6 with fluid_styled_content.

So the answer for the 1st question:
You can use the "getText" data type in TypoScript. See in doc here.
It has a predefined variable for the current page record. So simple change the second key attribute so:
key.data = page:layout
But if you are running the system with fluid_styled_content, then you can simply use fluid to solve this problem. (There you can access the layout with data.layout )
To answer the second question:
Yes. It is possible, you need to take a look into the fluid_styled_content extension. There you find a lot about the templates, layouts and the elements. You can simply override them with your templates and you can get rid of any not wanted div inside.
To do so, I can recommend you a german video.


TYPO3 - nested gridelements

I'd like to get a solution for the TYPO3 EXT:gridelements.
I need gridelements in gridelements (nested) for Bootstrap Tab´s:
Grid Container Outer
Grid Container 1
Text with Image
Text with Image
Grid Container 2
Text with Image
with a foreach-loop (debug) it works for output from the grid-containers, but it renders Grid Container 1 and Grid Container 2 together in one gridelements col.
I need the output separated and would appreciate any help.
In your TypoScript file you've probably to set the proper path to the gridelement template:
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {
TwoColumns < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
TwoColumns {
cObject {
file = Ext:path/to_your/template/template_name.html
The template file can look somehow like this:
<div class="row justify-content-md-center">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-6">
And make sure your grid columns colPos parameter are equal to tx_gridelements_view_column_... in the template.

typoscript TMENU ATagParams lowercase

I was wondering if you can apply some text formatting to ATagParams in TMENU -
in case you need to have something like:
<a class="button category-button category-living" href="living/">Living</a>
Where "Living" is the Title of the page, as well as the specific classname.
To achieve some preprocessing for ATagParams values, one needs to create a cObject first:
ATagParams.stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
ATagParams.stdWrap.cObject {
case = lower
field = title
insertData = 1
wrap = class="button category-button category-|"
works like a charm.

How to have Frontend Layout determine columns and backend layout?

Is there a way to have the Frontend layout determine the Backend layout, template file and columns?
At the moment I have the following code that allows you to set the Backend layout and it uses the appropriate template file. But this gets very messy when there are different column positions for each layout.
page.10 {
#format = html
file= fileadmin/templates/example/partials/example_home.html
partialRootPath = fileadmin/templates/example/partials/
layoutRootPath = fileadmin/templates/example/layouts/
variables {
# Assign the Columns
main < styles.content.get
main.select.where = colPos = 0
news < styles.content.get
news.select.where = colPos = 1
# Assign the Template files with the Fluid Backend-Template
page.10.file.stdWrap.cObject = CASE
page.10.file.stdWrap.cObject {
key.data = levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide
key.override.field = backend_layout
# Set the default Template
default = TEXT
default.value = fileadmin/templates/example/partials/example_home.html
# Set a second Template
23 = TEXT
23.value = fileadmin/templates/example/partials/example_internal.html
Not messy at all, here's a real world example:
page.10 {
file.stdWrap.cObject = CASE
file.stdWrap.cObject {
key.data = pagelayout
default = TEXT
default.value = {$customPagesTemplatePath}/Standard.html
1 = TEXT
1.value = {$customPagesTemplatePath}/Home.html
2 = TEXT
2.value = {$customPagesTemplatePath}/Landing.html
10 = TEXT
10.value = {$customPagesTemplatePath}/NewsDetail.html
11 = TEXT
11.value = {$customPagesTemplatePath}/LandingMini.html
12 = TEXT
12.value = {$customPagesTemplatePath}/FullWidth.html
layoutRootPath = {$customPagesLayoutPath}
partialRootPath = {$customPagesPartialPath}
Think about it like this:
As you say, forget about frontend layout. That's legacy; be layout serves for BE and FE.
If a page was a city, the colPos would be the street. Or rather, imagine the Backend is a map you're drawing, and the frontend is a LEGO City you build according tho that map :-)) If it's OK, I'll stick with that metaphor.
ColPos is a determined part of a page where a record lives. If you can, take a look at the tt_content table in the database: you'll see that colPos is just a column with a number. So in the city "Page 1", there's a street called "colPos 7", and it contains some records (those would be houses). With the be_layout wizard in TYPO3 you'll create an administrative map of that city: how the editor should see these streets.
In the FLUIDTEMPLATE you call depending on the selected be_layout, you will create the city itself; the rendered frontend.
Here's another real world example for such a fluid template (Home.html):
<f:render partial="Mobilenav" />
<f:render partial="Header"/>
<div class="row">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-teaser" />
<div class="row">
<div class="columns">
<div class="row">
<div class="fp-teaser-outer small-48 medium-24 large-12 columns">
<div class="fp-teaser-box-wrapper">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-something" />
<div class="fp-teaser-outer small-48 medium-24 large-12 columns">
<div class="fp-teaser-box-wrapper">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-somethingelse" />
<div class="fp-teaser-outer small-48 medium-24 large-12 columns">
<div class="fp-teaser-box-wrapper">
<div class="fp-teaser-box">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-news-plugin-title" />
<div class="fp-teaser-hr"></div>
<div class="fp-teaser-content">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-news" />
<div class="fp-teaser-outer small-48 medium-24 large-12 columns">
<div class="fp-teaser-box-wrapper">
<div class="fp-teaser-box">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-blog-plugin-title" />
<div class="fp-teaser-hr"></div>
<div class="fp-teaser-content">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-blog" />
<f:render partial="Footer"/>
... well, but where's the correlation with the colPos?
Nowhere yet! I (while being positive that there are other approaches) do this in TypoScript:
lib.home-something < styles.content.get
lib.home-something {
select.where = colPos = 7
So by this we prepare content for the fluid template: get all content of that page's column 7 (using the extension fluid_styled_content) and put it into a "lib" content object.
That's then inserted into the page via the f:cObject viewhelper:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.home-something" />
Like this, all houses in 7th street are put into the city in exactly this location – and thus rendered in your page.
If None was selected in the backend [-1], it will output 'none'.
If nothing was selected it will output 'default'. Otherwise it will output the correct backend layout prefixed with your extension, taking into account subpage layouts up the page ancestry chain.

Wrap specific tag outside of the RTE

I use TYPO3 4.7 and rtehtmlarea 4.7.7
I'm currently designing a newsletter.
<h2> are the title of Content Element and <h3> are added in the RTE.
Is there a way to wrap these <h3> with a <font> tag via RTE tsconfig (or something else) ?
You could do this in your TypoScript template (not TSConfig):
lib.parseFunc_RTE {
externalBlocks := addToList(h3)
externalBlocks.h3 {
stdWrap.wrap = <font>|</font>
callRecursive = 1

Do not wrap grid_elements content object, OR, only wrap children of grid_elements in Typo3

I am building a responsive front-end using Typo3 & the gridelements extension. I want to wrap each individual content element inside of a gridelement column in a wrapper, like this:
<div class="row"> <-- wrap around whole gridelements content element
<div class="column size2"> <-- wrap around gridelements column
<div class="module> <-- wrap around content inside of gridelement column
<div class="module>
If I go and put a div class="module" wrap around all ordinary content elements, then it gets wrapped TWICE- once around the gridelements "element", and once around each child content element:
<div class="module"> <-- WRONG!
<div class="row"> <-- wrap around whole gridelements content element
<div class="column size2"> <-- wrap around gridelements column
<div class="module> <-- wrap around content inside of gridelement column
<div class="module>
I guess that I can either a) wrap all content elements with div class="module", EXCEPT for content element of type gridelements, OR b) wrap children of gridelements with div class="module". What would be the best approach, and what would the TypoScript for either of these options look like?
i am not sure, but i think this is what you are looking for.
# the grid element uid
1 < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
1 {
columns {
# colPos ID
10 < .default
10.wrap = <div class="row">|</div>
# this adds the value "module" as class and wraps a content element
# which is inside this grid. (like a replace for csc-default)
default.renderObj.20 {
stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default.20.10.value = module
maybe there is a better solution. if so, let me know
hmm, i slightly misunderstood the whole thing, so i changed a bit :P